English 11 Drama Performance Final Rubric

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English 11 Drama Performance Final Rubric

English 11—Drama Performance Final Rubric Group______Period______Title______Classroom Time Group member used all Group member used Group member does not Group member does Group member used all class time effectively most class time use class time effectively not work during class time effectively and contributed to group effectively and or contribute class time. No on- and contributed to activities during class contributed to most meaningfully to group task behaviors group activities during time. Group member group activities during activities during class observed. class time. Always on usually on task. class time. Group time. Not on task. task. member usually on task.

Component #1 Project 1. Production planning 1. Production planning Elements are inadequate Elements are Planning sheet is thorough and sheet is somewhat and show lack of inadequate or tool/Script complete. thorough and diligence in preparation. missing altogether 1. Production planning 2. Typed original script complete. No clear vision of the and reflect a sheet is thorough and including thoughtful 2. Typed original drama or how to perform complete disregard complete. characters, scene, and script including it. of the parameters of 2. Typed original script stage directions. characters, scene, and the assignment. including thoughtful 3. Drama analysis stage directions. characters, scene, and worksheet is thorough 3. Drama analysis stage directions. and complete and worksheet is complete 3. Drama analysis contains dramatic and contains dramatic worksheet is thorough elements that show a elements that show a and complete and vision for the drama. vision for the drama. contains dramatic elements that show a clear vision for the drama. Component #2-- Drama project includes a Drama project includes Drama project may be Drama project Performance clear set, some a set, some costumes, lacking set, costumes, or shows no care in Drama project includes costumes, and several and a few props. props, or those elements production and a clear set, definitive key props. Performance Performance follows may be substandard. appears to be costumes, and several follows the script and is the script and is a Project may not meet the impromptu rather key props. Performance a minimum of eight minimum of eight time limit. than deliberate. follows the script and is minutes. Includes minutes. Includes Failure to meet the a minimum of eight credits. credits. time limit. minutes. Includes credits. Creativity Group’s project utilizes Group’s project utilizes Group’s project utilizes Group’s project Group’s project utilizes moviemaker software moviemaker software moviemaker software and utilizes moviemaker moviemaking software and is a somewhat and is an effective is a somewhat effective software and is an and is an effective effective combination of combination of text, combination of text, in effective combination of text, text, video, and music. video, and music. video, and music. combination of text, video, and music. Creativity enhances Creativity somewhat Creativity somewhat video, and music. Creativity enhances effectiveness. enhances effectiveness. enhances effectiveness. Creativity does not effectiveness. enhance effectiveness.

Quality Presentation is polished, Presentation is Presentation is not Presentation Presentation is polished, necessary parts are somewhat polished, polished, memorized, or contained necessary parts are memorized, and necessary parts are equitable. It may not inappropriate memorized, and members contribute memorized; members have been creative or language, theme, members contribute fairly equitably and contribute in somewhat effective at all. actions, etc… fairly equitably and exhibit confidence that unequal amounts rendering it a exude the confidence comes from preparation. which contributes to a failure. that comes from Presentation is creative lack of confidence. preparation. and effective. Presentation may lack Presentation is very creativity or creative and effective. effectiveness.


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