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Morrison Academy



Rev 8/10/17 Boarding Division Personnel

Director of Boarding - Julie Heinsman Dorm Parents Brian & Dee Falk Terry & Sharon McGill Steve & Penny Stacey

Introduction The dorms can become a caring Christian community and a great place to live to the extent that the students, parents, and dorm parents are all willing to respect and cooperate with each other. A dorm, just like any other community, has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. It is never easy to live with a large number of people. The rules and lack of privacy may become difficult, but it can become one of the most meaningful experiences in one's life. Most boarding students find that living in a dorm provides more fun and freedom than they expected.

Philosophy Morrison Academy operates a Boarding Division consistent with its primary purpose of providing educational options for the children of missionaries. Children of non-missionaries may be admitted under guidelines established by the Board of Trustees. The Boarding Division operates within the framework of the policies and rules of Morrison Academy. The Boarding Division recognizes the need for continuing parental responsibility and involvement in the care and training of students who reside in the dormitory. The values, teachings and beliefs of the parents are supported within the parameters of Morrison Academy's Statement of Faith. The Boarding Division strives to create a comfortable, homelike, Christian environment by providing positive, loving care such as would be found in a Christ-centered home. Boarding Division Personnel exercise flexibility and understanding in the individual care of each boarding student within the context of the group living environment. Open communication, mutual respect and trustworthiness are fundamental to the effective operation of the Boarding Division.


The Boarding Division seeks to provide a comfortable, homelike residence while providing care and training for each student in the following areas.

1. Spiritual: Provide an environment conducive to individual Christian growth and to assist the student in integrating Christian faith into all areas of life. 2. Physical: Provide nutritious meals and promote a healthy lifestyle. 3. Emotional: Assist the student in growth of self-esteem, personal responsibility and self- discipline. 4. Social: Promote growth in personal relationships, respect for authority, and sensitivity to the rights of others. 5. Educational: Promote good study habits and provide an environment conducive to study. 6. Cultural: Promote understanding, appreciation, and respect for the Chinese culture as well as other nationalities and cultures represented in the school and dorms. Boarding Program Guiding Values Our guidelines and expectations for boarding are built upon a foundation of values that guide our lives and work. Our prayer is that students will not merely comply with the rules or simply follow the "letter of the law" but that they will see the value in establishing principles to be followed in life for the wellbeing of themselves and others. The values below are explained and referenced through the Dorm Handbook.

1. Moral Character/Integrity/Spiritual Growth- We desire that each of our students will grow in their understanding of God's character and His love for them. To that end, we spend time in devotions and prayer as a dorm community. Most importantly, in everyday conversations and interactions, we seek to give Biblical guidance and counsel. We realize not all students share our Christian faith but believe that we can still encourage the values of moral character and integrity in each student's life. 2. Respect for Self and Others- Our goal is to help students see their personal worth and value as well as that of others. We work to encourage them to grow in their understanding of how their attitudes and actions impact others in the community. 3. Personal Responsibility- Students are encouraged to consider and accept the consequences for their actions. There is also an expectation that there is respect given for personal property and property of the school and dorm. 4. Healthy Relationships- The dorms are a great place to learn skills that are helpful in building healthy relationships with peers of both sexes as well as with adults. We encourage students to develop consideration, love, and forgiveness in these relationships. Living in the dorm can also provide opportunities for students to learn healthy ways to manage conflict and work toward resolution. 5. Communication- Good communication is essential throughout one's life. Students are encouraged to maintain open, honest, and respectful communication with roommate, fellow dorm students, and dorm staff. 6. Realizing and Developing one's Inherent Potential- Our desire is that students will seek to do all things in a manner that pleases God and we seek to help students realize and use the gifts and talents given to them by God in all areas of life: academics, social life, extracurricular activities, etc. 7. Positive Attitude- Each student's overall experience is impacted by the attitude they choose to take. Gratefulness, looking out for the needs of others, and a willingness to work with others in unity are qualities we strive toward. 8. Sense of Community- Living in the dorms is a great opportunity to learn how to be considerate and respectful of others and learn to live in community with others. A sense of community is developed naturally through day-to-day interactions within the dorm. We also work to develop it further through dorm time, which consists of group devotions, chores, meetings, activities, and parties. Through these activities, relationships are strengthened and fond memories are made. Our purpose is to convey the vision that we are not simply providing room and board, but a mutually supportive based community (family model). We operate with the expectation that students will be an active part of their community. 9. Personal Health and Safety- Steps are taken to ensure students learn to make wise choices that positively impact their health and safety as well as those around them. 10. Life Skills- As parents would teach in their home, we seek to model and teach life skills. Some such skills include time management, conflict resolution, money management, basic cleaning and laundry, and the maintenance of balance in the different areas of life (academic, extracurricular, social, and personal). Responsibilities The Director of Boarding The Director of Boarding Services is responsible for the administration of the dorms just as a principal is responsible for an academic program. The supervisor oversees dorm parents, and deals with the more serious discipline issues, and is accountable to the Superintendent.

Dorm Parents Dorm parents try to provide each boarding student in their dorm with the same kind of care, training and discipline that would be found in a wholesome Christian home. They have the authority and responsibility to manage their dorm. This includes implementing and interpreting the regulations in this handbook. Whenever parents cannot be reached, Dorm Parents (or the Director of Boarding) are authorized to make decisions regarding the student's emergency medical treatment. Dorm parents are to inform parents of any significant medical or discipline problems their child may have while he/she is under the dorm's jurisdiction.

Students Boarding students are responsible for complying with this Dorm Student Handbook and other daily schedule guidelines set forth by the dorm parents. Willful disobedience, open defiance of authority, or conduct unbecoming to Christian standards of behavior are serious offences and are sufficient causes for disciplinary action.

Parents If parents plan to be away from home and unable to be contacted, they are responsible for notifying their respective dorm parent with information of how they can be reached in an emergency. Parents of boarding students are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication with their teenager(s) in the dorm and with Boarding Division Personnel. They are encouraged to visit the dorm whenever possible. The rules and autonomy of the dorms need to be upheld by parents who are visiting. Dorm rooms are not available to parents for overnight lodging. Two guest rooms are available for this purpose.

Guardians By placing their child into a Morrison dorm, parents are giving Boarding Division Personnel the right to make emergency decisions for their child when the parents cannot be reached in a timely manner. Parents of all off-island students are additionally required to designate an adult who is living in Taiwan to be responsible for the student when the dorm is closed and the student remains in Taiwan. The guardian must have a good command of English, and will make crucial parental decisions regarding the student when the off-island parents cannot be contacted. If the legal guardian leaves the island they should contact the dorm parents.

Boarding Advisory Committee This committee is composed of the Director of Boarding Services, four parents and one Morrison Board member (preferably at least one missionary father, one missionary mother, and one Christian, non-missionary parent of current boarding students). Its primary purpose is to make recommendations to the Director of Boarding Services regarding Boarding Division matters. From time to time, the Committee may discuss sensitive issues. All such discussions will be kept in confidence. The Boarding Advisory Committee does not discuss matters relating to individual personnel. Parents are encouraged to communicate their suggestions to the members of the Boarding Advisory Committee Members for this school year are: Name Phone Email Bev McCrary [email protected] Kathy Lin 0910777214 [email protected]

Stephen Noble 0912270401 [email protected]


Monday through Thursday 7:00 - 7:45 Breakfast 8:00 School begins 12:10 Lunch 3:15 Free Time 5:45 Dinner 7:00 Study Time 9:00 Dorm Time 10:30 Lights out for Freshmen and Sophomores 11:00 Lights out for Juniors and Seniors

Fridays 7:00 -7:45 Breakfast 8:00 School begins 12:10 Lunch 3:15 Free Time 5:45 Dinner 10:30 Freshmen and Sophomore curfew 11:30 Junior and Senior curfew *Lights out at Dorm Parent Discretion

Saturdays Optional Breakfast in each dorm 12:15-12:45 Lunch 5:45 Dinner 10:30 Freshmen and Sophomore curfew 11:30 Juniors and Seniors curfew 11:30 Lights out for Freshmen and Sophomores 12:00 Lights out for Juniors and Seniors

Sundays Optional Breakfast in each dorm Time Varies Church 12:15-12:45 Dinner 5:45 Supper 9:30 Curfew for all high school students 10:30 Lights out for Freshmen and Sophomores 11:00 Lights out for Juniors and Seniors *Dorm parents may occasionally grant permission for exceptions to this schedule. Glossary of Schedule Terminology

Free Time: Boarding students are free to choose their own on-campus activities. Many extracurricular activities such as sports, drama and music are scheduled during this time.

Study Time: Students are required to be in their own dorms unless they receive permission to study elsewhere. The dorms should be quiet to allow others the privilege of studying or relaxing. Permission to study in another dorm must be cleared with the dorm parents of both dorms. (6,10)

Dorm Time: This time is for dorm activities, finishing homework, devotions, meetings, chores, socializing, etc. Students must receive dorm parent permission to leave the dorm. (1,4,8)

Curfew: Boarding students must return to their dorm by this time. When a school sponsored activity exceeds curfew hours students are expected to return to the dorm within fifteen minutes of the end.

Lights Out: This is the time boarding students should be in bed for the night, with their lights out. There are occasions when a student is unable to finish an assignment before lights out. If it is noted that the student has spent their free time and study time appropriately, late lights may be granted by dorm parents. Special permission from dorm parents is needed to leave the dorm between lights out and 6:00 A.M.

Breakfast and Lunch: These meals are served cafeteria style, so boarding students may arrive anytime during the designated time period. The doors will be closed at the ending time.

Dinner: (Monday through Thursday evening in individual dorms. Weekends in the cafeteria) Weekend dinners are served cafeteria style.


Appearance Standards A boarding student's personal appearance is to be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate to Morrison's standards. No underwear should be visible. For female students, spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, very short skirts, or very short shorts are not appropriate outside of their own halls. In the cafeteria, all students for safety reasons must wear shoes or flip flops.

Students are required to dress appropriately for Sunday church services. School dress code should be followed. (2) Dorm parents reserve the right to make the final decision on what is acceptable dress. Attire should meet school dress code on issues of length and modesty while at school events.

Room A boarding student's room should always be kept in such condition that they would not cause embarrassment to the student, the dorm parents, or a visitor. The dorm parent of each dorm will determine the procedures regarding regular room checks. Students are furnished with cleaning materials and are required to sweep, mop and clean their rooms and bathrooms. (9,10) Standards of Conduct (Policy #6440) Morrison Academy is committed to the Word of God and its authority regarding all matters of Christian faith and living. The school promotes Biblical standards of Christian conduct, including a loving and respectful attitude toward God and others, honesty, respect for other's property, and high moral standards. The Boarding Division reserves the right to determine the standards of conduct within which the boarding students are expected to live while they are under its jurisdiction (See Policy #6400 DORM JURIDICTION). The following activities are prohibited:  Profanity  Provocative sexual behavior  Premarital sex  Promotion of or involvement in homosexual activities  Possession or use of pornographic materials  Promotion of or involvement in the occult  Promotion or use of excessive violence  Possession, use, or promotion of unauthorized controlled substances, illegal drugs, tobacco products, or alcoholic beverages.

Involvement in any of these activities while under dorm jurisdiction (See Policy #6400 DORM JURISDICTION) may result in dorm discipline. Involvement in any of these activities while not under dorm jurisdiction may result in dorm probation (see Policy #6450 DISCIPLINE)

Sending or forwarding messages, photos, or images that violate this code of conduct via cell phone, computer, or other digital devices is also prohibited.

While under the jurisdiction of the Boarding Division, dorm parents will make decisions regarding attending dances with consideration to venue and supervision. (1,2)

Harassment and Abuse

Morrison's Boarding Division is committed to protecting all children and adults within the Morrison Academy community from abuse experienced at home or within the school's jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of all employees, adult volunteers and students to report any suspected abusive behaviors (as defined below) to a Morrison Academy administrator. (3,9)

Campus Administrator Email Phone Boarding Julie Heinsman [email protected] (04)2297-3927 ext 108 High School Doug Bradburn [email protected] (04)2292-1171 ext 500 K-8 School Seppie Myburgh [email protected] (04)2292-1171 ext 300

Harassment: The definition for harassment can be found in Policy #1650.

Child Abuse: Child abuse is a general term to describe inappropriate, immoral and/or unethical behavior by a person toward a child where there is a difference in power based on age, or physical, intellectual or emotional capacity. Child abuse is recognized under four categories: Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Neglect (as defined below). Child abuse can be perpetrated with or without the consent of the victim. It can occur in a one-on-one encounter or in a group setting.

Definitions for neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can be found in Policy #1651.

System of Advocacy Morrison Academy has appointed the following people to act as confidants to receive complaints from individuals who believe that their harassment or child abuse report was not addressed. These confidants do not have formal responsibilities at Morrison Academy and will report complaints to the Superintendent, who will investigate.

Campus Confidant Email Phone Kaohsiung Len Liu [email protected] 0970505232 Taichung Steven Chiang [email protected] 0988247478 Taipei Tim Yates [email protected] 02-2930-3975 (H) 0912578984

 For more information please refer to policies 1650, 1651, 3131, 5460, and 5705

Dating Boarding students are expected to display wholesomeness and moral purity in their dating relationships. Parents are encouraged to clarify their dating standards with their teenager(s) and the dorm parents. (1,4) While under the jurisdiction of the Boarding Division, students may date only Morrison system students without parental permission. Unless parents have signed a permission slip, ninth graders are only allowed to date in groups of three or more people. Middle School students are not allowed to date. (9) Students within a boarding home are not allowed to be a couple. Three Indicators of a “couple”: 1. Consistent physical contact- sitting close, tickling, pushing or wrestling. 2. Persistent exclusive time together- doing a variety of activities primarily as a pair rather than in a group. 3. Regular intimacy- one-on-one conversations on an intimate level or whispers. If a relationship develops that gives the appearance of being a couple, the dorm parents will talk with them to try to help them set up some boundaries that are acceptable. After a short time, if the couple cannot live within the given boundaries they will be notified that one of them will need to move to a different dorm. (8)

Discipline Various privileges and consequences are employed to help boarding students integrate Christian principles into their lives. Some consequences involve the loss of certain privileges such as going downtown, attending parties, or going outdoors. More serious rule violations may earn the consequences of probation, suspension or revocation of dorm residency. All violations of board policy will be considered serious and the Director of Boarding will always be consulted concerning discipline of such violations. Parents or boarding students who disagree with a dorm parent's decision may contact the Director of Boarding. If the disagreement is not resolved then a conference with the superintendent may be requested. (1,3,8)

Entertainment Standards Respect for others and Christian standards are to be upheld in the selection of entertainment while students are under dorm jurisdiction. Dorm parents will determine the appropriateness of entertainment for the dorm family. To encourage involvement in constructive activities after school and on weekends, dorm parents may limit the use of the TV, videos, video games and computer games. (1) Students are responsible to watch age appropriate shows while on the internet. Care should be taken to avoid shows that contain excessive violence, promotion of evil or demonic themes, sexually inappropriate behavior, nudity, or excessive swearing. Dorm parents and parents are encouraged to be actively involved in discussions with students concerning their entertainment choices. No videos, DVDs or movies whose USA rating is "R" or worse are to be viewed while under dorm jurisdiction. Computer games with a USA "M" rating or above, are also not to be used while under the dorm's jurisdiction (see Computer and Cell Phones). Dorm parents may restrict other entertainment whose rating is lower than R or M as needed. (2) Boarding students may go to movie theaters and video entertainment centers if their parents have granted permission on the dorm application. Students must obtain permission from their dorm parents for movie choices or other entertainment selections. Attendance at MTV/KTV (places allowing students to entertain themselves in private rooms) is limited to groups of four or more.

Grievance A grievance exists if a student, parent, or employee feels that he/she has been wronged, by being subjected to any unjust act, policy, or procedure. The grievance can exist against the action of an employee, a student, the Board of Trustees, or any organization or committee of the school. If this occurs, students should proceed to act in accordance to Procedure 502. Any staff member can help the student to find Procedure 502 in the procedure manual on the web. (4,10)

Church on Sunday Students will be expected to attend an approved church every Sunday they are under dorm jurisdiction unless receiving an exception from the dorm parent. (1)

Holidays and Weekends at Home Boarding students or their parents must assume responsibility for getting ticket(s) home. Students may not leave to go home for weekends and holidays before the end of their last class unless their parents have first cleared it with the appropriate principal. Parents have the responsibility of getting their students excused by the school principal and informing the dorm parents. (3,5,10) On weekends when the dorm is closed, boarding students are to leave the dorms by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of full classes, or by 1:00 p.m. on the last day when classes end at noon. If a student is planning to go to some place other than home, the parents or guardians should notify dorm parents. Students may return to the dorms after 4:00 p.m. the day before classes resume. Sunday night curfew will be observed on those days. If students are to arrive after curfew, the student or parents should notify the dorm parents. Boarding students are under the Boarding Division's jurisdiction (under dorm guidelines) from the time they arrive at Morrison until they leave campus to be with their parents, or until they leave campus for an overnight stay authorized by their parents.

Meals When boarding students are planning to be absent, they should notify the dorm parent in charge of meals. This should be done at least one meal in advance out of courtesy to the cooks. There is no refund if meals are missed. (3,5) Breakfast is an important meal. Therefore, if parents are willing to allow their children to miss breakfast, a letter stating this must be given to the dorm parent. There is no reduction in food costs for this. (9)

Money It is recommended that boarding students keep no more than NT$1000 in their rooms. Dorm parents are not responsible to loan money to dorm students. Parents are also encouraged to open a postal account for their child(ren). Students may withdraw money at the ATM machine located near the main gate of the school. This reduces the need for students to carry around large amounts of money. Parents are encouraged to keep NT$1,000 on deposit in the postal account for small emergencies. Off Island students can open an account with the school cashier. (3,5)

Motorcycles, Motorbikes, or Cars Motorcycles, motorbikes, electric scooters, or cars are not to be driven by boarding students while under the dorm's jurisdiction.

A boarding student may ride on the back of a motorcycle if:

 their parents have granted permission on the dorm application;  they wear a helmet;  the driver is a responsible adult (a college graduate) who has the appropriate Taiwan driver's license and proper insurance.

A boarding student may ride in a car if:

 the driver is a responsible adult (a college graduate) who has the appropriate Taiwan driver's license and proper insurance. (3,9)

On- and Off-campus Boundaries Some areas of the campus are off limits to all students after supper unless they are attending a school-sponsored activity. These areas include school rooms, the prayer chapel, the auditorium and the second floor of the high school. Special permission may be granted by the dorm parents to be in certain areas after supper. The water tower, empty buildings on faculty road, and all roofs, however, are off limits at all times. Boarding students are to receive dorm parent permission to leave campus. (8) Monday through Thursday, boarding students are generally limited to the Sz-Jang Li Village and Shui-nan Village (McDonalds/Starbucks area included). Generally, the high school library is open on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. For their own physical safety, boarding students are encouraged not to go off campus alone. (8,9)

Visitors & Overnight Visits Boarding students must get their parent's permission to stay at someone else's home. The dorm parent must know that the student's parents approve. Parents of the host student must also give permission. Parents are encouraged to contact the host family also. Students with the proper permissions who sign out for overnight visits are not under dorm jurisdiction while they are gone. However, if they are not where they said they would be they will be considered to be under dorm jurisdiction and subject to dorm discipline. Further, they do not have the privilege of returning to the dorm area and then ignoring dorm rules. Overnight stays at a friend's home are discouraged during Sunday through Thursday, but exceptions can be made occasionally by parental consent. Dorm parents must give permission for guests to be in the dorm. Students from other dorms, day students, and parents need to be invited into a dorm by the dorm parents or a student in that dorm. Permission will not be given for boys to visit girls' rooms or hallways, nor will girls visit boys' rooms or hallways. (3,5,9) If a dorm student wishes to have an overnight visitor he/she must receive permission from the dorm parent and the roommate. Normally overnight guests will be limited to current Morrison students. (2)

Dorm Sign-out Dorm parents are responsible to know when their dorm students are off campus, where they are going, with whom, and for approximately how long. The students are responsible to get permission from the dorm parents and sign out before they leave campus. Permission to leave the campus may be granted or withheld at the discretion of the dorm parents. Students are responsible to sign back in when they return. Dorm students are not allowed to be in homes outside of the dorm without a parent present. If boarding students leave the dorm with their parents, it is courteous to let the dorm parent know. The student is expected to observe times for curfew and "lights out" unless parents or students have previously cleared a late return with the dorm parents. (2,3,9)

Weapons and Harmful Materials The possession, use, or promotion of controlled substances, illegal drugs, tobacco products or alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Guns, bows and arrows, and martial arts weapons are not allowed in the dorm. Only folding blade pocket knives (excluding switch blades) with blades shorter than three inches are permissible. Fireworks, explosives, lighters, matches, and combustible liquids are also prohibited. Violations of this rule are always reported to the boarding supervisor for discipline. (3,9)

Personal Electronic Equipment Students may bring their own computer, cell phones, and game consoles to the dorm. Internet connection in the dorm from 7pm through 9pm is intended for educational purposes only and is filtered through the school network. For safety/accountability reasons students are only permitted to use the school network to connect to the internet in their dorm rooms. Games are required to conform to dorm standards, and must be approved by dorm parents before installation. There are computers with an internet connection in each dorm, and can be used with dorm parent permission. No movies or videos are to be viewed in rooms. Cell phones are allowed in the dorm rooms, but are not to be used after lights out. Use of personal 3G or 4G wireless cell technology in dorm rooms is not permitted. Personal wireless technology can be used in the lounge with dorm parent permission.

To promote healthy sleep and accountability, computers and cell phones are placed for safekeeping in the lounge during bedtime. No electronics are permitted in bedrooms after lights out. Discipline for inappropriate use of personal electronic equipment may include confiscation of the equipment. (1,3) End-of-School Checkout Rooms are to be completely emptied and cleaned by boarding students for inspection by the dorm parents on the last day of school. Trash must be thrown away. Residents who do not clean their room satisfactorily will be charged a NT$1000 cleaning fee.(3,10) Dorm parents will review with the student the Room Condition Check List and assess repair fees. Students will be held responsible for broken furnishings, tape marks on walls and any other excessive damage. These fees along with phone bills must be paid before report cards are issued.

Senior Privileges Seniors, who have shown responsibility in leadership, academics and in personal life, are given certain privileges in order to help them adjust to life beyond high school. These privileges are negotiated between the senior and his/her dorm parent. Once they are agreed upon, the dorm parent will contact the parents to check for their approval. (3,7,10)

Requirements for gaining Senior Privileges:  Student maintains a C- or better in all classes.  Student has shown responsibility in areas of leadership, academics, and personal life.

Common Privileges:  Student has no set study hours.  Student has no set lights out time.

If a senior's grades drop below a C- as reflected on a progress report or report card, senior privileges will be suspended for a minimum of two weeks. At the end of the two week period it is then the student's responsibility to show the dorm parent that their grades are a C- or above.

Health Problems Boarding students are expected to maintain good health practices and hygiene. These include proper diet, showers, doing laundry and getting sufficient rest and exercise. Dorm parents will encourage such practices, but with a minimal amount of supervision. (9)

The dorm parents supervise health needs of the boarding students. The school nurse is available to treat minor illnesses during the school day. Doctor's care is nearby and available when needed. (9) Parents are requested to inform the dorm parents in writing of any medical problems or treatment procedures that may require special attention. A personal conference about these matters is encouraged. (5) Boarding students bringing prescription medication from home are to inform the dorm parents of the name and dosage of the medicine. At that point it might be deemed necessary that certain prescription medications will be held by the dorm parents. Students following instructions from a physician at home should bring a note from the doctor so that the dorm parents and the nurse will be fully aware of health needs. (9,10) Boarding students who become sick at school should check out at the security desk and see the school nurse before returning to the dorm. At other times of day, sick or injured students should contact their dorm parents. (3) Any boarding student who is out of school for any part of a day due to illness is to be in his/her room and may leave their room on that day only at the discretion of the dorm parents and/or nurse. An excuse from the dorm parent is required by the office for readmission to class after illness. (9) The dorm parent will notify parents of an illness. Parents will be called as soon as possible if an accident occurs. In the event that medical treatment is needed, boarding division personnel will get in touch with parents to advise them of the situation and secure permission for treatment. If the parents cannot be reached before a decision regarding treatment of the child needs to be made, boarding staff will make the decision and notify the parents as soon as possible. (5) If a child develops a problem at school which cannot wait until the child can go home for a weekend, the school nurse or dorm parents may make medical, dental or eye appointments. For routine care or ongoing problems it is expected that parents will take care of necessary medical needs while the child is home. (3,9) Boarding students who are ill at home during dorm weekends or during vacations are not to return to the dormitory until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. (2,9) A boarding student's parents are responsible for all medical expenses including travel. It is suggested that each student have access to a postal account with an ATM card to cover medical expenses. Each boarding student should keep their NHI card in their room. If there is some other insurance company used the parents should notify the dorm parents. (3)

Important Documents In emergencies it is necessary for the dorm parents to have certain documents. Therefore it is recommended that the following documents are to be kept either by the student, dorm parent, or guardian (provided they live in Taichung):

 Original passport with current visa  Alien Resident Certificate (if applicable)  NHI health insurance card (for those who have ARC's)

The Dorm Provides

Bedrooms Each room is supplied with beds, mattresses, desks, chairs, wardrobes, blinds, a wastebasket, an air conditioner, and a fan. Each room has a bathroom with a toilet and shower. Toilet paper and supplies to clean the bedroom and bathroom are provided. Bedrooms are not considered rented to families, but are a part of the program fee. As such, bedrooms belong to Morrison and may be used by Morrison teachers attending in-service programs during school vacations. Dorm parents will give students an opportunity to secure their possessions beforehand.

Family Room/Living Room Each dorm has a family room and living room with a TV, DVD player, and two computers with internet access and a printer. Kitchen Each dorm has a kitchenette for student use. Each kitchenette has a refrigerator, toaster, microwave, dishes and eating utensils for student use. The dorm parents' kitchen may be made available for special baking projects. Laundry Facilities Boarding students do their own laundry. Each dorm has an iron, ironing board, two washing machines and two dryers. Laundry soap for up to four loads a week is provided. Any special laundry soap or other additives is to be purchased at the parents' expense. Phones Each dormitory room is provided with a telephone. Each boarding student is responsible for paying his/her own phone bill once a month. Students who do not pay their phone bills in a timely manner will lose the privilege of the phone in their room until the bill is paid. Students may be reached on these phones by dialing (04) 2292-1171 plus the extension number. The student will be given an extension number at the beginning of the school year. Dorm students using the phones irresponsibly may have their phone removed. Snacks Snacks are a personal expense and should be kept in ant proof containers. Dorm parents often voluntarily fix and serve other snacks as well.

Guest Meals Parents and family are welcome to eat in the cafeteria, if space permits. Arrangements should be made with the dorm parent at least a meal in advance. Other guests who are invited, or who make arrangements to eat in the cafeteria, are welcome if space permits. Cash payments should be made at mealtime to the dorm parent on duty.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Guests NT$100 (NT$70) NT$130 (NT$100) NT$150 (NT$120) Note: Figures in parentheses are lower rates for children through the 5th grade. Guest Rooms Three guestrooms are available for parents to use when visiting their children. Reservations can be made by email to: [email protected]. Reservations are limited to the current school year (this keeps our record keeping more manageable). Parents living in Taiwan receive two nights per semester free. Parents living outside of Taiwan receive one stay per semester of four nights free. Additional nights are charged at the Morrison Staff Family rate. See the Guest room webpage for complete details.

The Student Provides Boarding students are to bring their own school supplies, laundry basket, bath linens, pillow and bedding - including at least two sets of sheets (all beds are American twin bed size.) Students may bring personal computer (with all necessary cords), lamps, stereo equipment, hair dryers, electric shavers, house slippers, an umbrella, and electric blankets. No cooking appliances, refrigerators, pets (with the exception of fish and turtles), or televisions are allowed in the rooms. The boarding division assumes no responsibility for personal belongings.

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