Essington Parish Council

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Essington Parish Council


Minutes of Essington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 10th April 2006 at 7-00pm

PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J. P. (Chairman) Councillor M North (Vice-Chairman) Councillor R Houlton Councillor J Macey Councillor A Nicklin Councillor J Rice Councillor L Saunders Councillor J Smallman Councillor B Whitehouse Councillor S Wright

Also present: County Councillor Kath Perry.

The Chairman Councillor David Clifft opened the meeting and welcomed newly elected Councillor James Rice. He thanked the public for their attendance.

The Chairman advised the members and the public that under our standing orders all mobile telephones should be switched off.

1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A resident enquired about the Community Beat Officer who is absent due to ill health, he expressed his concerns regarding youths in the village and the lack of police presence. The Chairman commented on the health problems of PC Munnerley and commented that in the case of anti social behaviour the police should be contacted either using 08453 302010 or 999. Members discussed the problems of youths in the village in particular over the last week-ends. The Clerk will write to the Commander David Gains and request a meeting to discuss the present problems in the parish.

A resident asked Council why they are considering providing parking for the shop in Brownshore Lane, by providing a lay by opposite the shop or installing bollards in front of the shop to prevent parking on the footpath. The Chairman commented that any highways improvements are the responsibility of the County Council and that the Parish Council has a responsibility to residents to deals with concerns over safety issues. The Chairman assured the resident that no action would be taken without prior consultation.

A resident from Westcroft raised concerns regarding scrambling bikes and mini motor bikes using the public footpaths to access land in Westcroft. He asked Council to support him in writing to the police outlining the problems. The Chairman commented that the Council would support residents and felt that the landowner should also be contacted with the problems.

A resident raised concerns regarding Bushbury Trust land at the old allotments on High Hill, he felt land was easily accessible to travellers. The Chairman commented that a contractor has already been engaged to carry out work to prevent access. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Mavis North completed the register in respect to a financial item. 3. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillors B Tarbuck, P Griffin, S.Marsden and P Whitehouse, County Councillor Mike Lawrence and Community Beat Officer P C Darren Munnerley. 4. MINUTES OF THE LAST PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The Council approved the minutes from the last meeting proposed by Councillor June Smallman seconded by Councillor Adrian Nicklin 5. MATTERS ARISING (from last meetings minutes) None 6. Dr. SURGERY in ESSINGTON  Update The Chairman Introduced Dr Robert Powell and his partner Caroline Cox and commented on their recent meeting regarding the proposed surgery in Essington. The Chairman commented on the criteria set by Cannock PCT regarding a doctor, accommodation and a patient list, which have now all been achieved. EP263 Dr. Powell spoke on his background and his wish to practice in Essington and hoped he would be successful and achieve his goal. The Chairman commented on the forthcoming public meeting on Friday 5th May at 7.00 pm and hoped that it would be well attended with Sir Patrick Cormack and the press in attendance. 7. ESSINGTON COMMUNITY CENTRE  Update The Chairman updated Members on the completion of the disable toilet, the hand rail fitted today on the disable access and the problems incurred with the builder. He commented on a meeting to be held with the architect and a window company to replace the windows in the main corridor. Members discussed the work and the possibility of obtaining grants to assist in the cost. 8. PLANNING MATTERS a) Planning applications submitted for approval during the month: 06/00271/COU conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling - Prestwood Farm Linthouse Lane – no objections 06/00339/FUL single side rear extension re-submission 05/01215/FUL Ivy House Public House 62 Stafford Road Newtown – no objections b) The following planning applications have been approved: 05/01248/FUL Temporary changing facilities Bloxwich Rugby Club Broad Lane 05/01365/FUL detached dormer bungalow Land rear of 54 Sneyd Lane 06/00101/FUL kitchen extension & conservatory 30 Larchmere Drive 05/01326/COU proposed conversion of stable blocks into residential accommodation Torwood Stables New Landywood Lane 06/00128/FUL Rock Dove cottage Westcroft Farm Cannock Road Westcroft c) The following planning applications have been refused: 05/01331/FUL pigeon loft at 22 Broad Lane Springhill 9. CORRESPONDENCE An acknowledgement from Staffordshire County Council Highways Department regarding the car parked on Brownshore Lane junction Kingsway, an Area Traffic Technician is investigating the problems and will come back with his findings in due course.

A letter from South Staffordshire Council for Voluntary Service asking for a donation. Members discussed the service we receive from the SSCVS and agreed. a donation of £25.

A letter from Staffs CC regarding the proposed creation of a public footpath from Brownshore Lane to Bursnip Road, stating that firstly we need to contact the landowner for permission. Members discussed the land ownership and the Clerk will contact the district council to determine the owner and then write to them.

A Letter from Willenhall Rugby Club declining to use the facilities at The Pavilions Broad Lane, Members discussed the need to find a suitable tenant for the centre.

A letter from the West Midlands Regional Assembly with a copy of the Draft Phase 1 Revision The Black Country Regional Spatial Strategy for the West Midlands.

Notification of a skills seminar – Understanding the Planning System run by the Campaign to Protect Rural England, The Chairman,Councillor Sylvia Wright & the Clerk expressed a wish to attend and Members agreed. EP262 10. FINANCE A. To note the Councils Bank balances at 01.04.06 as Current Account £6948.51 and Deposit Account £45549.63 Petty Cash £100 – Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd 48,087.90 Plus receipts 11,463.13 Less payments 10,072.88 Balance c/fwd 49,478.15 B. To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-

Chq No. Payee Details Nett (£) VAT Total (£) (£) 101799 B N North & Son Repair to boiler in Playgroup 427.46 unblock drains in 443.00 77.52 520.52 driveway ECC 93.06 101800 R A M Electrical Repairs ECC 270.25 Alarm in disable toilet 510.00 89.25 599.25 329.00 101801 SLCC Parish Councillors Guide 12.50 - 12.50 101802 Plyvine Catering Chairman’s Charity Dinner 18.03.06 1835.43 321.21 2156.64 Ltd 101803 ACP Fees for drawings & clerks works in accordance with 528.00 92.40 620.40 disability toilet and access ramp 101804 SSDC Replacement padlocks x 2 42.22 - 42.22 101805 SSDC Rates 1st payment The Pavilions 405.94 – Long Lane 4559.78 - 4559.78 Centre 168.87 – Teddybears 683.34 – ECC 3301.63 101806 C E Gracey Petty cash reimbursement – flowers/ink cartridge/ 57.11 3.02 60. refreshments 13 101807 ASC Structural Appraisal & Report 450.00 78.75 528.75 101808 Inland Revenue PAYE & NI for 2005/6 £6076.33 – £250.00 for filing 5826.33 - 5826.33 online 101809 101810

The cheques issued were approved proposed by Councillor Lionel Saunders seconded by Councillor June Smallman.

The Clerk presented a statement of income and expenditure against budget up to 31 st March 2006, this was approved, proposed by Councillor Adrian Nicklin seconded by Councillor Sylvia Wright.

The Clerk presented statement of income & expenditure for the Chairman’s Charity Evening, The Spring Concert and the Black Country Evening. 11. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE The Chairman commented on the proposed complaints procedure, which each Councillor has received prior to adoption, he asked Members to forward any comments to the Clerk, prior to adoption at the next meeting. 12. EVENTS  Chairmans Charity Dinner  Black Country Evening Councillor Adrian Nicklin commented on both events and their success. He commented on future proposed events and the need to plan ahead. The Chairman thanked Councillor Nicklin and Mrs Sue Nicklin for all their help and hard working in making these events so enjoyable and successful. 13. WESTCROFT  Post Box Councillor June Smallman commented on the numerous complaints from residents regarding the lack of a post box in Westcroft and felt that the Parish Council should attempt to have the box reinstated. EP261 Members discussed the removal of the box and the Clerk will write to Royal Mail and ask for reinstatement. 14 . WATER TOWER IN HAWTHORNE ROAD  Telecommunication Masts Councillor Sylvia Wright commented on recent events at the water tower with Orange arriving to carry out works, and residents were concerned that permissions had not been granted. Following this a meeting was arranged with Steve Winterflood from South Staffs Council to determine the nature of the works and if permission was granted. The meeting resulted in the Parish Council writing to the district and formally asking for correct procedures to be adhered to. Councillor Sylvia Wright thanked the Chairman for his prompt actions on the day and getting the work halted. Members discussed the problems and expressed concerns that South Staffs Council are unsure about requirements for planning consent. The Chairman thanked Councillor Sylvia Wright for all her help and assistance in this matter. 15. BOGNOP ROAD  School Parking Councillor Adrian Nicklin commented on the problems associated with car being parked in Bognop Road for the school runs. He commented on a resident from Charles Avenue who had voiced concerns regarding trying to cross the road with the cars parked and oncoming traffic having to drive on wrong side of the road to access Bognop Road. He asked County Councillor Kath Perry to investigate the problem, she promised to do so. 16. PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE The Council commented on a recent meeting with specialists in setting up and maintaining parish council websites. Members discussed the demonstration website shown at the meeting and agreed that the Company were competent in their presentation. The Clerk will ask the company for a quote and specification in setting up a parish council website. 17. THE MOAT BLACK HALVE LANE Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on a recent meeting with Steven Dean of Staffs CC to visit the Moat, the meeting was very positive, Steven advised on the way forward being to contact the landowner for permission to restore and tidy the site, the Clerk will write to landowner 18. PAINTING COMPETITION Councillor Adrian Nicklin commented on last year’s competition and asked if another was planned for this year. Councillor Lionel Saunders commented that he was in discussions with Councillor Pat Griffin regarding a competition, which may cover other forms of the arts this year, the details are to be finalised. 19. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT County Councillor Kath Perry submitted hers and County Councillor Mike Lawrence’s reports covering their visits, meetings and contacts during the last month, highlighting points of interest for members.

The Chairman asked Members for a 15 minutes extension to the meeting, should it be required, this was granted.

20. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT Councillor David Clifft distributed his report covering his visits, meetings and contacts during the last month and commented that a large amount of his time had been spent discussing the proposed Doctors Surgery. 21. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Monday 8th May 2006 at 7.00 pm 22. CLOSURE This completed the business before the Council.


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