Episcopal Church in South Carolina

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Episcopal Church in South Carolina

2015 Episcopal Church in South Carolina Youth Mission Trip New Orleans, LA

July 3rd- July 13th The Episcopal Church in South Carolina has been blessed an incredible opportunity to team up with an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Louisiana on a mission experience. Students from around the diocese will be traveling to The Church of the Annunciation which is in the hard hit Broadmoor community of New Orleans. The Church of the Annunciation was a staging ground for those heading into New Orleans during Katrina recovery and has become a safe haven for church teams from around the country. The community continues to recover from the devastation, but there is still a lot of work to do and Annunciation is in the center of that work. We will have an opportunity to work alongside other churches in the area as we become the hands and feet of Christ.

Because Annunciation was hit hard by a church split, much like the split here, they have chosen to reach out to our Diocese and offer free room and board. They usually charge around $300 per person plus mission cost. They have waived that fee and are working to find projects that won’t cost our group any money to accomplish. Not only will we have full use of their amazing dorms but their amazing staff will be feeding us at no cost. This is a truly amazing gift that students from around this diocese get to participate in! Our small cost will go towards transportation, meals and hotel for the trip there and back.

This trip is open to any High School Student currently in the 9th- 12th grades. We are looking for students who want to serve Christ through serving others. Young men and women who see a mission opportunity as way to not only grow in their own faith but to be the light of Christ to those around the New Orleans area.

We currently have two adult Sarah Craven and Jason Shepherd, both from St. George’s, Summerville, who will be leading the trip. We are looking for at least one more male and one more female leader to join us.

Please fill out the attached form and return no later than March 15th.

Questions please contact:

Sarah Craven

Youth Minster

St. Georges Episcopal Church

843-345-0768 [email protected] Stuff to know

 Sign up deadline March 15, 2015

 Initial $100 deposit due March 15, second $100 payment due June 1

 Participants acknowledge that they are responsible to raise $200- $300 through support letters or other personal forms of fundraising, if not raised the participant is responsible for remaining balance

 We leave the morning of July 3 and return in the evening of July 13. We will travel by 15 passenger vans.

 We will stop in Tallahassee, FL as a halfway point both on the way and on the way back. Hotel rooms will be booked once the final team is in place

 Youth will need spending money for any gifts or souvenirs they plan on buying. Also for one nice dinner out in New Orleans.

 Full federal background checks will be run on anyone over the age of 18

 Team meeting will be held monthly most likely on Saturday Afternoons and are TBA  Participants are asked to follow the guidelines outlined in the team covenant

Student Application

Name______Date ______


Email______Parents email______

Phone Number______Parents Phone______

1. Tell us about your relationship with Jesus

2. Why do you want to participate in this trip? 3. What strengths do you possess that will make you a good team member? Team Covenant

As a member of this team, I agree to:

1. Remember that I am representing Jesus Christ as well as The Episcopal Church in South Carolina. I will model Jesus in my behavior and attitude.

2. Remember that I am a guest working at the invitation of my hosts. I will remember the missionary prayer: “Where you lead me I will follow. What they feed me I will swallow.”

3. Remember that we have come to learn, as well as to teach. I will resist the temptation to inform our hosts about “how we do things”. I’ll be open to learning other people’s methods and ideas.

4. Respects the host’s view of Christianity, recognizing that Christianity has many faces throughout the world and that the purpose of this trip is to experience faith lived out in a new setting.

5. Develop and maintain a servant attitude toward all ministry partners and my teammates.

6. Respect my team leaders and his or her decisions

7. Refrain from gossip.

8. Refrain from complaining. I know that travel can present numerous unexpected and undesired circumstances, but the rewards of conquering such circumstances are innumerable. Instead of whining and complaining, I’ll be creative and supportive.

9. Attend all team meetings before the trip as well as any follow-up meetings.

10. Remember not to be exclusive in my relationships. If my boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse is on the team, we will make every effort to interact with all members of the team.

11. Refrain from any activity that could be construed as romantic interest in a fellow team member or someone from our host community. 12. Refrain from illegal drugs and abstain from consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of tobacco while on this trip.

13. Remember that I can be sent home at my own expense if I do not adhere to this covenant or if my team leaders believe it is in my best interest or that of the team.

Student Signature______Date______

Parents Signature______Date______

Episcopal Church in South Carolina

2015 Youth Mission Trip

Medical Release Form

Name of Participant ______

Date of Birth ______

Name(s) of Parent/Guardian ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Home Phone ______Work Phone ______

Person to be contacted in a emergency______

Phone number(s) where parent/guardian/emergency contact can be reached ______Heath Insurance Carrier ______

Group (Employer) # ______Policy # ______

Check either of the following that may apply:

o This insurance policy requires primary-care physician notification or pre-approval prior to emergency treatment. o This insurance policy requires primary-care physician notification or pre-approval prior to routine medical care.

Physician’s Name ______Phone ______

Dentist’s Name ______Phone ______

Please list significant medical history (major illnesses, surgery, injuries, etc.)


Please list all known allergies



Please list all medication participant is currently taking, both prescription and over-the-counter


MEDICAL RELEASE: In case of emergency, I/we, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the above- named participant, understand that every effort will be made to contact me/us. In the event that I/we cannot be reached; I/we hereby give permission to the physician(s) and/or dentist(s) selected by the St. Georges staff to hospitalize and secure proper treatment, including tests, x- rays, anesthesia, and/or surgery, for the participant.


Mother or legal guardian Date Father or legal guardian Date

Liability Release Form

DEFINITION: “Episcopal Church in South Carolina” means the Bishop, Clergy, Officers, Vestry, employees, and youth ministry volunteers of the Diocese.

The undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) and the undersigned participant hereby represent that the participant is the child or ward of the parent(s) or guardian(s). The parent(s) or guardian(s) and the participant understand that this trip will involve travel in mixed groups and riding in rented vehicles utilizing available local accommodations for travel, meals, and lodging. It is understood that the leaders will employ only the usual and locally acceptable standards of instruction, travel, meals, lodging, and medical services.

Adult members of the mission trip staff will determine the day-to-day operations of the program as they deem appropriate. The Diocese has a history of successful operations, but The Diocese is not an insurer of the health, well-being, safety, or morals of any participant and cannot guarantee every participant will achieve the education or obtain the enjoyment anticipated from the trip. It is understood that the program may be hindered disrupted, or rendered impossible by: changes, irregularities, or failure in transportation services, lodging accommodation, and food services; strikes, mischief, terrorist acts, or war; lack of cooperation or sickness of one or several of the participants; governmental restrictions and regulations; and weather or other acts of God. The parent(s) or guardian(s) and participant accept these hazards as those which may accompany these types of activities.

Parent(s) or guardian(s) and participant represent to the Diocese that the participant is in good physical and emotional health and is a person who is likely to give the required cooperation toward the success of the trip and that the participant is not likely to interfere unreasonably with the rights of other participants or those in charge of the program. In the even that leadership team should determine that the physical or emotional health of a participant is such that further participation by him/her would endanger his/her health or welfare or the health or welfare of other participants or if the leadership should determine that a participant behaves in a manner detrimental to the best interest of the program or other participants, St. George’s may expel such a participant from the trip. The parent(s) or guardian(s) and participant agree to pay the costs of returning the participant to his/her home and hereby release the Diocese from any liability arising out of such expulsion and agree that no refund of the program fee will be allowed.

CANCELLATIONS: Cancellation by a participant or his/her family will result in the forfeiture of any money actually spent or committed on behalf of the participant up to the date of cancellation.

CHANGES: This program has been designed long before departure. The leadership team reserves the right to amend any program for operational reasons and/or in the best interest of the participants’ safety and convenience. The team leaders reserve the right to cancel the program prior to departure. In the event the leadership team cancels, the diocese shall refund all monies received for the canceled program. In any case, the diocese shall have no other liability to the participants.

RIDING IN PRIVATE VEHICLES: It is understood by the parent(s) or guardian(s) and participant that transportation for this program will be primarily in rented vehicles driven by the youth ministry volunteers and staff. It is understood that every effort will be made to have more than one adult in each vehicle; however, if the youth staff deems it appropriate, exceptions may be made to this policy for this program. The parent(s) or guardian(s) hereby give permission for the participant to ride in private vehicles with only one adult and agree to release and hold harmless The Diocese from any claims or demands, for injuries or damages arising out of the enacting of the above-stated policy and its exceptions.

MEDICAL RELEASE: In case of emergency, the parent(s) or guardian(s) understand that every effort will be made to contact them. In the event that they cannot be reached, they hereby give permission to the physician(s) or dentist(s) selected by the Leadership team to hospitalize and secure proper treatment, including tests, x-rays, anesthesia, and/or surgery, for the participant.

RELEASE: The parent(s) or guardian(s) and participant hereby release The Diocese and it leaders from any and all claims or demands, for injuries or damages arising out of the acts or omissions of the independent contractors employed by the Diocese, such as theme parks, ski resorts, restaurants, places of lodging, doctors, and dentists; the acts or omissions of other participants or strangers; the acts or omissions of team leadership performed or omitted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed by them to be within the scope of authority granted to them by this agreement and in the best interest of the majority of the participants in the program, unless they are guilty of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Any photograph or audio or video recording of the participant or comments or statements made by the participant may be used in future materials by The Episcopal Church in South Carolina and/or posted on the Diocesan websites.

CONSENT: The parent(s) or guardian(s) hereby give their permission and consent for the participant to participate in the program. The undersigned agree that upon admission of the participant into the program, they will be bound by the terms of this Release and Agreement. The undersigned acknowledge that they have read and understand the terms of the Release and Agreement. This Release and Agreement supersedes and nullifies any previous agreement, implied or expressed, made between The Episcopal Church in South Carolina or any of it churches undersigned for this program.


Mother or legal Guardian Date Father or legal Guardian Date

Rector/ Serving Priest/ Youth Minister


Name of applicant ______Date______

Your Name ______

Position held at the Church______

How long have you known applicant?______

Would you recommend this Student to participate in a Diocesan mission trip? Why or why not? Is there anything you think we should know that might keep this applicant off of the team?

Are you willing to support this youth in their fundraising endeavors as well as through prayer and encouragement? (We are not asking that the church to specifically give money, unless they feel called to, but we are asking each church to support their participants in their fundraising efforts in whatever why the church feels comfortable)


Signature Date

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