Interview Tips s1

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Interview Tips s1

Interview Tips . This book contains hundreds of tips for successful interviews. Every interviewer is looking for an ideal candidate for their organization. To get the job, you need to be their ideal candidate and these tips can help you. . It is very natural for a candidate to become nervous during an interview. However, if you are prepared, it will increase your self-confidence, which can improve your performance in an interview.

Interview Questions/Answers . This book also contains hundreds of common job interview questions. It contains both technical and non-technical interview questions. The questions are designed to give a candidate a taste of what happens in a real job interview. If you practice these questions and answers, you can face any job interview with confidence. . Since the sample answers provided in this book do not refer to particular positions or organizations none of them should be used as they are. I strongly advise that you develop answers which represent you. However, you can use the suggestions and sample answers for guidance. Some of the sample answers were taken from the replies of real candidates. They are not the best or the worst answers, just average. Try to make yours better.

Best of luck!

Ed Molacek

www. english – workshop .com 1 Section 1: Interview Tips Contents

Unit Page

3 Introduction 1 4 Day before the Interview - Things to do before the day of the interview. 2 5 Appearance for the Interview - How to dress. 3 6 Day of the Interview - How to stay cool on the day of the interview. 4 7 During Interview - How to behave in an interview. 5 8 Mistakes Candidates Make - Common mistakes. 6 9 Question to ask the Interviewer - What to ask. 7 10 After the Interview - Things to remember after the interview. 8 11 Tips on Telephone Interviews - How to handle a telephone interview. 9 13 First Week at Work – Do’s and don'ts in the first week. 14 Tips-Final Advice

Section 2: Interview Questions/Answers Contents Unit Page

10 15 Candidate - Questions about the candidate. 3 parts 11 31 Organization - Candidate's knowledge about the organization. 12 36 Work - Can the candidate do the job? 2 parts 13 47 Team Work - Can the candidate work with a team? 14 53 Previous Work - How the candidate performed at his/her last job. 15 59 Management - Can the candidate manage? 16 65 Tough Questions - Some common tough or negative questions. 17 70 Technical Questions - Mainly for IT prospects. No answers provided.

2 www. english – workshop .com IntroductionIntroduction Every interviewer is looking for an ideal candidate for their organization. To get the job you need to be their ideal candidate. So, what is an ideal candidate? Definition of an ideal candidate can differ from organization to organization. These are the most common criteria:

1. The candidate must fit into the organization.  Behavior - talks and behaves nicely or courteously.  Dress - respects company dress code.  Attitude - non-aggressive or confrontational.  Team Player - can work and get along with others. 2. The candidate will not hurt the organization or it's reputation.  The candidate is law abiding and not biases toward race, group, sex, religion etc.  Will not use knowledge acquired here, against us.  Will not put personal interest before our interest. 3. The candidate has skill and experience for the job.  Education - has minimum education for the job.  Experience - has minimum experience.  Skill - has adequate/excellent skill to do the job.  Desire - has desire and ability to learn new skills.  Adaptable - will be able to adjust to any changes and/or new technology. 4. Extra Skill: If you have one or more of the following skills, it will put you above other candidate:  Excellent oral communication.  A sense of humor.  Imagination.  Writing skills, including business, official and/or technical writing. Assess yourself and see where you stand in comparison to the above criteria. Now you know what the interviewer wants. Work on making yourself a desirable candidate.

www. english – workshop .com 3 Unit 1 The Day before the Interview

 Research the company - You may have to talk about the company in the interview. Your knowledge of the company should include how long they have been in business, the strong and the weak points of the company, who the owner is (unless it is publicly owned, what is the ranking or market share of the company in their field of business, etc.  Know about the position - Read the job ads or requirements very carefully, most questions come from there. Make sure you can answer most of them.  Place of Interview - Find out the location of the interview and how long it will take you to get there. You cannot be late for an interview.  View from other side - Put yourself in the shoes of an interviewer and imagine what kind questions that might be asked. Think how you will be rated and improve on it.  Appearance - Decide how you will dress prior to the day of the interview and make sure your clothes are in proper condition.  Review Skill - Refresh your memory on your skills. Practice questions and answers on your skills. You will find many questions and answers in the second section of this book.  Rest - Get a good night's sleep before the day of the interview. You will really need it.

4 www. english – workshop .com Unit 2 Tips on Appearance

1. Common  Dress appropriately. Make sure your clothes are clean, pressed, no buttons are missing.  If you have tattoos or body piercing make sure that your clothes hide them. Not everyone appreciates extra body decoration.  If you color your hair, make sure it is a common color.  Brush your teeth, comb your hair, and take a shower if possible.  Use deodorant.  Your cologne, perfume must not be very strong.  Running shoes, T-shirts, and shorts are unacceptable. 2. Men  Shave or trim your beard and/or mustache.  A Suit and tie is advisable but not mandatory for all job interviews. Long pants, conservative color button down, or polo style pullover shirt and dress shoes will do. 3. Women  A suit, a skirt, long pants or/and a shirt.  A nice dress is fine.  No evening gown or revealing dresses.  No attention grabbing jewelry.

www. english – workshop .com 5 Unit 3 Tips - Day of the Interview

 Eat (moderately) before you leave home. An empty stomach or too full a stomach is not advisable.  Do not discuss or think of any subject that may distract or excite you before the interview.  Arrive early. A good rule of thumb is to arrive 15 minutes early.  Take care of your washroom necessities before the interview.  Say hello to everyone (guard, receptionist, secretary etc.).  Bring any certificates, which you think the interviewer may want to see.  Bring extra copies of your resume, reference letter, or list.

6 www. english – workshop .com Unit 4 Tips - During the Interview

 Be yourself and smile. Do not try to be someone else. Never lie.  Be confident or at least try and appear so. A warm smile, a firm handshake, eye contact, and good posture can all help to hide some of the natural nervousness you may feel.  Do not sit until you are offered a chair. Sit upright. Look alert and interested at all times. Never sit too casually. This will not make you look confident but rather, will cause you too look uninterested or unconcerned with the outcome.  Do not bring any food or beverage with you.  Avoid distracting gestures or making too many hand gestures.  Listen carefully before you answer. If you’re not sure about the question, rephrase the question in your own words and clarify it. However, do not make the interviewer repeat questions too many times. This may work adversely.  If you do not know an answer, just say so politely. No one expects you to answer all the questions; however a wrong answer may harm your chances. If you feel that you have made a mistake, or said something you wish you had not, you should address it directly.  Do not answer before the interviewer finishes his question.  Speak clearly and avoid "uh", "you know", and slang.  If there is more than one interviewer, address all of them, not just the person who asks the question.  Do not argue or try to prove the interviewer is wrong.  Avoid answering with "yes" or "no", elaborate and answer to the point. If you did some work or project on the subject of the question, mention it. (Be careful, this may generate more questions on that subject. You might impress them with your knowledge about that subject or you may expose yourself to something you are not prepared to discuss).  Stress accomplishments. Do not bore the interviewer with unnecessary details. Do not lie or exaggerate about your experience.  Ask questions wisely. Your questions may generate more questions. See unit 6 regarding this.  Do not talk about your bad experiences or weaknesses voluntarily. This is not the time or place to bring them up. If they ask about them, answer in the least damaging way you can.  Again, be yourself and smile.

www. english – workshop .com 7 Unit 5 Tips - Mistakes Candidates Make

 Bad appearance or presentation.  Poor expression of thoughts, including incorrect grammar.  Not sure about job position or not prepared for the interview.  No confidence or lack of interest.  "I know everything" or "better than you" attitude.  More concern about salary and benefits.  Speaks bad or negative about one's previous employer or anyone else.  Immature or non-courteous, overaggressive or overbearing.  Poor attitude.  Arriving late.  Failing to listen.  Inconsistency in answers.

8 www. english – workshop .com Unit 6 Tips - Questions to Ask the Interviewer

When an interviewer asks you if you have any questions, you must be very careful. Whatever you do never say, you have nothing to ask. This is a very tricky situation. If you do not ask any questions, they may think you are not interested, or do not care about details, or, even worse, are desperate to get the job. Most interviewers like to ask more questions based on your questions (particularly in technical interviews). Therefore, if you ask the wrong questions, you may be in trouble. If you are smart, you can turn the interview to your advantage by asking the right questions and selling yourself. For example, if you’re good with graphic art, you can talk about it by asking following question: "I am good in graphic art and I took a course in web design. Will I get a chance in this position to use my artistic skill?" I can not tell you the best questions to ask, use your best judgment, and prepare yourself. Here are some tips to help you: . Do not talk about salary or benefits, unless they ask. . Ask questions that show that you did some research about the company. . Ask about the position, and what is expected from a candidate, etc. If you have the required skills you can mention them now and sell yourself. . If there is one interviewer, ask about his/her position and show genuine interest about what is said. People like to talk about themselves. . Ask questions that show your interest in the company.

www. english – workshop .com 9 Unit 7 Tips - After Interview

 Thank the interviewer(s). Shake their hands individually and thank each interviewer by name.  Show confidence and interest, no matter how the interview goes.  As soon as you are able to, write down all the questions that you can remember and your answers for future reference. If you do not like an answer you gave, find a better one.  Write down your experience, including all the good points and the bad points for future reference. Write all the information you may need in case they call you for a second interview.  Send a thank you note to the interviewer.

10 www. english – workshop .com Unit 8 Tips - Telephone Interviews

Expectations in telephone interviews are not much different from face to face interviews. Therefore, you must remember almost all the tips given for face to face interviews. In the telephone interviews appearance is irrelevant; your biggest asset will be your communication skill. Telephone interviews are mainly used for primary screening. Sometimes they are used when the applicant is in different city than the interviewer. They also may be used when the interviewer is busy and not part of the human resources department. Therefore, if you do not treat telephone interview seriously, you may be out of the race.

 Most telephone interviews are unexpected, they can come at any time, but they often come in the morning or in the late afternoon. Therefore, you must be ready for them at all times. Anytime you inquire about a position write down all the information you can. Try to list things like, specific job requirements, name of the company, their product, contacts, etc. Keep all this information in a folder that you can access easily if you are called. Also, keep a copy of your resume, list of references, and other documents that you may need in the same folder.  If your interview was pre-arranged, make sure you are present at the designated telephone number and prepared for the interview at the exact time agreed. Interviewers that pre-arrange telephone interviews are probably extremely busy, and they may not have patience if you keep them waiting.  Plan ahead with regards to which room you are going to take the telephone interview in. Instruct your family members not to disturb or distract you during the interview. Keep your interview folder in that room.  Make sure you have a good telephone and it is static free. Avoid using a cordless or cell telephone.  If you get a surprise call, get the name of the person and the company; then keep the interviewer on hold for thirty seconds (no more than that) by saying something nice. Take a few deep breaths, compose your thoughts, control your nervousness or excitement and go to your planed room for the interview. Get the interview folder and any other required documents and resume talking. Sample holding request: "Mr. X, this place is little noisy, if you will hold for 30 seconds I will go to a room where we can talk better." Practice some surprise calls with a friend or family member.  Refer to the interviewer with his/her last name and Mr. or Ms. (Ms. Is pronounced Miz) until invited to do otherwise. You may use "sir" or "ma’am", if you do not yet know their names.  Let the interviewer do the most of the taking. Do not interrupt or start your answer before the interviewer finishes the question. Talk respectfully and politely.

www. english – workshop .com 11  Answer clearly. Do not answer with yes or no; explain your answer in a few sentences.  Speak directly into the telephone. Keep the mouthpiece about one inch from your mouth.  Do not eat, chew, smoke, or engage in any other task. Do not play music or the TV.  Write down any information that may help you in the future for other interviews. Do not ask about salary or benefits. You will have more interviews to do that.  Your objective is to sell yourself and become hired. So, try to sell yourself and your skills.  If the interviewer asks you if you have any questions, you should ask some questions. Follow the tips provided in Unit 6.  After the interview, write down the questions you remember, and your experience for future reference.

12 www. english – workshop .com Unit 9 Tips - First Week at Work

 Be polite and courteous to everyone you work with.  Learn company policy and working rules (such as behavior, harassment policy, dress code etc.).  Find out as much as you can from your boss about what is expected from you; what are the ground rules.  Find out what is the preferred method of communication (email, telephone, or drop by) at the work place. Get aquatinted with people you are going to work with and establish contact with them. Listen more than you talk.  Avoid referring to your old employer and how things were done there.  Be punctual and dress appropriately.  Get involved in work as soon as possible. The first week is not only for orientation.  If it is possible, start in the middle of the week. You will have less stress and can use the weekend to better prepare yourself for the next week.

www. english – workshop .com 13 Tips-Final Advice

An interview is always hard. It is hard for the interviewee and it is also hard for the interviewer. They need to find the right people for their organization. Whatever you do, try to stay calm in an interview. It is natural to be nervous in the interview and give the wrong answer. If you do so and realize it, tell the interviewer about your mistake and give the right answer. Never lie or say something you’re not sure about. If you don't know an answer just say so. Never underestimate the interviewer. They are knowledgeable and smart people. Respect them. Stay calm and be yourself. I wish you good luck.

14 www. english – workshop .com Unit 10 Questions about Candidate Part l

1. Why did you choose this profession? Suggestion: Answer should be close to actual reason. If the job is in advertising, the reason can be that you have artistic ability. You can visualize what people will like, etc. Avoid negative answers, such as, for money, or you did not know what else to do so, you have chosen this profession, etc. Sample Answer: I always excelled in math and problem solving, even when I was young. When I was in high school, I was fascinated with computers and programming, so I decided to become a computer scientist. Now, I know I made the right decision and I am happy about it.

2. What can you tell us about yourself? Suggestion: Answer may include where you came from, what school you went to, your education, skills, jobs, and accomplishments. Try to answer the question in one or two minutes. Use the information from your resume and cover letter for this answer. Emphasize your strong points.

www. english – workshop .com 15 What are your strong points? Suggestion: Talk about your strong points related to this job.

3. What are your weak points? How do you plan to correct them? Suggestion: Be honest and choose the least damaging, and correctable weak points. Tell how you are planning to correct them. Sample Answer: Sometimes if I do not succeed on an assignment on the first try, I get demoralized and become less enthusiastic. Since I identified my problem, I am working on it. I am convincing myself that it is not possible for anyone to succeed everywhere on the first try and I am not an exception. To tell you the truth it is working. Now, if I fail I don't give up anymore, I try harder.

16 www. english – workshop .com 4. Why should we hire you for this position? Suggestion: Your answer should include your education, skills, and experience pertaining to the position. Talk about some skills you have which may put you above other applicants.

5. What is the toughest job related problem you have solved so far? Suggestion: Talk about a problem you have solved. If you have solved many tough problems, try to choose one that may be related to this company's area. For example, if the company is a financial institution, talk about some financial problems you have solved.

www. english – workshop .com 17 6. Tell us about one of your work assignments or dealings where you failed. What should you have done? Suggestion: Choose the least damaging situation you can remember. You should be prepared for a question similar to this.

7. How do you handle failure or disappointment? Suggestion: Answer positively. Answer may indicate that failure makes you feel bad, and you always take caution so that it does not happen again. Sample Answer: As a normal human being, failure hurts my feelings. However, I do not let it get in my way.

18 www. english – workshop .com 8. Do you criticize others? Under what condition? Suggestion: Use your judgment. Remember criticism hurts feelings and does not help in normal situations. You might say that you try to only offer criticism to those who ask you for it.

9. Are you a good communicator? Suggestion: Interviewers look for good communicators. If you are not a good communicator, start practicing.

www. english – workshop .com 19 Questions about Candidate Part II

4. How do you handle criticism? Suggestion: Choose your answer wisely. Sample Answer: Constructive criticism helps me. Although, abusive or bad criticism may hurt my feelings, it will not reduce my performance.

5. How do you manage your time? Suggestion: Should be positive, and explain with example.

20 www. english – workshop .com 6. How do you handle deadlines and pressure? Suggestion: Be positive in your answer and explain with example.

7. How do you persuade someone to agree with your point of view? Suggestion: Answer may include explaining your view, showing the positive side, etc. Sample Answer: By communication, I tell them what benefit my point of view will bring for them. I explain the up side and the down side of my proposal and most of the time they agree. I am always ready to negotiate and modify my plan with their input.

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8. What do you find frustrating? Suggestion: Be positive in your answer, explain with example.

9. Are you willing to learn new skills? Can you learn fast? Suggestion: Answer should be yes. Give them an example of an area where you really learn fast.

22 www. english – workshop .com 10. Do you have problems getting along with others? Suggestion: Be positive, this question should not be a problem.

11. How do you deal with surprises? For example: In an exam you have been asked a question from a topic that has never been taught to you; how do you handle it? Sample Answer: I try not to get nervous. First I answer all the questions I know and then I go back to this problem. I answer it as best as I can.

www. english – workshop .com 23 12. Did you prepare for this interview? How? Suggestion: Answer may include: researching about the company, reviewing your skills, etc. Remember this question may generate more questions and you must be ready to answer them.

13. What are your hobbies? Suggestion: Never lead the interviewer to believe that your hobbies are more important to you than your career.

24 www. english – workshop .com 14. Do you like to travel? Suggestion: Answer should be yes. However if it is no, being honest is more important because the position may require travel.

15. Do you have any problem with relocation? Suggestion: Tell the truth. Remember, the more flexible you are the more chances you have to get the job.

www. english – workshop .com 25 16. Where would you like to be in five years? Suggestion: Be positive and honest. Do not give an impression that you will leave or take over someone else's job (worse if that is the position of the interviewer). Sample Answer: In five years, I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in the latest technology that will benefit the company.

17. Where would you like to be in ten years?

26 www. english – workshop .com Questions about Candidate Part III

24. What do you want in a job? Suggestion: Answer may include using your skills, gaining new skills, challenge, recognition, satisfaction, etc.

25. What would your previous manager say about you, if I call him/her now? Suggestion: Be positive. Emphasize your accomplishments and skills. Do not avoid talking about your weaknesses (if there are any).

www. english – workshop .com 27 26. Can you work under pressure, meet deadlines? Suggestion: Answer should be affirmative.

27. In your current/previous job, what problems have/did you identify that had previously been overlooked? Suggestion: Explain a situation with example. Do not brag.

28 www. english – workshop .com 28. Why do you feel that you will be better off in our company? Suggestion: Remember if you are better off in a different company (in size or line of business), you may quit this company at the first chance you get and the interviewer will not like it. So, think before you answer.

29. How would you describe your personality? Suggestion: Answer positively.

www. english – workshop .com 29 30. Are there any skills are you lacking with regards to this position? Suggestion: Answer positively, if you do not have a particular skill tell them. Also tell them that you are a quick learner in the area that you are lacking. Sample Answer: Your ad says that applicants need experience in Java. I do not have any work experience in Java. However, I did take a course in Java and practiced a lot. I also have 2 years experience in C++, which is similar to Java. Therefore, I am sure I will not have any problem programming in Java.

30 www. english – workshop .com Unit 11 Questions about Organization

If you are interested in a company, you should do some research about the company before you have an interview. Interviewers like it if you know about their company and the industry in general. These are some questions interviewers ask to find out whether you have done any homework about their organization.

1. What do you know about our organization? Suggestion: Talk about their product, size, location, reputation, income, etc. If you are not sure about something ask questions and show genuine interest. However, never quote anything that your are not sure about.

2. Why do you want to work for this organization? Suggestion: Some reasons can be: It is an innovative company, and it has a challenging product to develop. You can use your skills, your desired line of work, etc. Some bad reasons: Money, near home, no pressure, can't find any other job or your parent told you, etc.

www. english – workshop .com 31 3. How did you learn about this position? Suggestion: Tell them your source. If someone working in the company told you about the position, tell them who it was.

4. Are you familiar with our product(s) or service(s)? Suggestion: Find out about their products, market shares geographic locations of operations etc. before you have an interview. Very important.

32 www. english – workshop .com 5. Can you name some other companies who make products similar to us? Suggestion: Research can help you to prepare for this.

6. What features of our product(s) or services are better than our competitor's? Suggestion: Find a few features; be positive in your answer.

www. english – workshop .com 33 7. If somebody were to ask you about our company, what would you say? Suggestion: Should be similar to the answer you gave to the question “’what do you know about the company”.

8. What do you find the most attractive about our company? Least attractive? Suggestion: Talk about some positive aspect of the company. Talk about one obvious negative thing that many companies have in common, such as, reliance on consumer trends or reliance on the economy etc.

34 www. english – workshop .com 9. What important trends do you see in our industry? Suggestion: Tell them about one or two trends. Again research if you are not familiar with this industry.

www. english – workshop .com 35 Unit 12 Questions about Work An interviewer wants to know if you’re fit for the position they are trying to fill. These are some questions asked by interviewers to learn about your skills, how you do handle work issues, your expertise, etc.

1. Why do you want this job? Suggestion: Tell your reason, be specific.

2. Do you think you have enough skill to work in this position? Suggestion: Be positive, explain with example. Sample answer: Yes, I have enough skill for the position of ______. I am creative, good with presentations and have __ years experience with ______.

36 www. english – workshop .com 3. If we are using certain techniques to solve certain problems and you find that you know a better way to solve those problems, what will you do? Sample answer: I will suggest my solution. If possible I will make a prototype and/or a visual presentation of the solution to illustrate my suggestion.

4. What skills did you improve in your last position? Suggestion: If there are only a few, tell them about all of them. If you improved many skills, talk about the skills relevant to this job.

www. english – workshop .com 37 5. Tell us what do you think an ideal working environment should be like? Suggestion: Answer may include: an environment that fosters job satisfaction, appreciation, feels at home, etc.

6. Describe a situation where your work was criticized? Suggestion: Be honest and as positive as you can. Tell them how this was also a learning experience.

38 www. english – workshop .com 7. What other kinds of jobs, positions or companies interest you? Suggestion: Answer should relate to your field and same as this company. But be sure not to show a preference to another company or job.

8. If you are given an assignment which is a part of a big project and there are no detailed specifications, how do you handle it? Sample answer: First, I would do any general tasks that I could without going to details. Then, I would try to fit the assignment with the whole project. By then I should have a better idea about the assignment and the missing details. Next, I would put all my questions on paper and setup a meeting with the project manager or the person who gave me the project, in order to fill in the missing details.

www. english – workshop .com 39 9. Your supervisor gives you an assignment in the morning that will take approximately a week and he is leaving for one-week vacation the next day. What would you do first? Sample answer: I would go over the specifications or requirements of the assignment and then I would plan my strategy to complete the assignment. If I had any questions I would write them down. Then I would arrange to meet my boss before he left.

40 www. english – workshop .com Questions about Work Part II

1. Your supervisor gave you an assignment in the morning that will last for a week and he left for one-week vacation and you don't understand the assignment. What will you do? Sample answer: Most assignments have things in common, such as, set up, doing paper work, research, etc. I would do them first. If someone else knew about the project I would talk to them. If I was unable to find out anything else regarding the project, I would ask my acting boss to give me some other work for the time being.

2. If one of your coworkers quit unexpectedly and you were given an assignment that they had not completed, how would you handle it? Suggestion: Sometimes it is better to start over than to finish someone else's unfinished work. I would go over the work that was completed to see if there was anything that I could use. Your answer should be something like this.

www. english – workshop .com 41

3. Tell us about a tough project, which you helped to finish? Suggestion: Tell them about the most impressive one that you can recall. Try to make sure that you can explain it clearly and that it is not too technical for them to understand.

4. Do you prefer supervised or unsupervised working conditions? Suggestion: Be honest about which ever makes you comfortable and explain how it helps your productivity. Be sure to make the point that you are equally productive in both situations.

42 www. english – workshop .com

5. What can you do for our company? Why should we hire you? Suggestion: Tell them about your education, the skills and past experiences that you can share with this company.

6. How do you manage your time at work? Suggestion: Answer should be productive and focus on effectiveness.

www. english – workshop .com 43 7. What do you prefer; verbal or written communication? Suggestion: Both are OK.

8. How much supervision do you need to complete a job? Sample answer: In the beginning I may need some help. Once I understand the project, I do not need any supervision. However, occasional feedback helps me to assure myself that I am on the right track.

44 www. english – workshop .com 9. How long would it take you to get adjusted and start productive work? Suggestion: Answer may include, time for orientation, adjustment, etc. should not be very long.

10.Have you helped to increase sales? Profits? How? Suggestion: If you worked directly with sales explain with real example. Most positions in a company ultimately have some type of relationship with sales. Try to think of how effectively performing in your last job may have influenced sales.

www. english – workshop .com 45 11.Have you helped reduce costs? How? Suggestion: Explain with real example.

12.Do you like working with figures more than words? Suggestion: Give your preference with some explanation.

46 www. english – workshop .com Unit 13 Questions about Team Work

1. If you have disagreements with coworkers, how do you handle them? Suggestion: Answer should include discussing the problem, reasoning, etc.

2. What minimum quality should a person have to be your teammate? Suggestion: Be practical and reasonable. Sample Answer: Although, I can work with any person, it makes my life easier if the person is a team player, can communicate and has a professional attitude.

www. english – workshop .com 47 3. What behavioral characteristics of a person do you not like? Suggestion: Search for most common ones, such as lazy, not-punctual, bad behavior, foul mouth, etc.

4. If you found that one of your coworkers was rude, racist and/or sexist, how would you handle it? Sample Answer: If there is a corporate policy, I would follow it. If not, I would warn the person the first time and if the behavior continued, I would report it to the proper authority.

48 www. english – workshop .com 5. How do you handle a teammate who thinks he/she is always right or knows better? Sample Answer: If it did not get in the way with any of my work, I would try to leave it alone. If it interfered with my work I would talk and reason with the person. If that did not work I would talk to my superior.

6. If there are 4 people on your team and you think you’re doing half of the work what will you do? Sample Answer: It depends on circumstance. If I feel that my boss thinks I am the only person who can do the job, I will do it. Normally if I can finish the work within the allocated time, I will not complain. Otherwise I will just let my boss know about it and if she still insists on my doing it, I will do it.

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7. If there were 4 people on your team and you think your supervisor assigned you only 1/8 of the work you are capable of, what would you do? Sample Answer: If I felt that my boss did not give me the work because he does not have enough confidence in me, I would talk to him and do something to improve his confidence. In all other cases, once I finished my assignment I would let my boss know that I was ready for a new assignment.

8. If you had an important deadline and one of your teammates needed some help, what would you do? Sample Answer: If the solution was an easy one, and wasn’t time consuming, I would help my teammate. Otherwise I would ask him to wait until I finish my project and then I would be happy to help him.

50 www. english – workshop .com 9. We don't know everything; that is why we have supervisors, teammates, manuals and books? Under what circumstance will you take help and from what source? Sample Answer: If there is not much time and I need little help I will ask my supervisor and teammates if they are not busy. In all other circumstances, I will get help from the manual.

10.Do you like to work on a team? Why? Suggestion: Make sure your desire does not conflict with the interest or working culture of the company.

www. english – workshop .com 51 11.Do you like to work alone? Why? Suggestion: Same as last question. Sample Answer: I have experience in working both alone and on a team. I can work in both situations. Although, sometimes I find it easier to concentrate and focus, when I work alone.

12.Suppose you were working on a team and a project was given to your team. All the team members wanted to solve that project in a certain way and you knew a better way to solve the problem. How would you convince them? Suggestion: Answer should include, discussing your plan with them, illustrating with some examples, etc. Explain that you are an excellent communicator.

52 www. english – workshop .com Unit 14 Questions about Previous Work

1. How did you do on your last performance evaluation? Suggestion: Be positive and honest.

2. Why did you quit your last job? Suggestion: Be positive and honest. Sample Answer: There were no regular work hours in my previous job. I was always on call and it was taking a toll on my family life. I was not told about irregular hours when I took the job. I really don't mind working irregular hours; however, I don't want to do it all of the time. I talked to my superior about the problem and no hope for a solution was ever given to me. So I started looking for new job.

www. english – workshop .com 53 3. How would you describe your previous boss? Suggestion: Be as positive and as nice as you can.

4. What did you like about your previous boss? Suggestion: Be positive and honest. Sample Answer: My boss was a nice person. She always listened to our opinions. She made us feel part of the team and kept us informed. She often came to ask if we needed any help.

54 www. english – workshop .com 5. What didn't you like about your previous boss? Suggestion: Be nice; say something that is common about most busy people. Sample Answer: It was very hard to get hold of him. He seemed to always be busy and had limited time for us. However, it may not have been his fault because he did have a great deal of responsibility.

6. What did you like most about your previous work environment? Suggestion: Answer may include: your coworkers were friendly; you could experiment with new technologies, etc.

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7. What didn't you like about your previous work environment? Suggestion: Be nice; say something common to most work environments.

8. At your previous job, how much time did you spend working, and how much time did you spend learning? Suggestion: Be practical. When a new project is undertaken or new technology is introduced employees spend more time learning than working and it changes in the latter stage. This is a time management question. Show that you were utilizing your time properly.

56 www. english – workshop .com 9. Why do (did) you want to leave your present job? Suggestion: Give the real reason and refine it. Do not be negative with when talking about your present (or previous job), coworkers, or boss.

10.How do you feel about leaving behind all of your benefits such as stock options? Suggestion: You are not happy about it, but you had your reasons.

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11.How would you evaluate your present firm? Suggestion: Give your opinion but, avoid being negative. Remember that the interviewer believes that the answer you give will likely be the same kind of answer you would give if you left this new job.

58 www. english – workshop .com Unit 15 Questions about Managing

1. What is your management style? Suggestion: Your management style can be open door or conservative. Tell them about your relations and dealings with your superiors and subordinates. Give examples.

2. Do you think you are a good manager? Why? Suggestion: Your answer should be task and achievement oriented. Explain your management philosophies.

www. english – workshop .com 59 3. What do you look for when you want hire someone? Suggestion: Answer can be: skill, experience, adaptability, compatibility, team player, etc.

4. Have you ever had to fire anyone? Why? Suggestion: If you did, explain it in a positive way. Never say you enjoyed it.

60 www. english – workshop .com 5. What do you find are the most difficult tasks as a manager? Suggestion: Pick your subject: planning, budgeting, deadlines, hiring, firing, etc.

6. What do you think your subordinates may think of you? Suggestion: Be positive and honest. If you need to talk about something negative, choose a subject that most employees don’t like about their bosses.

www. english – workshop .com 61 7. What are your weaknesses as a manager? Suggestion: Be honest and choose the least damaging and most common weakness.

8. What is the highest number of people you have supervised? Suggestion: Give the number.

62 www. english – workshop .com 9. How do you resolve conflicts between team members? Suggestion: Listen to each one privately. Try to reason and come up with a solution.

10.What was the most challenging project you have had as a manager? Suggestion: Give an example from your experience.

www. english – workshop .com 63 11.What was the most difficult decision you had to make as manager? Suggestion: Give an example from your experience.

12.How do you motivate people to do something? Suggestion: You can motivate people by getting their opinion, giving credit, praising, keeping them happy.

64 www. english – workshop .com Unit 16 Tough or Negative Questions

1. Why you were fired from your last job? Suggestion: If you were fired wrongfully, say it nicely. Do not show any grudges against your previous employer. If you were fired because of your own fault, say it in the least damaging way. Try to show that you have learned from your mistake. Sample Answer: I cut prices on our product to make a customer happy without asking my superior. The company lost money and I was fired because of that. I agree it was my fault I should have asked my superior. I learned a valuable lesson and it will never happen again.

www. english – workshop .com 65 2. It is been six years since you started college; why are you not finished yet? Suggestion: Be as positive as possible. Explain your reason. Following should not be the answer: you are having too much fun and do not have time, you do not think a degree is important right now, etc.

3. If you joined our company, and another employer offered you more money would you leave us? Suggestion: If you say yes, you will probably not get this job. If you want you can tell them the salary that would make you happy and keep you with this company. Sample Answer: There are more important things than salary such as, a good work environment, opportunities for growth, and as well, I consider myself a very loyal person.

66 www. english – workshop .com 4. What are the things in a job that make you more productive? Less productive? Suggestion: Remember, no work environment is 100% perfect and to everyone's liking. However, we can adapt and make the best of what we have. So your answer should be practical.

5. Why have you been unemployed for the last ___ years / months? Suggestion: You must have a sound reason for not working for long periods or having a big gap in your work history. Some good reasons can be:  Taking care of a sick family member.  Raising children.  Looking for a right job where you can really contribute (it will not work if the period is too long).  Trying to be self-employed.  Study or training.  Learning new skills.  Exploring or traveling (For a short gap only).

www. english – workshop .com 67 6. At your last job you were working in the same position for a long time without any promotion. Is there any reason that? Suggestion: Avoid saying something negative about your last employer. Tell the truth in a positive way. Sample Answer: There was not much growth in our department. None of the people working in my department have been promoted. That is one of the reasons I applied to your company.

7. How long will you stay with us? Suggestion: Longer is better. As long as you and your employer are happy, you are contributing and achieving.

68 www. english – workshop .com 8. What kind salary are you looking for? Suggestion: Don't be too specific. You should only give a range. It is better to ask if the company has a salary scale and base your answer on that. Remember salary is related to market value. Guess yours worth before your interview. Interviewers are not ignorant.

9. What kind of salary do you think you are worth? Suggestion: Know your market value and give a range. Sample Answer: I checked a few sites on the Internet and found that the salary for a web developer range from 45K to 60K per annum, depending on the responsibilities and duties involved. I am not entirely set on a number and am willing to negotiate.

www. english – workshop .com 69 10.How many players play in soccer game? Suggestion: This or similar questions have nothing to do with your career. So right or wrong answers do not matter. Interviewers want to see if you can think about a non-related subject and give a quick, logical and practical response. Sample Answer: I am not sure, but my guess will be at least 2 players on each side, one in the goal and one to play. I would put the number somewhere between 7 to 12 on each team. Am I close?

70 www. english – workshop .com Unit 17 Technical Questions

These questions are meant for computer professionals. However, other professional people may find them interesting.

1. If you write a program, do you think it will never fail or do you take precaution against failure? Explain.

2. What do you understand about software maintainability? How do you prepare for it?

3. There are two ways to program, inside out and outside in. Which one is your preferred method of programming? Why? Inside out - You write each module first and then join them to make the whole program. Outside in - You build the skeleton of the whole program first and then write each individual module.

www. english – workshop .com 71 4. Have you written any library functions or methods? How do they differ from regular functions or methods?

5. What are your preferred platforms for development and why?

6. Why might you need a source code control system? Have you ever used any of them?

7. What is a make utility? Did you ever use it?

72 www. english – workshop .com 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of visual tools?

9. What is error logging? Why might we need logging in our programs?

10.You have a program that works, but does not have any logging or output any messages in case of an error. If you get one day to do one of following which one would you do and why? (a) You can test the program and make sure it is doing what it is suppose to do (b) You can write code to catch errors and enter messages into a log file.

11.Why do you need a specification for a program?

www. english – workshop .com 73 12.What is an environment variable?

13.What is a configuration file?

14.How do you prioritize multiple projects?

15.If someone tells you that your program is not working, how are you going to approach this problem?

16.What is client/server programming?

74 www. english – workshop .com 17.What is Object Oriented programming?

18.How much do you know about computer hardware and architecture?

19.To do programming, do you need to know about computer architecture?

20.Which do you prefer, writing code or managing a project? Why?

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