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Present: Cllrs S van Maurik, T Mitchell, C Simmons, C Park, Mrs B Brunsdon, Mr. P Fenton, Mr. R Hudson and Mr T Willoughby
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for the year 2008-09 and verification of co-opted members of the public: Mrs Brunsdon proposed Cllr C Park as Chair Seconded by Cllr T Mitchell Approved unanimously
Cllr C Simmons proposed Cllr van Maurik as Vice Chair Seconded by Cllr Park Approved unanimously
All public members agreed to have their names put to full Parish Council
2. Apologies: Cllr J Edwarde, Cllr M Burbridge, Mrs J Littleford and Mr Stephen Young.
3. Declarations of Interest: None
4. Terms of Reference: These were discussed and agreed
5. Minutes of Meeting of 10th March 2008 – Approved
6. Matters Arising: Item 10 – Barbed wire was discussed. PF felt plastic bags were not permanent enough and barbs come through. Wire across stiles could be cut as long as ends were secured to keep tension where stock in fields is concerned. CP to check with Clerk re. footpaths on main roads.
7. Correspondence – a) email from C Tweed re. cable avoidance tool, taken under item 11. b) Letter and forms from ESCC Legal Dept. re Cotchford Lane Spur, taken under item 10 (e). c) email from C Tweed, ESCC re help with footpath improvements, taken under item 12. d) Letter to CC, ESCC Francis Whetstone re FP8 puddle, taken under Item 9. e) Letter from Knights offering meeting with Clerk and CP re Lamberts, taken under item 10 (a)
8. Tree Warden’s Report – WDC have issued a Preservation Order on Hopping Tom’s Rough as from September 2007. Papers held by CP if required. Holy Oak Service was held in May with about 42 people attending. A nice service with readings. Three ladies, one of 100, who attended the original services in 1920 were also there. A sign for the Oak was discussed and Rosemary Marshall asked that everyone talked about the Oak particularly with the children so that the legend could prosper. Walk in the Woods had problems – Nutley School withdrew but High Hurstwood joined. Health and safety reasons ruled out Park Wood, Hellingly, so Wakehurst Place was the final destination. Guides and rangers were very professional, 42 children attended with teaching assistants, the weather was glorious and they all enjoyed the day. Reports were sent to the sponsors and the three schools involved. With a shortfall this year, it is hoped that the Woodland Trust will cover this with a grant. This could be the last outing unless other sponsors can be found to keep up with the cost of the coach which increases each year. The possible withdrawal of sponsors and health and safety issues could limit our choice of venues. Reports of tree burning on van Praagh’s land are being taken seriously. Chair of HPC has been in touch with WDC and CP in touch with R Everitt of Forestry Commission. This is ancient woodland but has no protection.
9. Footpath reports a) Ramblers – None b) Committee – FP11B – tree trunk across it, has been reported to ESCC raising health and safety issues with possible insurance claims. TM spoke to Mr Baldwin who is happy to have footpath down by side of wood. No news of replacement DCN Officer for Wealden since Fay Pattinson departed. CP to speak to Mrs H Harris. FP 19A – fields taken off market. Crop now sown. Way mark post at top of hill can be reinstated (again!). TM to be asked to replace. FP8 – CP wrote to County Councillor (FW). He delivered scalpings from ESCC and they have been used to fill in holes including puddle. Hope suitable for horses. FP37A – brambles cleared at Chartners side of wood by estate manager, Peter Shuttleworth. Sleepers to be moved from Cotchford Hill to Chartners. Suggestion of sleepers from County, query on plastic netting. Way marks to be put on convenient tree trunk to channel walkers from riders at this point. FP73A – JL keen to include this walk in Parish magazine but hurdles to be sorted first. JL to contact D Cooper at Bolebrook Mill re tree lying over path and Dr Miller re hedges on both sides of oil tank. CP to contact CLM re possible dog latches on stiles. CP compiling list of jobs that can be done easily during July and August, to be circulated with suggested dates – CP – action BB raised FP31F from Parrock Lane – stile in bad condition. FP41 – BB found bridge still dangerous – no notice and visitors from Eastbourne were unhappy. Bridleway 42F – BB reported 1st fingerpost difficult to find. Concrete markers might be possible alternative but need undergrowth clearing. Where to obtain? CP to enquire ESCC. FP22B – RH reported 3rd and 4th stiles from B2110 need attention. FP79 – RH reported walkers ignoring the new path and climbing up the bank and walking into the field. FP15 – discussion as to why appeal to be heard in Hailsham. PF agreed to write to EG Courier asking for reasons for Hailsham and ask for change of venue. CP to speak to WDC.
10. a) Lamberts – CP explained Knights solicitors had asked if PC covered for legal expenses in case of enquiry if ESCC grant an order to have the bridleway put on the Definitive Map. Somewhat concerned. Latest is offer of meeting from Knights with Clerk and CP. Commoners’ rights could be relinquished and possible diversion of route with same exit and entry points to be discussed, particularly with those who have ridden the bridleway and other rep. from PC and CP. Letter to go to Knights with suggested date for meeting in due course. Committee agreed with action so far. b) Robins Lane –Modification Order is on display on Parish Noticeboard. It was thought to have an opening ceremony but SvM heard rumours of unrest and Buckhurst Estate, at one time, were going to contest the Order. The Committee felt it would be insensitive to have any celebration just now. c) FP15 – appeal to be heard on 23rd July 2008 in Hailsham. As many people as possible would be welcome to show support for WDC enforcement action and strength of feeling. d) Pooh Bridge – Steve Diserens is going to make an official sign and Peter Johnson to frame it and put it up. PJ has to repair the fence which he had already put up. SD reported there has been some movement on the bridleway. e) Cotchford Lane Spur – History is as follows: Mr. R Brunsdon applied to have this footpath designated some years ago and withdrew when conditions were met by the then residents. Since then, a diversion was applied for which endangered this path, used over the years by many people. This diversion has since been withdrawn but it could be applied for again and maybe by a new owner. A resident of Cotchford Lane feels that the new application by Mr and Mrs van Maurik, which caused a lot of animosity, should be reapplied in the name of the ROW Committee. CP recommended that it would be in the interests of the residents of Upper Hartfield and Cotchford Lane to protect the path in perpetuity to have the Spur designated. The form is available to complete and send to ESCC. CS suggested that the proposal should go to full Parish Council and the Committee agreed.
11. Working Party – CP has extracted from our monthly meetings a list of possible tasks to be carried out fairly easily. An extra two or three meetings over the summer was suggested and dates organised and a note sent to members. Chris Tweed to arrange a training day on the cable avoidance tool with PF and one or two others. This tool has to be serviced first. CS suggested JL: on pre-work reports could also take photos to make us more efficient.
12. Leaflet – ESCC have offered help with improvements to footpaths for walking wounded. CP spoke to Mark Weaver (CLM) about agreement from Buckhurst Estate to work on these paths. Trustees meet in Aug/Sept this year so a letter from us should be sent to CLM for onward transmission. CP has emailed C Tweed of ESCC if he would come to carry out a recce in readiness of future Work. CP and JE to coordinate on suitable letter.
13. SE in Bloom – SvM reported path across village green needs more work. TM has finished the water pump – would like to whitewash walls. Cttee agreed but Chair of TC and Parish Assets needs to agree with possible HPC. Willing hands required for a big tidy. School car park needs attention. Weeding and planting still required.
14. Items for reporting and inclusion for next meeting – Leaflet, Lamberts, FP15, Pooh Bridge and Cotchford Lane Spur.
Date of next meeting: 8th September 2008
Meeting closed at 22.04 hrs.