NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care
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NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care Project Listing for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan New Projects
1. Saratoga Country Rural Preservation Company
a. Saratoga Vet House
Program Description: Fourteen units of permanent supportive housing include four studio apartments, seven on bedroom apartments, and three two bedroom apartments. The property, conveniently located in the City of Saratoga Springs is located near a bus route. All fourteen units of permanent housing are dedicated to chronically homeless veterans with little or no income. The program adheres to the Housing First Model. The agency participates fully in the CoC and Coordinated Entry System to ensure all eligible veterans are moved quickly into available permanent housing. Case Management services will be available onsite to assist each veteran develop a housing stability plan to help them maintain permanent housing. Based on the needs identified the case manager will assist the veteran in the development of a service plan. This service plan will outline the goals of each veteran and the steps needed to attain those goals. The case manager will meet at least weekly with each veteran to discuss needs and goals. In addition the case manager ill assess the living condition of the unit to help identity life skill needs. Support services provided will focus on long term housing retention, stability and self-sufficiency. Through referral to our partnering agencies each veteran will receive services such as health care, mental health care, addiction services, legal assistance, employment training as needed to help ensure housing stability.
2. CARES, Inc. (Corporation for AIDS Research, Education and Services, Inc.)
a. Saratoga-North Country CoC Planning Expiring Grant Number: NY0979L2C231400
Program Description: This grant funds the Collaborative Applicant for coordination and facilitation of the CoC’s processes; including strengthening the current CoC system, assisting with the development and implementation of a coordinated assessment system, project evaluation and monitoring, conducting an annual gaps analysis and Point-in-Time Count, participating in the Consolidated Plan, and preparing and submitting the CoC’s application to HUD.
Renewal Projects
3. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County
a. NewView Rapid Rehousing Expiring Grant Number: NY0187L2C231407
Program Description: This project provides housing and supportive services to individuals and families who are homeless due to domestic violence and who have a disability of mental illness, chemical dependency, or HIV/AIDS and are actively engaged in treatment. The project assists twelve households (four one-bedroom, four three-bedroom units, and four two-bedroom) in scattered site
1 NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care Project Listing for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan apartments, to attain and maintain stable housing and to increase self-sufficiency so they may exit the program to violence-free, sustainable living.
b. NewView Permanent Expiring Grant Number: NY0184L2C231407
Project Description: This project provides housing and supportive services to individuals and families who are homeless due to domestic violence and who have a disability of mental illness, chemical dependency, or HIV/AIDS and are actively engaged in treatment. The project assists three households (one three- bedroom unit and two one-bedroom units) in scattered site apartments, as well as provides three housing rental units to the community (one one-bedroom and two two-bedroom units). The project helps individuals to attain and maintain stable housing and to support treatment compliance so they may achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency.
4. City of Saratoga Springs
a. Saratoga County Shelter Plus Care Program Expiring Grant Number: NY0185L2C231407
Program Description: This project provides 26 rental subsidies for homeless persons diagnosed with mental illness, substance abuse, or HIV/AIDS and are currently receiving services for their disabling condition. There are 17 one- bedroom units, six two bedroom units, two three-bedroom units, and one four- bedroom unit in scattered site apartments.
5. Saratoga County Rural Preservation Company
a. Veterans Apartment House Expiring Grant Number: NY0188L2C231407
Project Description: This project is designed to house homeless, disabled veterans and their families in permanent housing for a period of time leading to their ability to purchase a home of their own through an established savings program. The families are housed in a two family home located in Ballston Spa, NY.
6. Transitional Services Association, Inc.
a. Supportive Housing Program Expiring Grant Number: NY0186L2C231407
Project Description: This project is a four unit, eight-bed residential program serving those clients who are homeless and dually diagnosed with mental illness and chemical addiction. The program’s goal is to teach residents life skills that will allow them to live successfully in the community, while providing them with a safe environment to learn these skills and continue to receive outpatient treatment for their mental illness and addiction needs.
2 NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care Project Listing for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan
7. CARES, Inc. (Corporation for AIDS Research, Education and Services, Inc.)
a. Warren, Washington, Hamilton, and Saratoga Counties Portion of the Capital Region HMIS
Expiring Grant Number: NY0189L2C231407
Program Description: This is a data collection program which holds client level data. Participation in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a requirement for all recipients of CoC and Emergency Solutions Grant funds.
1. Adirondack Vets House, Inc.
a. Adirondack Vets House, Inc. Expiring Grant Number: NY0183L2C231407
Project Description: This project is a nine bed coed transitional housing program for homeless veterans with disabilities located in Glens Falls, NY. The program assists veterans in all areas of their lives in order to help them make a transition into permanent housing while reducing or eliminating the barriers that have created homelessness.
b. AVH Permanent Housing Program Expiring Grant Number: NY0784L2C231403
Project Description: This permanent housing project housed five homeless veterans two of which are chronically homeless.
2. WAIT House
a. Transitional Living Program Expiring Grant Number: NY0673L2C231404
Program Description: This TLP project for Homeless Pregnant and Parenting Youth serves homeless youth ages sixteen to 21. The TLP is certified by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services to house up to five mothers and five infants for up to twelve months. The project provides case management, supportive services, and linkages to services to assist the residents in attaining a stable independent living situation in permanent housing and to be able to make healthy choices for themselves and their child. The project is located in Glens Falls, NY and serves youth from Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties.
3. Warren Washington Association for Mental Health
3 NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care Project Listing for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan
a. Housing First 3041 Expiring Grant Number: NY0179L2C231405
Project Description: This project provides case management and support services within the Housing First Programs described below.
i. Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness Expiring Grant Number: NY0717L2C231405
ii. Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons with Mental Illness Expiring Grant Number: NY0716L2C231405
Project Description: These two projects support an eighteen unit apartment building in Hudson Falls N.Y. providing permanent housing to homeless and chronically homeless adults with mental illness and/or co-occurring substance and alcohol abuse disorders. The facility also consists of congregate care and office and meeting room space. The project is staffed 24 hours a day and provides supportive services, case management, advocacy and linkages to treatment and community programs for residents. The project’s goal is to improve residential stability and increase life skills abilities and self-determination.
4. Glens Falls Housing Authority
a. Shelter Plus Care Program for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness Expiring Grant Number: NY0182L2C231402
Project Description: This project provides a rental subsidy to one individual disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse. This individual accesses community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.
b. Community -Regular Expiring Grant Number: NY0714L2C231405
Project Description: This tenant-based shelter plus care program for homeless persons with provides fourteen rental subsidies for individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse living in Glens Falls, NY. These individuals access community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.
c. Community-Chronic Expiring Grant Number: NY0715L2C231405
4 NY-523 Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Hamilton Counties Continuum of Care Project Listing for Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan Project Description: This tenant-based shelter plus care program for chronically homeless persons with disabilities provides four rental subsidies for chronically homeless individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse living in Glens Falls, NY. These individuals access community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.
d. Housing First - Chronic Expiring Grant Number: NY0874L2C231403
Project Description: This tenant-based shelter plus care program for chronically homeless persons with disabilities provides two rental subsidies for chronically homeless individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse living in Glens Falls, NY. These individuals access community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.
e. Housing First-Regular Expiring Grant Number: NY0875L2C231403
Project Description: This tenant-based shelter plus care program provides rental subsidies for individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse. These individuals access community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance. The subsidies will assist clients in accessing scattered site apartments within the City of Glens Falls, NY.
f. Shelter Plus Care Program for Homeless and Chronically Homeless Expiring Grant Number: NY0674L2C231401
Project Description: This project provides a rental subsidy to two individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse. These individuals accesses community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.
g. Tenant-Based Shelter Plus Care 2010
Expiring Grant Number: NY0783C2C231000
Project Description: This project provides a rental subsidy to two individuals disabled by mental illness and/or chronic substance abuse. These individuals accesses community services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and employment assistance.