Catalog of Publications and Materials 2009

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Catalog of Publications and Materials 2009

Masonic Service Association of North America & The Masonic Information Center Catalog of Publications and Materials 2009

Table of Contents


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Page 2 of 31 INDEX OF SHORT TALK BULLETINS (Through December 2006)

ORDERING SHORT TALK BULLETINS: Every Short Talk Bulletin is maintained in print; each costs $0.50 plus S&H.


LEADERSHIP Date Title 10-78 Attracting Masonic Leaders 2-87 Dare To Be Different 3-96 Ideas and Leadership 5-67 Keeper of the Springs 9-79 Leadership is Expected and Respected 12-07 Leadership: It Must Be Given Away 7-94 Masonic Leadership 1-79 Masonic Maturity 1-81 Masonic Public Relations 2-41 Master 2-88 Master as Manager 10-83 Seminar Techniques that Work 6-47 Sword in the Stone, The 8-66 Short “Short Talks" for Special Occasions 7-79 To Exist—or to Live 3-83 Who Leads the Leader? 12-61 Youth Programs for Boys and Girls

ENTERED APPRENTICE Date Title 9-59 Apprentices 6-32 Apron, The 3-63 Be Particularly Careful 3-65 Blazing Star 3-26 Cable-Tow, The 5-24 Compasses, The 9-61 First Lesson, The 11-31 “Free and Accepted" 10-77 Good and Wholesome Instruction 3-24 Holy Bible, The 11-27 Lambskin Apron, The 2-26 Lesser Lights 12-27 Lodge The 3-61 Movable and Immovable 10-27 Northeast Corner, The 8-31 Point Within a Circle 12-64 Relief 11-23 Rite of Destitution, The 4-33 Rite of Discalceation, The 8-33 Rough and Perfect 4-25 Swaddling Clothes 11-77 Temperance, Fortitude and Prudence 7-32 Trestle-Board and Tracing Board 9-33 Twenty-Four Inch Gauge

Page 3 of 31 FELLOWCRAFT Date Title 7-91 Amos, What Seest Thou? 1-78 Antiquity of Geometry, The 3-64 Attentive Ear, The 2-25 Charity 8-30 Corn, Wine and Oil 3-28 Faith, Progress and Reward 3-60 Fellowcraft 4-96 Five Noble Orders of Architecture, The 7-67 Globes 11-66 Horizontals 6-33 Letter “G’ The 6-24 Level and Plumb, The 5-34 Masonic Geometry 5-44 Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences 6-27 So Mote It Be 2-64 Speculative 4-24 Square, The 12-43 Square, Level and Plumb 6-25 3-5-7 2-68 “We Work In Speculative Masonry” 7-03 Winding Staircase, The Symbolism of 1-32 Winding Stairs, The 11-71 “Wise and Serious Truths”

MASTER MASON Date Title 8-23 Book of Constitutions Guarded by the Tiler’s Sword 5-31 Five Points 11-28 Foreign Countries 10-30 47th Problem, The 10-37 Grand Lodge 10-35 Grand Masters’ Power 2-34 Hiram Abif 10-89 Hiramic Legend, The 6-35 Hour Glass and Scythe 11-82 Legend of Hiram Abiff, The Importance of the 5-28 Legend of the Lost Word, The 7-29 Lodge and Grand Lodge Organization 5-62 Master Mason 2-33 Master’s Wages, A 5-35 Pot of Incense 8-29 Powers of the Worshipful Master, The 7-73 Put a Log on the Fire 9-27 Ruffians, The 9-64 Seat Among the Brethren, A 1-27 Secrecy 11-32 Sprig of Acacia 11-62 Stairway and a Ladder, A 8-25 Sublime 2-62 Symbolism: The Circle 4-28 Tools

Page 4 of 31 ABOUT INDIVIDUALS Date Title 10-47 Ashmole, Elias 9-77 Baichen, Bernt 12-04 Berlin, Irving 3-82 Brother Francis Bellamy 6-23 Burns, Robert 8-76 Bushnell, David, Revolutionary Patriot 9-67 Captain and His Lady, The 12-05 Cerza, Alphonse 5-03 Churchill, Winston S. 1-85 Cody, Buffalo Bill 6-83 Cross, Jeremy Ladd 5-32 Dedicating the Memorial 2-61 Denslow, Ray Vaughn 5-36 Desaguliers 6-04 Desaguliers and The Enlightenment 9-36 Doolittle Pictures 8-95 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 4-55 Drummond, Josiah Hayden 5-73 Ellery, William 7-10 Fleming, Sir Alexander 2-92 Fox, George L. 11-76 Francisco, Peter, The Virginia Giant 1-74 Franklin, Benjamin 10-33 Franklin, Benjamin, Freemason 4-04 Gillette, King 9-32 Goethe, Freemason 6-74 Hancock, John 2-78 Hahn, Conrad, In Memoriam 9-23 Harding, Warren, G., Freemason 2-57 Haywood, Harry LeRoy 1-75 Hewes, Joseph 1-64 “His Death was Untimely” 5-75 Hooper, William 1-00 Houdini 4-98 Jones, John Paul 10-92 King, Ernest J. 10-64 Kipling and Masonry 7-28 Lafayette 12-02 Lafayette, Brother 4-34 Lafayette, Where was Made a Mason? 8-04 Lahey, Dr. Frank H. 3-69 Land, Frank S. -- DeMolay Dad No. I 8-77 Lessing, G.E.: The Conscience of German Freemasonry 12-96 Lewis and Clark 5-02 Lloyd, Harold 2-36 Mackey, Albert Gallatin 7-55 Marshall, John 6-75 Masonic Signers of the Declaration 1-57 Masons Signing Declaration of Independence 11-08 Monroe, James 5-57 Morris, Rob 1-84 Mozart 2-94 Newton, Joseph Fort, DD. 6-56 Oliver, Dr. George, Father of Masonic Literature 7-33 Our Masonic Presidents 9-74 Paine, Robert Treat

Page 5 of 31 3-07 Palmer, Nathaniel 6-02 Payens, Hugh de 1-02 Peale, Charles Wilson 7-23 Pike, Albert 1-96 Pike, Albert—Man of Fire 6-90 Pike, Albert—The Man Not The Myth 12-84 Poinsett 2-23 Preston, William 9-97 Price, Henry 1-23 Revere, Paul 8-75 Rizal, Jose 5-06 Robert, Allen E. 11-02 Robinson, "Yankee" 7-07 Rogers, Will 11-00 Roosevelt, Theodore 6-76 Salomon, Haym, Financier of the Revolution 4-41 Sayer, Anthony, Gentleman 8-42 Seven Great Masons 6-06 Skelton, Red 11-97 Sousa, John Philip 2-77 Spalding, Lyman, M.D. 9-73 Stockton, Richard 10-04 Storm, William George 3-87 Tadasu Hayashi 1-04 Thomas, Dave 8-05 Thomas, Lowell 7-50 Three Famous Masonic Charlatans 5-55 “True Masonic Chart” 3-73 Truman, M.W. Harry S. 5-05 Wallace, Lew 2-75 Walton, George 6-91 Warren, Joseph, Martyr of Bunker Hill 2-32 Washington, Facts for Speakers About 11-98 Washington, Some Personal Facts 4-76 Washington, the Friend of Masonry 10-52 Washington, the Man 2-91 Washington, A Truly Remarkable Man, Part I 3-91 Washington, A Truly Remarkable Man, Part II 6-38 Webb, Thomas Smith 4-74 Whipple, William 4-68 Young Man Who Lisped, The

BODY OF THE CRAFT Date Title 1-35 Ahiman Rezon 1-92 Alas, My Brother! 7-00 American-Canadian Grand Lodge 8-88 Ancient Symbolic Penalties 9-48 Charter—Warrant 5-56 Cipher Rituals 12-35 Clandestine 5-60 European Grand Lodges 2-95 Forever Conceal and Never Reveal 5-86 Foundation Stone, A 3-34 Foundations of Masonic Law 9-45 “Fraternal Correspondent” 8-48 Fraternal Recognition

Page 6 of 31 3-95 Freemason, The Regular 8-07 Freemasonry, Basic 4-69 Freemasonry’s Platform 1-48 Free Will and Accord 11-65 Future of Masonic Education, The 4-56 Geography of the Ritual 11-51 Grand Lodge Seals 12-56 Grand Lodges are Different 1-65 Grand Masters’ Conference, The 6-63 Grand Representatives 11-30 Honors from the Graft 8-49 Introduction—What It Means 12-03 Israel, Grand Lodge of 7-35 Jurisdictional Contrasts 2-35 Lewis and Louveteau 6-48 Lodge is Born 1-86 Lodge Visitation—A Privilege 3-37 Making a Mason “at Sight” 4-36 Many Men, Many Minds 3-93 Masonic Expectations 8-36 Masonic Honors 10-67 Masonic Honors, More About 1-03 Masonic Landmarks 12-50 Masonic Speakers and Speeches 12-51 Masonic Titles 3-55 Materials in the Ritual 9-44 Membership Contrasts 1-26 Mummies 5-38 Nine More Questions 3-38 Nine Questions 7-53 No Royal Road 12-37 “Old Order Changeth” 11-03 One-Day Classes 9-66 Past Master Honoris Causa? 2-54 “Please Tell Me...” 3-57 Quatuor Coronati, No. 2076 1-91 Relationship Between Lodges and Grand Lodge 4-65 Right To Reprint, The 10-54 Rights & Privileges of a Master Mason 1-34 Ritual Differences 8-02 Schaw's Freemasonry 4-63 Solicitation 8-63 Some Lodges Are Different 8-58 Some Misconceptions About Freemasonry 6-86 Standard of Masonic Conduct 9-29 Sugar Coating Masonic Education 8-69 Swiss Masonry 10-44 “To Change Times and Laws” 7-30 Unaffiliated 11-63 Universal Masonry? 1-08 Using Masonry 5-63 What Can You Tell? 12-63 What Did You Expect? 2-31 What Do You Know About Masonry? 8-65 What Does Freemasonry Offer The World? 3-59 What Should a Mason Know About Masonry? 12-77 What’s Your Answer?

Page 7 of 31 BYPATHS Date Title 8-83 An Assessment of M.S.A. 3-84 “And Give Them Proper Instruction” 3-40 At Midnight 8-94 Children and Drugs 9-94 Children and Drugs Part II 4-94 Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry 6-78 Communication 10-63 Days of Wine and Roses, The 3-08 DeMolay: Look Forward 10-98 DeMolay, Thoughts to Share 9-91 DeMolay’s Relationship to Freemasonry 1-89 Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A, Masonic Response 5-92 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Problem: Lodges Can Help 12-87 EGO 9-00 Feast of Tishri, The 4-07 Freemasonry and College Fraternities 11-90 Freemasonry and Public Education 12-97 Freemasonry and Scouting 4-46 Freemasonry and the Sea 3-04 Freemasonry in Today's World 5-40 Freemasonry of Utopia 2-42 Freemasonry’s Monument 11-99 Freemasonry and Society 11-83 Freemasonry, Youth and You 2-97 Healing Crippled Hearts 5-81 Highest Hills and Lowest Vales 6-05 Idaho Welcome 5-01 Investing in Freemasonry 2-80 Invisible Lodge, The 8-01 Invisible Lodge, The (2001 Update) 8-03 Islam and Freemasonry 3-74 Knights of Columbus, Our Relations with 10-91 Ladies at the Table 10-73 Layman Looks at Masonry, A 2-44 Lodge of Silence 5-95 Masonic Amateur “Ham” Radio 7-46 Masonic Dream 3-00 Masonic “Fire” 3-02 Masonic Funeral Planning 11-36 Masonic Goat 2-98 Masonic Information Center (1997 Report) 2-99 Masonic Information Center (1998 Report) 2-00 Masonic Information Center (1999 Report) 2-01 Masonic Information Center (2000 Report) 2-02 Masonic Information Center (2001 Report) 2-03 Masonic Information Center (2002 Report) 2-04 Masonic Information Center (2003 Report) 2-05 Masonic Information Center (2004 Report) 2-06 Masonic Information Center (2005 Report) 2-07 Masonic Information Center (2006 Report) 2-08 Masonic Information Center (2007 Report) 3-89 Masonic Medical Research Lab 1-01 Masonic Medical Research Lab (2001) 1-06 Masonic Medical Research Lab (2006)

Page 8 of 31 5-90 Masonic Misconceptions, Some 10-51 Masonic Myths 11-04 Masonic Poetry, Some 5-96 Masonic Postcards 1-49 Masonic Postage Stamps 7-90 Masonic Renewal Task Force Reports 9-81 Masonic Sites in Historic Philadelphia 9-93 Masonic Trivia (and Facts) 9-47 Masonry and Music 5-87 “Masons Care About Children” 9-34 Master’s Hat 10-43 Master’s Jewel Speaks 2-93 Memorial, George Washington Masonic National 6-31 Menagerie of Masonry 5-04 Military and Freemasonry, The 7-89 National Sojourners 5-78 A New Delight 6-46 Numerology of Masonry 8-80 Parable of the Cherry Tree 4-78 Petitioner Knocks, The 1-97 Philalethes Society, The 12-26 Power and the Glory 5-97 Shriners Hospitals -- 75th Anniversary 12-93 “Sins of Our Masonic Fathers” 3-56 Three Chaplains 4-86 Travel in Foreign Countries 5-39 Unknown Mason 6-08 The Warrior Poet 3-78 “What I Learned in Freemasonry” 8-78 Whatever Happened to the Written Word? 4-99 Where Freedom Speaks 6-87 Widow and The Craft, The


Date Title 1-69 “Arise and Fear No Danger" (Washington) 11-42 Bill of Rights and Freemasonry 4-87 Blessings of Liberty. The 8-96 Collingwood -- Library and Museum 2-37 Constitution and Freemasonry 7-43 Declaration of Independence 2-74 Declaration, The Inevitable 9-31 Enlightening the Profane 1-42 Flag in Lodge 9-90 Flag Speaks, The 8-87 Flag Tributes 6-67 4 July 1776 7-24 Fourth of July 11-54 Freemasonry and Civil Law 5-61 Freemasonry and Freedom 1-73 Great Triumvirate of Patriots, The 7-25 Guns of ‘75 8-39 How We Grew 6-77 Law Enforcement 6-64 Let Freedom Ring 7-68 Little Bit of Flag Wavin’, A

Page 9 of 31 6-29 Mason as a Citizen 11-47 Masonic Calendar 4-39 Masonic Population 3-32 Masonic World 1-77 Masonry and America 9-38 Masonry and Politics 5-29 Masonry and Publicity 8-84 Masonry and the Statue of Liberty 10-24 Masonry in Business 7-26 Mason's Flag 11-61 Morality and Freedom 2-51 Noblesse Oblige 7-05 O Say Can You Sing? 4-23 Our Public Schools 3-76 Patriotism 4-75 Patriots 2-76 Price of Independence, The 9-26 Red 4-30 Reputation of the Fraternity 7-42 “Stars of Glory” 8-54 Tell the Applicant 12-30 Tell the World 5-77 Thoughts on Memorial Day 6-28 Valley Forge 11-70 Where Do We Go From Here?

HISTORICAL Date Title 1-55 Altar is Born 12-76 American Literature During the Revolution 7-48 American Rite 5-37 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 4-54 Ancient Usage and Custom 10-59 Ancient York Masons 10-46 Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723 4-02 Antients, Grand Lodge of 6-54 Architecture of Masonry, The 1-36 Baltimore Convention 7-56 Birthplaces of Freemasonry, Some 6-94 Blue Blanket The 4-91 Boston Tea Party, The 12-55 Builders 7-51 Cathedrals and Masonry 12-65 Celebration of Christmas, The 3-36 Charges of a Freemason 10-55 Church Opposition 10-02 Conspiracy, Countersubversion and Freemasonry 10-86 Convention that Changed the Face of Freemasonry, The 6-51I Cornerstones, Famous American 1-94 Cornerstones: Simple to Sublime 4-01 Derwint House, The 7-08 Displaying Masonic History 11-92 Early Masonry in England 11-88 Ellis Island 4-05 Establishing Freemasonry 10-93 Evolution of the Cornerstone Ceremony, The 10-57 First American Lodges

Page 10 of 31 2-89 First Inauguration -- Patriotic and Masonic 8-81 Foot Marks Across Our Border 12-06 Fort Woods - The Statue of Liberty 10-36 Four Crowned Ones 9-06 Freemasonry and Conspiracy Theories 9-70 Freemasonry and the Constitution 6-97 Freemasonry and Democracy 1-98 Freemasonry and Democracy Part II 7-69 Freemasonry and Freemasons at Valley Forge 4-64 Freemasonry At The New ‘York World’s Fair 5-07 Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi 5-59 Freemasonry in Alaska and Hawaii 2-79 Freemasonry in the Canal Zone 1-07 Freemasonry in Colonial America 10-95 Freemasonry During Wartime 8-06 Freemasonry's Journey West 7-06 Freemasonry Under the Nazi Regime 3-05 Freemasonry's Symbols and Rituals 10-81 Freemasons at Yorktown 9-03 French Freemasonry-Resistance 11-93 Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial 10-32 From Whence Came We? 3-92 Gettysburg, Masons at Battle of 9-76 Glimpse into the Past, A 11-84 Great Kanto Earthquake, The 4-49 Green Dragon Tavern 1-51 Have Pride! 7-96 House Reunited 7-98 Huts and Sheds 1-87 Irish Connection, The 10-01 Jack the Ripper (From Hell) 3-67 Jewish Grand Masters In The United States 8-92 King Solomon’s Quarries 6-00 Knights Templar, Origin of the 1-99 Lafayette Square 12-45 Legend of the Craft 5-51 Life in Bible Times 5-46 Little Loved Shrines 12-91 Lodge in Captivity A 4-93 Lodge of Journeyman Masons #8 9-02 Loyalists in the Revolution 6-57 Masonic Backgrounds 7-34 Masonic Blue 6-50 Masonic Clothing 4-60 Masonic Colleges 1-46 “Masonic Conservators" 10-56 Masonic Enigma 11-37 Masonic History Dry 7-99 Masonic History What is Needed 9-99 Masonic Research 11-24 Masonic Service Association 2-39 Masonic Service Association 10-88 Masonic Service Association 7-04 Masonic Service Association -2004 7-38 Masonic War Tales, Six 12-60 ‘Masonry ‘and the Ancient Sciences 2-46 Masonry’s “Eddi of Manhood End” 4-00 Masonry in Statues Part I 5-00 Masonry in Statues Part II

Page 11 of 31 8-71 Masons and Medical Research 11-86 Mason’s Mark, The 10-23 Master’s Piece 4-83 “Master’s Lodge” in Boston, The 1-37 Military Lodges 5-58 “Moderns” and “Antients” 1-58 Moon Lodges 6-92 Moon in Masonic History, The 3-33 Morgan Affair 12-28 Mother Grand Lodge I 1-29 Mother Grand Lodge II 2-29 Mother Grand Lodge III 11-34 National 2-86 Old Legends of Hiram Abif 8-35 Old Romance 2-43 Old Tyler Oddities 2-69 On Reaching the Age of Fifty 1-68 Origin of the Ritual, The 9-85 Origins of Freemasonry, The 12-99 Pearl Harbor and the “Mighty Mo" 11-52 Prestonian Charges 7-85 Prophecy From the Past, A 8-46 Regius Manuscript 9-41 Relics 7-77 The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Masonic Party 8-59 Rock, The 6-01 Rosslyn Chapel 12-01 Royston Cave 5-50 Royal Arch 9-01 St. John's Lodge Bible 12-33 Sts. Johns’ Day 5-89 Sea Devil, The 6-37 Seven Famous Lodges 11-53 Seven Less Than Famous 2-84 Sixty-Five Years of Service 1-76 “1776—You Are There” 3-77 “1777—You Are There” I 4-77 “1777—You Are There” (II) 6-40 “Small” Grand Lodges 10-58 Some Ancient Sources 6-58 Some “Saints” Lodges 3-03 Speculative Freemasonry (Part I) 4-03 Speculative Freemasonry (Part II) 8-08 St. John's Lodge of Boston 4-57 Tabernacle, The 5-76 “Tell It Like It Was” 10-00 Temple Church 3-53 Thirty-Third Year 12-52 Thirty Years 5-47 Truth Is Enough! 11-44 Twenty Years After 8-60 Tyre, The City of the Rock 11-35 Universality 4-90 Washington and the Society of the Cincinnati 1-56 “Well Stricken in Age” 8-40 Westward, Ho! 8-62 What Is The M.S.A.? 12-78 “Why Ethiopia?” 5-49 Why Freemasonry Has Enemies

Page 12 of 31 8-02 Winchester Hiram Lodge #21 11-33 “Women Freemasons” 2-53 Word Freemason, The 5-54 Your Landmarks

INSPIRATION AND CHARITY Date Title 9-78 As Others See Us 10-45 Altar of Obligation 5-91 And the Greatest of These is Charity 5-45 “Best Things in the Worst Times 11-78 Benefits of Masonic Membership, The 5-80 “By Precept and Example” 8-74 Challenge of Freemasonry, The 8-67 Completing the Temple 7-70 David’s Men 3-79 “Dear Son..." 5-94 Disaster Relief: How It Helps 9-58 Dust ... Sparks Tolerance Winds ... and God 10-38 Enemy Within 10-26 Erring Brother 10-29 Every Brother His Own Tiler 10-69 Every Man in His Place 5-84 Five Masonic Thoughts 4-85 Focus on Freemasonry. A 4-72 Four Facets of Friendship 3-99 Freemasonry Defined 5-88 Freemasonry: From Craft to Tolerance 8-89 Freemasonry: A Commitment to Values 6-82 Freemasonry: The Sleeping Giant 9-28 Future of Masonry 11-69 Future of Masonry, The 12-48 Golden Rule and Freemasonry 7-86 “Good Kids, Hurt Kids, Bad Kids" 12-23 Good of the Order”’ 9-25 Great Corner Stone 4-37 “Greatest of These” 9-89 Handicapped Brother, The 4-71 Hark! There Is an Alarm 7-63 He That Built All Things 1-60 Importance of An Individual, The 12-69 In All These Things We Shall Transmit 11-81 Inasmuch and Furthermore 4-73 Indissoluble Chain of Sincere Affection, An 12-89 Individualism and Involvement 6-60 Influence 1-24 Inn of Year’s End 11-73 Inspiration 7-64 Let's Unshackle the Spirit of Freemasonry 10-61 Let Your Bucket Down Where You Are 9-84 Living a Role 4-61 Lighting Candles 9-83 LOVE 12-73 Man Building 8-79 Mason in Your Home, The 7-97 Masonic Charity 9-04 Masonic Learning Centers for Children, 32°

Page 13 of 31 1-88 Masonic Opportunities 1-90 Masonic Relief Association 11-79 Masonic Relief, Charity and You 5-68 Masonry By Example! 3-98 Masonry’s Plan 1-82 Masons: Knights of Charity 7-75 Masons and DeMolays 9-92 Masons Making a Difference 6-84 Masterkey, The 3-86 Men Who Build Bridges—Not Walls 1-83 Meeting a Young Man’s Needs 6-62 Moment of History, The 11-87 Motivating The Mason As a Private Citizen 11-85 Motivation of Lodge Members in Masonic Activities 12-81 Now Is the Hour 11-91 Ohio Masons, The 4-88 On Senate Confirmation of Men & Masons 7-74 Other Little Ships 5-69 Our Greatest Need 11-75 Our Masonic Heritage 6-81 Our Most Valuable Asset: Friendship 5-85 Our Special Ladies 4-59 Pronounce or Perish 9-37 Quo Vadis, Freemasonry? 8-56 “Raise the Stone ... " 7-82 “Reach Out and Touch Someone” 7-76 Rediscovering the Life-Giving Springs 8-44 "... Returns Again to the Fountain” 3-23 Roll Call 12-88 Sages, Seers & Spooks 12-94 Scottish Rite Helping Children 6-61 Seeking a Man 7-66 Shadow of a Man, The 8-64 Short “Short Talks" for Occasional Speakers 10-65 Short “Short Talks" for Occasional Speakers, More 12-70 Short "Short Talks", Four 4-70 Short “Short Talks", More 11-67 Short “Short Talks", Some More 6-71 Significance of a Hand, The 10-25 Sound of the Gavel 5-23 Spirit of Masonry 4-62 Stars We Think We See, The 6-95 Surprised by Joy! 10-82 Surrender of Values, A 6-26 T. B. 2-85 They Lied On Their Knees 5-82 Three Challenges 3-27 “Three Things I Know" 2-82 To Give is to Receive 10-66 To Have and To Hold 9-68 Touch of the Hand, A 8-70 Try Masonry 8-72 Unbroken Net, The 8-27 United Masonic Relief 4-67 “Watchman, What of the Night?” 5-25 What? 9-24 What Is Masonry? 5-27 What Masonry Means 2-73 What Masonry Means to Me

Page 14 of 31 7-39 What to Tell Your Wife 1-71 Where Are the Masons of Tomorrow? 4-92 Why I Became a Mason 8-28 Wonder of Masonry 10-84 World of Priorities 11-50 “Yet Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves”

IN THE LODGE Date Title 10-87 An Action Team—In Action 10-39 Art of Presiding 11-48 Balloting 11-29 Black Cube 12-90 Brother Bring a Friend Night. 7-72 Brotherhood 5-30 Candidate 4-89 Challenges of Past Masters, The 7-83 Civic Responsibility of Individual Lodges 6-70 Committees, The Importance of 2-67 Computers, Specialists, and Master Masons 5-70 Creating Interest 11-68 Cultivate the Social Virtues, To 3-90 Daylight Lodges 9-52 Deacons and Stewards 4-42 Dignity of Freemasonry 5-83 “Diligent Inquiry” 1-50 Dispensations and the Dispensing Power 3-43 Dropped .N.P.D. 7-60 Duly and, Truly Prepared 1-80 Fire! 6-89 First Aid in Emergency Situations 7-47 For the Newly Raised 9-43 Formula for L.M.W.W.B.A.O. 10-75 Freemasonry’s Nuts and Bolts 8-34 Gifts of the Magi 12-66 Great Expectations 12-24 Guardians of the Gates 9-82 Humor and the Masonic Speaker 10-28 Increasing Lodge Attendance 9-40 Innovations 2-45 Installation 7-88 Insurance for the Lodge 6-88 Investigating Committee, The 5-79 Involvement is Essential 9-30 “I Vouch for Him” 10-41 “Knock and It Shall Be Opened” 12-29 Laws of Masonry 10-62 Learning and Delivery of Ritual, The 11-26 Letter Perfect 3-88 Let’s Communicate Freemasonry 5-99 Lodge at Work, A 12-83 Lodge Computer, The 8-24 Lodge Courtesies 6-41 Lodge Finances 11-95 Lodge Historian, The 9-87 Lodge History 3-58 Lodge Inspection

Page 15 of 31 1-70 Lodge Leadership 2-65 Lodge Library, Starting A 5-66 Lodge Organization 9-54 Lodge Secretary 3-01 Lodge Website 9-05 Masonic Awareness in the Lodge 12-44 Masonic Debate 4-82 Masonic Education for Sojourning Masons 4-80 Masonic Etiquette 12-98 Masonic Etiquette Part II 6-69 Masonic Investigation 4-52 Masonic Manners 6-36 Masonic Offense 5-53 Masonic Paradox 12-82 Masonic Ritual As an Educational Tool 4-58 Masonic Sentry 7-78 Masonic Speaker, The 6-44 Meet, Act and Part 9-65 "... Members Were Present" 4-95 Mentoring Program 12-80 Midnight Revelation 6-43 Minutes Are Important 1-61 Modern Education for an Ancient Craft. 1-72 More Light in Masonry (I) 2-72 More Light in Masonry (II) 3-72 More Light in Masonry (III) 5-72 More Light in Masonry (IV) 6-72 More Light in Masonry (V) 9-72 More Light in Masonry (VI) 10-72 More Light in Masonry (VII) 11-72 More Light in Masonry (VIII) 12-72 More Light in Masonry (IX) 1-33 Mother Lodge 7-92 My Lodge Needs Me 12-39 My Son 6-73 Noble Contention, That 9-98 Old Charges, The 3-68 One Thing Is Needful 3-70 Operation Re-Start? 12-53 Opportunities 2-48 Parliamentary Law in Freemasonry 1-31 Past Master 4-45 Past Master’s Jewel 10-03 Paying our Bills 10-79 Peaks and Valleys 2-38 “Perfect Youth” Doctrine 1-38 Petition 10-74 Planning for Spiritual Growth 11-64 Presentation Speeches, More 2-50 Presentation Speeches, Six 11-96 Preserving Our Heritage 12-74 Privileges and Pleasures of Being a Mason 10-85 Programming Potpourri 9-69 Progress 11-05 Recognition Procedures 3-39 Recognized Foreign Grand Lodges 7-87 Recommender, The 12-36 Refreshment 8-90 Ritual in Freemasonry

Page 16 of 31 7-65 Ritual Is Important, The 12-49 “Rock That Abides” 3-94 “Rusty Nail” Degree 10-80 Scottish Intender System 7-81 Secrecy is Symbolism 4-26 Seeing 9-39 “Seek—And Ye Shall Find” 9-86 Selecting A Line Officer 3-85 Serious Accusations 6-68 Set the Craft to Work, To 9-60 Short Talk Bulletin, How To Use The 2-83 Solicitation Rule 12-59 So You’re Going to Make a Speech? 10-96 Some Ritual Origins 3-80 Stemming the Flow 3-31 Summons 8-51 Table Lodge 10-70 Teaching What? 4-47 Tell Your Brother 1-59 They Ought to be Married 1-62 Trinity of Masonic Education The 5-26 Truly Prepared 4-06 Twain Award, The 8-91 Tylers, Operative and Speculative 12-40 Unknown Builders, The 12-62 Using The Short Talk Bulletins In Lodge 2-30 Visiting Brother 1-47 Visitors and Visitors' Committee 6-79 Visual Aids in Masonic Education 2-90 “Walkabout” 4-31 Wardens 10-68 We Can Do It 8-93 “We Now Hold The Brother ..." 11-38 Well Balanced 11-41 "Well-Informed Brethren” 6-39 What Can I Do? 1-43 What See You? 4-38 What’s In a Name? 6-80 “What’s Your Line?" 5-71 Why Didn’t They Advance? 11-43 Why Is a Fee? 4-40 “Why” of Initiation, The 9-80 Wise Use of Principal 1-63 Words, Words, Words 7-80 Work, Work, Work 8-61 Working Tools, Presenting The 6-66 Year’s Program on Masonic Philosophy, A 3-66 You Signed His Petition 11-80 Your Trestleboard

LITERATURE Date Title 8-68 Abbreviations and Reference Words 2-66 “As You Increase in Knowledge” 12-95 Auld Lang Syne 1-95 Baltimore Book Program, The 1-39 “Doric Lodge”

Page 17 of 31 12-86 Fiction—A Tool of Masonic Education 12-54 For Easier Use 6-45 For Your Information 11-45 Good Masonic Books 6-85 Good Masonic Books (II) 9-46 Great Songs 8-55 “Green Trees -- High Hills” 12-71 Heart of the Fraternity, The 11-56 Libraries, Five Great 2-60 “Life Begins at Forty” 10-90 Masonic Encyclopedias 2-96 Masonic Libraries, The Value of 4-48 Masonic Mispronunciation 7-58 Masonic Vocabulary 4-84 Masonic Writing—How To 11-01 Masonry in Literature 2-47 One Hundred “Lost Words” 8-47 Poetry of Ritual 12-38 Short Talk Bulletin 8-41 Small Songs 8-53 Some Curious Masonic Words 7-52 Those Terrible Exposes! 12-47 Twenty-Fifth Anniversary 12-42 Twenty Years 11-59 All Sons of One Father 12-46 Appearance and Reality 10-76 Better Life, The 8-86 “Crystal Gazing”

PHILOSOPHY Date Title 6-52 Ethos of Freemasonry 9-75 Freemasonry and, the Future 5-74 Freemasonry Tomorrow 3-71 Heritage and Purpose, Our Masonic 10-71 Ideas: A Part of the Problem 2-63 Imperfect Will Pass Away, The 3-97 Masonic Philosophy 6-65 Masonic Purpose, Our 7-71 "Masonry as Our Way of Life” 10-42 Mystery 4-66 Permanent Values 7-45 Personal Masonic Philosophy 3-62 Perspective 12-79 Plea for Understanding 9-63 Progressive Science, A 12-68 Pursuit of Excellence, A 2-71 Relevant, On Being 12-67 Terrible Freedom, A 1-28 Time 8-32 Truth 12-85 Universal Challenges 8-43 Work of God 7-59 Younger Generation of Freemasons, The

Page 18 of 31 RELIGION AND ETHICS Date Title 4-29 Acacia Leaves and Easter Lilies 8-38 Altar of Memory 7-61 As A Man Thinketh 5-93 Baphomet Revisited 8-00 Chaplain, The Office Of 5-64 Church And The Lodge As They Meet In The Man, The 8-99 Circumambulation Meditations 12-25 Cradle and the Lodge 10-05 Days of Awe 1-44 Doctrine of Freemasonry 8-52 English Great Light 12-92 Extremism vs. Freedom 6-98 False Accusations 12-08 Festival of Chanukah, The 11-60 First Great Landmark, The 6-53 First Printed Great Light 8-26 Freedom of Faith 11-89 Freemasonry and Religion Are Compatible 4-08 Freemasonry and the Catholic Church 10-31 Freemasonry’s Answer to Job 7-93 Freemasonry: Defender of Personal Conscience 6-59 Freemasonry’s Twentieth Century Mission 10-94 Fundamentalism and Freemasonry 8-97 Fundamentalist Fury 9-62 Future Relationship Between Freemasonry and the Church: An Education Problem 6-99 G.A.O.T.U. 3-50 Great Light 12-75 Holy Saints John, The 1-67 In the Beginning, GOD 9-96 In Whom Do You Put Your Trust? 11-39 Inside, Looking Out 5-98 Is Freemasonry a Religion? 11-57 Masonic Education and Culture 10-34 Masonry and Religion 6-34 Masonry in the Great Light 5-43 Mason’s Faith 10-97 Media Mogul, The 5-65 Moral Responsibility, Our 6-03 Mystery Religions and Freemasonry 10-40 Mystic Tie 1-52 Not in the Ritual 9-71 Our Life Has Foundation 4-81 “Our Trust Is In God” 2-49 Our Volume of the Sacred Law 6-93 Pike, Albert and Lucifer 9-88 Prayer—Your Sect or Mine—Neither 10-99 Praying in Lodge 1-53 “Puerilities” 11-94 Response to Critics of Freemasonry, A 8-82 Rule and Guide 12-41 Secret 9-07 Scripture Reading (1st Degree) 10-07 Scripture Reading (2nd Degree) 11-07 Scripture Reading (3rd Degree) 6-42 Shekinah 4-97 Stones of Evil

Page 19 of 31 4-32 “Stupid Atheist” 5-52 Ten Masonic Prayers 12-31 Three Scripture Readings, The 7-37 “Thus Saith the Lord” 1-25 To Sympathize 7-41 Treasure of Inheritance 12-58 Ultimate Lessons of Freemasonry, The 6-96 Where Parallel Lines Intersect 1-66 Who Are You?


Date Title 12-32 All-Seeing Eye 2-24 Altar 6-49 Anchor and Ark 3-35 Ancient Square 4-79 Ashlars—Rough and Smooth 6-55 Astronomy and Freemasonry 9-51 Beehive 7-54 Behind the Symbol 2-59 Better to Observe the Time, The 6-07 Blazing Star, The 2-56 Broken Column, The 5-48 Ceremonies of Freemasonry 3-51 Chalk, Charcoal and Clay 11-49 Columns and Pillars 9-50 Cord, Rope and Cable-Tow 7-36 Corner-Stone 10-49 Covering of a Lodge 7-49 Dew Drop Lecture 2-28 Due Form 9-95 Eye in the Pyramid, The 2-58 Five Senses, The 8-45 Freemasonry’s Candles 4-53 “From a Point to a Line ..." 7-27 “G” 7-31 Gavel of Authority 2-40 Gloves 11-46 Hands in Freemasonry 8-57 Hoodwink 3-41 “Illustrated by Symbols” 10-53 Key 3-29 Language of the Heart 2-27 Left to Right 9-55 Light 11-58 Living Perpendicular, A 11-55 Lost Word 1-45 Masonic Firmament 5-08 Masonic Gloves 9-57 Masonic Rod, The 10-48 Masonic Stones 11-25 Mathematics 4-27 More Light 4-51 Mosaic Pavement and Blazing Star 7-57. Nature of Symbols, The 9-53 Oblong Square

Page 20 of 31 3-81 Our Masonic Responsibilities 12-34 Passages of Jordan 8-85 Perfect Cubit .., Masonic Legend or Fable, The 8-98 Plants and Animals of Freemasonry, The 12-00 Ritual, Symbolism in 7-44 Sanctum Sanctorum 8-50 Seven Cardinal Virtues 9-56 Significant Numbers, The 8-37 Signs 3-30 Sun, Moon and Stars 10-50 “Survey of Nature" 1-30 Sword in the Craft 12-57 Symbol of Industry 3-25 Symbolism 7-95 Symbolism of Stone, The 11-06 Symbolism of Stone 7-84 Take Me As I Take You 5-41 Third Great Light 7-62 Three Distinct Knocks 6-30 Three Grand Columns 4-35 Three Principal Rounds 5-33 Thy Neighbor’s Landmark 2-52 Tool Symbolism 10-60 Trowel, The 9-35 Two Pillars 9-49 Veiled in Allegory 11-74 "Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols” 1-54 Voice of the Sign," The 8-73 Wardens' Columns, The 5-42 “Windlass and Rope” 3-06 Working Tools, The "Other"

THE WAR AND AFTER Date Title 2-81 “A Member of the Family" 3-45 "... .And Ye Visited Me” 3-52 Day of Visitation,” “The 3-46 For Service Men and Veterans 3-48 For Whom the Drums are Stilled 4-44 Freemasonry After the War 1-40 Freemasonry and Totalitarianism 4-50 Hospital Service Problem 3-49 In Glory’s Lap 3-54 Masonic Samaritans 1-41 Masonic Welfare Work 4-43 Masonry Follows Service Men: 7-40 My Part 2-55 One Day 3-44 Report of Welfare Work for the Armed Forces 3-42 Right Hand of Fellowship 3-75 Third of a Century as an MSA Field Agent 3-47 "To Aid and Assist” 2-70 Veterans Need Freemasonry, The 11-40 Will Freemasonry Survive? 9-42 Your Unknown Soldier


A complete set of Short Talk Bulletins (1923 thru 2008 can be purchased for US $412.80 plus postage). Subscriptions to the Short Talk Bulletin make great gifts; M.S.A. can send a ‘gift card’ in your name.

CHARTS CIRCLE OF FREEMASONRY. Diagram of degrees and orders of Freemasonry. 21 x 15, blue on white. #501 ($3.00)

FOREIGN RECOGNITION: Information as to what foreign Grand Lodges are recognized by what United States Grand Lodges. 13 x 19, black & white. #502 ($1.00)

GUTENBERG BIBLE PAGE. A colorful reproduction of a page from the historical Bible. 12 x 19, color. #503 ($3.00)

STRUCTURE OF FREEMASONRY. Diagram of recognized branches of Masonry. 16 x 11, color #504 ($3.00)

Page 22 of 31 PHOTOGRAPHS MASONIC PRESIDENTS. Black & White engravings and photos of the fifteen Masonic Presidents on an II x 14 glossy sheet, #601 ($3.00)

HARRY S. TRUMAN. In Grand Master regalia. 8 x 10 color #602 ($3.00)

DIGESTS Discounts: 20—24 copies, same title: less 10% (+ S&H) 25—49 copies: less 20% (+ S&H) 50+: less 40% (+ S&H)

ADVENTURES IN MASONRY. Three cost-free, educational lodge entertainments. #154 ($3.00)

ALLIED MASONIC GROUPS AND RITES. Descriptive listing of these organizations (Updated 1988) #204 ($3.00)

ANCIENT LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY. What fifty Grand Lodges have decided on the subject. #207A ($3.00)

AND GIVE THEM PROPER INSTRUCTION Twenty short speeches for brethren addressing Masonic gatherings. #133 ($3.00)

ARTIFACTS AND GADGETS. A study of Masonic memorabilia. #263 ($3.00)

AT THE SOUND OF THE GAVEL. Ten programs of entertainment and instruction, ready for use, with talks, facts, suggested music and verse. #262 ($3.25)

BIBLE QUOTATIONS FOR MASONIC SPEAKERS. Classified by subject. #188 ($3.00)

BOYDEN, WILLIAM L., MANUSCRIPT by Ray B. Harris. One of the ‘Old Charges,” circa 1700) #190 ($3.00)

CLIP ART. Ready to use art to enhance any publication, specialized for use by the Masonic Fraternity. #266 ($4.00)

CORNERSTONES OF FREEDOM, by Dr. S. Brent Morris. History and examples of The Masonic Cornerstone Laying Ceremony. #286 ($8.00)

CRAFT’S NOYSE, THE4 by James Tresner. Annotated Listing of Masonic Composers and Lyricists. #288 ($4.00)

DRESS UP YOUR SPEECH! Quotations to add spice to Masonic addresses. #179 ($3.00)

FAMOUS AMERICAN FREEMASONS. Descriptive compilation of noted American Masons. (Revised 1985.)#219 ($3.00)

FIVE MASONIC GAMES. Lodge adaptations of familiar parlor games. #77 ($3.00)

FREEMASONRY AND CIVIL LAW, by Alphonse Cerza. Romance of the Craft and the Courts. #175 ($3.00)

FREEMASONRY AND DEMOCRACY: ITS EVOLUTION IN NORTH AMERICA by Allen E. Roberts and Wallace McLeod. Discusses the role played by Freemasons in the establishment of democracy in both the United States and Canada. 50 or more copies, 40% discount plus shipping. #285 ($6.00)

Page 23 of 31 FREEMASONRY’S SERVANT, THE MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES: THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS, by Allen E. Roberts, Official anniversary history. #247 ($2.50)

FREEMASONS AT THE FIRST INAUGURATION OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, APRIL 20, by James R, Case. Narrative of principal, events, Masonic participation. Illustrated. #236 ($3.00)

FROM OPERATIVE TO SPECULATIVE, by Dr. William M. Brown. Scholarly study of the transition from ancient craft Masonry to modern speculative Freemasonry, with special emphasis on the “ancient charges” and their influence on modern ritual makers. #216 ($3.25)


GENERAL OFFICERS OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY, MASONIC MEMBERSHIP OF, by Ronald E. Heaton. A careful study of the evidence showing which of Washington’s generals were Masons, which may have been, and which were not. Illustrated. #222 ($3.00)

LANGUAGE LANDMARKS, by Raymond B. Pease. English Words commonly used in Freemasonry from the historical point of view. A handbook for those desiring ritualistic proficiency, #207 ($3.00)

LEADERSHIP. How to develop it. (Revised 1986.) #248 ($3.00)

LET THERE BE LIGHT, by Alphonse Cerza. Anti-Masonic movements, past and present. #184 ($3.00)

MASONIC FEASTS, BANQUETS AND TABLE LODGES. Historic data and rituals of Table Lodges (Revised 1983.) #145 ($3.00)

MASONIC HISTORY WAS MADE IN CONGRESS HALL, FEBRUARY 16, 1976. Graphic illustrated account of a memorable Bicentennial Meeting of Rising Star Lodge #126 (Philadelphia) in the very room where John Adams was inaugurated as second President of the United States. #252 ($3.00)

MASONIC HOMES, HOSPITALS, AND CHARITY FOUNDATIONS. Describes each Home and Hospital. A special section describes charity and relief programs. Grand Lodges that are without homes or hospitals. (Revised 1988.) #56 ($3.00)

MASONIC LIBRARIES. Information about Masonic Libraries in North America. #287 ($3.00)

MASONIC MEMBERSHIP OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS. 1974 revision of the 1965 publication by Heaton; examines evidence of Masonic membership of 241 Revolutionary patriots. #238 ($5.00)

MASONIC MEMBERSHIP OF THE SIGNERS OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. Published as a reference for the Bicentennial of the Constitution. #270 ($3.00)

MASONIC PARALLELS WITH HISTORY, by Alphonse Cerza. A “Must” for the Masonic student. #258 ($3.00)

MASONIC PHILATELY, by Christopher Leo Murphy. A compilation of famous men of the U.S and Canada who have postage stamps issued in their honor and who were Freemasons. #279 ($3.00)

MASONIC QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY THE COURTS, by Alphonse Cerza. Brief descriptions of judgments in actual cases in which Masonic or Masonic bodies well involved or interested. Of great value to lawyers are Brother Cerza’s references and citations for each case. (Revised 1983.) #251 ($3.00)

MASONIC RENEWAL TASK FORCE REPORTS. Combines the results of two national opinion research studies. Phase I—Attitudes of non-masons towards joining organizations such as Freemasonry. Phase II— Attitudes of Masons toward their fraternity #280 ($4.00)

MASONIC TRIALS AND PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS, by Judge Newell A. Lamb. Discusses general rules of law as related to Masonic jurisprudence. #265 ($3.00)

Page 24 of 31 MASONRY UNDER TWO FLAGS, by Allen Roberts. Brotherly love between enemies in the Civil War. #245 ($3.00)

PROGRAM NOTEBOOK FOR WORSHIPFUL MASTERS.. Answers the question, “What will we do when there is no degree work?” Particularly useful to Wardens preparing for the East. #269 ($3.00)

REGIUS POEM, THE. Freemasonry’s oldest document; some facsimile pages, complete text and commentary. A “must” for every well-informed Freemason. Revised in 1980. #274 ($3.00)

REGISTER OF GRAND LODGES, ACTIVE AND EXTINCT, by George Draffen (Scotland). Handbook of committees on fraternal relations. #250 ($2.50)

SHARED SPIRIT, A. Compiled by Robert Davis and James Tresner. Story of the relationship between Freemasonry and Native Americans in Oklahoma. #289 ($4.00)

TRESTLEBOARD TIDBITS, by Alphonse Cerza. Gems of Masonic information, quotations, and excerpts useful for lodge publications. #261 ($3.00)

TRIED AND PROVEN. A system of Masonic instruction already used successfully in many lodges. #254 ($3.00)

TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION, by Alphonse Cerza. A collection of “believe it or not” items about Masons and Masonry. #243 ($3.00)

VISTAS OF MASONRY IN LANGUAGE, SYMBOLISM, AND HISTORY, by Pease. Introduces readers to the historic significance of Masonic language and links Masonic ritual to the great moral tradition of Western civilization. #242 ($3.00)

WASHINGTON’S HOME AND FRATERNAL LIFE. 20 pages crammed with information. Original 1932 edition written by Carl Claudy; reissued 1982. #259 ($3.00)

WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK CITY, by Dr. Allan Boudreau Chronicles George Washington’s relationship with New York from his first trip there in 1756 until he assumed the Presidency in 1789 Valuable historical information. #277 ($3.00)

WASHINGTON PORTFOLIO. Facts for speakers sample speech, twenty-one pictures of Washington. Materials for celebrating any of Washington’s four birthdays—three Masonic, one natal. #170 ($5.00)

WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? Who? IN FREEMASONRY A small encyclopedia of Freemasonry; a lot of information in a little space. #271 ($3.00)

WHITHER ARE WE TRAVELING? by Dwight L. Smith. A challenge. #235 ($3.00)

WHY THIS CONFUSION IN THE TEMPLE? by Dwight L. Smith. A shock treatment.” #264 ($3.00)

WORSHIPFUL MASTERS WORKBOOK, by Cabell F. Cobbs. A guideline to help the incoming master prepare and plan for his term in the East. #278 ($3.00)

YOUR MASONIC CAPITAL CITY—by Carl H. Claudy, 1950 updated by Elmer Stein, 1988. Masonic association with Washington, D.C. Describes cornerstone layings and other Masonic events occurring in our nation's capital. #276 ($3.00)

NOTE: Historical copies of MSA digests are maintained on file. Photocopies can be provided at $0.20 per page.

Page 25 of 31 POCKET DIGESTS

DICTIONARY, MASONIC. 448 definitions; 101 Masonic words frequently mispronounced. #135 ($3.00)

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MASONIC SYMBOLS. 58 pages cross indexed. #170A ($3.00)

HAT & GAVEL. A guide for Worshipful Masters. #260 ($3.00)

ONE HUNDRED ONE QUESTIONS ‘ABOUT FREEMASONRY. Questions most commonly asked and brief but complete answers. #192 ($3.00)

THINK TANK FOR JUNIOR WARDENS. Designed to stimulate lodge officers preparing for the East #253 ($3.00)

WE, THE PEOPLE. Provides factual information about the application of Masonic principles in writing the U.S. Constitution. #267 ($3.00)

WHAT IS FREEMASONRY? by Robert J. Lewinski. For’ the new or prospective Mason; explains the significance, history, and organization of the Fraternity. Valuable introductory material. #255 ($3.00)

VOCABULARY, MASONIC. Masonry’s unique language set forth and described. #198 ($3.00)

FREE FOR THE ASKING (Please provide postage)

Copies of this publications Catalog, #401

Membership Statistics. #403

Membership Totals (1923 - present) #405

Lodge Room Plays. A descriptive booklet. #406

MSA - How it works. #407

Your Hospital Visitation Program. How the program works and what the Hospital Visitor does. #408

Green Envelopes. Postpaid envelopes for making contributions to the Hospital Visitation Program. #409

What is the MSA. A colorful brochure explaining the activities of the MSA. #411


Computer Lists (updated periodically): LIBRARIES, U.S. Masonic #701 ($1.00) MEDAL OF HONOR, Masons awarded #702 ($1.00) PERIODICALS, U.S. Masonic #703 ($1.00) RESEARCH LODGES, U.S, Masonic #704 ($1.00) ASTRONAUTS #705 ($1.00) MASONS IN CONGRESS #706 ($1.00) COMPOSERS #707 ($1.00) FEDERAL JUDICIARY #708 ($1.00)

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMISSION OF THE MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION. Reports of the educational, informational, and relief services of MSA. #709 ($2.00)

CHURCH BULLETIN COVERS, Masonic. Suitable for special Masonic services and programs: #A100 -- "Behold, how good and how pleasant” #A101 -- "Remember now thy Creator" #A102 --"The Holy Saints John” (Suitable for Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist Days) Per hundred #721 ($10.00) Sample set (one each): #722 Free sample on request

FUNERALS, AN OPEN LETTER CONCERNING. Clarifies the philosophy of Masonic funeral services (designed to inform clergy and funeral directors). Per hundred: #710 ($12.00) Single copy: #711 ($0.50)

LET THERE BE LIGHT. Attractive blue handout briefly lists what Masonry is—and is not. Per hundred: #712 ($10.00) Per hundred (500 or more): #713 ($7.50) Single copy #714 ($0.50)

ON BEING A GRAND REPRESENTATIVE. Per hundred: #715 ($10.50) Single copy: #716 ($0.50)

PAPERCLIPS. Plastic, bearing the inscription “Freemasonry, A Way of Life.” Per hundred: #717 ($7.00

SONG CARDS. Words of US. and Canadian national anthems. Per hundred: #718 ($7.00) Single copy: #719 ($0.40)

STORAGE FILE CARTONS. Each corrugated carton holds five years of Short Talk Bulletins #720 Each $2.50; five (5) for $8.00

Page 27 of 31 AUDIOVISUALS Orders should be received at MSA at least three weeks prior to show-date (an alternative date should be specified at time of ordering; see Order Form). All audiovisuals are color unless black/white is specified. Audiovisuals should be returned within four days after show-date. When ordering audiovisuals, providing a UPS address (i.e. street or rural route address) is essential! UPS deliveries cannot be made to a P.O. Box.


LEGACY OF DeMOLAY. 17 minutes. Produced by Int. Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. Cameo appearances by well-known Senior DeMolays describing how DeMolay influenced their lives. #802

TURNING THE TIDE. 17 minutes. Produced by Northern Supreme Council, AASR. Historical and inspirational. #806

WHEN THE BAND STOPS PLAYING. Describes MSA’s Hospital Visitation Program. 25 minutes. #807

FACE OF LINCOLN. Narrated by Merrill Gage. Mr. Gage narrates the story of Abraham Lincoln while at the same time he sculpts the face of Lincoln as a young man, and then as the war weary president. For all audiences. 22 minutes. #818

MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION OTHERS While this tape was made as a training guide for hospital visitors it is useful to anyone interested in the Hospital Visitation Program. For all audiences. 20 minutes. #819

BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY. 18 min. Color. Traces history of Constitution. #809


LARRY BARNETT ENTERTAINS: American League umpire who visits VA Hospitals across the U.S. Funny stories and just great entertainment. (Occasional “earthy” language) 30 minutes. Rental $12.00; purchase $24.95 . #816

ON SENATE CONFIRMATION OF MEN & MASONS. (With an introduction by Sen. Strom Thurmond). Story of the Senate Confirmation Hearings of Judge David B. Sentelle whose confirmation was delayed because he is a Freemason. Suitable for all audiences. 38 minutes. Rental $12.00. Purchase $24.95 . #817

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MASON. Produced by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Tells the story of Freemasonry using history and personal experiences and mentions several Massachusetts Masonic activities. For all audiences. 15 min. Rental $12.00. Purchase $15.95 . #823B

FRIEND TO FRIEND—FREEMASONRY IN ONTARIO. Produced by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario. A Canadian program based heavily upon the “Friend to Friend” program developed in Pennsylvania. Tells a great story about Freemasonry and how important it is in Ontario Canada and the world. 16 min. All audiences. Rental $12.00; Purchase $19.95 . #825

HISTORY OF THE BLUE LODGE RITUAL. Features Bob Davis, produced by Capstone Productions, Inc. Rental $12.00; Purchase $20.00 plus $5.00 S&H. #828

A TOUR OF THE GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL. Tells about the unique archi- tectural features of the building, some construction scenes from the Memorial’s Library of early photographs, the development of the displays in the Memorial over the years and a tour of the Memorial as a visitor would see it today. 30 mm. (all audiences). Rental $12.00; Purchase $24.50 ($20.00 plus +4.30 S&H). #826

Page 28 of 31 200 HUNDRED YEARS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON’S MASONIC HERITAGE. Produced by Capstone Produc- tions for the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Highlights the dedication of the world’s largest Square and Compasses at the memorial on 6/26/99. Rental $12.00; Purchase $24.50 ($20.00 plus $4.50 S&H). #829

THE HERITAGE OF AMERICAN PATRIOTISM. Produced by the Collingwood Library and Museum on Americanism (National Sojourners). A video that highlights patriotism to our country a section about Freemasonry and the story of the National Sojourners. All audiences. 30 mm. Rental $1.00; Purchase $24.95 ($19.95 plus $5.00 S&H). #827


WELCOME TO THE CRAFT Based on the MSA digest, "Tried and Proven” and designed to inform a candidate on Freemasonry and prepare him in mind and spirit to receive initiation. 37 minutes. $24.95 . 812

MASONIC RENEWAL TASK FORCE: PHASE I. Attitudes of non-Masons toward joining Freemasonry. Videotape of the 1989 Presentation to the Conference of Grand Masters (60 mm). $16.00 #820

MASONIC RENEWAL TASK FORCE: PHASE II. Attitudes of Masons toward their fraternity. Videotape of the 1990 Presentation to the Conference of Grand Masters (60 mm). $16.00 #821

MASONIC RENEWAL TASK FORCE. Videotape of the “Vision Statement” presented to the 1991 Conference of Grand Masters. (60 mm.) $16.00 . #822

SLIDES (Rental fee $10.00)

“Pride of All Freemasons.” Story of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial. Carousel, 45 slides, coordinated tape recording and printed script. Approx. 25 minutes. #823



A Response to Critics of Freemasonry - A brochure responding to several of the alleged points of conflict between Freemasonry and Christian theology. #BR-120 $.10 each (in any quantity) plus shipping

Facts About Freemasonry - Brochure answering many of the most frequently asked questions about the Fraternity. #BR-110 $.10 each (in any quantity) plus shipping

Who are the Masons - An attractive easy to read introduction to Freemasonry. #BR-130 Sold in lots of 50 only plus shipping [email protected]=$13.50 [email protected]=$25.00 [email protected]=$115 1,[email protected]$200


Cornerstones: A Masonic Tradition of Dedication That Makes Sense Today - 16 page booklet discussing why cornerstone laying ceremonies are important today. $.50 each. 40% discount in lots of 50 or more copies, plus shipping #BL205

Get a Life: Thoughts on Freemasonry and Religion - 12 page booklet discussing the relationship between Freemasonry and the religious community. #BL-203 $.60 each 40% discount in lots of 50 more copies, plus shipping

Media Guidelines: 12 page, two color booklet designed to assist preparing submissions to the print media; guidelines for approaching the electronic media; and how to develop a lodge website. $.50 each 40% discount in lots of 50 or more, plus shipping #BL204

There is No Sin in Symbols - 16 page booklet showing pictures and explanations of symbols used in everyday life and symbols used by Masons and Masonic-related organizations with explanations about their origin and meaning. #BL-201 $.50 each 40% discount in lots of 50 or more copies, plus shipping

What's a Mason? 16 page booklet describing the Masonic Fraternity and its purposes. Explains what happens in Lodge meetings and answers many frequently asked questions about the Fraternity. #BL-202 $.50 each 40% discount in lots of 50 or more copies, plus shipping


Is it True What they Say about Freemasonry? by Art deHoyos and S. Brent Morris (forward and addendum by Jim Tresner). A response to some of the more virulent anti-Masons, this book takes on several of Masonry's critics and refutes their charges. For example, Albert Pike and the "Luciferian" doctrine; James Dayton Shaw's "expose" of Freemasonry; Ron Carlson's lectures on the "Evils of Freemasonry" - are all discussed and refuted on a point-by-point basis. The 1997 Second Edition is updated with 100 pages of new material added. #BK-510 $7.50 quantity purchase (50 or more) 40% discount, plus shipping


Facts and Fiction About Freemasonry: A seventeen minute audio tape discussing important issues to Freemasons, such as religion, Masonic symbols and anti-Masonry. Specify audiocassette or CD format. $6.00 plus S/H CD 101

So You Want to Know More About Freemasonry: A seventeen minute brief, interesting and informative overview of the purpose and history of Freemasonry. Specify audiocassette or CD format. $6.00 plus S/H #CD102


AD SLICKS - Customize your own Masonic Public Awareness Program. Select from six effective black and white Masonic Awareness ads. Also includes CD with digital files. $6.50 plus S/H #AS1


Masonic Conversation Series (Produced by Capstone Productions, Inc.)

Steven Trachtenberg, President of George Washington University in Washington, D.C. who speaks about Freemasonry during the Enlightenment. VR 701

James Rees, director of Historic Mount Vernon and Donald M. Robey, PGM, Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association describe their efforts to jointly publicize the history of George Washington. VR 702

Dr. William Fox gives a summary of his new book, “The Lodge of the Double-Headed Eagle”, a history of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction. VR 703

Kevin M. Tuck, Director of the Institute for Masonic Studies at the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A. M. describes Masonic symbols and their Masonic meaning. VR 704

Richard E. Fletcher, PGM discusses the work of the Masonic Service Association of North America and the Masonic Information Center. VR 705

Colonel George Harrington, President of the National Sojourners, Inc. explains the Sojourners, their Collingwood headquarters, and the Heros of ‘76. VR 706

Wallace E. McLeod, Executive Secretary, The Philalethes Society, discusses the “Origins of Freemasonry.” VR 707

Dr. S. Brent Morris, author and historian, tells viewers how to start a Masonic library. VR 708

Dr. Rex R. Hutchens, Ph.D., author and historian, explains the Knights Templar. VR 709

Pete Normand, Editor of the “The Plumbline” of the Scottish Rite Research Society explains how a “new” kind of Masonic Lodge attracts and keeps members. VR 710

All videos $20.00 plus $5.00 S&H. No S&H on orders of three or more videos)

Page 31 of 31

Recommended publications