IEEE Standards - Draft Standard Template s7

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IEEE Standards - Draft Standard Template s7

1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1

2 IEEE P802.15 3 Wireless Personal Area Networks


Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Title MAC services

Date September 15th Submitted Marco Hernandez, Huan-Bang Li, Igor Dotlić, Ryu Miura (NICT) Source Billy Verso (DecaWave) Response Call for contributions


Purpose For reference in TG8

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. 5

3Submission i Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008



21. MAC services...... 3 3


3Submission ii Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008


11. MAC services

2 The MAC sublayer provides an interface to the next higher layer and PHY. Such interface consists of a 3MAC sublayer management entity (MLME) and a MAC sublayer data entity (MLDE). Such entities are 4accessed through two service access points:

5— The MAC sublayer data entity service access point (MLDE-SAP).

6— The MAC sublayer management entity service access point (MLME-SAP).


Next higher layer





9 Figure 1—MAC services reference model. 10

11The PAC information base (PIB) consists of constants and variables required to manage the MAC sublayer 12or PHY layer of a PD. The PIB fields and attributes are presented in 39. A field may be read only, or 13read/write.

14The MLDE handles data transfer. The MLME handles access to the PIB, communication’s status, CFP 15management, channel scanning, reset of MAC sublayer, receiver enable, updating superframe 16configuration, PAC group management for discovery, peering, and di de-peering, re-peering, loss of 17synchronization, channel sounding, and ranging calibration. The service primitives between MAC sublayer 18and MAC user are shown in 2.

MAC user R R I C n e e o d q s n i p u c f o e i a r n t s m i t s o e n

MAC sublayer 19

3Submission 3 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 Figure 2—MAC service primitives reference model.

21.1 MLME-SAP primitives

3The MLME-SAP allows to access management commands between the MAC sublayer and MAC user. 1 4summarizes the primitives supported by the MLME-SAP interface.


6 Table 1—MLME-SAP primitives Name Request Confirm Indication Response

MLME.Get − −

MLME.Set − −

MLME.Discovery − −

MLME.Peering − −

MLME.Dipeering de-peering − −

MLME.FrameErrorNotification − − −

MLME.Reset − −

MLME.ReceiverEnable − −

MLME.Scan − −

MLME.GroupStart TBD −

MLME.CommunicationStatus − −

MLME.Synchronization − − −

MLME.SynchronizationLoss − − −

MLME.ChannelSounding − −


MLME.Calibrate − −



3Submission 4 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 11.1.1 PIB access

2These primitives are used to read or write PIB values. MLME.Get.Request

4The primitive reads a given PIB field. The properties of this primitive are:


6 PIBName;


8The primitive parameter is defined in 2.


10 Table 2—MLME.Get.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Name of the PIB PIBName String As defined in 39 field to read.


12 MLME.Get.Confirm

14This primitive reports the result requested by MLME.Get.Request. The properties of this primitive are:


16 Status;

17 PIBName;

18 PIBValue;


20The primitive parameters are defined in 3.


22 Table 3—MLME.Get.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Status Enumeration SUCCESS, FAIL, The status of the UNSSUPPORTED request for PIB field

3Submission 5 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 information.

Name of the PIB PIBName String As defined in 39 field to read.

The value of the PIBValue As defined in 39 As defined in 39 indicated PIB field to read.


2The property PIBValue is set to 0 when Status is UNSSUPPORTED.

3 MLME.Set.Request

5The primitive allows writing a given value to the indicated PIB field. The properties of this primitive are:


7 PIBName;

8 PIBValue;


10The primitive parameters are defined in 4.


12 Table 4—MLME.Set.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Name of the PIB PIBName String As defined in 39 field to write.

The value of the PIBValue Various types As defined in 39 indicated PIB field to write.


14 MLME.Set.Confirm

16This primitive reports the result requested by MLME.Set.Request. The properties of this primitive are:


18 Status;

3Submission 6 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 PIBName;


3The primitive parameters are defined in 5.

4 Table 5—MLME.Set.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

INVALID means PIBValue is out of SUCCESS, INVALID, range. Status Enumeration READ_ONLY, UNSUPPORTED UNSUPPORTED. means PIBName is not defined in the PIB.

Name of the written PIBName String As defined in 39 PIB field.



71.1.2 Discovery primitives

8These primitives are used for the discovery of neighboring PDs. MLME.Discovery.Request

10The primitive requests a PD to perform discovery. The properties of this primitive are:


12 DiscoveryMode;

13 DiscoveryInfo;

14 ChannelPage;

15 ScanChannels;


17The primitive parameters are defined in 6.


19 Table 6—MLME.Discovery.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

DiscoveryMode Enumeration TX, RX Indicates transmission or

3Submission 7 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 reception of discovery information.

Indicates the Array of PAC IDs DiscoveryInfo As defined in 7 discovery descriptors information.

Any valid channel The channel page on ChannelPage Integer page as defined in which to attempt Table TBD discovery.

Any valid channel The channel number ChannelNumber Integer number as defined in on which to attempt Table TBD discovery.

Any valid channel The channel ScanChannels Array of integers number as defined in numbers to be used Table TBD for discovery.


2In RX mode, channelNumber is zero.

3Discovery descriptors are defined in 7.

4 Table 7—PAC ID descriptors Property Type Valid range Description

MAC address of the Device_ID MAC address PD specific PD.

0 to 216−1 Multicast Group Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer addresssIDs of PAC 2 octets network

Application name, Application_ID char 14 octets user name, login.


6 MLME.Discovery.Confirm

8This primitive requests association with given PD. The properties of this primitive are:


10 DiscoveryMode;

11 DiscoveryInfo;

3Submission 8 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 ChannelPage;

2 ScanChannels;

3 Status;


5The primitive parameters are defined in 8.


7 Table 8—MLME.Discovery.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Indicates transmission or DiscoveryMode Enumeration TX, RX reception of discovery information.

Array of PAC IDs Indicates discovery DiscoveryInfo As defined in 7 descriptors information.

The channel page on Any valid channel page as ChannelPage Integer which discovery was defined in Table TBD attempted.

The channel number Any valid channel number as ChannelNumber Integer on which discovery defined in Table TBD was attempted

The channel Any valid channel number as ScanChannels Array of integers numbers used for defined in Table TBD discovery.

SUCCESS, FAIL, Status of the Status Enumeration DISCOVERY_IN_PROGRESS discovery request



101.1.3 Peering primitives

11These primitives are used when a PD becomes associated with another PD. MLME.Peering.Request

13 This primitive requests association with given PD. The properties of this primitive are:


3Submission 9 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura (NICT) 4 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 ChannelNumber;

2 ChannelPage;

3 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

4 Requestee_ID (DestinationAddress);


6The primitive parameters are defined in 9.


8 Table 9—MLME.Peering.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The channel number As defined in Table ChannelNumber Integer on which to attempt TBD associationpeering.

The channel page on As defined in Table ChannelPage Integer which to attempt TBD associationpeering.

Group ID of 0 to 216 −1 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer requestee PD 2 octets destination PD.

Address of the PD Requestee_ID MAC address PD specific with which to DestinationAddress associatepeer.

9 MLME.Peering.Confirm

11The primitive reports the result requested by MLME.Peering.Request of the initiating PD. The properties of 12this primitive are:


14 Requestee_ID (DestinationAddress);

15 Requestor_ID (SourceAddress);

16 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

17 Status;


19The primitive parameters are defined in 10.

3Submission 10 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1

2 Table 10 —MLME.Peering.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD Requestee_ID MAC address PD specific with which to DestinationAddress associatepeer.

The address of the Requestor_ID SourceAddress MAC address PD specific PD requesting associationpeering.

Group ID of Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer 0 to 216 −1 2 octets requestee PDdestination PD.

SUCCESS, The status of the CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, Status Enumeration association peering NO_ACK, ACCESS_DENIED, attempt. TBD


4If the association peering request was successful, then the Status parameter will be set to SUCCESS. 5Otherwise, the Status parameter will be set to indicate the type of failure. MLME.Peering.Indication

7The primitive is used to indicate the reception of a peering request command. The properties of this 8primitive are: 9 10MLME.Peering.Indication{

11 PD_ID;

12 PHYcapability;


14The primitive parameters are defined in 15 16 Table 11 —MLME.Peering.Indication parameters 17 Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD PD_ID MAC address PD specific requesting peering.

PHYcapability Enumeration LOW_MOBILITY, Operational HIGH_MOBILITY, capability of the PD GFSK,

3Submission 11 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 UWB_BPM_BPSK, requesting peering. UWB_OOK

1 2 MLME.Peering.Response

4The primitive is used to initiate a response to an MLME.Peering.Indication primitive. The properties of this 5primitive are: 6 7MLME.Peering.Response{

8 PD_ID;

9 MulticastGroup_ID;

10 Status;


12The primitive parameters are defined in 13 14 Table 12 —MLME.Peering.Response parameters 15 Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD PD_ID MAC address PD specific requesting peering.

MulticastGroup address allocated after successful peering. This parameter is set to 0 MulticastGroup ID Integer 0 to 2 16 −1 if there is no multicastGroup address, or 1 if peering was unsuccessful

SUCCESFUL, Status of the peering Status Enumeration OUT_OF_CAPACITY attempt. , ACCESS_DENIED,

16 17

181.1.4 Dei-peering primitives

19These primitives are used when a PD becomes disassociated de-peered from another PD.

3Submission 12 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 MLME.Deipeering.Request

2This primitive requests dissociation de-peering of given PD. The properties of this primitive are:


4 Requestee_IDDestinationAddress;

5 Requestor_IDSourceAddress;

6 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

7 Reason;


9The primitive parameters are defined in 13.


11 Table 13 —MLME.Deipeering.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Requestee_ID Address of the PD MAC address PD specific with which to DestinationAddress associatepeer.

Requestor_ID The address of the MAC address PD specific PD requesting SourceAddresss associationpeering.

Group ID of 0 to 216 −1 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer requestee destination 2 octets PD.

Reason Integer 0 to 14 Reasons for dissociation:

0 - Requestee wants to leave.

1 0 - Requestor Source wants to leave.

2 – Requestee requests Requestor to leave.

3 1 - Requestor Source requests Requestee

3Submission 13 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 destination to leave.

4 - Out of capacity.

1 MLME.Deipeering.Confirm

3This primitive reports the result requested by MLME.Deipeering.Request. The properties of this primitive 4are:


6 Requestee_IDDestinationAddress;

7 Requestor_IDSourceAddress;

8 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

9 Status;


11The primitive parameters are defined in 14.


13 Table 14 —MLME.Deipeering.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Requestee_ID Address of the PD MAC address PD specific with which to DestinationAddresss associatede-peer.

The address of the Requestor_ID PD requesting MAC address PD specific associationde- SourceAddresss peering.

0 to 216 −1 MulticastGroup Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer ID of requestee 2 octets destination PD.

SUCCESS, NO_ACK, The status of the Status Enumeration CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, disassociation de- TBD peeringattempt.


15If the disassociation de-peering request was successful, then the Status parameter will be set to SUCCESS. 16Otherwise, the Status parameter will be set to indicate the type of failure.

3Submission 14 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 MLME.De-peering.Indication

2The primitive is used to indicate the reception of a de-peering request command.


4 PD_ID;

5 Reason;


7The primitive parameters are defined in

8 Table 15 —MLME-De-peering.Indication Property Type Valid range Description

The address of the MAC address PD specific PD requesting de- PD_ID peering.

0 – source wants to leave Reason Integer 0 − 1 1 – source requests destination to leave






141.1.5 Frame error notification primitives

15This primitive is used to notify the next higher layer that an error has occurred during the processing of a 16frame. 17 MLME.FrameErrorNotification.Indication

19This primitive indicates a communications status. The properties of this primitive are:


21 SourceAddress;

22 DestinationAddress;

3Submission 15 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

2 Status;


4The primitive parameters are defined in 16.


6 Table 16 —MLME.FrameErrorNotification.Indication parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD from which the SourceAddress MAC address PD specific frame causing an error originated.

Address of the PD from which the DestinationAddress MAC address PD specific frame causing an error originated.

Group ID of Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer 0 to 216 −1 2 octets requestee destination PD.

TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW, The status of the TRANSACTION_EXPIRED, Status Enumeration communication CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE, error frame. NO_ACK, TBD


8TRANSACTION_OVERFLOW – The MLME does not have the capacity to store the superframe that was 9to be sent.

10TRANSACTION_EXPIRED – The transaction was not handled within macTransactionPersistenceTime.

11CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE – There was a failure in the CAP, CFP while attempting to send the 12frame.

13NO_ACK – An acknowledgment was expected but not received.


151.1.6 Reset MAC sublayer

16These primitives are used to reset the MAC sublayer. The execution is implementation specific.

3Submission 16 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 MLME.Reset.Request

2This primitive is used by the next higher layer to request a reset operation. The properties of this primitive 3are:


5 ResetMode;


7The primitive parameters are defined in 17.


9 Table 17 —MLME.Reset.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Reset the MAC ResetMode Boolean TRUE, FALSE sublayer.


11If TRUE, the MAC sublayer is reset and all MAC PIB fields are set to their default values. If FALSE, the 12MAC sublayer is reset, but all MAC PIB fields retain their values prior to the generation of the MLME- 13Reset.Request primitive.

14 MLME.Reset.Confirm

16This primitive reports the results of the reset operation. The properties of this primitive are:

17MLME.Reset.Confirm {

18 Status;


20The primitive parameters are defined in 18.

21 Table 18 —MLME.Reset.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The result of the Status Enumeration SUCCESS, FAIL reset operation.



3Submission 17 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 11.1.7 Receiver enable

2These primitives are used to enable or disable a receiver of a PD. MLME.ReceiverEnable.Request

4This primitive allows the next higher layer to request that the receiver is either enabled for a finite period of 5time or disabled. The properties of this primitive are:

6MLME.ReceiverEnable.Request {

7 Defer;

8 RxOnTime;

9 RxOnDuration;


11The primitive parameters are defined in 19.


13 Table 19 —MLME.ReceiverEnable.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

TRUE if the requested operation can be deferred until the next superframe, if the requested time has already passed. FALSE if Defer Boolean TRUE, FALSE. the requested operation is only to be attempted in the current superframe. This parameter is ignored during the CAP.

The number of symbols measured from the start of 0 to (224 −1) the superframe before the RxOnTime Integer receiver is to be enabled or 3 octets disabled. This parameter is ignored during the CAP.

The number of symbols for which the receiver is to RxOnDuration Integer 0 to (224 −1) be enabled. This property is equal to 0, if the receiver is to be disabled.


3Submission 18 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1The primitive enables the radio to receiver mode for a fixed duration, at a time relative to the start of the 2current or next superframe, or immediately during the CAP, or according to the TDD receiver mode, and 3without conflict with another higher priority operation of the radio transceiver.

4In case of conflicting operation with a higher priority task of the radio transceiver, the PD will interrupt the 5receive operation, until the completion of the superseded operation. The property RxOnDuration will be 6checked to determine whether the time has expired. If so, the ReceiverEnable primitive operation is 7complete. If not, the receiver is re-enabled until either the PD has another superseded task, or the time 8specified by the property RxOnDuration has expired. When the primitive is issued to disable the receiver, 9the PD will disable its receiver unless the radio transceiver has a higher priority task.

10This primitive may also be generated to cancel a previously generated request to enable the receiver. The 11receiver is enabled or disabled exactly once per primitive request.

12If the RxOnDuration parameter is equal to zero, the MLME requests the PHY to disable its receiver.

13During the CAP, the MLME ignores the DeferPermit and RxOnTime parameters and requests that the PHY 14enable or disable the receiver immediately. If the request is to enable the receiver, the receiver will remain 15enabled until RxOnDuration has elapsed.

16 MLME.ReceiverEnable.Confirm

18This primitive reports the results of the attempt to enable or disable the receiver. The properties of this 19primitive are: 20 21MLME.ReceiverEnable.Confirm {

22 Status;


24The primitive parameters are defined in 20.


26 Table 20 —MLME.ReceiverEnable.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

SUCCESS, PAST_TIME, The result of the Status Enumeration ON_TIME_TOO_LONG, request to enable or INVALID_PARAMETER disable the receiver.


28The primitive is generated by the MLME and issued to its next higher layer in response to an 29MLME.ReceiverEnable.Request primitive. This primitive returns a status of either SUCCESS, if the 30request to enable or disable the receiver was successful or the appropriate error code. 31 32Before attempting to enable the receiver, the MLME first determines whether (RxOnTime + 33RxOnDuration) is less than the synchronization period interval. If (RxOnTime + RxOnDuration) is not less 34than the synchronization period interval, the MLME issues the MLME.ReceiverEnable.Confirm primitive 35with the property Status=ON_TIME_TOO_LONG. 3Submission 19 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1The MLME then determines whether the receiver can be enabled in the current superframe. If the current 2time measured from the start of the superframe is less than (RxOnTime – macSIFSPeriod), the MLME 3attempts to enable the receiver in the current superframe. If the current time measured from the start of the 4superframe is greater than or equal to (RxOnTime – macSIFSPeriod) and DeferPermit is equal to TRUE, 5the MLME defers until the next superframe and attempts to enable the receiver in that superframe. 6Otherwise, if the MLME cannot enable the receiver in the current superframe and is not permitted to defer 7the receive operation until the next superframe, the MLME issues the MLME.ReceiverEnable.Confirm 8with the property Status=PAST_TIME.


101.1.8 Channel scanning

11This primitive is used to initiate a channel scan over a given list of channels. The properties of this 12primitive are: MLME.Scan.Request

14The MLME-SCAN.request primitive is used to initiate a channel scan over a given list of channels. The 15properties of this primitive are:


17 ScanType;

18 ChannelPage;

19 ScanChannels;

20 ScanDuration;


22The primitive parameters are defined in 21.


24 Table 21 —MLME.Scan.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

ED, ACTIVE, Indicates the type of ScanType Enumeration PASSIVE. scan performed.

Any valid channel The channel page on ChannelPage Integer page as indicated in which to perform the Table TBD scan.

Any valid channel The channel ScanChannels Array of integers number as indicated in numbers to be Table TBD scanned

ScanDuration Integer TBD A value used to calculate the length

3Submission 20 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 of time to spend scanning each channel for ED, active, and passive scans.

1 MMLE.Scan.Confirm

3This primitive reports the result of the channel scan request. The properties of this primitive are:


5 Status,

6 ScanType;

7 ChannelPage;

8 UnscannedChannels;

9 ResultListSize;

10 EnergyDetectList;

11 DetectedCategory;


13The primitive parameters are defined in 22.


15 Table 22 —MLME.Scan.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description


Indicates the type of ScanType Enumeration ED, ACTIVE, PASSIVE scan performed

A list of the channels given in the UnscannedChannel Any valid channel number request which were Array of integers s as defined in Table TBD not scanned. This parameter is not valid for ED scans

3Submission 21 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 The number of ResultListSize Integer Implementation specific elements returned in EnergyDetectList. The list of energy measurements, one for each channel 0 to 255 per element in the searched during an EnergyDetectList Array of integers array. ED scan. This parameter is null for active, passive scans.

Categorization of energy detection with the following values:

0: Category detection is not DetectedCategory Integer 0 to 2 supported

1: UWB PHY detected

2: Non-UWB PHY signal source detected.


2If the MLME receives a MLME.Scan.Request primitive while performing a previously initiated scan 3operation, the MLME will not perform the scan and the Status property will be set to 4SCAN_IN_PROGRESS. If the MLME.Scan.Request primitive requested an active or passive scan, the 5EnergyDetectList property will be NULL.


71.1.9 Group configuration

8These primitives are used to initiate a PAC Group or to begin using a new superframe configuration. MMLE.GroupStart.Request

10This primitive is also used by a PD already associated peered with an existing PAC Group to begin using a 11new superframe configuration. The properties of this primitive are:


13 GroupID;

14 InitiatorID;

15 ChannelNumber;

3Submission 22 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 ChannelPage;

2 StartTime;

3 SuperframeOrder;


5The primitive parameters are defined in 23.


7 Table 23 —MMLE.GroupStart.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The address of the Initiator_ID MAC address PD specific initiator PD

Group ID of 0 to 216 −1 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer requestee initiator 2 octets PD.

Any valid channel The channel number ChannelNumber Integer number a defined in to use. Table TBD

Any valid channel The channel page to ChannelPage Integer page as defined in use. Table TBD

The time at which to begin transmitting the synchronization period. If this parameter is equal to 0, the synchronization period will begin StartTime Unsigned integer 0 to (224 −1) immediately. Otherwise, the specified time is relative to the received synchronization period of the current initiator PD.

The length of the SuperframeOrder Unsigned integer TBD active portion of the superframe.


3Submission 23 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 MMLE.GroupStart.Confirm

3This primitive reports the results of the attempt to start using a new superframe configuration. The 4properties of this primitive are:


6 Status;


8The primitive parameters are defined in 24.


10 Table 24 —MMLE.GroupStart.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

SUCCESS, The result of the SUPERFRAME_OVERLAP, attempt to start a Status Enumeration INVALID_PARAMETER, PAC Group or an FRAME_TOO_LONG, updated superframe CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE configuration.


12The MLME.Start.Confirm primitive returns a status of either SUCCESS, indicating that the MAC sublayer 13has started a new PAC Group or using the new superframe configuration. Otherwise, an appropriate error 14code is return as follows:

15CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE – The transmission lost synchronization.

16FRAME_TOO_LONG – The length of the MPDU exceeds MaxPHYPacketSize.

17SUPERFRAME_OVERLAP – The outgoing superframe overlaps the incoming superframe.

18 MMLE.GroupStart.Indication

20The primitive is used to indicate the reception of GroupStart request command. The properties of this 21primitive are: 22 23MLME.GroupStart.Indication{

24 PD_ID;

25 PHYcapability;


3Submission 24 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1The primitive parameters are defined in 2

Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD PD_ID MAC address PD specific requesting GroupStart.

LOW_MOBILITY, Operational HIGH_MOBILITY, capability of the PD PHYcapability Enumeration GFSK, requesting UWB_BPM_BPSK, GroupStart. UWB_OOK


4 MMLE.GroupStart.Response

6The primitive is used to initiate a response to an MLME.StartGroup.Indication primitive. The properties of 7this primitive are: 8 9MLME.Peering.Response{

10 PD_ID;

11 MulticastGroup_ID;

12 Status;


14The primitive parameters are defined in 15

Property Type Valid range Description

Address of the PD PD_ID MAC address PD specific requesting GroupStart.

MulticastGroup address. This parameter is set to 0 MulticastGroup ID Integer 0 to 2 16 −1 if there is no multicastGroup address.

SUCCESFUL, Status of the Status Enumeration OUT_OF_CAPACITY GroupStart attempt. , ACCESS_DENIED,

3Submission 25 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1


3It was proposed as required in the last meeting.


51.1.10 Communication status primitives

6This primitive is used to notify the next higher the status of communication during the processing of a 7frame. 8 MLME.GroupNotify.Request

10This primitive is used by a PD to request the status of communication. The properties of this primitive are:


12 Requestee_ID;


14The primitive parameters are defined in 25.


16 Table 25 —MLME.GroupNotify.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

MAC address of Requestee_ID MAC address PD specific requestee PD.


18 MLME.GroupNotify.Confirm

20This primitive is used to notify the next higher the status of communication during the processing of a 21frame. The primitive parameters are defined in 22

23 Table 26 —MLME.GroupNotify.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The PAC Group GroupDescriptor Various types As defined in Table TBD descriptor of requestee PD.


3Submission 26 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 Table 27 —Properties of PAC GroupDescriptor Property Type Valid range Description

List if Group IDs of Group_IDList Array of integers 0 – 255 per element in the array requestee PD.

Array of MAC List of PD IDs per PD_IDList PD specific addresses Group ID




41.1.11 Synchronization

5These primitives are used to synchronize with other PDs and to communicate loss of synchronization to the 6next higher layer. MLME.Synchronization.Request

8The primitive requests to synchronize with other PDs by acquiring and tracking their synchronization 9signal. The properties of this primitive are:


11 ChannelNumber;

12 ChannelPage;

13 TrackMode;


15The primitive parameters are defined in 28.



18 Table 28 —MLME.Synchronization.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The channel number As defined in Table ChannelNumber Integer on which to attempt TBD synchronization.

The channel page on As defined in Table ChannelPage Integer which to attempt TBD synchronization.

3Submission 27 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 TRUE if the PD is to synchronize from the next synchronization TrackMode Boolean TRUE, FALSE period. FALSE if the PD is to synchronize with only the next synchronization period.


2When the primitive is received by the MLME, it will set phyCurrentPage and phyCurrentChannel equal to 3the values of the ChannelPage and ChannelNumber, respectively. If the TrackMode parameter is equal to 4TRUE, the MLME will track the synchronization period, i.e., enable its receiver just before the expected 5time of synchronization period. If the TrackMode parameter is equal to FALSE, the MLME will locate the 6synchronization period, but not continue to track it.

7If this primitive is received by the MLME while it is currently tracking the synchronization period, the 8MLME will not discard the primitive but will treat it as a new synchronization request. MLME.Synchronization.Confirm

10 MLME.SynchronizationLoss.Indication

12The primitive indicates the loss of synchronization. The properties of this primitive are:


14 LossReason;

15 GroupID;

16 PD_ID;

17 ChannelNumber;

18 ChannelPage;


20The primitive parameters are defined in 29.


22 Table 29 —MMLE.Synchronization.Indication parameters Property Type Valid range Description

3Submission 28 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 SYNC_LOST, The reason LossReason Enumeration SUPERFRAME_OVERLAP, synchronization was TBD lost.

0 to 255 Group ID of the PD Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer that has lost 2 octets synchronization

The MAC address PD_ID MAC address PD specific of the PD that has lost synchronization

The channel number on which the PD Any valid channel number as ChannelNumber Integer that has lost defined in Table TBD synchronization operated.

The channel page on which the PD Any valid channel page as ChannelPage Integer that has lost defined in Table TBD synchronization operated.


2The primitive is generated by the MLME of a PD and issued to its next higher layer in the event of a loss of 3synchronization. The reason for synchronization loss is expressed by the parameter of LossReason:

4SYNC_LOST – The PD has missed several synchronization periods.

5SUPERFRAME_OVERLAP – If a change in the superframe configuration causes the outgoing superframe 6overlaps the incoming superframe.



91.1.12 Channel sounding

10These primitives are used to obtain the results of a channel sounding from PDs that supports the channel 11sounding capability. MMLE.ChannelSounding.Request

13The primitive is used by the next higher layer to request that the PHY performs channel sounding by PDs 14with that capability. The properties of this primitive are:



17 ChannelNumber;

3Submission 29 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 ChannelPage;


3The primitive parameters are defined in 30.


5 Table 30 —MMLE.ChannelSounding.Request Property Type Valid range Description

Any valid channel The channel number ChannelNumber Integer number as defined in on which to attempt Table TBD channel sounding.

Any valid channel The channel page on ChannelPage Integer page as defined in which to attempt Table TBD channel sounding.

6 MMLE.ChannelSounding.Confirm

8The primitive reports the result of a request to the PHY to provide channel sounding information. Such 9information is an estimate of the SINR at the input antenna of the requestee PD. The properties of this 10primitive are:


12 Status;

13 SINR;

14 CQI;


16 The primitive parameters are defined in 31.

17 Table 31 —MMLE.ChannelSounding.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The status of the SUCCESS, FAIL, attempt to return Status Enumeration UNSUPPORTED channel sounding data.

SINR estimate at the SINR Integer −40 to 40 input antenna in dBm.

CQI Integer 0 to 6 CQI value measured during reception of the 3Submission 30 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 PSDU. 0 – very good 1 – good 2 – medium 3– bad TBD 1


31.1.13 Dynamic preamble selection

4The dynamic preamble selection (DPS) primitives apply to the UWB PHY allowing the temporary use of 5different preamble codes as a means to thwart a hostile third party attack on the ranging procedures. MLME.DPS.Request

7This requests that the UWB PHY temporarily use the specified preamble code in transmitter and/or receiver 8for a single use. The properties of this primitive are:

9MLME.DPS.Request {

10 TxDPSIndex; 11 RxDPSIndex; 12 DPSIndexDuration;


14The primitive parameters are defined in 32.

15 Table 32 — MLME.DPS.Request parameters

Field Type Value range Description

The code index value for the UWB PHY transmitter to TxDPSIndex Integer 0 to 48 use in UWB SHR generation. A value of 0 indicates that the phyPreambleCode value is used. See note below.

The code index value for the UWB PHY receiver to use RxDPSIndex Integer 0 to 48 in SHR detection and reception. A value of 0 indicates that the phyPreambleCode value is used. See note below.

This specifies a time in µs after which the DPS selection will revert to use the phyPreambleCode value in both Integer 0 to (224 −1) DPSIndexDuration transmitter and receiver, assuming it is not ended earlier by the issuing of either an MCP-DATA.request or an MCP-DATA.indication primitive.

16Note: The TxDPSIndex and RxDPSIndex values select codes as per the “Preamble Sequence ID” column of Table 17 XX for the BPM-BPSK modulation mode, and as per parameter i of Table XX for the OOK modulation 18 mode where the DPS index specified here is i + 1. 19

3Submission 31 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1The MLME responds with an MLME.DPS.Confirm primitive with the appropriate status parameter, and 2assuming the MLME.DPS.Request has been successful, the resulting altered preamble codes persist until 3one of the follow events:

4 - The DPS is cancelled by issuing a new MLME.DPS.Request with zero values for both 5 TxDPSIndex and RxDPSIndex parameters,

6 - A frame is received and the MCP-DATA.indication primitive is generated,

7 - A frame is transmitted via an MCP-DATA.request primitive and the MCP-DATA.confirm 8 primitive is generated,

9 - The period specified by the DPSIndexDuration parameter expires and the MLME.DPS.indication 10 primitive is issued.

11The use of DSPS is further explained in TBD.

12 MLME.DPS.Confirm

14The MLME.DPS.confirm primitive reports the results of the attempt to enable or disable DPS.

15The properties of this primitive are:

16MLME.DPS.Confirm {

17 Status;


19The primitive parameters are defined in table

20 Table 33 —MLME.DPS.Confirm parameters

Field Type Value range Description


22The MLME.DPS.confirm primitive is generated by the MLME and issued to its next higher layer in 23response to an MLME.DPS.Request primitive.

24If any parameter value in the MLME.DPS.request primitive is out of range is not supported by the PD in its 25current PHY operating mode as selected by phyModeSelection, the status of DPS_NOT_SUPPORTED is 26returned. If the request to enable or disable the DPS is successful, the MLME issues the 27MLME.DPS.confirm primitive with a status of SUCCESS.

3Submission 32 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 MLME.DPS.Indication

2The MLME.DPS.indication primitive informs the next higher layer that the DPSIndexDuration period, 3specified in the MLME.DPS.request, has expired and the preamble codes in both the transmitter and the 4receiver have reverted to use the code specified by the phyPreambleCode value.

5The properties of this primitive are:

6MLME.DPS.Indication { }

7There are no parameters for this primitive.


91.1.14 Ranging calibration

10A PD with a UWB PHY that supports ranging may optionally include the ability to dynamically 11characterize the internal delays that give rise to the phyTxRmarkerOffset and phyRxRmarkerOffset 12quantities. These quantities represent the propagation time from the internal transmit timestamp to the 13transmit antenna, and the propagation time from the receive antenna to the internal receiver timestamp. 14The MLME.Calibrate primitives are defined to support the characterization of these delays.

15 MLME.Calibrate.Request

17The MLME.Calibrate.request primitive attempts to have the PD respond with ranging marker offset 18information. There are no parameters for this primitive.

19MLME.Calibrate.Request { }

20In response to the MLME.Calibrate.request the MLME issues an MLME.Calibrate.confirm primitive.

21 MLME.Calibrate.Confirm

23The MLME.Calibrate.confirm primitive reports the result of a previous MLME.Calibrate.request,

24The properties of this primitive are:

25MLME.Calibrate.Confirm {

26 Status; 27 CalTxRMARKEROffset; 28 CalRxRMARKEROffset;


30The primitive parameters are defined in 34.


3Submission 33 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1 Table 34 —MLME.Calibrate.Confirm parameters

Field Type Value range Description

Status Enumeration SUCCESS, The status result of the attempt to UNSUPPORTED return the delay calibration data.

CalTxRMARKEROffset Unsigned 0 to (232 −1) A count of the propagation time from the transmit ranging counter to the integer TBD transmit antenna. The units of this are defined in 10.4.1.

CalRxRMARKEROffset Unsigned 0 to (232 −1) A count of the propagation time from integer the receive antenna to the receive ranging counter. The units of this are defined in 10.4.1. 2

3The MLME.Calibrate.Confirm primitive is generated by the MLME and issued to its next higher layer in 4response to an MLME.Calibrate.Request primitive.

5In some implementations the MLME.Calibrate.Confirm may return values calibrated into the PD during its 6manufacture, in other cases the DP may perform a physical measurement of the delays. Either way, since 7system delays may depend on the PHY configuration, it is recommended to configure the required 8phyModeSelection, phyPreambleCode, etc. before initiating the MLME.Calibrate.Request.

9If the MLME.Calibrate feature is supported, the MLME issues the MLME-CALIBRATE.confirm primitive 10with a Status of SUCCESS, indicating that the CalTxRMARKEROffset and CalRxRMARKEROffset 11values are valid, otherwise the returned Status the status parameter will be set to UNSUPPORTED.


131.2 MAC data service

14The MCPS-SAP supports the transport of data information. 35 lists the primitives maintained by the 15MCPS-SAP.


17 Table 35 —MCPS-SAP primitives Name Request Confirm Indication Response

MCPS.Data −



201.2.1 MCPS.Data.Request

21The primitive requests the transfer of data to another PD. The properties of this primitive are:

3Submission 34 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1MCPS.Data.Request {

2 phyModeSelection;

3 SourceAddress;

4 DestinationAddress;

5 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

6 MSDUlength;

7 MSDUHandle;

8 TransmitTimeOut;

9 DataType;

10 DataRate;

11 PurgeMode;

12 UWB_AckTX;

13 UWB_Ranging;

14 UWB_IeList;

15 UWB_RequestRriTx;


17The primitive parameters are defined in 36.

18 Table 36 —MCPS.Data.Request parameters Property Type Valid range Description

The address of the SourceAddress MAC address PD specific PD from which the frame originated.

LOW-MOBILITY, HIGH_MOBILITY, phyModeSelection Enumeration GFSK, PHY selection UWB_BPM_BPSK, UWB_OOK

Address of the PD for which the frame DestinationAddress MAC address PD specific is intended.

3Submission 35 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 0 to 216 −1 Group ID of a PAC Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer 2 octets network.

MDSU length in MSDUlength Integer TBD octets.

Integer number MSDUhandle Integer TBD identifying the MSDU.

The maximum allowed delay in microseconds from when the data is presented to the SAP TransmitTimeOut Integer TBD until the frame has finished transmission and the acknowledgment, if required, is received. Indicates the type of AUDIO, VIDEO, DataType Enumeration data that is sent in DATA the stream. Integer TBD Indicates the data DataRate rate If TRUE, the MSDU in the transaction Boolean TRUE, FALSE buffer corresponding PurgeMode to MSDUhandle, is discarded from the transaction buffer. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB_AckTX UWB. Boolean FALSE, TRUE TRUE if acknowledged transmission is used, FALSE otherwise. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB. UWB_Ranging Boolean FALSE, TRUE TRUE if ranging bit in PHR is to be set, FALSE otherwise. UWB_IeList Set if IEs as As described in Table This parameter is described in TBD present only when Array of integers phyModeSelection is (IEs) UWB.

Determines/supplies the IEs to be sent,

3Submission 36 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 including: RRRT IE, RRTD IE, RPRT IE, RRTM IE, RCDT IE and RTOF IE This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

This parameter requests that the PD inserts an RRTI IE in the sent data UWB_RequestRrtiTx Boolean TRUE, FALSE frame. If the MCPS- DATA.request is early enough the data frame shall be sent at the configured macRngRrtiTime otherwise shall be sent as soon as possible thereafter. 1

21.2.2 MCPS.Data.Confirm

3The primitive reports the results of a request to transfer data to another PD. The properties of this primitive 4are:

5MCPS.Data.Confirm {

6 MSDUhandle;

7 Status;

8 PurgeMode;

9 UWB_TxRangingCounter;

10 UWB_RxRangingCounter;

11 UWB_IeList;

12 UWB_TxRrtiValue;

13 UWB_AoaAzimuth;

14 UWB_AoaElevation;

15 UWB_AoaPresent;

16 UWB_Rssi;

3Submission 37 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1}

2The primitive parameters are defined in 37.


4 Table 37 —MCPS.Data.Confirm parameters Property Type Valid range Description

Integer number MSDUhandle Integer TBD identifying the MSDU.


This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB. UWB_TxRangingCounter Unsigned Integer TBD0 to (232 −1) The timestamp of the transmitted data frame This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

For an acknowledged UWB_RxRangingCounter Unsigned Integer TBD0 to (232 −1) transmission this is the timestamp of the received acknowledgement frame. For a non- acknowledged transmission this parameter is invalid. UWB_IeList IEs received in As defined in Table TBD This parameter is the ACK present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

For an acknowledged transmission this reports the IEs received in the 3Submission 38 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 ACK including: RRTI IE This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

This reports the UWB_TxRrtiValue Unsigned Integer 0 to (232 −1) value sent in the RRTI IE where this was requested by the RequestRrtiTx parameter of the MCPS- DATA.request. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

For an acknowledged transmission this is the AOA of the received signal in azimuth measured UWB_AoaAzimuth Float -π to +π in radians, relative to some PD specific axis defined by its antenna arrangement or orientation. This parameter is valid only when the AoaPresent parameter is either AZIMUTH or BOTH. UWB_AoaElevation Float -π to +π This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

For an acknowledged transmission this is the AOA of the received signal AOA of the received signal in elevation measured in radians. This parameter is valid only when the AoaPresent 3Submission 39 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 parameter is either ELEVATION or BOTH. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

Indicates validity of NONE, AoaAzimuth and Enumeration BOTH, UWB_AoaPresent AoaElevation AZIMUTH, parameter. For a ELEVATION non-acknowledged transmission or where AOA is not supported this parameter value shall be NONE. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

For an acknowledged transmission this reports the received signal strength for the ACK frame. This is a measure of the RF power level at the antenna based on the gain setting UWB_Rssi Integer 0 to 255 in the RX chain and the measured signal level in the channel. For the UWB PHY the RSSI value is measured during the frame Preamble and locked when a valid SFD is detected. A value of zero indicates that RSSI measurement is not supported or was not measured for this frame. 1

2The MCPS.Data.Confirm primitive returns a status of either SUCCESS, indicating that the request to 3transmit was successful, or the appropriate error code.

4If the requested transaction is too large to fit in the CAP or CFP, the MAC sublayer shall discard the frame 5and issue the MCPS.Data.Confirm primitive with a status of FRAME_TOO_LONG. 3Submission 40 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 1If the transmission uses CSMA-CA or CFP and the CSMA-CA algorithm those failed due to adverse 2conditions on the channel, the MAC sublayer will discard the MPDU and the Status property will be set to 3CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE.

4If MCPS.Data.Request.PurgeMode is set to TRUE, the MCPS.Data.Confirm.Status property will be set to 5either PURGE_SUCCESS if an MSDU, matching the MSDUhandle property, was removed from the 6transaction buffer; otherwise INVALID_HANDLE.

71.2.3 MCPS.Data.Indication

8The primitive indicates the reception of data from another PD. The properties of this primitive are:


10 phyModeSelection;

11 SourceAddress;

12 DestinationAddress;

13 Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID;

14 MSDUlength;

15 CQI;

16 DataSequenceNumber;

17 DataRate;

18 UWB_TxRangingCounter;

19 UWB_RxRangingCounter;

20 UWB_IeList;

21 UWB_AoaAzimuth;

22 UWB_AoaElevation;

23 UWB_AoaPresent;

24 UWB_Rssi;



27The primitive parameters are defined in 38.

28 Table 38 —MCPS.Data.Indication parameters Property Type Valid range Description

3Submission 41 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 The address of the SourceAddress MAC address PD specific PD from which the frame originated.

Address of the PD for which the frame DestinationAddress MAC address PD specific is intended.

Group ID of PAC Group_IDMulticastGroup_ID Integer 0 to 255 network.

MDSU length in MSDUlength Integer TBD octets.

CQI value measured Integer 0 – 4 CQI during reception of the PSDU. TBD

Data number Integer TBD DataSequenceNumber sequence of the received data frame. Integer TBD Indicates the data DataRate rate. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is 0 to (232 −1) UWB. UWB_RxRangingCounter Unsigned Integer TBD The timestamp of the received data frame This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

If the received frame UWB_ TxRangingCounter Unsigned Integer had the AR bit set, TBD then this is the timestamp of the transmitted acknowledgement frame, otherwise this parameter is invalid. UWB_ IeList Set if IEs as As described in This parameter is described in present only when Array of integers phyModeSelection is (IEs) UWB.

Reports the IEs received including:

3Submission 42 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 RRRT IE, RRTD IE, RRTI IE, RPRT IE, RRTM IE, RCDT IE and RTOF IE This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

AOA of the received signal in azimuth measured in radians, relative to some PD UWB_ AoaAzimuth Float -π to +π specific axis defined by its antenna arrangement or orientation. This parameter is valid only when the AoaPresent parameter is either AZIMUTH or BOTH. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

AOA of the received signal in elevation UWB_ AoaElevation Float -π to +π measured in radians. This parameter is valid only when the AoaPresent parameter is either ELEVATION or BOTH. This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB. NONE, Indicates validity of Enumeration BOTH, UWB_AoaPresent AoaAzimuth and AZIMUTH, AoaElevation ELEVATION parameter. Where AOA is not supported this parameter value shall be NONE. UWB_Rssi Integer 0 to 255 This parameter is present only when phyModeSelection is UWB.

3Submission 43 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 The received signal strength for received frame. This is a measure of the RF power level at the antenna based on the gain setting in the RX chain and the measured signal level in the channel. For the UWB PHY the RSSI value is measured during the frame Preamble and locked when a valid SFD is detected. A value of zero indicates that RSSI measurement is not supported or was not measured for this frame. 1


31.3 PAC information base (PIB)

4The PIB comprises the fields required to manage the MAC sublayer and PHY layer of a PD, and presented 5in 39.

6The fields associate to the PHY layer and MAC sublayer use the prefix phy and mac, respectively. 7Constants are READ_ONLY.


9 Table 39 —PIB fields Field Type Range Default Description

Implementation PD_ID IEEE EUI-48 READ_ONLY PD MAC address specific

Maximum PSDU size in phyMaxPacketSize Integer READ_ONLY TBD octets

As defined in table Implementation The RF channel number phyCurrentChannel Integer TBD specific used for Tx and Rx

As defined in table Implementation The RF channel page phyCurrentPage Integer TBD specific used for Tx and Rx

phyTurnaroundTime Integer READ_ONLY TBD RX-to-TX or TX-to-RX turnaround time (in

3Submission 44 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 symbol periods), as defined in

Implementation The transmit power of the phyTXPower Integer TBD specific PD in dBm

Implementation The CCA mode as phyCCAMode Integer TBD specific defined in

The duration of the phySHRduration Integer TBD TBD synchronization period in symbols

The duration of the phyDiscoveryDuration Integer TBD TBD discovery period in symbols

The duration of the phyPeeringDuration Integer TBD TBD peering period in symbols

Implementation Number of symbols per phySymbolsperOctect Float TBD specific octet

LOW_MOBILITY, HIGH_MOBILITY Implementation phyModeSelection Enumeration , GFSK, specific PHY selection UWB_BPMBPSK, UWB_OOK. For the UWB PHY the value here shall select the preamble code to employ. The value selects the code as per For UWB PHY: the “Preamble Sequence 1 to 48 for the ID” column of Table BPM-BPSK Implementation XX for the BPM-BPSK Unsigned phyUWBPreambleCode modulation mode; specific modulation mode, and Integer and, 1 to 33 for the as per parameter i of OOK modulation Table XX for the OOK mode. modulation mode, (actually the phyPreambleCode value specified here is i+1). For other PHY the value here is ignored. phyUWBTxRmarkerOffs Unsigned TBD The propagation time et Integer from the internal 0 to (232 −1) transmit timestamp to TBD the transmit antenna. The units of this are defined in 10.4.1. The PD adds this offset to its 3Submission 45 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 internal transmit timestamp to get the reported TxRangingCounter value. The propagation time from the receive antenna to the internal receiver timestamp. The units of this are defined in phyUWBRxRmarkerOff Unsigned TBD 10.4.1. The PD TBD set Integer subtracts this offset from its internal receive timestamp to get the reported RxRangingCounter value. Read only value indicating whether the PD is able to generate macUWBRngAckRrtiSu TBD Boolean READ_ONLY an RRTI IE within the pport standard ACK response time and insert it into a ranging ACK frame. When set the PD MAC shall automatically generate and insert an RRTI IE in a ranging ACK frame, where the macUWBRngAckRrtiEn TBD Boolean TRUE, FALSE RFRAME being able acknowledged carried an RRRT IE and where macRngAckRrtiSupport indicates that the PD is capable of doing this. This is a read only value reporting the minimum RX to TX response time that the PD supports for inserting an RRTI IE into a MAC data frame. The units of this are macUWBRngMinRrti Unsigned TBD READ ONLY defined in 10.4.1. A Time Integer value of zero shall indicate that the PD cannot support RRTI insertion, i.e. so the upper layers know to employ an RRTD IE in the ranging exchanges. macUWBRngRrtiTim Unsigned TBD TBD This sets the desired e Integer RX-to-TX response time 3Submission 46 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5 1September 2015 IEEE P802.15-15-0709-020-0008

2 for the PD to use when inserting an RRTI IE into a MAC data frame. The units of this are defined in 10.4.1. The value set should take account of the macRngMinRrtiTime and any upper layer delays in initiating transmission, be reflected in the preferred response time indicated via RPRT IE exchanges. 0 – 255 per Implementation Array of Group_IDList element in the specific List if Group IDs integers array Array of Implementation List of PD IDs per PD_IDList MAC PD specific specific Group ID addresses 1

3Submission 47 Hernandez, Li, Dotlic, Miura 4(NICT) 5

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