Article I Name and Sports Offerings

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Article I Name and Sports Offerings

New Richmond Youth Sports Association (NRYSA) Constitution

Article I – Name and Sports offerings:

The name of this association shall be the New Richmond Youth Sports Association. The sports offered per season are: Fall Winter Spring Summer Volleyball N/A Softball Knothole Softball Knothole Knothole

Article II - Mission

The mission of this association shall be:

 To operate the youth knothole, softball, and volleyball programs for the youth of the New Richmond School District.  To instruct these youths in the fundamentals of knothole, softball and volleyball.  To teach and enforce good sportsmanship both in winning and losing.  To instruct leadership, teamwork, and responsibility in all participants.  To provide an organized activity, within the district, to discourage apathy and discontent among the youth of this community.  To instill values of integrity and community relationship among our players, coaches, and the community.  To provide the opportunity for every interested child to participate in knothole, softball, and volleyball. (softball is fast pitch softball and knothole is baseball)

Article III - Elected Officials A. The elected officials of this association shall be as follows:  President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Knothole, Vice President of Softball, Vice President of Volleyball, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The terms of office for President, Executive Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be for two years; they shall be elected at the annual election in November; they shall begin their term of office in October of the year in which they are elected. The President and Secretary shall be elected in odd years, the Executive Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in even years. This is to prevent the entire board turning over within the same year.  The terms of office for Vice Presidents of each sport shall be one year.  Elected officials shall be elected by ballot of those eligible members, as outlined in this document. The winning candidates must do so by majority vote. In the event of a tie, a re-vote will occur between the candidates. A member need not be present to be elected.  An elected official can hold one office concurrently.  When the membership votes to add another sport to the association each additional sport will have a Vice President elected to perform the duties/responsibilities for that sport.  At no time will an additional secretary or treasurer be appointed.

B. All elected officials shall perform the duties outlined in this document and those assigned by the association.

President  The President shall preside over all regular meetings of this association and the Executive Committee, and at special meetings.  Will be the representative of the association on any special committee or board in other community associations.  Shall coordinate the work of the elected officials and committees to promote the association.  Shall follow all orders assigned by the association.  Will represent the association at all league meetings in the absence of the Vice President of the sport meeting: must vote according to the wishes of the association.  Will assist the Executive Vice President with monitoring the operations of teams.  Shall negotiate and sign off on all documents, bank agreements and or loans in the best interest of NRYSA for future projects, land acquisitions, facility improvements, and or upgrades which are approved beforehand unanimously by the Executive Committee.

Executive Vice President  The Executive Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in their absence or inability to serve.  Will correspond with Vice Presidents of each sport or the Equipment Manager to determine equipment needed.  Will be responsible for the coach’s code of conduct contracts and background checks.  Shall chair the Discipline/Grievance Committee.  During each season will periodically visit each team to monitor the operation of the team, answer questions, and gather the concerns of the coaches, parents, players, regarding the Association.  Shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

Vice President of Knothole  The Vice President shall represent and advocate for all functions related to knothole.  The VP of Knothole shall perform all duties of the President, pertaining to knothole, in their absence or inability to serve.  Shall represent NRYSA at all East Regio Knothole meetings and any other matters/meetings pertaining to knothole, unless a District/League Representative is nominated, and must vote according to the wishes of the association.  Shall also be a member of the Executive Committee. Vice President of Softball  The Vice President shall represent and advocate for all functions related to softball.  The VP of Softball shall perform all duties of the President, pertaining to softball, in their absence or inability to serve.  Shall represent NRYSA at all SOSLI meetings and any other matters/meetings pertaining to softball, unless a District/League Representative is nominated, and must vote according to the wishes of the association.  Shall also be a member of the Executive Committee.

Vice President of Volleyball  The Vice President shall represent and advocate for all functions related to volleyball.  The VP of Volleyball shall perform all duties of the President, pertaining to volleyball, in their absence or inability to serve.  Shall represent NRYSA at all Cincinnati Premier Youth Volleyball League and any matter/meetings pertaining to volleyball, unless a District/ League Representative is nominated, must vote according to the wishes of the association.  Shall also be a member of the Executive Committee.

Secretary  The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of this association; namely, regular meetings and Executive Committee meetings.  The Secretary shall present a typewritten or ink copy of these minutes at the next meeting and that shall be kept in a separate book, which shall become the permanent records.  The Secretary shall take attendance at each regular meeting, and keep a record of the same for election voting rights and fulfillment of team requirements.  Will be the Corresponding Secretary, and shall conduct all correspondence of the association’s receiving, reading, and filing of all materials.  Shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

Treasurer It is recommended that the member elected to the Treasurer position have experience in banking, accounting, or money management  The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all monetary transactions of this association.  Shall pay bills as approved by the Executive Committee.  Shall present a financial statement at each regular meeting and at other meetings as requested by the Executive Committee.  Shall make a full report each year at the September meeting and shall file any necessary tax returns to maintain NRYSA’s 501(c) 3 status.  In charge of all fundraising activities and will coordinate all fundraising for teams.  Will appoint a committee to help in the execution of all fundraisers, and will chair the Fundraising Committee.  Will be assisted by all members of the Executive Committee when necessary and will work closely with the Concession Stand Manager for monetary exchanges.  At the end of each year, 5%-15% of the year-end balance in the main operating account should be put in a reserve account for savings. The percentage will be voted on by the Executive Committee each year based on what can be afforded to put away. These savings funds cannot be used without a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  Shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

Article IV - Membership

A. Members of this association shall be:  Parents and/or guardians of any child who is registered with this association, and who are willing to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of this association.  Officers, committee members, approved coaches and coaches of any team playing within this association.  Any adult, 18 years of age or older, who is willing to abide by the Constitution and By- laws of this association who is approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the membership.  The Executive Committee will have the final say on dismissal of any member of the Association after a recommendation from the Discipline/Grievance Committee. If the member is also a member of the Executive Committee, he/she will be excluded from the deciding issue.

B. All members shall have the following rights/commitments:  Present for 2/3rd of the monthly meetings per calendar year or ½ of the monthly meetings if less than 12 are held for the calendar year.  Voting privileges at any regular meeting on any issue brought forward to the floor, providing he has been in attendance at least 8 previous meetings in the last 12 months, or present for ½ of the monthly meetings if less than 12 are held for the calendar year.  Candidate privileges for any office or committee position subject to approval by the selection process.

C. Selection of officers at the annual election, subject to the following:  Each member shall have one vote, providing he has been in attendance at least 8 previous meetings in the last 12 months, or present for ½ of the monthly meetings if less than 12 are held for the calendar year.  All members must sign in at each meeting. No member shall represent another member for voting purposes.

Article V – Registration/Eligibility

A. All children interested in participating on a team in this association shall be subject to eligibility as follows:  Any male child ages 4-28 for knothole, female child ages 4-18 for softball. or grades 3-6 for volleyball; are eligible to participate provided the child meets the restrictions set forth by this association. Boundaries for eligibility will be the New Richmond Exempted Village School District’s boundary line. Students whom either live in or attend school within the NREVSD’s area are eligible to play in the NRYSA. The East Region Knothole regulation will be followed in all cases for knothole. The SOSLI regulations will be followed in all cases for softball. The three elementary boundaries will be used to help establish volleyball teams; while no guarantee is given that a player will play on the team from their designated area.  All potential players who live outside of or do not attend the NREVSD will only be allowed to play in the NRYSA if:  Knothole-- they have been released from their home district due to not having a team or too many players for a team in their district, and have been sent to the pool established by East Region Knothole. They must complete all the requirements as a player who is eligible to play for NRYSA.  Softball- they have been released from their home district due to not having a team or too many players for a team in their district. They must have an approved release by the SOSLI. They must complete all the requirements as a player who is eligible to play for NRYSA.  Volleyball- no player should be eligible to play for the NRYSA whom resides outside of the NREVSD without a review from the Executive Committee, and they are only needed to complete a team.  Volleyball-players can be members of a team not from NRYSA as long as all criteria for the outside team have been met. B. Registration fees will be set yearly by the Executive Committee. The registration fees are:  $80 for one player for one sport in person $140 for two players for one sport $180 for three or more players for one sport $150 for one player for both sports $280 for two players for both sports $360 for three or more players for both sports (discounts will happen through your account profile)  Fees for children of any Executive Committee members and head coaches will be waived. (Players must reside within the same household)  Registration fees must be paid before the child is eligible to participate in the practice for or play of league games. Delinquent fees will exclude a child from participation, to be determined by the Executive Committee. (i.e. hardship cases). For hardship cases, service to the Association will be required (i.e. working concessions, cleanups, etc.)  Registration periods will be set by the Executive Committee for each sport each year.

Article VI - Appropriations  The combination of the President and the Treasurer have the authority to approve any expenditures, not exceeding $800.00 (expenses must be for normal operation of the Association: i.e., restocking concessions, replacing equipment, etc.) during the period between two meetings, regular or Executive Committee.  All expenditures are to be reported at the next regular meeting.  The majority of the voting members must approve any expenditures exceeding $800.00.  All teams will have an account earmarked for their funds they have raised by fundraising, sponsorship, or donations; and will be included in all financial reports.  Receipts or requests for purchases using the team account must come from the coach to the treasurer. The Treasurer will disperse the funds to the coach or vendor as long as the account has sufficient funds to cover the cost.  No team, coach, or group shall hold any funds that have been raised by fundraising, sponsorship, or donations in an account not governed by the NRYSA Treasurer. To do so is a violation of our 501(c)3 status.  At the end of each year, 5%-15% of the year-end balance in the main operating account should be put in a reserve account for savings. The percentage will be voted on by the Executive Committee each year based on what can be afforded to put away. These savings funds cannot be used without a majority vote of the Executive Committee.  Any funds left in an earmarked account for a team who has left NRYSA will be distributed as follows: o If the majority of members of the team are not playing do to age (graduating or entering HS) or they are no longer playing for NRYSA, then the funds will be placed in the NRYSA General Account. o If the majority of the members are still playing but the team has disorganized (i.e. coach quits, merge with different team) then the funds will be distributed equally by player to the new teams’ accounts.

Article VII-Appeals

Appeal to membership/Executive Committee A. In the event a member/coach/executive committee member wishes to appeal a decision they should: a. Inform the President of their right to appeal b. Ask the membership and/or executive committee to hear their appeal c. Then ask the membership and/or executive committee to vote on the appeal. The result of the vote for the appeal is final.

Article VIII-Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:  The elected President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Knothole, Vice President of Softball, Vice President of Volleyball, Secretary, Treasurer will be voting members. The District Representatives, if not the VP of their Sport, will be non-voting members.

The duties of the Executive Board shall be:  To transact necessary business in the intervals between regular meetings and such business as may be referred to it by the general assembly.  To approve committees that may be created at regular meetings.  To prepare a budget at such times as one is needed.  To set the regular meeting schedule for the year at its first meeting. Restrictions to the Executive Committee shall be:  Four members must be in attendance to constitute a quorum; no substitutes are allowed.  Executive Committee members may be relieved of their office by a 3/4 vote of the committee, subject to appeal to the general membership.  Vacancies on the committee may be filled by a 3/4 vote, subject to approval or election at the next regular meeting.  Business transacted at an Executive Committee meeting must be presented to the general assembly at the next regular meeting for their information.

Terms of the Executive Committee:  The terms of office for all elected officials shall be for two years; they shall be elected at the annual election in September; they shall begin their term of office in October of the year in which they are elected. The President and Secretary shall be elected in the odd years, and the Executive Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in the even years.  Elected officials shall be elected by ballot of those eligible members, as outlined in this document. The winning candidates must do so by majority vote. In the event of a tie, a re-vote will occur between the candidates. A member need not be present to be elected.  An elected official can hold one office concurrently.  The District Representatives will serve for one year, and are appointed to the Executive Committee after the membership has voted them in as the District Representative of their represented sport.

Article IX-Standing Committees

Concession Stand Manager The Concession Stand Manager shall oversee all operations and rules of the concession stand and purchase all goods needed to run same This position will be held by the Treasurer unless another person is appointed by the Executive committee.

Concession Committee Chaired by the Concession Stand Manager, it shall operate the concession stand; keep the facilities clean and in operation at all activities, work in cooperation with the President, Vice President of the corresponding sport and Umpire/Field Coordinator; keep record of all expenditures and inventory; and turn in all bills, receipts and monies to the Treasurer.

Disciplinary/Grievance Committee Chaired by the Executive Vice President and will consist of 5 members. Shall include the District Rep of Knothole, Softball, and Volleyball and 2 members appointed by the membership. (if no one is filling the role of District/League Rep than the Vice President of that sport shall sit on the committee). This committee will resolve all disputes/complaints against the association, Executive Committee members, coaches, players, parents, or any other matters pertaining to the association. This committee chair will attempt to mediate any problems between any two parties to come up with a workable solution and attempt to regain harmony of the team without involving the Executive Board. When no solution can be found, will advise the involved parties to make a formal complaint to the Committee to resolve. Committee Chair will document any team problems and report to the Executive Board. District Representative to sports This position will be filled by the Vice President of the corresponding sport unless a member is elected by the membership to replace this role instead of the Vice President. Will represent the association at all league meetings: must vote according to the wishes of the association. Shall follow all orders assigned to him by the association

Equipment Manager An Equipment Manager, who is appointed by the Executive Committee each year, shall purchase, distribute, maintain, and inventory all athletic equipment and see that serviceable items are repaired. Is to make recommendations to the Executive Vice President for the purchase of additional, necessary equipment.

Field/Facility Maintenance Coordinator To be appointed by the Executive Committee, shall coordinate and oversee all work to be done to the facilities. Is to make recommendations to the Executive Committee for work projects to the fields/facilities.

Tournament Director To be appointed by the officers, will work closely with the President, Field Maintenance Coordinator and Umpire Coordinator during scheduled Tournament times. Will appoint a committee to oversee that the fields are prepared for tournament games.

Umpire/Referee Coordinator To be appointed by the Executive Committee, will schedule all umpires/referees for games. He will work with team coaches to schedule make-up games. He will keep an update list of umpires/referees, umpire/referee contact information, and the age groups the umpires are certified to umpire within the concession stand. He will work closely with the President and Concession Stand Manager.

Website/Social Media Coordinator To be appointed by the Executive Committee, will assist the President and Secretary with pushing information concerning all operations of the association to our association website and social media sites.

Article X- Equipment/Uniforms The NRYSA will provide the association, players, and teams’ equipment and jerseys. Players will not receive their equipment until their registration is completed and paid.

Equipment: Below is the following equipment to be provided: Concessions:  Hotdog, popcorn, sno-cone, nacho cheese, pretzel, coffee/hot water machines, ice maker; and the refrigerators and freezers to operate concessions. Any other purchases of new equipment must be done through the appropriate channel. Knothole/Softball:  Each team’s catcher’s equipment.  A defensive facemask for each player  A batting helmet for each player  Uniform jersey Volleyball:  A game ball for both 3rd/4th grades and 5th/6th grade. One will be a volley-lite and the other an official size. The games balls are to be kept at each location games are played.  The appropriate size volleyball for each player.  Uniform jersey  Uniforms/Jersey: The NRYSA will provide to each player the approved NRYSA jersey with the appropriate sport NRYSA logo. Each player/team will be responsible for supplying the rest of the uniform determined by the coach/team. We will attempt to meet the requested jersey number for each player but make no promises that the request will be met. If a team chooses to not wear the NRYSA approved jersey they will receive no compensation from the NRYSA to purchase their uniforms unless fundraising has been done and the funds are being distributed from their team account. Any and all jerseys, uniforms, and /or team purchased items must either have the NRYSA logo, New Richmond, or NR on it. Any team found to not be abiding by this rule will be fined $100 payable to NRYSA, and the coach will be asked to present why they chose not to follow the rule to the Executive Committee.

Article XI- Addition of a sport Additional sports are encouraged and welcomed to join the NRYSA. The membership must approve with a majority vote in order to add a sport. The following will be the process for a new sport to be established:

A. A proposal for a new sports shall include:  Type of sport  Number of players required for a team  Equipment/items needed to operate the sport  Number of participants projected to join  Ages of participants that will be able to participate  Estimated cost to operate the proposed sport  Projected umber of volunteers/coaches who will assist with the sport  What season the sport will be played  The total monetary and equipment assets that would be turned over to the NRYSA in the event the sport is added (if it is an already established sport)  Must be submitted at least 5 months before the registration period would start for that sport.

B. The NRYSA will present to the representative of the sport requesting to join:  A copy of our constitution and bylaws  The process NRYSA will follow to establish adding a sport  An understanding that a Vice President position will need filled for the sport if accepted

C. The membership will be given, prior to a vote to add a new sport:  The proposal submitted by the representative of the sport (this could be a member of the NRYSA)  The pros/cons as determined by the Executive committee; to be reviewed and discussed  An opportunity to discuss all issues with adding the sport  All the above information at the 1st meeting after the sport was presented for addition and at the 2nd meeting after the presentation the vote will be taken.

Article XII- Amendments THE CONSTITUTION WILL BE AMENDED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER:  The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee, who must give first approval.  The proposed amendment must be read at two consecutive regular meetings and approved by the general assembly.  A ¾ majority of the members is necessary for approval.  The amendment will take effect immediately upon passage, or as stated in its presentation.

Article XIII- Authorization THIS CONSTITUTION WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER:  The document must be read to the general assembly and a copy given thereto.  Approval by ¾ of the members present is necessary for passage. This vote may be deferred one meeting if the members feel time is necessary for further study.  It will become effective upon final approval by the membership.

Executive Committee: President: ______Executive Vice President: ______Vice President of Knothole: ______Vice President of Softball: ______Vice President of Volleyball: ______Secretary: ______Treasurer: ______Date: ______

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