National Electricity Regulator
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NATIONAL ENERGY REGULATOR OF SOUTH AFRICA Generation Information Form: NERSA G1 Production and Financial Information
Complete the following: Licence number Full name of Licensee Contact person Telephone number ( ) Fax number ( ) Municipal grading (where applicable)
SIGNATURE: ______NAME: ______DESIGNATION: ______DATE: ______
Please Note the following: All information relates to a ring-fenced electricity activity. Financial information is to be stated in R’000 (For ex. R1 234 567,00 should be stated as 1 235). RING-FENCED means that separate accounts are kept for the electricity activity. This should ensure that the revenues; costs; assets; liabilities; reserves and provisions are separately identifiable from those of any other business in the books of account of the local authority or other licensee. It is essential that all aspects of every statement are completed.
Returns to reach the NERSA before 1 March 2008 Copies of the NERSA Generation Information Forms are available on the NERSA web site Completed forms may be returned to one of the following addresses: e-mail: [email protected] post: P O Box 40343, Arcadia, 0007 facsimile: (012) 401 4700
Form NERSA G1 Page 1 of 7 Jan 08 Consolidated Capacity and Energy Sent Out by all power stations.
Net Maximum Capacity Energy Sent Out MW MWh Actual 2007/08 Budget 200/2009 Actual 2007/08 Budget 2008/2009 Operational/Gross energy sent out Coal fired total Nuclear total Hydro total Pumped storage total (export) Totals
Own use of co-generators Pumped storage use (import)
Net capacity / energy sales
Unused capacity dd/mm/yy Mothballed capacity => Expected operational date: / / Capacity under construction => Expected completion date: / /
Note that this table is a high level consolidated summary of the production data requested in Section 3.
Actual = latest financial year for which actual figures are available.
Budget = most recent budget and planned use of resources for the following financial year.
Own use = electrical energy used in the production process of the licensee.
Refer to Section 3 for capacity and energy definitions.
SECTION 3: FINANCIAL RESULTS PER POWER STATION BUSINESS UNIT Please complete one sheet per power station or licensed business unit and a consolidated sheet.
Form NERSA G1 Page 2 of 7 Jan 08 Income Statement for Station: …………………………………………………… Actual 2007/08 Budget 2007/2008 R’000 R’000 Total Revenue Energy sales Capacity sales CPA Other
Total Expenditure (a) = (b)+(c)+(d)+(g)+(h)
Primary energy cost (b) Fixed Variable Use of system cost (c)
Operating expenses (d) Operations (e) Maintenance (f) Administrative / General Abnormal expenses Depreciation
Financing costs (g) Redemption Interest (internal or external) Contributions to capital development funds
Allocated corporate overheads (h)
Net income (loss) (Tot.Revenue-Tot.Expenditure) Revenue = internal and external revenue derived from the production of electricity. The total revenue received should agree with the sales figures of Section 2 of FORM NER D2 where applicable.
Primary Energy Cost = Cost of Fuel and water used in the generation process. This includes the cost of electricity purchased for pumping at pumped storage power stations. Fixed costs are those that are largely independent of the stations output while variable costs vary with output.
Use of system cost = Cost charged to the power station by a transmitter or distributor for the use of their network for energy transfer.
Operations = Cost of operating salaries and allowances as well as operating stores and materials.
Maintenance = Cost of repairs and maintenance; including salaries, wages, allowances and payments to contractors.
Administrative / General = Cost of power station supervision, administration and local overheads.
Financing Costs = Capital charges such as capital redemption, interest and contributions to capital outlay.
Definition of costs used for performance indicators: Working costs = b+c+e+f Generation cost = a
Balance Sheet for Station: …………………………………………………….
Capital Employed Actual 2007/08 Budget 2008/2009
Form NERSA G1 Page 3 of 7 Jan 08 R’000 R’000 Reserves
Long Term debt
Total capital employed
Employment of capital
Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Other
Current assets Inventories Debtors Other
Total assets
Current liabilities Creditors Provisions
Total employment of capital Capital employed Reserves (equity) = accumulated reserves, funds and retained earnings Provisions = moneys set aside to provide for the long term, such as decommissioning costs. Long term debt = interest bearing borrowings external and internal and funding to the ring-fenced business unit. Employment of capital Total assets = current + non-current assets Net assets = Total assets - current liabilities Non current assets Property, plant and equipment = capital outlay of generating plant at cost or valuation at date of purchase. Other = such as investments into future fuel supplies Current assets Inventories = coal, maintenance and consumables Debtors = short and long term debtors Other = cash, investments and other receivables. Current liabilities = creditors plus provisions for known costs in the next year.
Explanation of significant changes to balance sheet
Form NERSA G1 Page 4 of 7 Jan 08 ...... ……………….
Plant commissioned / decommissioned / recommissioned in financial year: ......
Major plant modifications completed in financial year: ......
Budgeted capital expenditure for the next five years.
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013
Application of capital: ......
Electricity Sales, Tariffs and Prices Actual 2007/08 Budget 2008/2009 Sales Revenue Price Sales Revenue Price MWh R’000 R/MWh MWh R’000 R/MWh Own use of electricity ...... Sales to Distributors ...... … ...... … ...... …...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Sales to End Use Customers ...... … ...... …… ..….... ………...... …...... …...... …...... ….. ……………………………… ……… ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ….. Other sources of revenue ...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... ….. Note: The Revenue from sales to Distributors should be reflected as a cost to Distribution in form NER D2, Section 2, Total cost of electricity purchases where applicable. Comments......
Please complete one sheet per operational power station / business unit Form NERSA G1 Page 5 of 7 Jan 08 Station name: …………………………… Maximum capacity: ……………….MW Actual 2007/08 Budget 2008/2009 Unused capacity (MW) ...... Time to return to service (months) ...... Net maximum capacity (MW) Net maximum power produced (MW) Energy sent out (MWh) Availability (%) Unit trips (number/year) Generation load factor (%) Efficiency (%) Staff employed (number) Energy Related Costs (R/MWh sent out) Primary Energy ...... Working Costs (see def. in section 3) ...... Total Generation Cost (R/MWh sent out) Total Revenue (R/MWh sold)
Maximum capacity MW = the maximum (installed) sent out capacity that could be produced continuously with all installed plant running. (Unipede def of maximum electrical capacity). This is the capacity for which the power station should be licensed.
Unused capacity MW = capacity which are not operated for economic reasons and is excluded from the calculation of the performance of the power station.
Net maximum capacity MW = Maximum capacity minus unused capacity.
Net maximum power produced = maximum energy sent out by the total power station in any one hour.
Energy sent out MWh = the electrical energy that was produced by the power station after the deduction of the consumption of station auxiliary plant but includes the electricity used for own processes such as pumped storage pumping or own use of co-generators.
Availability = the energy that the available capacity of the station could have produced during the period, to the energy that the net maximum capacity could have produced during the same period. (Unipede def. of energy availability factor)
Unit trips per year = the average number of times that the generator breakers opened unplanned in the year per operating unit. (Unipede def. for “unplanned automatic grid separations per 7000 operating hours”)
Generation load factor = ratio of electrical energy produced over period divided by the electrical energy it would have produced at its net maximum capacity over the same period.
Efficiency = Electrical energy sent out by the power station divided by the primary energy used to produce the electricity. For coal gas fired stations this corresponds to the thermal efficiency. For pumped storage stations, this is the efficiency of the pumping/generating cycle.
Form NERSA G1 Page 6 of 7 Jan 08 Please complete one sheet per operational power station / business unit Coal fired generation resource usage
Resources used/produced Usage rate
Coal burnt (kiloton) ...... ………
Fuel oil used (kiloton) ......
Ash produced (kiloton) ...... ……...... kg/kWh
Ash emitted (kiloton) ...... ……...... kg/MWh
Water used (Megalitre) ...... ……...... l/kWh
Environmental and safety performance
Comment on availability of and changes to environmental and safety permits ...... ………………………...... ………………………..
Comment on compliance with environmental and safety permit conditions ...... ………………………...... ………………………..
Comment on positive impact on the environment (waste recycled, discard materials consumed) ...... ………………………...... ………………………..
Form NERSA G1 Page 7 of 7 Jan 08