The Loch Lomond Association

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The Loch Lomond Association



Held Wednesday 4th April 2007 In the Vale of Leven an District Angling Club

Jim McNiven, Chairman of the Association presided.

Welcome His Grace the Duke of Montrose, Honorary President, opened the meeting and welcomed those present.

His Grace remarked on the extreme winter weather and its devastating effect around the loch and of the problems being experienced by those on the east side of the loch. He also commented on last year’s Annual General Meeting and was glad to see that the problems with the Constitution were being addressed by committee.

Minutes of the 27th Annual General Meeting Held 5 April 2006 Proposed by Kevin Lilburn and seconded by Jim Macdonald.

Matters Arising from the Minute There was none. There was a request from the floor that the minutes be circulated to the membership prior to the meeting and it was noted that this could be done via the web site.

Chairman’s Report The Chairman thanked His Grace for his opening remarks.

His report started by thanking all of the committee for their support and assistance during the last twelve months, especially Jim Macdonald for standing by his offer to assist wherever he could and for ensuring the Newsletter went out prior to this meeting. Martha Hart was also thanked for her help and past experience of procedure which proved invaluable.

He referred back to last year’s AGM when contrary and controversial views were aired and members of Fairplay were elected onto committee. He described early meetings as being tense but with time it emerged that the views of all committee, concerning Loch Lomond, were broadly the same with the exception of one point, the upper speed limit. He added that once the committee had settled they were able to address issues with balanced and quality debates.

He spoke of two commitments given by the Chairman at the last AGM. One was to examine, and amend where necessary, the Association’s Constitution. He said four committee members have been working together on this and emphasised the importance in them taking the time to ensure they got it right for acceptance by committee before presenting it to our members. Secondly, a commitment was given to canvas members regarding speed limits. This will be done in tandem with other points and questions which the committee consider relevant. It was noted that this will also take time but, again, he stressed the importance of getting the questions right.

1 He advised that Lawrie Lilburn had intimated his intention to retire as the TROLLS representative on the LLA committee and that Kevin Lilburn would now take up this role. He paid tribute to Lawrie’s attendance at meetings over some 27 years and for all his input to the work of the committee.

He further advised that, due to personal circumstances, he found himself in the position of having to offer his resignation as Chairman and took the opportunity of wishing whoever his successor be the best of luck and hoped the committee would keep up their good work in representing all of its members.

Treasurer’s Report Gordon Bryce went over the balance sheet that was circulated to those present showing the current bank balance as £4,378.15. He explained items of expenditure already paid and still to be paid. Adoption of the balance sheet was proposed by George Malloch and seconded by Victor Forrester.

Membership Secretary’s Report Martha Hart advised that the membership for 2006 had been transferred to a new database and it was noted that many members lapse with new ones taking up membership and she hoped to have a clearer picture of the membership next year.

Election /Re-election of Committee Members The following committee members are due to retire/stand for re-election.

Gordon Bryce : Individual Member John Sweeney : Commercial Boat Operator Roger Hatcher : Pike Anglers of Great Britain Lawrie Lilburn : Riparian Owners Robert Findlay : Individual Member Dougie Lambie : Water Skiing Kevin Lilburn : Individual

It was noted that Roger Hatcher (Pike Anglers of Great Britain) and Dougie Lambie (Water Skiing) are unwilling to stand for re-election. As noted earlier, Lawrie Lilburn has resigned as TROLLs representative. Kevin Lilburn has been proposed and seconded by TROLLs as their new representative.

As there was no opposition to the others, they were duly re-elected.

Open Forum Before the Chairman invited comments from the floor, Kevin proposed a vote of thanks in recognition of his work during the last year in steering the Association through stormy waters with diplomacy and calm.

The Chairman acknowledged the vote with thanks and continued by inviting comments for the open forum.

Loch Levels - Lawrie Lilburn gave an update on this subject advising of a meeting between TROLLs and the Water Board where they had asked if an adjustment could be made to alleviate flooding problems in the future. The Water Board engineers had

2 acknowledged that this would not be out of the question. It was noted that flood prevention is being catered for in the Dumbarton area at a cost of millions.

However, it was noted that the proposed canal project could not be used as an overflow from Loch Lomond.

Proposed Canal Project - Jim McNiven advised that from meetings held with the Angling Club it had emerged “the sky’s the limit” regarding funding for this project. The proposal is to build a canal from Dumbarton to Balloch to run adjacent to the river but not encroaching on it in any way. Boat lifts will be erected to carry boats across the river as the canal moved from one bank to the other. The plan is also that it will run in tandem with a flood prevention barrier to be built at Dumbarton.

Bill Porter queried the sanity of such a project that can’t be used by boats with fly bridges. Jim Macdonald said it had not been stated that air height would be a problem. Kevin Lilburn said that from a meeting of the riparian owners a figure in the millions was noted as being set for this project. It was also noted that the Scottish Executive are looking for 1,000 visiting boats to the loch per year which is at odds with the Bye Law restriction on boat numbers. Concern was raised at the possible problem of disease being introduced through incoming boats travelling from greater distances.

Bill Dalrymple advised that no one from British Waterways had met with anyone from the Park Authority for about a year and environmental impact was one consideration of many to be addressed.

It was noted that the Weir will still be in situ with sailing in the canal being adjacent. A boat lift will be located at the barrage.

Bill Porter queried where the feed will come from for this proposed canal, bearing in mind the Crinan Canal has to close when the levels drop. Lawrie Lilburn said it is intended to take 7/10 years for it to reach fruition but in reality it is more likely to take 15 years. His Grace said the loch will need to be increased by 6 inches to keep the canal fed.

Robert Findlay said he believed that unlike other canal systems, this one is being built from scratch, adding that the proposers of this project appear to be pushed to give valid reasons for this exercise and queried who could be responsible for putting a stop to it.

Iain Mcvoy, Loch Lomond Sailing Club, spoke of the damage that affected many people over the winter and asked if anything had been addressed to the relevant waterways. Lawrie Lilburn advised of the workings of the Erosion Study Group, concluding that SEPA have agreed that the barrage will be automated, when funding allows.

Questions were asked regarding the spillway from Loch Sloy. It was stated that the residents had never witnessed it running full and it was said that the gates had been fully closed.

3 Lawrie Lilburn advised SEPA are now responsible for Loch Sloy, assisted by four measuring stations.

State of the Environment – Campbell Cowan highlighted the general state of the environment, especially the east shore and asked what more could be done to ensure that litter is managed. He spoke of Millarochy Bay and Inchcailloch, where there are current schemes to manage litter and queried why this cannot be done elsewhere. He would like to see the Association applying pressure to those responsible for litter management.

Bill Dalrymple of the National Park replied explaining that the management framework of the Park Plan is now in place to manage this as an enabler and facilitator, and they have to work in partnership with groups and this takes time to set up. He further advised that funding makes it difficult for the Park to do this alone. Kevin Lilburn said the LLA are currently taking this point further and gave the problems experienced to date with other agencies such as local council, police etc.

Jim Macdonald agreed with Kevin but said, in spite of the Park’s efforts, the main fault lies with other bodies, especially the police. He gave his experiences including situations where he had been threatened. Carol D’Arcy confirmed that the LLA is dealing with this at committee level.

She went on to question Bill Dalrymple on the 18 acre sight at Lomond Shores earmarked for expansion saying she took exception to the way Balloch residents had been interpreted as having accepted this plan. He advised that they are still waiting for a planning application from Scottish Enterprise Dumbarton but confirmed that this area had always been identified for expansion.

Slaying of Wallabies on Inconnachon - Graeme Archibald, Senior Park Ranger, confirmed that the deaths on this island, owned by Luss Estates, had been drawn to their attention. Lawrie Lilburn advised that, in the past, a cull had been carried out due to overpopulation and to avoid starvation. However, Graeme advised that had there been a cull the carcases would have been removed.

Park Authority New Boat – Ernie East asked the Park Authority when they expect to take delivery of their new boat and Graeme Archibald advised this has been done and it is sitting at Luss and will be named Brigadier Pearson II.

Sequence of Lights at Entrance to the Leven - John Sweeney advised Graeme of problems experienced with the timing of these light sequences and asked if reflective stickers could be attached. Graeme agreed this could be done, adding that application for planning consent is currently with the planning department for new buoys which will have lights and reflective stickers to assist navigation. It was noted that the Leven buoys have been re-weighted to ensure they maintain their positions.

Willie Dow asked if all buoys could have reflective facilities but Bill Porter pointed out this would encourage “numpties” to go out in the dark that already have problems going out in daylight.

Jim McNiven drew the meeting to a close and thanked everyone for their attendance especially our Honorary President, His Grace the Duke of Montrose.


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