Bovingdon Parish Council s2

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Bovingdon Parish Council s2

Bovingdon Parish Council

Minutes of the Planning Committee held at The Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon on 9 May 2016 starting at 6.00 p.m.

Present: Councillor Graham Barrett (Chairman) Councillor Richard Briden Councillor Alison Gunn Councillor Pauline Wright

Also present: Councillor Dave Stent Dacorum Borough Councillor Stewart Riddick Mike Kember, Parish Clerk

Representatives from the Village: Richard Farris and applicant for Item 5.5 Five villagers

1. Apologies for absence There were apologies for absence received from Councillors Julia Marshall and Ben Richardson.

2. Declaration of Interests linked to any of the items There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 20 April 2016 It was agreed by those present at the meeting, that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2016 were a true representation of that meeting and were signed by Councillor Barrett.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 20 April 2016 There were no matters arising.

5. To consider the Parish Council's response to the following Planning Applications ‘ The Committee considered forms and drawings for applications relating to the parish of Bovingdon which had been received from Dacorum Borough Council up to the date of the meeting and it was RESOLVED that Dacorum Borough Council is informed of the Council’s comments and observations, if any, as follows. The Council also trusts that due regard will be taken of any objection which may be received from neighbours in the vicinity.’ 5.1 4/00816/16/FUL - Land at Upper Bourne End Lane opposite driving range, Bourne End Lane - Change of use of building and land to mixed use: dog daycare and agricultural; construction of hardstanding; erection of moveable fencing to create a maximum of four internal paddocks at any one time; & provision of shelter

Minutes of the Bovingdon Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting held on 9 May 2016 Page 1 of 4 Created on 11/05/2016 within each paddock Object for the following reasons:– 1. The approval granted in 2014 was for a Dog Daycare Centre. The conditions attached to this stated that, in order to maintain the openness of the green Belt, no more than two vehicles should be on the site at any one time (Condition 4) and that there should be no additional hard standing (Condition 5). This proposal seeks to significantly increase the amount of hardstanding provided. This appears to be justified by the statement 'One of the main issues we experience on site is the parking of vehicles...... [the hardstanding] is too small to park all of our vehicles. ....Vehicles parked throughout the site currently provide the largest impact on visual amenity.' (Planning Statement section 6). This appears to be an attempt to legitimise contraventions of the original approval conditions.

2. The original approval also granted permission to use the existing barn as a facility for sheltering dogs as part of the Dog Care Centre. The current proposal is to return the use of the barn to agricultural use and provide four additional substantial structures as dog shelters. These would be prominent in the landscape and inevitably impact on the openness of the Green Belt. These new structures are almost three times larger than the footprint of the existing mobile shelter. No special circumstances have been given to outweigh the damage to the openness of the Green Belt, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework.

3. The Dog Care business is unrelated to agriculture. We understand that the applicant has told a local resident that there are now 85 dogs brought daily to the site. This is a large increase on the numbers originally discussed. Needless to say, this number of dogs causes a lot of noise (barking), which is disconcerting to people living nearby and to people using the nearby leisure facilities at Little Hay Golf Complex or just enjoying a walk in the countryside.

5.2 4/00986/16/FHA - 9 Green View Close - First floor side and rear extensions Support application.

5.3 4/01011/16/FUL - 1 Bovingdon Green - Conversion and extension of existing house to create three units, one two bedroom and two three bedroom units including parking areas and bin storage Object – inadequate provision of parking spaces for three properties.

5.4 4/01017/16/FHA - 19 Claverton Close - Single storey front extension Support application.

5.5 4/00350/16/ROC - Falaise, 34 Chesham Road - Variation of Condition 2 (Schedule of Materials ) and 16 (Approved Plans and Topographical Survey) attached to Panning Permission 4/00106/11/FUL (New detached dwelling, relocation of existing first floor window at no. 34, new access to Hyde Lane, planting including the replanting of existing cherry tree and revised roof design) – to review comments at request of Planning Officer Agreed to amend our comments to ‘No comment’. 6. Planning Applications received at Dacorum Borough Council but not yet received in Parish:- 6.1 4/00457/16/HPA - 12 Ryder Close – Single storey rear extension measuring 4m deep with a maximum height of 4m and a maximum eaves height of 3m

6.2 4/00458/16/HPA - Clematis Cottage, Howard Agne Close - Single- storey rear extension measuring 3.7m deep with a maximum height of 3.8m and a maximum eaves height of 2.4m

6.3 4/01136/16/FHA – 25 St Lawrence Close – Single storey rear extension (amended scheme)

6.4 4/01129/16/FHA – Ivy Cottage, Water Lane – Garden building

7. To note the outcome of planning applications considered by Dacorum Borough Council:- 7.1 4/03680/15/LDP - Don's Wood, Flaunden Lane - Rear and side extensions – GRANT (BPC - Object)

7.2 4/00143/16/FHA - 57 Hyde Meadows - Front porch. Rear two storey extension – GRANT (BPC – Object)

7.3 4/00372/16/ROC - Annexe at, Little Martins, Bury Rise - Removal of Condition 1 (Ancillary use) attached to Planning Permission 4/03614/15/ROC (Variation of Condition 3 (Approved plans) attached to Planning Permission 4/02151/13/FHA (Construction of new garage) – REFUSE (BPC - Object)

7.4 4/03698/15/MFA - Hardings Garage, Hempstead Road - Construction of 34 units of retirement living apartments for the elderly with associated communal facilities, parking and landscaping – GRANT (BPC – Support)

7.5 4/00442/16/FUL - Beechcroft, Shantock Hall Lane - Demolition of existing outbuilding, extension to and conversion of existing agricultural barn to comprise new Gospel Hall (use Class D1) together with creation of new access and driveway, boundary fencing and gates, bin store and use of existing hardstanding for car parking – GRANT (BPC – Support)

7.6 4/00799/16/TKR - BT Telephone Kiosk, Hyde Lane - Removal of telephone kiosk - Raise No Objection

7.7 4/00508/16/FPA - Land at Bovingdon Airfield, Chesham Road - Prior notification of temporary use of land for film-making purposes under Class E, Part 4, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 – Prior approval not required (BPC – No comment)

7.8 4/00509/16/FPA - Land at Bovingdon Airfield, Chesham Road - Prior notification of temporary use of land for film-making purposes under Class E, Part 4, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 – Prior approval not required (BPC – No comment)

Minutes of the Bovingdon Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting held on 9 May 2016 Page 3 of 4 Created on 11/05/2016 7.9 4/00649/16/FPA - Land at Bovingdon Airfield, Chesham Road - Prior notification of temporary use of land for film-making purposes under Class E, Part 4, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 – Prior approval not required (BPC – No comment)

7.10 4/00696/16/HPA - 18 Hyde Meadows - Single storey rear extension measuring 4m deep with a maximum height of 3.8m and a maximum eaves height of 2.3m – Prior approval not required

8. To note dates for Appeals / Forthcoming Inquiries / Forthcoming Hearings – all previously reported to the Planning Committee: 8.1 Appeals Lodged: 8.1.1 4/03614/15/ROC - Little Martins Annex, Bury Rise - Variation of Condition 3 (Approved Plans) attached to Planning Permission 4/02151/13/FHA (Construction of new garage) – APP/A1910/W/16/3146138

8.2 Appeals Dismissed: None

8.3 Appeals Allowed: None

9. Forthcoming Inquiries None notified

10. Any other business None

11. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 1 June 2016 at 6.30 p.m. in The Memorial Hall, High All to note Street, Bovingdon

Meeting closed at 6.58 p.m.

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