Global Service Internship Application

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Global Service Internship Application

Global Service Internship Application

2018 - 2019

“Go and Do Likewise!” Luke 10:37

We are very grateful you are considering the Global Service Internship. The GSI program is very competitive. We expect large numbers of applicants from all over the world. We only have a limited number of spots available this year. In case you are not accepted to this program, we want you to know it does not reflect on who you are, or your ability to serve. We look at many different factors when we choose our new batch of interns, from foreign language proficiency to location in the world, skill set, HYC experience, leadership experience, etc. We pray you will be successful, but whatever the outcome, we want you to serve wherever you are no matter what.

Before you fill in the application, read through this please:

The GSI, or Global Service Internship, is a group of 20 campus students who are trained to lead our HYC programs. They come from all over the world. They are all outstanding students academically. We choose excellent students, who show a high level of discipline, as we wouldn’t want their studies to suffer. They also stand out as spiritual leaders, both in evangelistic outreach and service. We are looking for young people who are mature beyond their years, considering the huge responsibility of leading groups of their peers to various places around the world.

The expectations of the group are high. The GSI program is a two year term. You will be required to attend one or two monthly conference calls, which may be at a very inconvenient time for you, depending on where you live in the world, as our group is spread across all time zones. You will also be expected to contribute, help write material for the HYC program, promote the programs, and serve as ambassadors. It is not a huge amount of work in terms of hours, but it is a serious commitment, and we expect 100% attendance when needed. It may be around 10 to 15 hours of work per month, although closer to HYC, the number of hours may be slightly higher.

We ask that you contribute $500 per year (so $500 in 2018 and $500 in 2019) towards the cost of the internship; that will help pay for the various costs associated with the GSI training program. Your plane ticket and your HYC program fee will be waived, as we expect you to work hard for your HYC (planning the program, preparing material for it, recruiting participants, monitoring social media, etc). The $500 fee has to be paid by March 1, 2018, and March 1, 2019. As a GSI, you are expected to lead at least one HYC in 2018 and one in 2019. We may ask you to fill in the gap, and lead more than one HYC, if the need arises, and you are available.

We ask that you answer the below questions truthfully, as we will not be able to send you on a program if you are not able to fulfill your leadership responsibilities.

Personal Information:

Full Name:




E-mail ID:

Gender :

Current Age:

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY):

Baptism Date: (DD/MM/YYYY):


Lead Evangelist:

English Proficiency: Native Language | Proficient | Fair | Poor

Other Languages (specify your proficiency):

University Information:

University Currently Attending:

University Website:

University City, State/Province, Country:


Expected Graduation: GPA (Grade Point Average or equivalent if non US):

Declared Major or Program:

Health Information:

It is very important that our interns (site leaders) be 100% available physically and emotionally before and during our programs. We need to know if you have any physical or mental health issues that would prevent you from leading a program effectively in sometimes challenging locations. We request transparency, please. If you have issues you would rather discuss privately, let me know ([email protected]), and I will be happy to talk with you on the phone or on Skype.

Are you facing any physical health issues? Yes / No

Are you facing or have you in the past faced mental health issues? Yes / No

Have you ever been on medication or in counseling for mental health issues?

HOPE Youth Corps Experience : In order to be considered you must have participated in at least one HOPE Youth Corps. Please simply list your experience(s), location(s), and year(s) of service below.

Other Service Experience: List any other service you have been involved in (HOPE worldwide or other organization) outside of HYC. Write as much as you wish. This is a very important part of your application. We are looking for candidates who have shown initiative in service.

International Experience: How much have you travelled outside of your home country? Have you ever lived abroad? Have you travelled internationally on your own?

Essay: Please include a 500-700 word essay responding to the following question:

“What role does service play in your relationship with God, and how is service significant to your convictions as a Christian?”

Résumé: Please submit a one page résumé detailing your academic, spiritual, and extracurricular achievements or involvement. HOPE worldwide will NOT accept a résumé exceeding one page in length. Attach your resume to your e-mail.


Please submit two (2) letters of recommendation from individuals who have seen your heart of service, academic performance, or professional aspirations. HOPE worldwide requires both one spiritual (from someone in leadership) and one secular recommendation, not related to the applicant. We will not accept recommendations forwarded to us by the applicant. Those are to be e-mailed directly to [email protected]

Email your completed application along with your resume to: [email protected] by Tuesday, August 10, 2017. References need to be e-mailed by that date also. This is a very competitive program. We expect large numbers of applications. Applications and recommendations received after the deadline will not be considered.

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