2. Formulates Questions to Refine an Information Need

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2. Formulates Questions to Refine an Information Need

I-SAIL Standard 1: Accesses information efficiently and effectively to inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 1. Articulates an information need 2. Formulates questions to refine an information need

a) Consider the topic below as a possible topic for a three-page research paper. Indicate whether the statement would be a Good Topic, a Topic Too Broad for this paper, or a Topic Too Narrow for this paper.

Locations for voting in ______

Good Topic Topic Too Broad Topic Too Narrow b) Read the original topic and the revised topic. Is the revised topic broader or narrower than the original topic?

Initial Topic: Describe the elements needed in an auditorium to reduce echoes. Revised Topic: Describe the elements needed in an auditorium for good sound quality.

Broader Narrower

3. Develops purpose or thesis statement a) Read the original topic and the revised topic. Is the revised topic broader or narrower than the original topic?

Initial Topic: What are the effects of plate tectonics on California? Revised Topic: What are the effects of the 1994 earthquake on California?

Broader Narrower b) Consider the topic below as a possible topic for a three-page research paper. Indicate whether the statement would be a Good Topic, a Topic Too Broad for this paper, or a Topic Too Narrow for this paper.

Analyze the history of voting in the world.

Good Topic Topic Too Broad Topic Too Narrow

4. Identifies potential print and/or non-print sources of information a) You’ve been assigned a persuasive speech on restricting the use of cell phones during school hours.

Which of the following resource choices would you make?

magazine article, atlas, dictionary atlas, book dictionary, encyclopedia encyclopedia, book Web site, magazine article, electronic database such as ______b) Which ones of these would be an example of primary research?

Read a book Conduct a survey Find a newspaper article Watch a documentary c) Which of these is an online subscription database?

Wikipedia ______Google Answers.com

5. Identifies and uses various strategies and techniques to execute and refine successful searches a) You must plan menus for a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner for one day based on the USDA Food Pyramid. Select the correct order for these research steps:

A. Locate appropriate resources. B. Create a final version of the menus. C. Determine the focused topic of your research. D. Review the success of your research and final menus. E. Evaluate and record information from a variety of resources. F. Organize information and create a rough draft version of your menus.

E, F, C, A, D, B A, E, C, F, B, D C, A, E, F, B, D A, C, E, F, D, B C, A, F, E, B, D b) A significant term found in the title of a book or journal article is referred to as what?

Bibliography Keyword Library catalog Subject heading c) Which of the following is not a Boolean operator? and or not same

6. Navigates within print and electronic resources effectively and independently

a) You are using an electronic database and need an article published within the last 6 months. Which type o search do you use? Basic Advanced Subject

I-SAIL Standard 2: Evaluates information critically and competently to draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.

1. Reads, views, listens to information critically a) Which of the following domains is more likely to be trying to sell viewers something? .gov .edu .com .K12

2. Applies evaluative criteria to print and/or non-print materials to determine the relative value of the information: relevancy, suitability, authority, objectivity, currency

a) Does the excerpt below illustrate fact, opinion, or bias?

"According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 39% of adults say they have a gun at home and an additional 2% say they have a gun somewhere else on the property or in a car or truck."

bias fact opinion

b) When you are assessing a Web site’s currency, which of the following would you not examine?

The date the Web site was created Whether the Web site has information that is not mentioned on other Web sites The date the Web site was updated Hyperlinks to make sure they are working properly

3. Identifies information relevant and essential to the information need a) If you were researching the topic of "fuel cells," which of the following tools would be the most helpful? a science database such as ______a health science database such as CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Applied Health Literature) an Internet search engine such as Google an online encyclopedia such as Britannica Online an online thesaurus such as Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus

b) In geometry class you are assigned the history of Pascal’s triangle as your research topic for a 5-10 page paper. Which source is the best one for background information on this topic? Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Oxford English Dictionary Trigonometry textbook World Almanac and Book of Facts

4. Uses paraphrasing, highlighting or other extraction techniques or strategies to identify and record relevant information a) You want to include the ideas from the following quotation from the Farm News Bulletin in your research paper. Which of the following options below demonstrates the correct use of paraphrasing?

Citation: Helms, Martha R. "Drought Casualties." Farm News Bulletin 15 Aug. 2007: A4.

"The entire state of Oklahoma has not seen a drop of rain in six weeks. Fields have deep chasms in their arid soil; the mouths of these chasms gape open, begging for a drink. Farmers have lost billions of dollars worth of crops, and the lack of feed for livestock is making many more farmers nervous about the winter months."

Arid Oklahoma fields have deep chasms that beg for a drink of rain. Farmers are really worried about their livestock. Oklahoma has not seen a drop of rain in six weeks. Farmers have lost billions of dollars worth of crops, and the lack of feed for livestock is making many more farmers nervous about the winter months. In Oklahoma, “farmers have lost billions of dollars worth of crops, and the lack of feed for livestock is making many more farmers nervous about the winter months” (Helms A4). The lack of rain in Oklahoma the past six weeks has caused crop loss valued in the billions and has worried farmers about whether they will be able to feed their animals during the winter (Helms A4).

5. Combine ideas and information to develop and demonstrate new understanding a) You have learned about different world religions in your social studies class. Your teacher asks you to choose one religion. You will create a handout on that religion as your final product.

Which of the following subtopics below would you not include in the handout?

World population Countries where the religion is found Customs and holidays Religious symbols 6. Works with others to select, organize, and integrate information and ideas from a variety of sources and formats. a) Your teacher gives you an assignment, and you know very little about the topic.

At the library, which set of strategies would be the most efficient way to start your research? Browse the bookshelves, find journal articles in a database, ask the librarian for help Ask the librarian for help, find journal articles in a database, find books using a library catalog Look through journals, find books using a library catalog, ask the librarian for help Find journal articles in a database, browse the bookshelves, look through journals

7. Use technology tools, online environments, and other collaborative tools to create and share information

a) Which of the following have you used to create and/or share information with your teacher or fellow classmates for a class project?

Podcast Online message board Social networking site Blog Wiki Powepoint Google Application All of the above None of the above

8. Cites all sources used according to style formats a) If you have a research paper due and the teacher has not advised you to use a particular citation style, which of the following is the best thing to do?

Select a citation style and use it consistently. Use various citation styles based on the type of resource. Use your own citation style and use it consistently. b) After you have created your project or written your paper, you should create an alphabetical list of the information sources that you quoted in your paper. What is this list called? summary thesis bibliography works cited

I-SAIL Standard 3: Uses information accurately, creatively, and ethically to share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society  Organizes information for practical application 1. Analyzes information and identifies topics, subtopics and relationships 2. Organizes information in a logical sequence 6. Uses appropriate resources and technology in creating products

a) Being information literate means being able to identify when two or more sources agree and disagree. Read the two paragraphs below by 2 different authors and answer the following questions. Author #1: As gasoline prices rise, alternative fuel sources have gained in importance. In the United States, WVO, or waste vegetable oil, is being used by some motorists, who have converted their cards into mechanisms for burning small quantities of diesel and large quantities of used French fry grease. Michael Stanbro, who has converted three vehicles, says that he pays 27 cents per galloons to fuel his car.

Author #2: The rising cost of oil worldwide has led to much research and experimentation with alternative sources of energy. Brazil leads the world in actual use of alternative fuels to power automobiles. Their flex-fuel car can run on fuel made from the waste pulp of sugarcane. This fuel is approximately 50% cheaper than gasoline. In Scotland the ocean waves are used to create electricity.

The statement “Harnessing the power of the ocean is a way to generate electricity.” was discussed:

Only by author #1 Only by author #2 By both authors

The statement, “the development of alternative fuels is a result of the increasing cost of oil and gasoline.” was discussed:

Only by author #1 Only by author #2 By both authors

The statement, “Waste bi-products are inexpensive sources of fuel.” was discussed : Only by author #1 Only by author #2 By both authors

 Integrates new information into one’s own knowledge 8. Presents, performs or shares information and ideas successfully 9. Evaluates product or presentation

a) The debate over fast food has continued for years. According to Senator Jared Subway,“McDonalds is to blame for the rising rates in diabetes and obesity in young children all over the world.” What viewpoint does the author support? Obesity is caused by the lack of exercise in young children. Fast food causes health problems in young children. Subway is more healthy than McDonalds. Fast food is not a significant contributor to childhood obesity.

 Produces and communicates information and ideas in appropriate formats 3. Selects an appropriate format for communicating ideas 5. Creates a product that clearly expresses ideas 8. Presents, performs or shares information and ideas successfully

a) Which of the following presentation methods would NOT be effective for large groups? Projected PowerPoint Shoebox diorama Projected Website Speech

 Devises strategies for revising and improving process and product 4. Develops a formal outline or storyboard 7. Revises and refines as necessary 9. Evaluates product or presentation a) You are researching lowering the drinking age in Illinois. In an online database, you search for “drinking age” and you get 20,000 hits. What is the best next step? Read the first ten articles Narrow your search Begin again with new search terms Ask for help from your friend

 Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology (including freedom of speech, censorship, copyright, and plagiarism) 10. Does not plagiarize 11. Observes copyright guidelines 12. Cites print and non-print sources in a properly formatted bibliography 13. Respects intellectual freedom and recognizes various viewpoints 14. Understands and follows Internet safety guidelines in regards to social networking sites, e-mail, chat applications, bulletin boards, etc… 15. Reports and/or avoids harassing, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal resources and communication

a) Plagiarism means: quoting someone else’s work and giving that person credit writing a short story with a group of classmates the use of another's original words or ideas as though they were your own developing a handbook on copyright laws

b) Which of the following does NOT need to be properly cited? A direct quote from an expert An image found on the free Internet Information obtained through an interview The story of my championship soccer game

c) Which of the following would NOT need to be cited in a research paper? direct quotes summary of evidence common knowledge paraphrases

I-SAIL Standard 4: Appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information and pursues information related to personal interests and aesthetic growth  Is a competent and self-motivated reader

 Develops a background in types of literature and literary elements  Derives meaning from information presented creatively in a variety of formats  Seeks information related to personal well-being, such as career interests, community involvement, health matters, and recreational pursuits  Designs, develops and evaluates information products and solutions related to personal interests

1. Applies guidelines for choosing a “just right” book during literature selection 2. Reads or listens to traditional world literature/folklore (nursery rhymes, fairy tales, pourqoui tales, trickster tales, fables, tall tales, legends, myths) 3. Reads or listens to types of fiction in picture book and novel format (realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction) 4. Reads or listens to nonfiction (biography, information books, poetry) 7. Reads or listens to a variety of authors and illustrators 9. Is acquainted with award-winning literature

a) In the last year, I have read the following number of books for enjoyment (not assigned for school) None 1-3 4-7 8 or More

b) Select any of the following reading programs in which you have participated Rebecca Caudill Accelerated Reader Abraham Lincoln Read for a Lifetime Public or school library summer reading program Other

c) Select all of the following that you like to read for enjoyment. (Online or print) Autobiography/biography Audio books Graphic Novels Mystery Romance Humor Poetry History Sci-fi Fantasy Self-help Horror Magazines News Sports Other

11. Utilizes a variety of formats (magazines, books, non-print, electronic resources, newspapers) 12. Reads for pleasure, to learn and to solve information needs 13. Seeks answers to questions 14. Explores topics of interest 15. Uses libraries, library resources, the Internet, and other information sources. Is introduced to a variety of formats (magazines, books, non-print, electronic resources, newspapers)

a) Rank the follow reading formats you prefer. (1=Liked Most, 4=Liked Least) Print Online (Blog, social media, etc.) Audio (MP3, etc.) eBook Reader (Kindle, etc.) b) Rank in order the places you go for information. (1=first place, 5=last place) Database World-Wide Web Public or School Library Knowledgeable Adult Teacher Family Member c) What school did you attend before coming here? ______

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