Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason (Vice-Chairman), B Humphreys
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Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Parish Council Office, The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, SL5 7JF on Tuesday 1 September 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason (Vice-Chairman), B Humphreys, C Lester, D McKay, A Sharpe, B Story, M Turton
In attendance; Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council and Peter Standley (SPAE)
6174 TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors David Hilton and Robin Wood.
6175 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting, held on 11 August, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
6176 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.
Application No. Location and Description
15/00121 (Full) South Court, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EG Replacement Garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space with new gated access. Recommendation: The committee noted that the application had been withdrawn and therefore no recommendation was necessary.
15/02257 (Full) Avalon, Coronation Road, Ascot, SL5 9LP Part single, part two storey side extension and front canopy. Recommendations: Objections. The committee noted that the Neighbourhood Development Plan had been ratified since the previous application and considered the boundary separation to be contrary to policies NP/DG2.1 and NP/DG2.2 which could lead to a loss of neighbour amenity. The committee also commented on the lack of clarity of the site plans and requested that the Borough’s Tree Officer visited the site to establish if any of the trees could be compromised, as this was not evident from the site plans submitted.
15/02272 (Full) St Marys School, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JF Upper Sixth Form Accommodation, Pastoral Centre, Staff Accommodation and Laundry Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered the application to be an overdevelopment of the site representing a disproportionate increase within the Green Belt, for which no acceptable special circumstances had been submitted. The 11m high accommodation was also considered to be intrusive in design and therefore contrary to policy NP/DG3. The committee further considered that bio-diversity issues and conditions should be considered by the Borough.
15/02280 (Full) 22 Murray Court, Ascot, SL5 9BP Single storey rear and side extensions and rear dormer to facilitate a loft conversion. Recommendations: Concerns were expressed regarding a possible terracing effect and the proposed rear dormer was thought to be of poor design as it could be visible from Brockenhurst Road, contrary to policy NP/DG3. The committee requested that the Borough’s Tree Officer visited the site to check that the oak tree in the rear of the garden was not endangered.
15/02287 (Full) 32 Vernon Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TW Two storey front extension Recommendations: No Objections.
15/02293 (Full) 6 Llanvair Drive, Ascot, SL5 9HT Single storey rear extension. Recommendations: No Objections.
15/02314 (Full) Claydon, Woodlands Ride, Ascot, SL5 9HN Replacement dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling. Recommendations: Concerns were expressed regarding bulk and scale which was thought to be contrary to policies NP/DG2.1 and the possible loss of garden space, contrary to policy NP/EN3.
15/02364 (Variation Under Woodville, Devenish Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, SL5 9PF Reg 73) Two storey replacement dwelling with detached garage following demolition of existing house as approved under 14/03713 without complying with condition 7 (Code for SH pre-comm) and 8 (Code for SH pre-occupation) so that the conditions are removed Recommendations: No Objections.
15/02449 (Full) 15 Dorian Drive, Ascot, SL5 7QL Bay windows to front and rear and two storey side extension (linking garage to main house) Recommendation: No Objections.
15/02450 (Variation Under Former Englemere House, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot Reg 73) Redevelopment to provide 17 apartments with basement car park and associated works following demolition of existing buildings and removal of hardstanding areas as approved under planning permission 13/03515 without complying with condition 18 (demolition of outbuildings) to include the retention of The White House, and The Wee Flat. Recommendation: Objections as no special circumstances for the removal of the condition had been given and the condition was part of the original planning approval.
15/02473 (Full) The White House and Wee Flat, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot Conversion of The White House and The Wee Flat from offices into residential dwellings. Recommendation: Objections on the grounds of overdevelopment within the Green Belt. The committee considered this application in conjunction with application 15/ a condition within the planning approval.
15/02482 (Full) 78 Lower Village Road, Ascot, SL5 9BH Proposed single storey side and rear and first floor side extension with formation of dormer on west elevation, and enclosed front porch. Recommendation: The committee had no objections to the application itself but expressed concerns that the first floor extension was not set one metre from the boundary.
15/02486 (Full) 11 Woodend Drive, Ascot, SL5 9BD Detached 3 bed dwelling following demolition of the existing bungalow and an extension to the existing garage Recommendation: No Objections.
15/02531 (Full) The Garden Lodge, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JG Erection of 2 No.detached dwellings with detached garages and new access and single storey rear extension and associated works to The Garden Lodge, following partial demolition of Orchard
2 Cottage (with the retention of the annexe) Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered that many of the previous objections still applied and added that landscaping plans should be submitted prior to determination. The committee requested that the application was called in front of the Windsor Rural Development Control Panel, should the Borough be minded to approve the application. The grounds for objections were:
The development results in a very significant loss of trees. Of particular concern was the loss of many existing trees along the full Bagshot Road frontage of Plot 1, and no replacement trees of similar amenity are shown within the application, contrary to NP/EN2.1 and 2.3. The removal of the trees impacts severely on the sylvian and leafy appearance of the street scene and local area, and was considered to be contrary to NP/DG1.3.
The development fragmented and significantly reduced the green space within the site and in combination with surrounding gardens, contrary to NP/EN3.
The development failed to contribute to the mix of housing in the plan area. Most recent developments have been of larger homes than those they replace, which is distorting the local market – contrary to NP/H2.
The development was not considered to respect the townscape, contrary to NP/DG1. The density is 7.5 dph, which is not compatible with villas in a woodland setting, which comprises low or very low density developments. The form of the development would result in a significant proportion of the site being paved.
The density, footprint, separation, scale and bulk of the development was thought to be out of character with, and harmful to the local area, contrary to NPDG2.1.
Plot 2, with its retained annex is a significantly larger dwelling than that it replaces, with very little separation from the side boundaries (2-2.5m). Plot 1 is very close to the boundary of ‘Sedona’
All were considered to be contrary to NP/DG2.1 and 2.2, and LP policy DG1
The development does not respect the character and appearance of the surrounding area, contrary to NP/DG3.
The garden of plot 1 was considered too small for the size of the dwelling, contrary to NP/DG3.2.
No landscaping scheme has been included, contrary to Local Plan policy DG DG1 (6), as the landscaping is an integral component of the development and its impact on the street scene and local area. The proposals for planting along the Bagshot Road frontage to plot 1 are particularly important and pertinent prior to determination. The committee also requested that a bio-diversity report be submitted.
The proposal represents an intensification of usage.
The committee requested that a site visit be made by the Borough’s Tree Officer and consideration given to ‘TPOing’ the trees as many trees have already been removed.
The proposal was also considered to be contrary to LP H11.
The committee further requested that Plot 2 be subject to a single family occupancy condition, if the Borough were minded to approve the application.
15/02555 (Full) Former Englemere House, Englemere Estate, Kings Ride, Ascot Erection of ancillary building to house plant associated with swimming pool. Recommendation: No Objections provided both Green Belt and the Borough Environmental Officer’s recommendations were met. The committee asked if enough Green Belt had been released for the proposed structure. Confusion was also expressed as to how much of the Green Belt had
3 been used due to the number of applications for this site.
6178 PLANNING APPEALS No matters were received at the time of sending out the agenda.
6179 TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS No matters were received at the time of sending out the agenda.
Week ending 7th August
Application Number. 15/00121 Type: Full Proposal: Replacement garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space with new gated access. Location: South Court London Road Ascot SL5 7EG Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number. 15/01574 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (T1) Sweet Chestnut, remove Location: 87 Sutherland Chase Ascot SL5 8TE Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number. 15/01908 Type: Full Proposal: Extension to existing restaurant with amendments to fenestration (retrospective) Location: Ascot Racecourse High Street Ascot SL5 7JX Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 15/01971 Type: Full Proposal: Single and two storey rear extension Location: 14 Bouldish Farm Road Ascot SL5 9EQ Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Week ending 14th August
Application Number. 15/01267 Type: Full Proposal: Erection 1x 6 bedroom dwelling with attached triple garage with accommodation at first floor, following demolition of existing dwelling. Location: 6 Fir Tree Close Ascot SL5 9LJ Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 15/01857 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (T1) Pine, fell Location: High Pines 13 Woodlands Ride Ascot SL5 9HP Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number. 15/01957 Type: Full Proposal: Erection of first floor side extension Location: 61 Cavendish Meads Ascot SL5 9TB Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections 4 Application Number: 15/01994 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (G3) Silver Birch - crown lift to ground clearance of 3.5m. (G4) Holly - remove and replace twin stemmed tree on southern boundary, remove and replace three stemmed tree on northern boundary and crown lift remaining trees to 3.5m Location: 8 Beechcroft Close Ascot SL5 7DB Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Week ending 21st August
Application Number. 15/01772 Type: Full Proposal: Change of use from B1 to D2 Location: Rapid Clean Ltd Bridge Works Bridge Road Ascot SL5 9NL Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number. 15/02058 Type: Full Proposal: Replacement dwelling with replacement detached garage and pool following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and pool (Amendments to planning permission 15/00162) Location: 8 Silwood Close Ascot SL5 7DX Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number. 15/02256 Type: Full Proposal: New roof with front and rear dormers to form loft accommodation. Insulate and clad/render front elevation, new reconstituted stone canopy, infill single storey rear extension Location: 25 Woodlands Ride Ascot SL5 9HP Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
6181 OTHER BUSINESS The Chairman stated that she would write to the Borough regarding the approval of application 15/01994. Peter Standley raised concerns regarding the Briar Coombe, St Marys Hill, Ascot development, noting that an occupied caravan was on the site despite the works being nearly completed. Members also noted that to date no attempt had been made to landscape the house, in accordance with the planning permission, and asked if the works had been completed within the permissible time period. The Chairman informed the committee that Lise Andreessen, the voluntary bio-diversity adviser, had resigned from the committee due to work commitments.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm.
------Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman