Theater 0825 - Bird Art of Acting - Fall 2013
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Theater 0825 - Bird Art of Acting - Fall 2013
Time and Location F 10:00 – 12:50am, Barton Hall, Room 302 Instructor: Kaleo Bird email: [email protected] Please note, instructor will check email once a day by 6pm. Any correspondence after 6pm will not be seen until 6pm the following day.
Course Description This introductory course introduces students to the basic skills an actor must acquire and develop in order to behave truthfully on stage. Various improvisatory exercises will help to integrate the mind, body and imagination, while practice of acting techniques, ensemble-building and creative risk-taking will be the focus of the course. In addition, the course will provide students with the basic tools of interpreting a script, which is of prime importance in developing a character and bringing it fully and believably to life.
This course strongly stresses the responsibility of the actor as an invested participant in a collaborative art. Practical work is supplemented by readings from the textbook and selections from the writings of Uta Hagen and others. Students will be required to submit short essays over the course of the semester in response to readings and theatre performances, to reflect upon the acting process, to complete handouts on play and character analysis, to rehearse a scene with a partner outside of class, and to keep a rehearsal log.
Course Objectives
--To familiarize students with an ensemble approach to theatre-making.
--To habituate students to build on their colleagues’ offerings to create relationship and story.
--To introduce students to the practice of identifying with a character’s given circumstances through textual investigation, imaginative exploration and use of an “As If.”
--To provide students with tools to specify and enact character objectives, tactics, obstacles and stakes.
--To infuse students with the skills to behave onstage as if the characters’ imaginary circumstances are real.
Requirements For this class, you will be asked to do exercises both in class and as homework assignments. You will also be asked to write a number of short papers on specific topics, including the analyses of the acting in three performances –
1.) an assigned film. 2.) a Theater Department production this semester. 3.) a professional production in the Philadelphia area, assigned by the instructor.
A list of suggested productions to choose from, along with information about the theater, and how these shows can be seen for little or no money will be provided. Theater 0825 - Bird Art of Acting - Fall 2013
You will prepare a scene with a partner, to be assigned by the instructor. As part of this preparation, you will do background research on your character and play. Exploration of text analysis, pursuit of objectives, determination of actions/tactics, and investing in the character’s given circumstances will all contribute to the student’s rehearsal process. The semester will culminate in the performance of this memorized 5-7 minute scene from a modern play and a self-assessment of the student’s growth throughout the semester.
The additional requirements for this course are straightforward: You must give yourself wholeheartedly to the exercises at hand, without holding back. You must attend regularly – unlike other courses, you cannot miss a class and then catch up with the reading or lecture notes. And you must be supportive of your fellow classmates as they do the work. Standing up in front of a theatre class to perform is already challenging, and trying to do so in front of a dismissive and unresponsive group is almost impossible. Therefore, your grade will depend on: written papers (completed satisfactorily and on time), performance assignments, active classroom participation and support, growth in your work and attendance.
Grades will be assigned as follows:
4 Typed papers 20% (5% each) Scene 35% Final self-assessment paper 10% Participation, In-class Work: 35%
Attendance No more than 1 absence will be excused (without official documentation e.g. doctor’s note). Each additional absence will result in a half letter grade drop of the final grade. 3 occurrences of lateness will equal 1 absence.
Equipment Props and costumes will be required however students can borrow or make them. Students will not be expected to purchase them.
Reading The basic, required text will be Anita Jesse’s Let the Part Play You, available at the University Bookstore. This text may be supplemented by excerpts from other texts available on Blackboard and on e-reserve at Paley library.
The Temple University Center for the Arts embraces the spirit of creative community both in the classroom and on stage. Theater is by nature a uniquely collaborative art form. During your time here as a student, you are in every respect called to be a supportive, contributing member of a large resident ensemble; committed at every level of endeavor, regardless of the task, to achieving artistic excellence in our work together as a company Theater 0825 - Bird Art of Acting - Fall 2013
Disability Disclosure Statement Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss the situation as soon as possible. If you have a documented disability, contact Disability Resources and Services at 215-204-1280, Ritter Annex, Room 100, to coordinate reasonable accommodations.
Academic Rights and Responsibilities Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The University has adopted a policy on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities (Policy # 03.70.02) which can be accessed through the following link:
Syllabus and Calendar are subject to change. Check Blackboard regularly for updates
Class Schedule:
**Schedule and assignment specifics subject to change** 8/30: In-class: Introductions and review of syllabus, sound and movement Prepare for next class: 6 lines memorized
9/6: In-class: 6 lines, Being Observed, Social Repertoire Prepare for next class: True Story/False Story: bring in two stories – one that actually happened to you, & one that is false – to share with the class. The class should not know which one is true and which one is false. Read Let the Part Play You, Ch. 1-3 9/13: In-class: Quiz 1, Zip-Zap-Zop, True Story/False Story Prepare for next class: Bring in an object from home that has meaning for you. Make sure it is something other people can hold and is not easily broken. Read Let the Part Play You, Ch. 4-6
9/20: In-class: Quiz 2, Object Circle, Prepare for next class: Read Let the Part Play You, Ch. 7 & 8. I Remember Exercise – Create a monologue, poem, song, rap, memory speech using your five senses. “I see, I hear, I smell, I taste, I touch. Try to use a memory from your childhood that includes family members, especially grandparents. This memory can be sad, happy, or whatever feeling the memory might bring. 9/27: In-class: Quiz 3, Due: I Remember Exercise Prepare for next class: Basic Object Exercise (see Blackboard), Read Let the Part Play You, Ch. 9,10. Theater 0825 - Bird Art of Acting - Fall 2013
10/4: In-class: Quiz 4, Basic Object Exercises Prepare for next class: Watch assigned film (The Visitor), type up film reaction paper, set up dates to go see your two shows, if you have not already. 10/11: In-class: Black Box, Assign scenes Due: Paper on Film, Prepare for next class: Bring in a picture of someone who you are not related to. It can be a magazine photo. Buy your play, read your play, learn your lines. Read Let the Part Play You, Ch. 11-15. 10/18: In-class: Quiz 5, Scene work, Family Album Prepare for next class: Read Let the Part Play You, Ch.16-2. Type up reaction paper for Oklahoma. (See blackboard for details) Start memorizing lines for scene. Rehearse with your partner. 10/25: In-class: Quiz 6, Scene work Due: Reaction Paper for Oklahoma Prepare for next class: Rehearse with your partner.
11/1: In-class: Scene work Prepare for next class: Rehearse your scene.
11/8: In-class: Scene work Prepare for next class: Type up final play reaction paper. Rehearse with your partner.
11/15: In-class: Scene work Due: Reaction Paper for one of the play options listed (The Convert, Stick Fly, or Cock) 11/22: In-class: Scene work – Dress Rehearsal Prepare for next class: Rehearse your scene with your partner
11/29: Temple Closed. Happy Thanksgiving!
Final Scene Performances - TBD