General Education Common Assignment Template

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General Education Common Assignment Template


Note: This is the assignment that all professors teaching a section in the San Jacinto College Core Curriculum during fall 2014 will agree upon, teach, assign, assess and document in Blackboard. Submit one assignment per course to the Office of Vice Chancellor for Learning and Assessment. Due no later than February 7.


Film Appreciation I, DRAM 2366


Film Critique

III. GENERAL EDUCATION CORE OBJECTIVES TO BE ASSESSED WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT (List specific general education outcomes and any student learning outcomes):

A. Construct a conceptual framework within which this information can be organized so that it is appropriate to the assigned task. B. Understand the characteristics and distinguishing features of the motion picture genres. C. Understand the critical context within which a movie is created and evaluated. D. Make and defend critical and evaluative judgments about motion pictures. E. Write about motion pictures in a variety of modes that may sequentially and cumulatively build upon the writing skills developed in the writing sequence. GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES: F. CRITICAL THINKING– Students will develop habits of mind, allowing them to appreciate the processes by which scholars in various disciplines organize and evaluate data and use the methodologies of each discipline to understand the human experience. G. COMMUNICATION SKILLS– Students will communicate ideas, express feelings and support conclusions effectively in written, oral and visual formats. H. TEAMWORK– Students will consider different points of view and work interdependently to achieve a shared purpose or goal. I. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY– Students will demonstrate a global perspective toward issues of culture, society, politics, environment, and sustainability.

IV. DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENT (as it would appear in your syllabus or class handouts)

Group Critique Description: The Group Critique is an assignment that must be worked on by the Group from the very first day of the semester and completed by specific deadlines within the Units of Instruction:  The Critique over the Drama film will be completed by a Group, not just a single individual. Your Instructor has already pre-determined each Group and has randomly placed students from the class in the Groups. Ideally, there will be six members to a Group. However, some Groups may be smaller.  All Group communications must be through Blogs, not emails. Blogs will provide the Instructor a record of all communications for grading purposes. The Group Leader may communicate with the Group through the use of emails to remind them of deadlines and to post Blogs.  The Group will select one classmate from the assigned Group to be the Group Leader.  Each Leader will be responsible for assigning each member of the Group to one component of the Group Critique.  The Critique will consist of five components: (1) Intro Paragraph, (2) First Criteria for a Successful Drama film, (3) Second Criteria for a Successful Drama film, (4) Third Criteria for a Successful Drama film, and 5) A closing paragraph concerning the film and how it relates to social issues.  Note: This all take place within Blogs and a Wiki document. The assignment has nothing to do with the Discussion Board.

Assignment Responsibilities Within Each Group: Group Leader  Chosen by a Group consensus by Blogs.  Position will be responsible for the following. o Communicate with the Instructor through email or phone as needed for advice on issues within the assignment. o Assigning Group members to each section of the Group Critique by clicking on the Wiki Document and placing names of each member for each part of the Critique. o Make sure all discussions over the film through the Blogs are taking place by the deadlines. o Add their Blog about the film, answering all of the 5 sections. o The Group Leader is a facilitator of the Group Critique, but does not have a section to update in the Wiki document. o Make sure the Group Critique is completed by the deadline. See below for information concerning Group members that are not participating. (During the Prompt Questions, each will have an opportunity to state what they did or did not do. Points may be added or subtracted from each member based on their work, or lack thereof). o Update the Wiki document by adding the names of the Group member that actually completed the section (next to who was assigned to the section). o Answer the Prompt Questions. NOTE: This is the last step of this assignment, and must be completed by the end of the due date. Not submitting a response to the Prompt Questions, regardless of the amount of work on the Group Critique, will result in a zero for the assignment.

Individual Group Member  Post a Blog to select a Group Leader.  Adhere to the Group Leader once chosen.  Add their Blog about the film, answering all of the 5 sections.  Collect information from your Group’s Blogs and write your part of the Group Critique.  Update the Wiki document with your part of the assignment, well before the due date.  Answer the Prompt Questions. NOTE: This is the last step of this assignment, and must be completed by the end of the due date. Not submitting a response to the Prompt Questions, regardless of the amount of work on the Group Critique, will result in a zero for the assignment.

Grading: There will be 4 grades for this assignment, but will be combined into one total grade for the entire assignment in the Grade Center:  20 points for the Blogs concerning a Group Leader. Blogs after the deadline can be posted, but will not receive a grade.  30 points for the Blog answering ALL five sections of the Film question. Blogs after the deadline can be posted, but will not receive a grade.  30 points for updating the Wiki document with the assigned section (only). Updates to the Wiki document after the deadline can be made, but will not receive a grade.  20 points for the overall Group Critique in the Wiki document. Each Group member must contribute in ALL parts of this assignment to receive this portion of the grade. Even by missing the deadline for selecting a Group Leader may forfeit these 20 points.  No points will be given for answering the Prompt Questions, but a zero for the entire assignment will be given for failure to submit the answers to them by the deadline, regardless of how much time was put into the Group assignment.  No grade will be posted for the Group Critique until after the Unit #3 of Instruction deadline.

Deadlines: The following deadlines must be met for the Group Critique. No submissions will be accepted after this time and date.  Submit a Blog and elect the Group Leader – Due upon the completion time and date for the Course Orientation.  Read about the Drama genre. Read about Sleepers. Watch the Drama film and submit a Blog answering all five of the specific questions over the film – Due upon the completion time and date for the Unit #1 of Instruction.  Read all of the Groups Blogs about the film, write your assigned section of the Group Critique and update the Wiki document – Due upon the completion time and date for the Unit #2 of Instruction. Answer and submit the Prompt Questions – Due upon the completion time and date for the Unit #3 of Instruction.

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