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Business Process Procedures s9

EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 July 2014 English

Advanced Returns Management – Customer Returns (737) Business Process Documentation

SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Advanced Returns Management – Customer Returns (737): BPD


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1 Purpose...... 6 2 Prerequisites...... 8 2.1 SAP Menu and Path Description...... 8 2.2 Master Data and Organizational Data...... 8 2.3 Business Conditions...... 9 2.4 Roles...... 9 3 Process Overview Table...... 10 3.1 Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice...... 10 3.2 Advanced Returns Management: Article Received...... 11 4 Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice...... 11 4.1 Creating Returns Order...... 12 4.2 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 14 4.3 Post Goods Receipt...... 15 4.4 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 16 4.5 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse...... 16 4.5.1 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse – relevant for credit memo...... 17 4.5.2 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse – relevant for article replacement19 4.6 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 21 4.7 Determining Customer Refund and Creating Credit Memo Request (CMR)...... 21 4.8 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 23 4.9 Billing of Credit Memo Request...... 23 4.10 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 24 4.11 Outbound Delivery for SDF...... 25 4.12 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 25 5 Advanced Returns Management: Customer at the counter...... 26 5.1 Creating Returns Order...... 26 5.2 Printing order confirmation...... 29 5.3 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 30 5.4 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse...... 31 5.5 Determining Customer Refund and Create Credit Memo Request (CMR)...... 33 5.6 Billing of CMR...... 34 5.7 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns...... 35 6 Follow-up Processes...... 36 6.1 Accounts Receivable (157)...... 36 7 Appendix...... 36 7.1 Reversal of Process Steps...... 36 7.2 Reports...... 38

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7.3 Used Forms...... 38 8 Defining Queries for Personal Object Worklist (POWL)...... 39

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Advanced Returns Management – Customer Returns

1 Purpose

You can use this business process to manage customer (consumer) returns in SAP ERP. Customer returns involve the returns of goods from a known customer to either a company location or an external vendor.

The business process for a customer returns business transaction always starts with the creation of a returns order in SAP ERP. You can specify an existing sales order or a corresponding billing document (invoice) as the reference for a returns order. Subsequent process steps involve the initial physical return of articles from the customer site, logistical follow-up activities for the returned articles, determination of the customer refund or subsequent delivery free of charge (SDF).. In every phase of the business process, you can monitor returns processing, for example, by displaying all associated documents.

Customer returns processes can be short and simple or complex and fragmented. An example of a simple customer returns process is the return of articles in their original packaging to the counter. The returned articles can be posted to unrestricted-use stock and the customer can immediately get his money back another alternative is offering the customer a replacement article as compensation for a returned article instead of a credit memo by triggering the automatic creation of the subsequent delivery free of charge: The creation of the subsequent delivery free of charge (SDF) can be triggered during the returns order creation (option 1) or during the article inspection in the warehouse (option 2).

Customer returns processes get more complex if the returned articles have to be forwarded to another location or to a vendor, for example, for inspection. In the latter case, the process also includes, usually as an intermediate step, financial settlement with the vendor.

This document focuses on the two most important return scope items:  Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice In this scope item, the customer contacts his local branch or distribution center and informs the internal sales representative that he wants to return or replace some goods that are still at the customer site. The sales representative creates a returns order to initiate the return and replacement of articles to one of the company’s locations. (Option 2)

 Advanced Returns Management: Article Received / Customer at the Counter In this scope item, you have already received the article when you create the returns order to trigger the customer returns process. The customer has either returned the goods to the counter directly or has sent the articles to one of your company’s locations without advanced notice or he is getting a replacement article (Option 1). The later case also includes the scope item that the customer gives the goods which he wants to return to your associates when they are at the customer site for a normal delivery.

There are further returns scope items for more specific situations such as - Direct return to vendor (from the customer site), - Inspection at customer site, - Article still unknown - Replacement article in customer refund determination which are not considered in this document.

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Process Flow The customer returns process flow comprises the following basic process steps:  Create returns order You can create the returns order with reference to an existing sales order or the corresponding billing document (invoice) or without any reference. You specify the returns-specific data for Advanced Returns Management on the Returns tab page.

 Create returns delivery and post goods receipt When you save the returns order, the system creates a returns delivery for the returns order automatically. When you receive the articles into the warehouse after a shipment from the customer site, you post the goods receipt as part of returns delivery processing. In the Advanced Returns Management: Article Received scope item in which you select the Article Received checkbox for returns order items, the system posts the goods receipt for the corresponding returns delivery automatically. In Customizing, you can specify the storage location and the stock type for the stock of returned articles. You can make these specific stock settings for the logistical follow-up activities Receive into Plant, Immediately Move to Free Available Stock, Immediately Move to Scrap, and Immediately Move to Specified Stock.

 Perform article inspection You inspect the returned articles in the warehouse for the returns delivery using the specific Article Inspection in Warehouse transaction. You can enter a single inspection result for the whole returns delivery or handling unit (data entry on header level), or you can enter different inspection results for the returns delivery items (data entry on item level). You can even split a returns delivery item if the inspection reveals that subquantities of the returned article have different conditions. Another option is to initiate an article replacement with free delivery.

 Define logistical follow-up activities You define logistical follow-up activities at header level, at item level, or at split-item level. When you confirm these activities, the system creates the relevant follow-up documents automatically. You have the following options:  Putaway – transfer returned article to the unrestricted-use stock  Scrap the returned article  Transfer returned article to specified stock; example: B-stock for slightly damaged articles  Forward returned article to another store or DC  Forward returned article to an external vendor  Send back returned article to customer  Send back article to last plant (after a store return)

 Create credit memo request If you select By Credit Memo Request or After Receipt of Credit Memo as the refund control in a returns order item, you must use the Customer Refund Determination transaction to create a credit memo request for the customer.  Create credit memo If you select Immediately as the refund control in returns order items, you create a credit memo for those items. If you make the appropriate settings in Customizing, the system creates the credit memo automatically when you save the returns order.

In addition you create credit memos for the credit memos requests which you posted in the Customer Refund Determination transaction.

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 Article replacement with free delivery Instead of a credit memo a free delivery can be created with a replacement article for the customer.

 Monitor customer returns processes Advanced Returns Management offers you a specific Returns Overview for Customer Returns transaction which allows you to monitor all the documents associated with a customer returns business transaction. In addition you can check the overall processing status, the logistical processing status, and the refunding status. 2 Prerequisites

2.1 SAP Menu and Path Description The path descriptions in this document refer to the SAP Easy Access SAP Retail menu. SAP ECC menu SAP Easy Access SAP Retail menu (W10T)

2.2 Master Data and Organizational Data SAP Best Practices for Retail delivers three sets of master data, Fashion, Hard Goods and Food, which are already created in your system along with common organizational data. In case not all master data sets have been installed in your system, you can replace the Hard Goods articles used in this business process documentation with respective articles from the Food or Fashion master data sets. Article information: Master / org. data Value Master / Org. data details Article (Fashion) PCS-01-ART111 (use variants PCS-01-ART111001 – PCS-01- ART111008) Article (HardGoods) PCS-01-ART411 PCS-01-ART412 PCS-01-ART413 PCS-01-ART414 PCS-01-ART415 Article (Food) PCS-01-ART321 PCS-01-ART322 PCS-01-ART323 PCS-01-ART324 PCS-01-ART325 Site VZ01 BP VZ Storage Location 1007 PCS Cust.Returns Sold-to-party PCS-C301 CUSTOMER1 FOR SALES ORDER Ship-to-party PCS-C301 CUSTOMER1 FOR SALES

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Master / org. data Value Master / Org. data details ORDER Shipping Point VS01 Shipping Point Retail Sales Organization 1000 Dom. Sales Org Distribution Channel 20 Wholesale Division 10 Division 10 Additional Default Values You can test the scope item with other SAP Best Practices default values that have the same characteristics. Check your SAP ECC system to find out which other article master data exists.

2.3 Business Conditions The business process described in this Business Process Documentation is part of a bigger chain of integrated business processes or scope items. As a prerequisite, you must have completed the business processes beforehand and fulfilled the following business conditions before you can start going through this scope item. To execute this activity, refer to Business Process Documentation for Sales Order Management (731). Execute all the scope item steps described in chapter 3.2 Alternative 1: Standard Order and proceed creating a Billing Document described in chapter5.4. Create at least 3 different line items using the articles, such as the data in the table below. As an alternative you can refer to Business Process Documentation for Sales Order management: Mail order (730). Execute all the scope item steps described in chapter 4.1 Create at least 3 different line items using the articles, such as the data in the table below. Article Quantity Comment PCS-01-ART411 (Hardgoods) 10 PCS-01-ART412(Hardgoods) 12 PCS-01-ART413 (Hardgoods) 2 PCS-01-ART321 (Food) 10 PCS-01-ART322 (Food) 12 PCS-01-ART323 (Food) 2 PCS-01-ART111001 (Fashion) 10 PCS-01-ART111002 (Fashion) 12 PCS-01-ART111003 (Fashion) 2

2.4 Roles

Use The roles listed in the table below must be assigned to your logon user to be able to test this business process in the NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC). You only need the roles if you use the NWBC interface. You do not need them if you use the standard SAP GUI.

Prerequisites The roles must have been installed in the SAP NetWeaver Business Client. Business Role Technical Name Process Step Transaction Sales Administrator SAP_NBPR_SALE Create Returns Order VA01, VA02,

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Business Role Technical Name Process Step Transaction SPERSON_S Print Returns order VA03 Sales Administrator SAP_NBPR_SALE Display Returns Overview MSR_TRC_C (DIFM) SPERSON_DIFM_ S Warehouse Clerk SAP_NBPR_WAR Post Goods Receipt VL02N EHOUSECLERK_S Create outbound delivery VL01N Warehouse Clerk SAP_NBPR_WAR Perform Article Inspection in the MSR_INSPWH (DIFM) EHOUSECLERK_D Warehouse IFM_S Sales Billing (DIFM) SAP_NBPR_BILLI Determine Customer Refund MSR_CRD NG_DIFM_S and Create Credit Memo Request (CMR) Billing Administrator SAP_NBPR_SALE Billing of CMR VF04 SPERSON_RT_S 3 Process Overview Table

3.1 Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice Process step Business Business role Transaction Expected results condition code Create returns order Customer Sales VA01 Returns order and request to Administrator returns delivery Create returns return goods created delivery in the background

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

Post goods receipt Customer Warehouse Clerk VL02N The goods receipt is sent returns posted

Perform article Inspection Warehouse Clerk MSR_INSPWH Inspection results inspection in the entered and logistical warehouse follow-up activities defined

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

Determine customer Creation Sales Billing MSR_CRD Credit memo request refund Credit Memo (CMR) created Request

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

Billing of CMR Billing VF04 Credit memo posted, Administrator document printed

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

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Process step Business Business role Transaction Expected results condition code Outbound delivery Warehouse Clerk VL01N Outbound delivery and for SDF goods issue for SDF created

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

3.2 Advanced Returns Management: Article Received Process step Business Business role Transaction Expected results condition code Create returns Customer Sales VA01 order request to Administrator return goods Create returns delivery in the background

Print returns order Print returns Sales VA03 Sales order is printed order Administrator

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

Perform article Inspection Warehouse Clerk MSR_INSPWH Inspection results inspection in the entered and logistical warehouse follow-up activities defined

Determine Creation Credit Sales Billing MSR_CRD Credit memo request customer refund Memo Request (CMR) created

Billing of CMR Billing VF04 Credit memo posted, Administrator document printed

Monitor returns See overview Sales MSR_TRC_C process of returns Administrator process

4 Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice

In this scope item, the customer contacts his local branch or distribution center and informs the internal sales representative that he wants to return some goods that are still at the customer site and for some articles he wants to have a replacement article with delivery free of charge after inspection in the warehouse.. The sales representative creates a returns order to initiate the return of articles to one of the company’s locations. After the articles have arrived in the company's location a warehouse worker in role of the inspector performs the article inspection as basis for further logistical steps of the returned articles and the financial settlement with the customer. He enters required data in the system using the new Article Inspection in Warehouse transaction. When he confirms the logistical follow-up activities in this transaction the system creates the logistical follow-up documents automatically. After the completion of the

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logistical activities the internal sales representative or a specialist in the role of a returns manager defines the refund for the customer using the new Customer Refund Determination transaction. As intermediate steps you can use the new Returns Overview for Customer Returns transaction to monitor the whole returns process and all associated documents in the different process phases. 4.1 Creating Returns Order

Use In this process step, you create the returns order to trigger the customer returns process in the system.

Prerequisites You can create the returns order to a preceding sales order or the corresponding billing document. In this Advanced Returns Management: Advanced Notice process variant we create the returns order with reference to a billing document.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing  Sales  Sales Order Order  Create Transaction code VA01 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Administrator (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_S) Business role menu Sales  Sales Orders  Sales Order Processing Create Sales Order (VA01) 2. On the Create Sales Order: Initial Screen, make the following entries: Field name User Action and Values Comment Order Type YRE2 Advanced Returns Sales Organization 1000 Distribution Channel 20 Division 10 3. Choose Create with Reference. 4. In the Create with Reference dialog box, enter the billing document number on the BillDoc tab page, and then choose Item selection. 5. On the following Create with Reference screen, select the items to be referenced and choose Copy. 6. On the Create Advanced Returns: Overview screen, make the following entries: Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART411 (Hardgoods) Article already been copied from the reference document PCS-01-ART321 (Food) PCS-01-ART111001 (Fashion) Order quantity 10 Copied from the reference

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Field name User action and values Comment document. Sales quantity and returned quantity are identical Return Reason 001 Customer ordered too much Follow-Up Act. 0001 Receive into Plant Refund Control R Later Decision, usually after inspection 7. Make the following entries for the article in the second line, use Next Item in the Returns tab to change to second line Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART412 (Hardgoods) Article already been copied from the reference document PCS-01-ART322 (Food) PCS-01-ART111002 (Fashion) Order quantity 12 Copied from the reference document. Sales quantity and returned quantity are identical Return Reason 003 Product damaged Follow-Up Act. 0001 Receive into Plant Refund Control R Later Decision, usually after inspection 8. Make the following entries for the article in the third line, use Next Item in the Returns tab to change to third line Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART413 (Hardgoods) Article already been copied from the reference document PCS-01-ART323 (Food) PCS-01-ART111003 (Fashion) Order quantity 2 Copied from the reference document. Sales quantity and returned quantity are identical Return Reason 004 Product defective Follow-Up Act. 0001 Receive into Plant Refund Control R Later Decision, usually after inspection 9. Double-click the first line item and navigate to the Shipping tab page and enter storage location 1007 for all lines items. Use Next Item to display the second and third line item and assign again storage location 1007 on the Shipping tab page. 10. In the case there are messages concerning missing storage location data for artile – just confirm 11. Go to Returns page 12. Define for the third item the refund type 1 Replacement Article. After article inspection in warehouse the same article is replaced to the customer with a delivery free of charge. On the right hand side of the screen under Additional Data the replacement article and replacement quantity is suggested automatically 13. Choose Save. Make a note of the returns order number here: ______

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14. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have created a returns order to initiate the customer returns process. The system has created the returns delivery as logistical follow-up document automatically.

4.2 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use With the Returns Overview for Customer Returns transaction you monitor the progress of your customer returns processes. The Returns Overview screen comprises four areas. In the selection screen area, you enter appropriate selection criteria to select the customer returns processes you want to monitor. A customer returns process is represented by the initial returns order. In the area on the right the result of your selection is displayed. The Header List contains the returns order documents that meet your selection criteria. The Item List shows the items of the returns order document selected in the header list. The Detail Tree displays all the return steps (follow-up documents) associated with a returns order item that you have selected in the item list. At this stage of the customer returns process you control the creation of the returns order and the returns delivery. In addition, you can check which are the next steps in the process.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Display Customer Returns Overview Transaction code MSR_TRC_C Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Administrator (DIFM) (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_DIFM_S) Business role menu Sales  Sales Orders  Returns  Tracking of Customer Returns 2. On the Returns Overview for Customer Returns screen, make the following entries in the selection screen area in the left. Field name User action and values Sales Document 3. Choose Execute. 4. To see the details of the second and third item select these item in the Item List and choose Display Details. Make a note of your 2 returns deliveries: Delivery number 1 for article 1 and 2: ______- Delivery with 2 items (refund type: credit memo) 5. Delivery number 2 for article 3: ______- Delivery with 1 item (refund type: Replacement article)

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You can navigate to all documents in the returns process by double clicking the returns step or by clicking the hyperlink on the document number. 6. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You can see the returns step Returns Delivery with processing status Document created was automatically created for the Returns Order. The overall Processing Status is Process incomplete. The Credit Memo Request and Goods Receipt return steps are displayed with status Document not yet created. In every step of the process you can create the credit memo request and refund the customer. For the item which is relevant for the replacement article, the subsequent delivery free of charge and goods receipt is not yet created. The next step is now the Post Goods Receipt for the returns delivery related to the returns order as part of returns delivery processing.

4.3 Post Goods Receipt

Use When the articles arrive in the specified receiving location, you can post the goods receipt by processing the automatically created returns delivery from the last process step. According to the customizing settings for the business process, returned articles are posted to a returns stock with stock type Blocked Stock. As this returns stock is valuated, usual accounting and controlling documents are generated in the background and related to the article document.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics  Retailing  Merchandise Logistics  Logistics Execution  Outbound Process  Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery  Outbound Delivery  Change  Single Document Transaction code VL02N Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Clerk (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Shipping  Outbound Delivery  Change Delivery 2. Make the following entries: Field name User action and values Outbound Delivery 3. Choose Enter. 4. On the Adv. Returns Delivery xxxxxxxxx Change: Overview screen, go to the Picking tab page. Enter the received quantity which is identical to the delivery quantity:

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Field name User action and values Picked Qty 5. Choose Post Goods Receipt. 6. Repeat the good receipt for the second delivery. 7. Make the following entries: Field name User action and values Outbound Delivery 8. Choose Enter. 9. On the Adv. Returns Delivery xxxxxxxxx Change: Overview screen, go to the Picking tab page. Enter the received quantity which is identical to the delivery quantity: Field name User action and values Picked Qty 10. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have posted the goods receipt for the returns delivery.

The blocked stock is (usually) not relevant for MRP and ATP (Available to Promise). This means that the blocked quantity will not be available for other customer orders.

4.4 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process. In particular, you can check the creation of the follow-up documents.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result At this stage of the customer returns process you control the creation of the goods receipt document. In addition, you can check which are the next steps in the process. The returns step Inspection and Credit Memo Request is displayed with processing status Document not yet created. For the item with replacement article the inspection and subsequent delivery free of charge documents are not yet created. The next step is now to perform Article Inspection in the Warehouse

4.5 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse You perform article inspection in warehouse to find out the status of the returned articles as basis for further logistical steps and the financial settlement with the customer. Article inspection in the warehouse is usually performed by a specialized warehouse worker, the inspector.

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You enter the result of your article inspection in the system using the Article Inspection in Warehouse transaction. Here you also define and confirm logistical follow-up activities; either together with the recording of inspection results or as a separate step. When you confirm the logistical follow-up activities, the system creates the corresponding follow-up documents automatically.

Use In this process step, you enter inspection results for returned articles and you define logistical follow-up activities to move the articles to the final destination. The customer has returned the articles as follows within the 2 deliveries: Delivery 1 – relevant for credit memo: Line Item Article Quantity / Article condition 10 PCS-01-ART411 (Hardgoods) 10 are OK 20 PCS-01-ART412(Hardgoods) 12 total 8 are OK and 4 are not OK 10 PCS-01-ART321 (Food) 10 are OK 20 PCS-01-ART322 (Food) 12 total 8 are OK and 4 are not OK 10 PCS-01-ART111001 (Fashion) 10 are OK 20 PCS-01-ART111002 (Fashion) 12 total 8 are OK and 4 are not OK Delivery 2 relevant for article replacement: Line Item Article Quantity / Article condition 10 PCS-01-ART413(Hardgoods) 2 are ok and a replacement is done

10 PCS-01-ART323 (Food) 2 are ok and a replacement is done 10 PCS-01-ART111003 (Fashion) 2 are ok and a replacement is done

Prerequisites You can only enter inspection results for returns deliveries for which you have posted the goods receipt. 4.5.1 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse – relevant for credit memo

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Enter Material Inspection in Warehouse Transaction code MSR_INSPWH Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Clerk (DIFM)

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(SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_DIFM_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Receiving  Returns  Enter Material Insp. in Warehouse (MSR_INSPWH) 2. On the Worklist Selection of Deliveries screen, maintain the selection data as following: Field name Description User action and values Comment Delivery items select waiting for inspection Delivery 3. Choose Execute (F8). 4. On the Change: Article Inspection in Warehouse for Delivery screen, select the Item tab page. In the table on top, you see the two delivery items. The quantity in the Original Qty column matches the received quantity to be inspected. 5. (Organizational) You inspect the 10 pieces of article 1 (line item 10) . The article is ok and you decide to transfer the goods to unrestricted-use stock. 6. Enter the following data for delivery item 10: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0001 OK Comment Originally packed Inspected 10 Is set as default Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0011 Transfer to Free Available Stock 7. Choose Enter. The traffic light in the Inspection Result frame changes to green. The traffic light in the Logical Follow-Up frame changes to yellow. 8. Choose Next Entry from the tables’ tool bar, to get to the inspection-item 0002. 9. (Organizational) You inspect the 12 pieces of article 1 (line item 20) and you see that the packages are broken; 8 pieces are OK but 4 pieces are obviously damaged. Because the packages are broken you decide to transfer the 8 pieces to B-stock the other 4 you want to scrap. Accordingly you have to create an inspection split to enter different inspection results for sub quantities. 10. Select delivery item 20 in the table and choose Create Split Item from the table’s toolbar. This generates two inspection split items for delivery item 20. 11. Double-click inspection split item 0001 of delivery item 20 in the table to display this inspection item in the detail area. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0003 Partly OK Comment Package is broken Inspected 8 Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0015 Transfer to Specified Stock Target Storage 1007 Loc.

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12. Choose Enter. The traffic light in the Inspection Result frame changes to green. The traffic light of the Logistical Follow-Up frame changes to yellow. 13. Choose Next Entry from the tables toolbar to display inspection item 0002 14. Enter the following data for the second subquantity: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0002 Not OK Comment damaged by customer Inspected 4 Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0012 Transfer to Scrap 15. Choose Enter and confirm popup with Yes. The traffic light in the Inspection Result frame changes to green. The traffic light of the Logistical Follow-Up frame changes to yellow. 16. Go to the Header tab. You see for the Inspection Status field the value has changed to Inspected and that the traffic light has switched to green. This signals that all returned articles are inspected. 17. Choose Save and Confirmation.

After you save the inspection data, the system creates a separate inspection document for each delivery item or split item. It is possibly still change data in this process step before you confirm the logical follow-up activities. After the confirmation of follow-up activities, the system creates logical follow-up documents according to the specified logical follow-up activities and associated data. 18. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have inspected the received article. The result of the inspection was reported. The system generated follow up documents. 4.5.2 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse – relevant for article replacement

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Enter Material Inspection in Warehouse Transaction code MSR_INSPWH Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Clerk (DIFM) (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_DIFM_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Receiving  Returns  Enter Material

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Insp. in Warehouse (MSR_INSPWH) 2. On the Worklist Selection of Deliveries screen, maintain the selection data as following: Field name Description User action and values Comment Delivery items select waiting for inspection Delivery 3. Choose Execute (F8). 4. On the Change: Article Inspection in Warehouse for Delivery screen, select the Item tab page. In the table on top, you see the delivery item. The quantity in the Original Qty column matches the received quantity to be inspected. 5. (Organizational) You inspect the 2 pieces of article 1 (line item 10) . The article seems to have a production problem and you decide to replace the article to the customer with subsequent delivery free of charge. 6. Enter the following data for delivery item 10: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0002 Not OK Comment Production problem Inspected 2 Is set as default Quantity Follow-up 0015 Transfer to Activity specified Stock Release Flag subsequent delivery free of charge Replacement PCS-01-ART413(Hardgoods) Is set as default article PCS-01-ART323 (Food) PCS-01-ART111003 (Fashion) Replaced 2 Is set as default quantity

7. Choose Enter. The traffic light in the Inspection Result frame changes to green. The traffic light in the Logistical follow-up and Replacement frame changes to yellow. 8. Choose Enter and confirm popup with Yes. The traffic light in the Inspection Result frame changes to green. The traffic light of the Logistical Follow-Up frame changes to yellow. The traffic light of the Replacement frame stays yellow. 9. Go to the Header tab. You see for the Inspection Status field the value has changed to Inspected and that the traffic light has switched to green. This signals that all returned articles are inspected. 10. Choose Save and Confirmation.

After you save the inspection data, the system creates a separate inspection document for each delivery item. It is possibly still change data in this process step before you confirm the logical follow-up activities. After the confirmation of follow-up

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activities, the system creates logical follow-up documents according to the specified logical follow-up activities and associated data. 11. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have inspected the received article. The result of the inspection was reported. The system generated follow up documents.

4.6 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process. In particular, you can check the creation of the follow-up documents.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result For the first returns order item you can see the two returns steps Inspection and Logistical Follow-Up. In addition you see a node Transfer to free available stock reflecting that you selected follow-up activity 0011 (Transfer to free available stock) for this article. Below this node you see the returns step Goods Movement to Unrestricted Use-Stock representing the corresponding article document. For the second returns order item for which you have create an inspection split you can see two Split by Inspection nodes. Below each node you see another node Customer return with shipment to site (continued) which now contain the Inspection and Logistical Follow-Up returns step. The other sub node reflects the selected logistical follow-up activity which is Transfer to free specified stock for the first inspection split item and Transfer to scrap for the second item. Below these sub nodes you the corresponding goods movement returns step. For the third returns order item for which a replacement article was specified, the inspection document was generated and the subsequent delivery free of charge document. Now only the outbound delivery for SDF is not yet created. The overall status of the sales document has changed as well. The logistic follow up status is now “complete”

4.7 Determining Customer Refund and Creating Credit Memo Request (CMR)

Use In a customer returns process, customer refund determination is a process step in which you define the refund amount that the customer is to receive for returned articles. In Advanced Returns Management you use the Customer Refund Determination transaction for this process step. This transaction provides you with a comprehensive view of all the data from previous process steps. You can see the returns-specific data entered in either the returns order or from the material inspection performed in the company warehouse. Customer refund determination

© SAP SE Page 6 of 8 SAP Best Practices Advanced Returns Management – Customer Returns (737): BPD results in the creation of credit memo requests for which you create credit memos for the customer using standard billing procedures. In our returns scope item you refund the whole sales prices for the first article which has been returned in the original packaging. For the second article you reduce the refund amount for the 8 pieces which are basically ok but the package has been broken and you decide that you will not give a refund for the damaged pieces in a sub quantity of 4.

In Advanced Returns Management you have to create a credit memo request with rejection reason to enter the information in the system that the customer does not get a refund. Line Item Article Quantity / Refund Comment 10 PCS-01-ART411 (Hardgoods) 10 / full refund Article 1

PCS-01-ART321 (Food) PCS-01-ART111001 (Fashion) 20 PCS-01-ART412 (Hardgoods) 8 / reduced refund Article 2 PCS-01-ART322 (Food) 4 / no refund PCS-01-ART111002 (Fashion)

Procedure 1. Access the transaction using one of the following options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Determine Customer Refund Transaction code MSR_CRD Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Billing (DIFM) (SAP_NBPR_BILLING_DIFM_S) Business role menu Sales  Billing  RRD for Customer Returns (MSR_CRD) 2. On the Customer Refund Determination – Document Selection screen, enter the returns order number in the Returns Order field from the first step, select the All open returns orders radio button, and chose Execute. The system displays the items of the returns order on the Unprocessed Items tab page. For the second returns order item you can see two additional lines for the inspection split items.

The Copy to CMR checkbox specifying whether an item is relevant for the Credit Memo Request to refund the customer is selected automatically for line items that are ready for refunding. As a default the system selects the Foreground Processing checkbox in the Credit Memo Request frame for new users. However, by selecting (NWBC: More…)Edit  User Settings from the menu you can define a user profile in which you can change this default. 3. For returns order item 10 with article 1 you enter R00 (00% Reduction) in the Refund Code column. For returns order item 20 with article 2 you enter R02 (20% Reduction) in the

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Refund Code column for the first inspection split line and R10 (100% Reduction) (Damaged return, no refund) in the RejectionReason column for the last inspection split line. 4. Select all line items and Choose Create Credit Memo Request from the tables toolbar. The system displays the Create CMR Advanced Return: Overview screen on which you can change the data on the credit memo request to be created. 5. Choose Save. 6. If the warning message”Document imcomplete, would you like to save or edit the imcomplete document” appears, choose cancel. Click the tap sales, choose the “materials ruined” in the field of order reason. Click enter and choose save again. 7. The system displays a dialog box with the number of the created CMR document. Write down the number here ______8. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have created at credit memo request to trigger the refund for the customer for the first article and a sub-quantity of the second article and record that the customer does not get a refund for sub-quantity of damaged articles.

4.8 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result For the first returns order item you can see the returns step Credit Memo Request with processing status Document incomplete. For the second returns order item for which you have create an inspection split you can see two Split by Inspection nodes. Below each node you see another node Customer return with shipment to site (continued) which now contain the Inspection, Logistical Follow-Up and Credit Memo Request returns step. You can see that the traffic lights are all green and the overall Processing Status is Process complete. The first item has been send to free available stock and finally the customer has been refunded the total amount. All documents have been created which can also be seen in the overview and the green traffic light associated to the SAP documents. Only the credit memo request has a yellow status with document incomplete. For the second line item with the split by inspection the logistical follow up decision was different as the refund determination. Even some goods are ok and where posted to specified stock and other to scrap it was decided not to refund the customer. The credit memo requests for those items have been rejected and no credit memo will be created, processing status Rejected.

4.9 Billing of Credit Memo Request


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In this activity, you create the credit memo for the credit memo request you have entered in the Customer Refund Determination transaction.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics  Retailing  Sales  Billing  Billing Document  Process Billing Due List Transaction code VF04 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Person (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_RT_S) Business role menu Sales  Customer Service  Billing  Maintain Billing Due List 2. On the Maintain Billing Due List screen, enter the document number of the credit memo request in the SD Document field, deselect the Delivery-related checkbox, select the Order- related checkbox and choose DisplayBillList (F8). 3. Select the line with your credit memo request and choose Individual billing document. 4. A message appears: Check the log. Confirm this message by pressing enter. (Within the log it is described that the third line item is not relevant for billing because of article replacement). 5. Only the line items which are relevant for billing appear on the screen. 6. Choose Save. 7. You return to the Maintain Billing Due List screen. The system displays a message with the created credit memo. 8. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have created a credit memo for the credit memo request to release the refund to the customer.

4.10 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result For the first returns order item you can see the returns step Credit Memo Request with processing status Document complete. In addition you see the returns step Credit Memo with processing status Document complete.

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For the second returns order item for which you have created an inspection split you can see two Split by Inspection nodes. Below each node you see another node Customer return with shipment to site (continued) which now contain the Inspection, Logistical Follow-Up and Credit Memo Request returns step. You can see that the traffic lights are all green and the overall Processing Status is Process complete. The first item has been send to free available stock and finally the customer has been refunded the total amount. All documents have been created which can also be seen in the overview and the green traffic light associated to the SAP documents. For the second line item with the split by inspection the logistical follow up decision was different as the refund determination. Even some goods are ok and where posted to specified stock and other to scrap it was decided not to refund the customer. The credit memo requests for those items have been rejected and no credit memo will be created, processing status Rejected. Only the third line item is not yet complete. The outbound delivery for SDF is still missing. Note down the number from the document: Subsequent delivery free of charge: Document: ______

4.11 Outbound Delivery for SDF

Use For the line item with article replacement, the outbound delivery for SDF is generated.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Merchandise Logistics  Logistics Execution  Outbound Process  Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery  Outbound Delivery  Create  Single Document  With Reference to Sales Order Transaction code VL01N

Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Clerk SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_S Business role menu Warehouse Management ® Returns from Customer/Store ® Create Outbound Dlv. With Order Ref. 2. On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen, specify shipping point: VS01 and the order number from the third line item 3. Choose enter 4. On the screen the article for the free of charge delivery is suggested with a delivery quantity. 5. Select tab: Picking 6. Enter the Picked quantity of 2 (same as delivered quantity) and press button: Post Goods Issue 7. You return to the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen. The system displays a message with the outbound delivery number. 8. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

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4.12 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result The overall status of the document is now “Process complete” The status for all line items is now “Process complete”. That means all process relevant steps are executed and all necessary documents are generated.

5 Advanced Returns Management: Customer at the counter In this scope item, you have already received the articles when you create the returns order to trigger the customer returns process. The customer has either returned the goods to the counter directly, or he has shipped a quantity of goods to a warehouse or distribution center without advance notice. The sales representative creates a returns sales order while the customer is at the counter or in the back office. In particular for the relevant returns order items the Material Received checkbox will be selected. Usually, you select Receive into Plant as the follow-up activity, but you can also specify Ship to Other Plant, Ship to Vendor or Ship to Vendor via Other Plant if you already know that the returned material will not remain at the initial location. For one article an article replacement is done and a free of charge delivery is generated. The article inspection is also captured as basis for further logistical steps of the returned articles while the customer is at the counter or in the back office and the financial settlement with the customer during returns sales order entry in Returns tab page. You usually enter Immediately or By Credit Memo Request as the refund control. The system creates the logistical follow-up documents automatically after the logistical follow-up activities are confirmed. As intermediate steps you can use the new Returns Overview for Customer Returns transaction to monitor the whole returns process and all associated documents in the different process phases.

5.1 Creating Returns Order

Use In this activity you create the returns order. In this scope item a sales order will be created with four different follow-up activities and there for four different subsequent process variations. - Receive into plant - Immediately move to free available stock - Immediately move to scrap - Ship to other plant © SAP SE Page 6 of 8 SAP Best Practices Advanced Returns Management – Customer Returns (737): BPD

And in addition there is an article assigned for the article replacement process with a free of charge delivery (SDF).

Prerequisites You can create the returns order to a preceding billing document. In this process variant we will create the returns order without reference to any preceding document.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing  Sales  Sales Order Order  Create Transaction code VA01 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Administrator (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_S) Business role menu Sales  Sales Orders  Sales Order Processing Create Sales Order (VA01) 2. On the Create Sales Order: Initial Screen, make the following entries and choose Enter: Field name User Action and Values Comment Order type YRE2 Advanced Returns Sales Organization 1000 Distribution channel 20 Division 10 3. On the Create Advanced Returns: Overview Screen, make the following entries: Field name User action and values Comment Sold-to party PCS-C301 Ship-to party Article PCS-01-ART411 (Hardgoods) PCS-01-ART321 (Food) PCS-01-ART111001 (Fashion) Order quantity 8 returned quantity Return Reason 001 Customer ordered too much Follow-Up Act. 0001 Receive into Plant Article Received select the check box Goods are received at the counter Refund Control I Immediately Inspection Code 0001 OK Inspection at the counter OK 4. Create a second returns order item with the following entries Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART412 (Hardgoods)

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Field name User action and values Comment PCS-01-ART322 (Food) PCS-01-ART111002 (Fashion) Order quantity 10 returned quantity Return Reason 001 Customer ordered too much Follow-Up Act. 0002 Immediate Move to Free Available Stock Article Received select the check box Goods are received at the counter Refund Control I Immediately Inspection Code 0001 OK Inspection at the counter OK 5. Create a third returns order item with the following entries Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART413 (Hardgoods) PCS-01-ART323 (Food) PCS-01-ART111003 (Fashion) Order quantity 6 returned quantity Return Reason 003 Product damaged Follow-Up Act. 0003 Immediate Move to Scrap Article Received select the check box Goods are received at the counter Refund Control I Immediately Refund Code R03 30%Reduction 30% reduction for the scrapped item Inspection Code 0003 Partly OK Inspection at the counter 6. Check that the reduction is reflected in the condition. Position the cursor on item 30 and select menu (NWBC: More…)Goto  Item  Conditions. Condition YG04 should be listed with the reduction of 30% 7. Choose Back and return to the Create Advanced Return Order. Overview Screen 8. Create a fourth returns order item with the following entries Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART414 (Hardgoods) When created with reference articles are already copied from PCS-01-ART324 (Food) the reference document PCS-01-ART111004 (Fashion) Order quantity 4 returned quantity Return Reason 001 Customer ordered too much Follow-Up Act. 0004 Ship to Other Plant Article Received select the check box Goods are received at the counter

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Field name User action and values Comment Refund Control R Later decision, usaually The customer will get a credit after inspection memo Inspection Code 0001 OK Inspection at the counter OK Next Site M001 9. Create a fifth returns order item with the following entries Field name User action and values Comment Article PCS-01-ART415 (Hardgoods) PCS-01-ART325 (Food) PCS-01-ART111005 (Fashion) Order quantity 2 returned quantity Return Reason 004 Product defective Follow-Up Act. 0001 Receive into Plant Article Received select the check box Goods are received at the counter Refund Control I Immediately 10. Double-click the fifth return item to get the detailed item data 11. Select tab: Returns and maintain the following data: Field name User action and values Comment Refund type 1 Replacement article Preliminary Refund Flag Determined Customer 0002 CUST Not OK Inspection code Customer comment Article defect 12. Choose Enter. 13. Under additional data the replacement article, the replacement quantity and supplying site is proposed. 14. Choose Save. 15. Note of the returns order number here.______16. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have created a returns order to initiate the customer returns process. The system has created the returns delivery as logistical follow-up document automatically.

5.2 Printing order confirmation The system triggers the print out of the order confirmation (see the settings in SAP GUI transaction VV12 for output type BA00 and defaults in your user settings in transaction SU3). You can also start the printout manually:

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Procedure 1. Enter the order number in the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen. From the menu, choose Sales. 2. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing  Sales  Sales Order Order  Display Transaction code VA03 3. Enter the order number on the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen. From the menu, choose Sales document  Issue Output To. 4. Mark the line with the message type BA00. 5. Choose Print. Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Administrator (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_S) Business role menu Sales  Sales Orders  Sales Order Processing Sales Document Worklist 1. Choose the All Sales Orders tab (refresh if necessary). 2. Select your returns order, and choose Sales Document in PDF Format. 3. In the PDF application, show Print. 4. Choose File  Exit to close the application.

Result You have printed the returns order.

5.3 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process. In particular, you can check the creation of the follow-up documents.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result Item Follow Up activities Refund control Next Step 10 0001 Receive into Plant I Immediately Inspection and/or Credit memo 20 0002 Immediate move I Immediately Non, process is completed, all to free available stock subsequent documents have been created automatically 30 0003 Immediate move I Immediately Non, process is completed, all to scrap subsequent documents have been created automatically 40 0004 Ship to other plant R By Credit A Returns Stock Transport order has Memo Request been created. For follow on steps see

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process 738 ship to other plant To refund the customer create Customer refund and Billing are the as described in chapter 5.4 and 5.5 50 0001 Receive into Plant I Immediately Inspection All other subsequent documents like Subsequent delivery free of charge and the goods issue is already posted Please note down the order number form item 40 and return delivery number from item 10 and 50: Order Number item 40: ______Delivery Number item 10: ______Delivery Number item 50: ______

5.4 Performing Article Inspection in the Warehouse You perform article inspection in warehouse to find out the status of the returned articles as the basis for further logistical steps and the financial settlement with the customer, in the case of customer returns, or with the article issuing company code, in the case of a cross company- code store return. You also define and confirm logistical follow-up activities in the Article Inspection in Warehouse transaction, either together with the recording of inspection results or as a separate step. The proposal and confirmation of logistical follow-up activities can also be separate steps. When you confirm the logistical follow-up activities, the system creates the corresponding follow-up documents automatically. For item 10 and 50 which has been received into plant an inspection is required.

Use In this activity, you enter the article inspection result for the article received into plant to confirm the article status and define further logistical steps.

Prerequisites The goods have been returned by the customer.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Enter Material Inspection in Warehouse Transaction code MSR_INSPWH Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Warehouse Clerk (DIFM) (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_DIFM_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Receiving  Returns  Enter Material Insp. in Warehouse 2. On the Worklist Selection of Deliveries screen, maintain the selection data as following: Field name Description User action and values Comment

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Delivery items select waiting for inspection Delivery 3. Choose Execute (F8). 4. Select first the delivery from the line item 10. 5. On the Change: Article Inspection in Warehouse for Delivery screen, select the Item tab. On the top you see the received quantity. 6. You inspect the 8 pieces and you detect, that 4 are originally packed, and 4 seems to be destroyed. Therefore you have to split the 8 pcs into 4, which are OK and 4, which are defect. Select the item line in the top of the screen, and choose Create Split Item. This generates two inspection-item lines for the split. 7. For the inspection-item line 0001 enter following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0001 OK Comment Originally packed Inspected 4 Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0011 Transfer to Free Available Stock 8. Choose Enter. The traffic light of the Inspection Result changed to green. The traffic light of the Logical Follow-Up Activity changed to yellow. 9. Choose Next Entry, to get to the inspection-item 0002 of line item 10. 10. For the inspection-split item line 0002 on line item 10 enter following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0002 Not OK Comment Damaged Inspected 4 Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0015 Transfer to Specified Stock Target Storage 1007 Loc 11. Choose Enter. The traffic light of the Inspection Result changed to green. The traffic light of the Logical Follow-Up Activity changed to yellow. 12. Go to the Header tab. You see the Inspection Status Inspected with green light, which detects, that all received articles are checked. 13. Choose Save and Confirm. 14. Choose from the worklist now the delivery from line item 50 15. On the Change: Article Inspection in Warehouse for Delivery screen, select the Item tab. On the top you see the received quantity. 16. You inspect the 2 pieces and you detect, that 2 are defect. It seems to be a production problem. You will send a replacement article to the customer.

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17. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Inspection Code 0002 Not OK Comment Production problem Inspected 2 Quantity Follow-Up Activity 0012 Transfer to Scrap 18. Choose Enter. The traffic light of the Inspection Result changed to green. The traffic light of the Logical Follow-Up Activity changed to yellow. 19. Go to the Header tab. You see the Inspection Status Inspected with green light, which detects, that all received articles are checked. 20. Choose Save and Confirm. 21. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have inspected the received article. The result of the inspection was reported. The system generated follow up documents. The articles, which are OK, had been booked automatically to free available stock. You can control the created documents through the Returns Overview.

5.5 Determining Customer Refund and Create Credit Memo Request (CMR)

Use In this step you create a credit memo request.

Procedure 1. Access the transaction using one of the following options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics Retailing Sales  Sales Order Environment Advanced Returns Management Determine Customer Refund Transaction code MSR_CRD Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Billing (DIFM) (SAP_NBPR_BILLING_DIFM_S) Business role menu Sales  Billing  RRD for Customer Returns 2. On the Customer Refund Determination – Document Selection screen, make the following entries and choose Execute: Field name User action and values Returns Order All open returns orders

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3. You will get an overview of all unprocessed items, only item 40 should be displayed 4. Choose Create Credit Memo Request. 5. You will get a screen with the created CMR document. 6. Choose Save. 9. If the warning message”Document imcomplete, would you like to save or edit the imcomplete document” appears, choose cancel. Click the tap sales, choose the “materials ruined” in the field of order reason. Click enter and choose save again. 7. A dialog box reports the number of the CMR document: ______8. Choose OK. 9. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have created at Credit Memo Request (CMR) document for the later billing. Display Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process. In particular, you can check the creation of the follow-up documents.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result You have created a credit memo request. For the fourth returns order item you can see the returns step Credit Memo Request with processing status Document complete. In addition you see the returns step Credit Memo with processing status Document not yet created.

5.6 Billing of CMR

Use You create the credit memo for credit memos request that you created in the Customer Refund Determination transaction using standard procedures. Procedure 1. Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options: Option 1: SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI) SAP ECC menu Logistics  Retailing  Sales  Billing  Billing Document  Process Billing Due List Transaction code VF04 Option 2: SAP NetWeaver Business Client (SAP NWBC) via Business Role Business role Sales Person (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_RT_S) Business role menu Sales  Customer Service  Billing  Maintain Billing

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Due List 2. On the Maintain Billing Due List screen, enter your CMR document number in the SD Document field from the previous step, deselect the Delivery-related check box and select the Order-related check box and choose DisplayBillList (F8). 3. Select a row and choose Individual Billing Document. 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

Result You have create a credit memo

5.7 Displaying Returns Overview for Customer Returns

Use In this step, you can check the progress of your returns process.

Procedure Please refer to the procedure description in chapter 4.2.

Result All the documents have been created and the process is complete. Item Follow Up activities Refund control Result 10 0001 Receive into Plant I Immediately Customer returns process is complete. All subsequent documents have been created automatically Please have a look at the different article documents created automatically due the split by inspection. 20 0002 Immediate move I Immediately The process is completed, all to free available stock subsequent documents have been created automatically 30 0003 Immediate move I Immediately The process is completed, all to scrap subsequent documents have been created automatically. 40 0004 Ship to other plant R By Credit Stock Transport order has been Memo Request created. For follow on steps see process 738 ship to other plant To refund the customer create Customer refund and Billing are the as described in chapter 5.5 and 5.6. 50 0001 Receive into Plant I Immediately The process is completed, all subsequent documents have been created automatically

Subsequent check:

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Check the 30% reduction which has been entered for the item 30 that it has been transferred to the credit memo. 1. Select the item 30 in the returns overview Item List all subsequent documents created are listed in the Detail Tree. 2. Choose the Document Number of the Credit Memo. 3. Select the line item. 4. Choose menu (NWBC: More…)Goto Item  Item conditions. Condition YG04 should be listed with the reduction of 30%. 5. Choose Back (F3) to the SAP Easy Access screen (SAP GUI). Or Choose Exit (Shift+F3) to close the transaction.

6 Follow-up Processes

You have finished all activities that are part of the business process described in this document. To accomplish subsequent activities of this business process, carry out the process steps described in one or more of the following scope items, using the master data from this document.

Ship to other plant (738) (Optional)

Use In this activity, you dispose of the inventory by returning to another plant. Do not process any other activities in this document after running the external process.

Procedure Complete all activities described in the Business Process Documentation of the scope item: Returns to other plant (738) using the master data from this document..

6.1 Accounts Receivable (157)

Use In this activity, you will post the incoming payment.

Procedure Using the master data from this document, complete all the activities described in the Business Process Documentation of the scope item: Accounts Receivable (157) (Chapters Post Payments using Automatic Payments Program, Post Incoming Payment from Customer Manually, Automatic Clearing of open items in customer accounts, Manual Clearing of Open items in customer accounts).

7 Appendix

7.1 Reversal of Process Steps

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In the following section, you can find the most common reversal steps, which you can take to reverse some of the activities described in this document. In general you can reverse processes in the reversal sequence of the initial process.

Create Returns Order Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VA01 Reversal: Delete Sales Document Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VA02 Business role Sales Administrator (SAP_NBPR_SALESPERSON_S) Business role menu Sales Sales Orders Sales Order Processing  Orders (Homepage) Comment Select your order, choose Change, followed by Delete Document

Create Returns Delivery and Post GR Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL01N Reversal: Delete Delivery Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL02N Business role Warehouse Clerk (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Shipping  Outbound Delivery  Change Delivery Comment Select menu Outbound Reversal: Reverse of Goods Receipt

Assign Serial Number Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL02N Reversal: Edit Serial Number Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL02N Business role Warehouse Clerk (SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Shipping  Outbound Delivery  Change Delivery Comment

Post Goods Issue Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL02N Reversal: Reverse Goods Issue. Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VL09 Business role Warehouse Clerk

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(SAP_NBPR_WAREHOUSECLERK_S) Business role menu Warehouse Management  Shipping  Outbound Delivery  Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note Comment

Billing Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VF04 Reversal: Cancel Billing document Transaction code ( SAP GUI) VF11 Business role Billing Administrator (SAP_NBPR_BILLING_S) Business role menu Sales  Billing  Cancel Billing Document Comment Go to transaction VF11, enter the relevant billing document number, choose Enter, and save your result. An invoice cancellation document has been created balancing the original invoice.

7.2 Reports Report title Transaction Comment code List of Sales Orders VA05 A list of all selected sales orders is displayed. List Billing Documents VF05 A list of all selected billing documents is displayed. Incomplete SD V.02 A list of all incomplete documents on the Documents basis of the specified selection criteria is displayed. Returns MC+M Article Analysis Returns Credit Memos MC+U Article Analysis Credit Memos

7.3 Used Forms

Common Form Type Used in Process step Output Type Technical name Form Name

Order SmartForm Create Returns Order BA00 YBRU_SDORC Confirmation

Create Returns Delivery Delivery Note SmartForm LD00 YBRU_SDDLN and Post GR

Create Returns Delivery Bill of Lading SmartForm YBL1 YBRU_SDBLD and Post GR

Sales Invoice SmartForm Billing RD00 YBRU_SDINV

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8 Defining Queries for Personal Object Worklist (POWL) Optional: The following queries can be defined to test this scope item in the SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC). You do not need these queries if you are using the standard SAP GUI. The queries are necessary if you want to access role specific worklists in the SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC).

For more information about the creation of queries, see the section Creation of Queries in Personal Object Worklists (POWLs) in the Quick Guide to Implementing the SAP Consumer Products / Wholesale Package (DE) document. Business Application Object Variant Variant Selection Query Role Type Name Selections Criteria Name Billing Sales and Billing For Administrator Delivery: example: Creating Billing due Billing list

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