Required Items: (Needed to Receive Participation Grades)

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Required Items: (Needed to Receive Participation Grades)

English 10 occasional quizzes (both of the pop- and scheduled variety) and tests for their ability Mr. Harris to confirm what students have learned. Email: [email protected] However, I also am aware that this is not the only way to grade. My greatest This class is designed to give 10th appreciation is for writing, and I believe that grade students an overview of world formative assessment via essays and journal literature from roughly the Renaissance responses yields the best tool for grading. through the modern period. Throughout Students will write at least one major essay the course of the year, students will gain a each term. better understanding of their own place in the world and society by critically examining Academic Grading Scale texts from other cultures. Students can experience the most improvement with the Letter grades will be based on class assistance of daily participation in class and participation, daily use of your planner, on any major writing assignments and preparation with homework, regular redrafts. progress checks, assignments, and exams Required Items: (needed to receive throughout the term and be given participation grades) according to the following grading scale: -Pencil/pen/writing utensil of choice. A 94-100%, C 74-76% Highlighters will also be used periodically. A- 90- C- 70-73% -Writing journal (to be left in class. Any 93% 8.5 x11” paper-size or thereabouts is fine.) B+ 87-89% D+67-69% -Any homework/writing projects due. B 84-86% D 64-66% -Any loaned textbooks must be brought B- 80-83% D- 60-63% to every class period. C+ 77-79% F < -A personal reading book. This is an age- 60% and Lexile-appropriate book that the Note: a “C” grade constitutes an “average” student will read every day. As the book is grade. A “B” represents “above-average” finished, another must be selected. A work, while an “A” or higher constitutes minimum of four will be read during the exemplary work. Not all students will year. receive an “A,”as it must be earned through hard work. I will do my best to grade based Individual Reading Time on individual abilities and merit whenever possible, though I am beholden to a I try to give 10-15 minutes of reading time from personal books several standards-based system on major times per week. Eight times a year they will assignments. record answers to book reports based on what they read in-class and at home, providing a check for their progress in their Make Up Work It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to personal books. check my website to see what was covered Grading: and what needs to be made up during an absence. My website's Calendar is from a I am a believer in the merit of link off this page: If my child in abiding by the class rules the student was ill, it is his or her and policies. This signed, returned responsibility to check with me if there are disclosure page counts for points on the any questions. I will post assignments on student’s grade. Keep the previous my classroom website and this should be disclosure pages for a reference (others consulted first, prior to asking me for help. Late Work are available on my website). Students I accept late work for all are also agreeing to abide by classroom assignments, but must have any major rules and policies by signing this assignments (essays, research paper work, document. tests...) no later than 2 weeks from the end Student Name Printed of the term or I may not have time to grade ______them. In addition, the ability to redo an ______assignment to improve a grade is only an option for work turned in on time. Excessive late work can affect citizenship negatively. Student Citizenship Signature______Citizenship grades will depend on Date______student’s actions in class. I will follow the school policy, which states: 4 or more Parent/Guardian tardies result in a U. A student will be Signature______considered tardy if they are not in their seat Date______when the bell rings. Being late by 15 STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION minutes or more constitutes an absence. Davis School District is committed to My personal guidelines for citizenship are providing educational and that any disrespect or bad behavior shown employment opportunities to students to the teacher or a student will result in an without regard to race, color, sex, automatic U and an office referral. religion, age, national origin or disability in accordance with Title VI of Cell phones and other electronic devices the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title XI of As per the student handbook, students may the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of only use electronic devices in conjunction 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of with content I am teaching. Listening to 1975, and with the Americans with music or playing games do not constitute Disabilities Act. such coordination. I will try to keep class engaging, and I use technology as often as Donations: possible and include well-screened clips and I graciously accept donations of hand pieces from PG movies and YouTube to sanitizer and looseleaf paper. As I have assist in engagement. to buy the paper and sanitizer myself, any donations help both your students I have read the disclosure and and me out. Your students will thank expectations for Mr. Harris’ class and you for any donations! understand the obligations of my son or daughter in this class. I agree to assist Querido Padre/s o Tutor Legal del Estudiante Halcón de Clearfield High School: Nosotros deseamos que todos los estudiantes tengan éxito en nuestra escuela. El apoyo del padre/s o tutor legal es muy importante; por lo tanto, tenemos un recurso para aquellos que se sienten más cómodos hablando en español que en inglés. Si usted no entiende este documento o tiene una pregunta acerca de algo, por favor llame a nuestra oficina al 801-402-8200 y pregunte por el Coordinador de Éxito Estudiantil. Atentamente, La Dirección de Clearfield High School

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