LUNCH: It. Beef and BBQ, Potato Salad, Chips and Salsa

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LUNCH: It. Beef and BBQ, Potato Salad, Chips and Salsa


December 18, 2013 Editor: Mark Sawyer

LUNCH: It. Beef and BBQ, potato salad, chips and salsa SONG: God Bless America, led by Ralph INVOCATION: Jack

Officers for 2013-2014 A N N O U N C E M E N T S , E V E N T S

President Greg Spears a n d O P P O R T U N I T I T E S President Elect Abby Chemers Vice President Dick Dowen Treasurer Lisa Small We are collecting ! Toys for Tots, Salvation Army, Winter Coats, see sheets on Asst. Treasurer Sue Doubler tables at meetings. Looking for ways to donate something this season? There are Secretary Ken Doubler Asst. Secretary Jerry Wahlstrom multiple opportunities: Winter coat drive (Nov and Dec), Toys for Tots (thru end Immediate Past President of Nov), T-day baskets (money rather than food, $30 buys a full basket). Melissa Lenczewski Lt. Governor Bill Cummings Collection for baskets will be next week. District Governor Pattie Heath

******************** CLC, Pete reports that 120 children were served at the CLC annual Christmas Kishwaukee Kiwanis Meetings Party. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, (and 5th) Wednesday at 11:45 a.m Hopkins Park Community Room Sunday's Governor's Visit was a great success with 80+ guests. Our club had 4 in attendance. Jenn said that Pattie Heath the new Governor was very inspirational ******************** K-Family Events/Meetings when she spoke.

Circle K Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. in DuSable 280. The new Yearbooks are here! The new Yearbooks are here! Amy is passing out Hint: To stay young, attend one of their the new books, or also remember that you have a PDF of them in your email. meetings!

AKtion Club – First Wednesday of the POP Box/Induction: This week Amy brought up Norm Schaefer for a quick POP month at 2:30 p.m. at Box. He told us about his inspiration to join Kiwanis 41 years of perfect attendance Opportunity House (202 Lucas St.) in Sycamore. ago – the Kiwanis work with the pathway! Also he and Marylou have been married

******************** 58 years! In case you are not aware, Norm is also our club historian of sorts. He Defining Statement gave us an update regarding that, NIU where our records are kept is now keeping

Kiwanis is a global organization of our newsletter electronically. volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one P R O G R A M community at a time.

******************** This week’s program was the DeKalb High School Madrigal singers! And as usual, Flag Salute they were wonderful and put us all in the spirit of Christmas!! Make every effort to As our flag signifies purity, valor, see them if you possibly can, it’s well worth it! ALSO, as kind of an extension of and justice, may we as true things, Jerry went through the Attendance Awards for the last year! Kiwanians exemplify these virtues as we serve the children of the world. Perfect attendance pins were also given out today. There were many!

Quote for the day

The time that we have at our disposal every day is elastic; the passions that we feel expand it, those that we inspire contract it; and habit fills up what remains. Marcel Proust UPCOMING PROGRAMS: (Why not invite a guest? – that could also mean a prospective member!) Christmas week = no meeting Dec. 31st Lincoln Inn Jan. 8th Board Meeting at Faranda’s (between 2nd & 3rd on Grove)

Other important Info from Jenn:

1. January 4, 2014 I-I CKI Holiday Embrace Marriott Chicago Naperville, IL February 1, 2014 Mid-Year Board Meeting Embassy Suites, East Peoria, IL February 21 – 23, 2014 CKI District Convention Northern Illinois University,DeKalb, IL

2. Available scholarships for Key Club and Circle K.


4. Kiwanis International Convention in Tokoyo, Japan

5. Membership Growth- Fresh Approach- ''Consider inviting folks to participate in our service projects. Membership will be a natural progression.''

Today’s Attendance:

35 Kish Kiwanians 11 Dave Mason and 10 spouses 25 The Madrigal Singers


Ongoing issues – Community Service is still collecting box tops and little toiletries. They will be collecting coats, gloves, and old cell phones. DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS! 1 Toney Xidis (happy belatedness!) 19 Mark Sawyer 20 Diana King 23 Katrina Luetkebuenger 30 Chanette Oeser

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! Serving the Children of the World

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