Vocabulary List #3 s1

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Vocabulary List #3 s1

Vocabulary List #3

Term Part of Definition Description What it is Example Picture Speech in your own not/ Sentence words/ What Antonyms it is/ Synonyms

Ignominious Adjective Marked by shame or disgrace

Iniquity Noun Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness. A grossly immoral act; a sin

Sage Adjective Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment

Imp Noun 1) A mischievous child.

2)A small demon

Stigma Noun A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach

Scourge Noun A source of widespread, dreadful affliction and devastation such as that of war

Magistrate Noun A civil officer with power to administer and enforce law

Scaffold Noun 1) A raised wooden framework or platform

2) A platform used in the execution of condemned prisoners, as by hanging or beheading

Term Part of Definition Description What it is Example Picture Speech in your own not/ words/ What Antonyms Sentence it is/ Synonyms

Alchemy Noun A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea (cure-all), and the preparation of the elixir of longevity

Parishioner Noun A member of a parish

Sable Adjective 1) Of the color black

2) Dark; somber

Infamy Noun Evil fame or reputation

Garb Noun A distinctive style or form of clothing; dress

Paramour Noun A lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship

Pious Adjective Having or exhibiting religious reverence; earnestly compliant in the observance of religion; devout

Portent Noun A prophecy of something important or calamitous; an omen

Surmise Verb To infer something without sufficient evidence

Term Part of Definition Description What it is Example Picture Speech in your own not/ Sentence words/ What Antonyms it is/ Synonyms

Venerable Adjective Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position

Harangue Noun A long pompous speech, especially one before a gathering; a tirade

Impalpable Adjective Not able to be touched

Sepulcher Noun A burial vault built of rock or stone

Phantasmagoric Adjective A scene that constantly changes.

Obstinacy Noun Fixed and unyielding behavior ; stubbornness

Caprice Noun A sudden, impulsive change; whim

Orb Noun 1) A sphere or something spherical

2) a celestial body, such as the sun or the moon

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