Academy for Community Schools Development

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Academy for Community Schools Development


Training Content: Maximizing the Potential of the After-School Hours The training will focus on the three common forms of after-school academic support systems (remediation, academic enrichment, and study hall/homework help/tutoring) available in community schools and the integration of these support systems with school-day activities. Leadership teams will explore the integration of these support systems with school-day activities through several frameworks: child developmental domains; youth development; content standards; and effective after-school practice.

Training Objectives: 1. Participants will learn and apply child developmental domains, youth development, content standards, and effective after-school practice to better link school-day and after-school practices. 2. Participants will identify how after-school and school-day activities can be integrated in order to achieve maximum learning and development results.

Date of Training: March 24, 2004 Time of Training: 8:30-4:00

Trainers: Jane Quinn, Eddie Fergus, Lisa Villarreal, Renee Nolte Newton

Location of Training: Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center Large Group Convening: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) – one portion of the large room we had last time

Trainer Time Topic Activity and Location Documenters (D) Resources Needed Small Group Facilitators (F) ALL 7:00 Set Up Set Up LLL – A/V set up same 7 Easel pads Entire Area as before. 6 tables with 7 sets of markers room for up to 10-12 at 5 rolls of painter’s tape each table ideal. Barnes name tags in basket Breakfast arrives at approximately as optional break-out extra binders binder packets (85) 8:00am? room with 15-20 chairs. 2 easel stands sign in sheet course registration forms with clipboard and pen (7) laptops total Signs w/school names Pens, paper

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 1 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Trainer Time Topic Activity Documentors (D) Resources Small Group Needed Facilitators (F) 8:30 Participants Arrive Sign in at lobby, pick up packets, name tags Lobby: (30 min) and sign up for course if interested 2 rectangular tables for registration

Chery 9:00-  Welcome and Introductions Introduce facilitators and logistics l 9:05 Lisa 9:00-  Framing the need to focus on (Mini-lecture: Effective programming. LLL) PowerPoint 9:15 academic success through out of Invite them to take a deeper look at what loaded (15 min) school time was done and to think about programs – are D1: Kathryn  Focus on the learning from they reflective of what we know about D2: Elizabeth Academy Session I resiliency and thoughtful activities v.  Intro reflection worksheet something to do?

Jane 9:15- Overview of Academy Session 2 Reiterate use of sites’ input to allow for D1: Kathryn PowerPoint 9:25 objectives more team work by sites D2: Elizabeth loaded (10 min) Janice 9:25- Ice Breaker: 24 Game (In their groups, different members of the D1: Kathryn 24 Game 9:35 Connection between after-school and team us math skills to get to the number 24. D2: Elizabeth worksheet academic enrichment

Jane 9:35- Developmental Domains and Risks Mini-lecture: To focus on 11-14 year olds. (LLL) PPT loaded 9:55 and Opportunities Framework Show developmental tasks for 11-14 year D1: Kathryn Handout: (20 min) Age groups: School Groups: olds and then the risks and opportunities. D2: Elizabeth development 5.7 K-5 or K-8 schools Helps move from theory to practice. Teach al needs and 8.10 K-5 or K-8 schools a way to think about program development tasks in 3 11.14 6-8 schools through developmental domains age groups

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 2 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Trainer Time Topic Activity Documentors (D) Resources Small Group Needed Facilitators (F) Janice 9:55- Application: Groups write down Cunha 1 D & F: Tape 10:40 opportunities and risks for each age group Participants will select an age group to focus Hayin & Renee Easel Pad (45 min) (5-7; 8-10;11-14) on for which they would like to identify the Cunha 2 D & F: Markers risks and opportunities. Laura & Jane Processing out: Groups present to each FO D & F: Butcher paper other the risks and opportunities for each of Groups of no more than 8-10 will write on Elizabeth & of 3 different the age groups. Joanne age groups large butcher paper the risks and Hoover D & F: Reflection worksheet – take a few minutes opportunities for the early years, middle Cheryl & Janice to jot any ideas on the reflection sheet years, and pre-adolescent Kennedy D & F: Karen & Lisa Taft D & F: Kathryn & María 10:40- BREAK 10:50 Jane 10:50- Linkage: How and in what ways do our Mini-lecture: Provide examples from IS 218 and (LLL) PowerPoint 11:05 school-day and after-school practices strategies employed to help promote D1: Karen loaded (15 min) address risks and promote opportunities? opportunities D2: Hayin

Janice 11:05- Application (30 min.) School-day and (LLL-in groups) Cunha 1 D & F: Worksheet 11:50 after-school practices worksheet. School teams (no more than 10 per group) will Hayin & Renee Easel Paper  Move toward a gap analysis to help focus on one age/grade group (5-7; 8-10; 11-14) Cunha 2 D & F: Markers (45 min further program development. Each site team will list what they are providing Laura & Jane Tape total)  Meaning of looking at practices for youth during the day and after-school that FO D & F: along continuum of developmental meets their developmental needs. Elizabeth & (30 + 15 domains. Joanne min) Process out questions (15 min) Hoover D & F: Reflection worksheet – take a few minutes  What are the most surprising things you Cheryl & Janice to jot any ideas on the reflection sheet found? Kennedy D & F:  Are you heavy in one area? Karen & Lisa  Are there other partnerships needed? Taft D & F: Kathryn & María Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 3 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

(45 11:50- LUNCH min) 12:35

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 4 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Trainer Time Topic Activity Documenters (D) Resources Small Group Needed Facilitators (F) Jane 12:35- Intro: The afternoon will shift our focus from (LLL) D1: Kathryn PowerPoint 12:55 what children are needing & how are we Mini-lecture D2: Elizabeth loaded (20 min) responding to the specific role of after-school Pitfalls to avoid: programs in promoting children’s learning and  Working with the partners you get development rather than the ones you need Big Ideas about the best practices in after-  Working with the kids that come school practice: rather than the ones that may need Focus on the balancing of the academic and non help the most academic practices in the after-school; academic  Mistaking activities for program – and youth development. worrying about what we are going to Intro notion of 3 kinds of academic programs. do v. the nature of the experience  Academic Remediation (review,  Mistaking remediation for tutoring) enrichment  Academic Support (homework help, test sophistication)  Academic Enrichment (exposure to new ideas, application of academic skills thru engaging activities Other kinds of enrichment/youth development (social, cultural, recreational) – valuable on their own but can also be “enriched” with academic practice. Janice 12:55- Application: Ratings form – where do our (LLL-in groups) Cunha 1 D & F: Easel Pad 1:09 programs rate along the 3 kinds of academic Work in School Teams. Again, look at their Hayin & Renee Markers (14 min.) programs? matrix and rate what they are currently Cunha 2 D & F: Tape (Using their after-school program schedule – offering and determine whether they are Laura & Jane this has to be part of the homework, must bring either supports (S), remediation (R), or FO D & F: current schedule) enrichment (E) Elizabeth & Joanne Hoover D & F: Cheryl & Janice Reflection worksheet – take a few minutes to Kennedy D & F: jot any ideas on the reflection sheet Karen & Lisa Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 5 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Taft D & F: Kathryn & María

Trainer Time Topic Activity Documenters (D) Resources Small Group Needed Facilitators (F) Janice 1:09-1:10 Segue: The content standards represent an (LLL) (1 min) opportunity for linking school-day and after- school programs (the standards are one vehicle to organize the work). These are expectations of children and we need to help them reach those standards Lisa & 1:10-1:30 California Content Standards: What is the (LLL) D1: Karen Standards in Renee (20 min) standard learning that is expected of children? Mini-lecture: Being acquainted and walk D2: Hayin English and them through and give them examples of Spanish how the CA standards can help inform – perhaps use 6th grade and move next grade up and down as examples Lisa 1:30-1:40 Drumming activity (to segue into discussion of (LLL) D1: Karen Lisa and (10 min) academic enrichment. Suggestion: Cover all standards with D2: Hayin Renee will Make standards cove alive on their own: Work examples e.g. when did drumming begin bring in groups of 3-4 to pull one form the bowl and (history), how are chopsticks made materials. use them to design a program activity using (science), books about famous drummers Anything else chopsticks and drumsticks. (language arts), count beat -math JGC can provide? Reflection worksheet – take a few minutes to jot any ideas on the reflection sheet Jane 1:40-2:00 Academic Enrichment: the value of more (LLL) D1: Karen PowerPoint (20 min) enrichment for children. Two ways of offering Min-lecture: How to build academic D2: Hayin Loaded academic enrichment enrichment through non academic programs 1. Embedding into non academic programs 2. Implementing high quality after school academic enrichment programs (e.g. Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 6 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II


(10 2:00-2:10 BREAK min)

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 7 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Janice 2:10-2:45 Application of domains, content standards, (LLL and Cranston by community) Cunha 1 D & F: Time/opportu (35 min) and youth development areas. How do you Hayin & Renee nity to share build academic enrichment into programs? Cunha 2 D & F: back? How Assign one of the following to each of the Laura & Jane to do that groups. Using the worksheet, create a program FO D & F: given time?  Arts: Drama, Dance (visual and Elizabeth & Easel Pad performing) Joanne Markers  Sports: basketball, soccer, track Hoover D & F: Tape  Youth leadership e.g. youth council Cheryl & Janice  Community service Kennedy D & F: Worksheet  Karen & Lisa linking Taft D & F: activities to Reflection worksheet – take a few minutes to Kathryn & María DD and jot any ideas on the reflection sheet standards Janice Segue: Prepare people to go into school groups Move to separate where there are other facilitators rooms Janice 2:45-3:15 Next Steps by School Team Cunha 1 D & F: Action Plan (30 min.) School teams recap the day and identify next Hayin & Renee Worksheet steps and who will be responsible using the RC General D & Easel Pads action plan worksheet. F: Markers Laura & Jane Tape FO D & F: Hoover Elizabeth & requested Joanne that they Hoover D & F: have a good Cheryl & Janice facilitator Kennedy D & F: help them Karen & Lisa with this Taft D & F: piece Kathryn & María Jane 3:15-3:25 Additional Resources (LLL) D1: Kathryn (10 min) Sharing info on implementing high quality D2: Elizabeth Handout of after school enrichment resources CAS’ with list of curricula Janice 3:25-3:30 Endings: (LLL) D1: Kathryn Video (Jane Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 8 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

(7 min) IS 90 video of “Cereal Killer” D2: Elizabeth will bring)

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 9 ACADEMY FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT Academy Session II

Trainer Time Topic Activity Documenters (D) Resources Small Group Needed Facilitators (F) Mike 3:30- Research Update (LLL) D1: Kathryn PowerPoint and 3:50 Present areas for research by JGC and Mini-Presentation/Preview D2: Elizabeth Loaded Hayin (20 min) community-based research. Request Will dedicate more time to research and Handouts volunteers from teams to have further evaluation at next Academy Session conversations Chery 3:50- Evaluation (LLL) D1: Kathryn Written l 4:00 We want to give participants adequate D2: Elizabeth evaluations (10 min) time to complete written evaluations. Do we have time for light bulbs? How to manage? Chery 3:55-4 (Closing)Aha moments Sharing any Aha’s for day Light bulbs l

Revised 03/17/04 Large Group: Lyons, Lodato, and Lane (LLL) Break out Room: Cranston (C) 10

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