Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve

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Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve

Third Sunday after the Epiphany January 24, 2016

Rehoboth Reformed Church

Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve Rev. Adam Grill, Pastor Prelude Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship *Praise Time Sing for Joy A New Hallelujah Almighty

Prayer Children’s Blessing (3 year olds thru 5th grades are dismissed to Sunday School classes)

Ministry of Music – Worship Choir Promise of Joy

Hymn #306 Jesus Saves

Message GIVING

Offertory Hymn #275 How Firm a Foundation (please remain seated as our morning offering is received)

*Benediction *Closing Song Sanctuary ______8372 S. Lucas Rd. Church Parsonage Fax e-mail McBain, MI 49657 775-7943 775-5298 775-4845 [email protected] TODAY A warm welcome to all who have come to worship. Let us express our love to God and our deep appreciation for God’s bountiful goodness. With prayer and song, with Scripture and devout responses, with minds ready to receive the Word of God and with our spirits dedicated to God’s will, let us eagerly approach the throne of grace.

8:15 A.M. – The Green Praise Team will practice.

9:30 A.M. SERVICE Children’s Ministry volunteers: Infant: Deb Whetstone, Melissa & Brandon Fauble, Brook Goodrich. Toddler: Holly, Isabelle, Idaline & Isaac Helsel, Angel DeZeeuw. 3 years – Pre K: Jeremiah & Julie Johnson, Sarah Pluger, Lorra VanderVlucht. Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Tammy Westdorp, Brent & Jessica Whetstone Organist: Sandy Bode. Pianist: Sandy Bode. Praise Time: Green Team.

Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under will meet after praise time (see order of worship). Please wait until 11:00 A.M. to pick up your 3 year olds through 5th graders.

Adult Sunday School class opportunities: Sunday School guide class meets at 11:00 A.M. in the Choir Room. Men’s Bible Study meets at 11:00 A.M. in Room #106. Women’s Bible Study – discussing the Blessing Book – meets in Room #107. Young Women’s Bible Study meets 1st & 3rd Sundays at 11:10 A.M.

Elizabeth Circle will meet at 7:00 P.M. at the home of Carol Brunink. Leader: JoAnn Gilde. Note change of day.

THIS WEEK MONDAY 5:30 P.M.*Love Does Bible Study. Are you interested in the issue of human trafficking? Do you want to learn ways you can make a difference in our area? We will be working on ways to make a difference. 7:00 P.M.*Grace Circle will meet at the home of Hilary Sawmiller. Leader: Hilary Sawmiller. TUESDAY 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement. WEDNESDAY 5:30 P.M.*Family Night Meal. Everyone is invited to attend. Menu: Chicken Tetrazzini, fruit, chips & bread. 6:00 P.M.*Family Night classes for those children 3 years old – 5th grade. 6:00 P.M.*Ignite (middle school youth group) will meet. 6:00 P.M.*Financial Peace University Class will meet. 6:30 P.M.*Worship Choir practice in the Choir Room. THURSDAY 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement. FRIDAY 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement.

NEXT WEEK – Sunday, January 31high school.

8:15 A.M. – The Purple Praise Team will practice. 9:30 A.M. SERVICE Children’s Ministry volunteers: Infant: Betsy Benson, Gayla Finstrom, Lorra & Linde VanderVlucht. Toddler: Brandon & Kait Reinink, Blake & Madison Whetstone. 3 years – Pre K: Shaun & Courtney Mulder, Michelle Taylor, LeAnn Eisenga. Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Tom & Deb Whetstone, Shyrl Wimmler. Pianist: Angela Bode. Praise Time: Purple Team.

Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under during the service.

Monday, February 1 – Love Does Bible Study at 5:30 P.M. Tuesday, February 2 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 3 – Pizza Night at 5:30 P.M. Everyone is invited. Those with last names beginning with A-H bring salad; I-P bring dessert; Q-Z bring drinks. - Family Night classes at 6:00 P.M. - Ignite (middle school youth group) will meet at 6:00 P.M. - Financial Peace University Class will meet at 6:00 P.M. - The Worship Choir will practice at 6:30 P.M. Thursday, February 4 - Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. - The Children’s Ministry Team will meet at 7:00 P.M. Friday, February 5 - Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS The plant in front of the sanctuary this morning is given in memory of Herm Liedeke who passed away 5 years ago on January 19th.

Circle Representatives: Copies of your circles leaders and hostess for 2016 are available on the Women’s Table.

Registration forms for summer camp sessions at Cran-Hill Ranch and Camp Geneva are available in the rack in the Fellowship Hall by the mailboxes. The church will pay ½ of the camper’s fee. Please see Trent Mulder for a voucher. Registration fills up fast and is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so get your registration in early.

For the month of January, the kids ministry and youth ministry will be in competition to raise money for our church missionary George Goff. Encourage your kids to give to George who serves as a missionary air plane pilot.

Would you be willing to bake a dessert to serve with a Wednesday Night Meal? We have groups of people volunteering to serve the meals, but would love to have the desserts baked and donated by the congregation! We have been serving about 100 people every Wednesday. It is a great outreach to our kids and our community. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Thanks!

COLLEGE ENCOURAGEMENT MINISTRY – We are featuring Matthew Pluger as our student of the week. Please take time to send Matthew a card of encouragement at Spring Arbor University #552, 106 E. Main St., Spring Arbor, MI 49283. I am sure Matthew is a very busy young man and would really appreciate hearing from all of us. God bless you Matthew. It's almost Dinner and Auction Time again! We would love to have you join us to plan & execute this amazing fundraiser for our Middle School and High School students! Last year was our biggest year yet and we want to keep that momentum going, but we need your help! If you want to join this awesome planning committee, please contact Betsy ([email protected] or 920-0162) or Ashley ([email protected] or 878-4253).

Financial Peace University--not your typical money class- it's practical, entertaining, and fun. During the class, you will learn how God intended us to manage money from Dave Ramsey, a renowned financial adviser, radio host, and best-selling author. The class will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm starting January 27, and finishing March 23. You are welcome to attend the FREE preview on Sunday, January 24 at 11 am to learn more about the class. The cost for the class is $85 (a $15 discount!), which covers you, your spouse, and any teenagers living in your home. You will receive a book, workbook, budget tools, and more. For more information about FPU or to register, go to, or contact Bob and Rachel at [email protected] or 231-878-8172.

HOSPITAL OUTREACH - With mom's agreement, Pastor Adam has been blessing newborns at Munson, Cadillac, once a week. Through this relationship, it has come to light that there are other ways Rehoboth can be in relationship with the OB unit. They would appreciate any of the following items to distribute to new moms and babies: knitted or crocheted hats using soft cuddly yarn, quilts and blankets (not yarn), bibs, or purchased items i.e. onesies or outfits. This will be an ongoing mission. If you have questions or need help with materials, please contact Patti Bosscher at 920-3870. Thanks, in advance.

Christian Speaker & Author, Jolene DeHeer is coming to Rehoboth!! When: Thursday, March 17th. Time: 6:00 - 8:30 pm. We will be serving a soup, salad, dessert & beverage. A free will offering will be taken. Come join us and invite your friends. This will be an evening you won't forget! Childcare will be provided, but you must let us know. Please RSVP to Connie Schepers at 231-884-4277 or email [email protected]

The McBain backpack program meets weekly to pack 94 bags of food for the weekend for those in need. We pack 2 breakfasts, 4 meals and 6 snacks. Our goal is to send a jar of peanut butter and jelly home once a month. Would you be willing to help by donating jars of peanut butter and jelly? We would appreciate these in plastic jars. There is a box by the mailboxes for your donation. Thank you so much from the McBain Backpack program.

“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Requests for prayer Continue to pray for Peggy Swiger who is undergoing radiation treatments. We extend our sympathy to the family & friends of Esther DeRuiter who passed away peacefully last Sunday.

We extend our sympathy to Brian & Gabby Chapman upon the death of Gabby’s mother, Ann, on Monday.

Dorothy Bazuin will be having outpatient foot surgery in Traverse City on Monday.

Please be in prayer for baby Isabelle, great niece of Mick Scholten, who was born premature and had surgery on Thursday to repair a hole in her heart and a valve replacement.

IGNITE Ignite is Rehoboth Reformed Church's Middle School (6th-8th) Student Ministry reaching to inspire a community of young disciples to enjoy loving and serving God, in a safe environment.

Ignite Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Jen Gilde, Kendra Vandervelde, Sarah Pluger, Lucas Taylor, and Craig Sterk.

Ignite will meet on Wednesday, January 27th at 6:00 P.M. Lesson: ME. When I feel unlikeable, God still likes me.

The middle school winter retreat at Cran Hill Ranch will be February 12-14, 2016. Join us for a weekend of broomball, ice wall climbing, gaga ball, worship, and great sessions.

Mark Your Calendar! The middle school mission trip to Fairview Park, OH will be July 17- 21, 2016. Signups will begin Wednesday night.

YOUTH IMPACT Calling all youth 9th – 12 th grade: Youth Impact is Rehoboth Reformed Church’s High School Student Ministry, designed for students to grow in their personal relationship with Christ by worshiping, praying, building relationships, studying God’s Word in a new way, and creating a willingness to serve.

Youth Impact Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Nicole Bosscher, Tammy Westdorp, Bryan Meyering, Brent Eisenga & Tyler Eisenga.

Youth Impact will not meet tonight.

GENESIS 2016 will be March 4-6 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, MI. $60 is due January 25th.

Mark Your Calendars! The high school mission trip will be July 10th – 16th to Holland, MI. Signups will begin tonight!


Pastor – Rev. Adam Grill Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-846-5664

Youth Program Coordinator – Ashley Bronkema Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-878-4253 Office hours – Wednesdays 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Children’s Education Program Coordinator – Brenda DeZeeuw Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-429-4302 Office hours – Mondays 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Youth & Education Administrative Associate – Betsy Benson Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-920-0162

Church Secretary – Nancy Thompson Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-775-7943 Office hours – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Maintenance Director – David Thompson Phone – 231-775-7943

Choir Director – Angela Warner Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-775-1067

Kids Hope Director – Jessica Whetstone Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-920-8082

Media Director – Brian Chapman Email – [email protected] Phone – 231-846-6073

------Consistory Members

Elders Deacons Mark Scholten (16) 231-878-2359 Trent Mulder (16) 231-942-1771 Tom Whetstone (16) 231-775-2943 Michael Vandervelde (16) 231-876-2097 Pat Birtles (17) 231-775-5544 Troy Finstrom (17) 231-878-0012 Ken DeZeeuw (17) 231-775-3518 Bob Potter (17) 231-942-1154 Dave Meyering (18) 231-825-2114 Darwin Eisenga (18) 231-920-0015 Tom Schepers (18) 231-920-2869 Josh Herweyer (18) 231-846-6119

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