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06/02/2017 Circulation List: Page 6

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Scotland’s Forthcoming 21 st Century Enlightenment and Reformation

In Jesus Name I speak.


1. Purpose / Preface 2. An Exposition of The Title of This Witness 3. A Description of a Spiritual Witness at the 31st May 2016 Scotsman Land Reform Conference “After the Bill”. 4. Issues for Debate. 5. Values, Mission, Goals – Vision; or Corporate Plans? 6. A Statement and Several Questions Regarding Community 7. Conclusion; or a New Beginning? 8. Appendix

1.Purpose / Preface. The purpose of this letter of Witness is to give you and your organisation cause to reflect upon the content as time goes by in the context of Scotland’s Destiny. Over the last twenty years a continuous Spiritual Witness has been placed before assemblies of the politics of man; the increasingly temporal and thus ceremonial religion of man; and to a lesser extent before the press which is part of the politics of man. All with little apparent result as judged by the intellect. God’s Work never returns to itself empty. This Witness will now be placed before the people of Scotland; as Kairos!

2. The 700 th anniversary of The Declaration of Arbroath will be celebrated in three years time. We recall that this document is regarded internationally as a definitive statement not only of national identity but of an independent Spirit. This in turn, for the individual or nation is the sole determinant of Destiny as the Gift of God. During this three year period the headlines regarding the “arena” of the politics of man will continue to give us an increasingly graphic definition of the historical context of the term “independent Spirit”. Gradually Scotland’s people will be led to the conclusion that Scotland’s Destiny calls us to “come out from amongst them as a peculiar people”.

This Blessing will give rise to the Spiritually “In-Dependence” Nation State of Scotland. This dependence will be upon The Lord Jesus Christ alone. Therefore the country of Scotland has a need to become Spiritually independent from both* Westminster and Brussels. The etymology and definition of the word “radical” confirm the meaning of this word to be “a return to the roots”. Temporal monarchy has its origins in violence and is maintained by vested interest. Hence our need for the Reformation of our Spiritual roots, individually and as the forthcoming nation state referred to in this paragraph. What now of man’s latest “act” of land reform in Scotland?

3. Land Reform Bill of the Scottish Parliament 2016: Last year a public conference in Edinburgh considered this latest Land Reform Bill. The meeting was attended by seven MSPs, one of whom was an invited speaker. The audience of forty eight persons was representative of the people of Scotland individually and through the presence of seven MSP. The root “confer” as in the word conference implies a dialogue. A Q&A session is not a dialogue. Hence our need for radical (as defined herein) action by way of self-expression.

* See Appendix item No2

Page 1 of 6 During such a session a member of the audience addressed the chairman with these words:-

“Ladies and gentIemen in Jesus Name I speak. Therefore I ask for your prayers as I do so, thank you. Mr. Chairman, I claim the right to make a statement as distinct from asking a question, and that from the dais used by the invited speakers as distinct from the roving microphone used by members the audience. Is this claim recognised?” The requested recognition was given. The Witness continued -

“Scotland’s need for meaningful land reform will indeed be met by a reform; that is to say a Reformation of the land of Scotland as a Spiritually “In-Dependence Nation State”. This dependence being solely upon The Lord Jesus Christ.

Ladies and gentlemen, without question this is Scotland’s Destiny! Therefore, we give thanks for evermore, Amen. Thank you for listening”.

As stated above, the Claim of Right to speak, and therefore the words of the Claim itself were spoken “in Jesus Name”. This claim was accepted by the office of the Chairman and therefore by the Chairman as representative of the audience inclusive of the seven MSP’s. These temporal politicians in turn formally represented the people of Scotland by their presence at the conference. What then of their actions in future debates as outlined in No.4 below?

In Jesus Name alone as Kairos, this verbal handshake between The Witness (the Bride of Christ) and The conference Chairman (Jesus Calls His Own) established a 21st century Covenant Relationship between The Holy Spirit and the people of Scotland. The Covenant of God irrevocably commits and involves all parties thereto in perpetuity. This present written Witness is the dawn of the manifestation of this Covenant as “all things new”. That is to say, a new Heaven and a new earth!

The 21st Century Enlightenment will not focus upon race, ethnic origins or nationhood, countries, nation states, religion, faiths, denominations, sexuality, equality or the politics of man. These and others are all temporal constructs of the finite mind of humankind; but one of the five Kingdoms! It will address civic Common Unity as distinct from “community” (temporal construct) in the context of Cosmos. What then of Jesus, The Cosmic Christ AS Covenance (invented verb) AS The Gifted Spirit within the flesh?

4 Issues for Debate

The undernoted issues will be debated long and hard in the medium term within the unholy marriage of the religion or politics to the politics of religion. This statement is not play on words. By way of example, Appendix item No.3 gives a short commentary on No.5 below, The Scottish Crown Lands. All these issues will be set before the people in detail by The Holy Spirit.

1. Monarchy : God or man? 6. Government by man 2. The Church Spiritual 7. Scotland’s Trust? 3. The 1953 Coronation Oath 8. Scotland’s Spiritual Heritage 4. The Scottish Sceptre and Sword of State 9. Conservation Restoration, and Preservation. at the opening of the Scottish Parliament. Which is which, and why? 5. The Crown Lands; and “Honours of Scotland” 10. Social Credit: developed by the Scot, C.H. Douglas. (see all ten entries in Wikipedia)

5. Statements of Values, Mission, and Goals – leading to a Dynamic Statement of Vision! OR, solely the Corporate Plans of man? I share my personal experience and observation in the following lines. In the context of Issue No.8 above ; values, mission and goals are complementary to the work of restoration, preservation and conservation taken in that order. The corporate approach is of the intellect alone which is self-defeating as it is confined to the temporal. It may win a battle but it will never win its own Vietnam.

Page 2 of 6 The articulation of sacrificial values to which we commit unreservedly are the domain of the heart alone. They are thus Spiritual and are the determinant of Vision which creates the nature and extent of the work carried in R.P and C. That is to say, clearing away the weeds and briers hiding the original plan of the garden. Resurrecting the plan, and lastly ensuring that the weeds never return.

For an example of this topic please visit the webpage:- Thank you.

6. A Statement and Several Questions Regarding Community

The introductory statement in quotation marks below should be considered in relation to the two spreadsheet style guidelines dedicated in particular to the NTS, SNH, and HS (see circulation list). They are also applicable to us all.

“The past is behind us – here and now is the Gift of The Future. --That is why it is called ------The Present”.

The following question was put to the Chairman of The National Trust for Scotland at a Regional meeting of members in October 2016. The theme was “A Conversation”. “In what or whom does the National Trust – trust?” The answer, after some time available for thought was “We trust our members”. Full stop. It was not evident whether this referred to the membership of The Trust Board or to the public membership supporting the Trust’s work. Without pause for a dialogue, a further question was taken from the audience.

Scottish Natural Heritage: To what or whom does the land belong, and what or who is its advocate?

Historic Scotland: To what extent Is the Honour of Scotland dependent upon -- The Honours of Scotland?

The Historical Houses Association (Scotland): When the Association speaks of “our heritage” to what or whom is it referring? What is the Association’s definition of the word “heritage”?

Edinburgh World Heritage Trust: I was a member of the audience at an E.W.H.T. conference way back at the time when the status of a World Heritage Site was granted to the city of Edinburgh. I made the statement that children, not only our young people could teach adults to build not simply a new city. This caused a middle aged man sitting a few feet away to state that “children cannot know what they need to know, until we (adults) tell them what we (think) they need to know! To what extent, and in what manner has the EWHT adopted either conviction? “Unless we become as little children --- “

7.Conclusion; or a New Beginning? The body of Feudal Lords, knights and landowners who signed The Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 made their claim for the recognition of their identity and thus Destiny to a mortal man. It won them a battle. Such a plea however can never win the war which is still with us today on two fronts; Westminster AND Brussels!

The only custodian of the Land of Scotland and its Destiny is the manifestation as distinct from re-establishment of Jesus Christ’s Monarchy over His realm. This Blessing will come about by Spiritual Enlightenment leading to Reformation. Such is God’s “Act of Land Reform” as distinct from an Act of any temporal Parliament.

The enclosed Works of Muse address the Soul. All is thus revealed. Thank you for reading this Witness.

Ian McLean

Page 3 of 6 APPENDIX

1 Definitions

The politics of man are defined as: The attempt to influence the mind of the State primarily for reasons of self- interest. The few exceptions prove the rule. The Politic of God is: The influencing of the Heart of the nation in service to the nation, with no exceptions whatsoever.

Destiny: for the individual or nation, is herein defined as: The Gift of God as Divine enablement firstly to claim our Spiritual freedom; in Whom alone we are then Spiritually enabled to choose our Birth Right according to Jesus Will. Therefore we claim our Right To have Jesus make Statements through our flesh at public assemblies and in the media, if that be part of our individual Birthright as a unique Spirit.

Enlightenment: Insofar as it can be comprehended far less apprehended by the human intellect, this term is defined herein as The Mind of God, from Whom the Politic of God emanates. Enlightenment is the Birth of The Helpless Christ Child within the Soul, otherwise referred to as The Bride of Christ. The instrument of the The forthcoming 21st century Spiritual Enlightenment will be of Scotland, not by Scotland of our own hand. The bedrock of this Blessing is The Holy Spirit moving amongst the people. Our Spiritual Heritage in this regard is the resurrected Pictish Church Spiritual of Ninian in Scotland, not of Scotland. This is the only historical Church in Scotland (Alba at the time) which did not bow to the spiritual will of any other. It was gradually “absorbed” over time; but never yielded. Thus it is immortal!

Our recognition of our True Identity, individual and national is the origin of our Destiny through the God Gifted work of Enlightenment as responsible members of the human race, which is one of the Five Kingdoms of Heaven. This is to speak of Cosmos, as The Cosmic Christ. Such recognition is not of the human intellect. It is the Gift of The Mind of God as The Heart of All as I AM. Thus The Way is experienced as a Helpless Child. Hence the apostle Paul’s statement that “I do not say I have as yet won the prize. Therefore I put the past behind me, and run the race which is set before me in order to win the prize”. The word “win” in this context has the meaning “being enabled by The Holy Spirit to receive the Gift of God”.

Reformation: The outworking of Enlightenment within society. The historical Scottish Enlightenment whilst admirable in many respects, gave us the industrial revolution resulting in our slavery to the machine and the continuation of slavery in the dominions, described at the time as a “mischief” thus having no ill intent! What now of our spiritual slavery to globalisation; the federation of Europe and lastly to the Westminster government, in which the temporal monarch is subordinate to the cabinet.

2. * This topic relates to the asterisk at the foot of page No.1 The European Parliament is the seat of the federation of Europe. It is thus subject to the base spirituality of the Vatican Nation State founded by Mussolini and his contemporaries. The original Palace of Westminster was built by William The Conqueror, Duke of Normandy. As a Norman, his spiritual lineage was Viking. He also built Windsor Castle which was his power base. Queen Elizabeth regards this castle as her home.

3. A Sample of Notes on Issues for Debate.

The Crown Lands of Scotland: The revenue arising from Crown Lands is confirmed in constitutional law as belonging to The Crown of the individual country. Interestingly Queen Elizabeth considers herself as Queen of Scots as distinct from Queen of Scotland. What then of her Crown’s entitlement as Queen of England to the revenues from the land of the Scots which pass to Westminster? Please refer to the last line of the paragraph above entitled “Reformation”.

This exposition reveals an important Spiritual issue relating to the forth coming Scottish banknote. The Scottish Parliament seemed to favour the retention of the Sterling note. This would display the head of a monarch who is subordinate to the Westminster cabinet. (continued)

Page 4 of 6 In these deceitful times the Monarch is obliged merely by incremental custom to accept the entire content of “The Queen’s Speech”. This confirms her subordination to the extant Viking spirit of the House of Westminster. It also confirms the extant spirituality of the British Feudal system, especially in Scotland. Historically temporal monarchy is founded upon violence and maintained by vested interest. Yes, I am a Monarchist, but not of the monarchy of man! This conviction refers to the office of temporal monarchy, not to the incumbents.

Therefore if a supposedly “independent” Scotland were to use a currency displaying the British monarch it would be seen to have unknowingly adopted the spirituality of an office of a monarchy which was subordinate to the Westminster cabinet. Thus by extension, Scotland’s unbroken subordination by the spirituality of the Westminster cabinet would be revealed. Thus our temporal independence and identity would have be permanently denied by another; far less our Spiritual identity and therefore our Freedom to choose our own Destiny! As mentioned in the previous paragraph, I refer to the office of the Cabinet, not to the members thereof.

The Coronation Oath: The present Queen of Britain’s age and health will give rise to acute constitutional issues whilst our dis-united Kingdom grapples with our exit from the EU prior to addressing its own ultimate demise. The base spirit of the political “arena” will be in full view during this pivotal (Cosmic) period in British history. This statement naturally follows from the previous heading “The Crown Lands of Scotland”. It is noteworthy that in the historical Roman arena all ultimately died violently or otherwise, including the day’s favourite! ------

Biblical References: Proverbs chapter 8. Jeremiah 50.2

Wind of Change website references: Please see the “Latest Update” of 27/02/2017 entitled “The Enlightenment and Reformation of Scotland”. This update contains the letter of Witness you are now reading together with the enclosure addressed to Mr. Jones. Thus; Scotland’s Destiny is set before the people of Scotland in Jesus times of Blessings. Amen! (

Relevant Personal Particulars.

 Grandfather, married for 45 years to my Roman Catholic wife.  Elder in the Church of Scotland for eight years. (twenty years ago)

Some twenty years ago as an Elder in the Church of Scotland I had charge of, as distinct from being in charge our Christmas Parish Outreach. My personal conviction was that we should use Jesus Name as a personal introduction as we handed out His Birthday card to the residents inviting them to worship at this time.

In formal Session the Eldership determined that “we don’t want to do that as there may be a (singular) Muslim family in the parish and this Name may cause offence.” I could not believe my ears! This was in Edinburgh South. My position as an Elder up to that point had been happy and productive. The it became untenable. I had no choice (nor in Jesus Name did I need any other than to resign the Eldership. At the next Session meeting I experienced spiritual hatred from some of the men and women of the Eldership, and a meaningful silence from the remainder, including the lady minister. (unless you are actively for Me, you are against me). That day the word of The Lord was given to me “You honour Me and I will honour you --- a thousand fold! Such is (and remains for all time) His outworking through The Land Reform Conference, and many of His subsequent Blessings.

In 1997 I was Called to stand as The Referendum Party Candidate for Edinburgh South in the Westminster General Election. This was a life changing experience as an earnest of our present times.

I therefore conclude by re-stating below the two definitions given earlier. They are based upon my experience of the temporal and Spiritual domains, and of the unholy marriage between the politics of religion; and the religion of politics.

Page 5 of 6 The Politics of Man: The attempt to influence the mind of the state primarily for reasons of self- interest. The few exceptions prove the rule.

The Politic of God: The influencing of The Heart of the Nation in service to the Nation, with no exceptions whatever.


List of Enclosures.

A Seahorse* Folder containing:-

1. Some Works of Muse 2. Diagram of the Structure and Constitution of The Church Spiritual in Scotland 3. Photo of the painting in the Scottish National Gallery of “Christ as The Man of Sorrows” by the Scottish artist William Dyce c 1860 4. An exposition of “The Claim of Right and the Rightful Claimant”. 5. A selection of other items 6. Scottish National Gallery (The Mound) Painting of “Jesus Christ as The Man of Sorrows” set in the Highlands of Scotland. A short text on the wall beside the painting accompanies this Blessing of our forth coming Spiritually In Dependence Nation State of Scotland.

*The significance of the Seahorse symbol is referred to at the foot of the homepage of The Wind of Change website. This in turn is related to the photograph selected by the cursor when placed on the Seahorse silhouette on the homepage. The final link is expounded in the Work of Muse “The Wave”.

Circulation List

The Editor of The Scotsman Newspaper. Mr. Peter Jones, Freelance Journalist The directors of:- The National Trust for Scotland The Chairman, NTS East Lothian Member’s Centre (Haddington) Historic Scotland Scottish Natural Heritage Edinburgh World Heritage Trust Historic Homes Association (Scotland) Venture Mor, Applecross. A subsidiary of Venture Trust For Information only:- “The Living Stones” Community. Kilmartin, Argyll Four friends, for their prayers.

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