Policies and Procedures Manual s1

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Policies and Procedures Manual s1

The Vanuatu Environmental Science Society Policies and Procedures Manual

Policies and Procedures Manual


 Code of Conduct and Ethics  Conflict of Interest  Fraud, Corruption and Bribery Prevention Policy  Governance and Delegation of Authority policy / Accountability structure  Financial Policies and Procedures  Procurement Policy  Procedure for Systematic Screening of Funding Opportunities and Project Proposals Against VESS’s Mission Statement  Records Retention Policy  Policy for the Management of Scientific Data and Copyright  Human Resources Policy  Office Protocol  Procedure for Stakeholder Consultation  Review of Policy and Procedures

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The Vision of VESS is: “To promote the development and use of environmental science in Vanuatu.”

The aims of VESS are: a) To undertake and promote environmental and conservation science in Vanuatu whilst supporting the development of local scientists. b) To collate data and information relating to Vanuatu’s environment and facilitate collaboration and information sharing both within Vanuatu and internationally. c) To disseminate scientific information to all sections of society in accessible forms to inform policy-making and decision making for the benefit of Vanuatu’s environment and people.

1 Latest review February 2016 VESS Policies and Procedures Manual

VESS’s goals will be more easily reached all persons involved with VESS conduct themselves upstanding manner and behave in an ethically.

In particular staff, directors of the board, staff, contractors and volunteers should:

1. Use the best scientific information available to assess and to address issues and critically evaluate all our projects and activities.

2. Be independent, non-discriminatory and non-political and respect the human rights of all people.

3. Communicate in an honest and transparent way, seeking dialogue and avoiding confrontation.

4. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of field programmes, whilst respecting their cultural and economic needs.

5. Build partnerships, based on mutual respect, with other organizations, governments, businesses and local communities and share credit with our partner organizations, be they strategic, funding or implementing partners.

6. Be accountable and transparent in all financial dealing and ensure that donor funds entrusted to VESS are used in a cost-effective way and solely for the purpose for which they were intended and to ensure proper controls and risk management polices are in place.

7. Be honest, transparent, unambiguous and politically neutral when disseminating our point of view and results to government, the media or the general public.

VESS’s goals will also be more easily reached if everyone associated with VESS is seen to “practice what we preach” by ensuring we minimise our environmental impact by:  Reducing waste and pollution  Conserving energy and water  Using recycled products or those with the smallest environmental footprint available  Ensuring that our practices conform to the highest environmental standard as are practically possible  Ensure all activities comply with all environmental legislation  Encourage all those who we interact with to do likewise.

All directors of the board, staff, contractors and volunteers shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner which brings credit to VESS and enhances its credibility and respect within the Vanuatu and the international community.

Conflict of Interest Policy

2 Next review due February 2020 The Vanuatu Environmental Science Society Policies and Procedures Manual

The VESS Conflict of Interest Policy is to assure the highest level of ethical conduct is attained by all persons involved in VESS and to avoid perceptions and consequences detrimental to VESS that could arise from the real or perceived misuse of an individual's position or influence. Any member of staff or Director of the Board who has an actual or perceived conflict of interest with VESS shall notify the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of such conflict in writing.

A Director of the Board cannot be engaged as an employee or contractor by VESS or by any project managed by VESS.

Should a change in circumstances arise that might trigger a conflict of interest, staff or Directors will undertake to inform the Board of Directors in writing.

Fraud, Corruption and Bribery Prevention Policy

VESS has a zero tolerance policy in relation to fraud, bribery and corruption.

Fraud and corruption are a threat to VESS’s assets and reputation and therefore VESS requires all members of staff and contractors to guard against fraudulent or corrupt activities and report them to the CEO or Board of Directors whenever they are encountered. Where fraud or corruption is suspected it will be investigated and, if proven, legal and/or disciplinary action will be taken. If an employee or contractor is unsure whether actions would be deemed fraudulent or corrupt they should seek the opinion of the CEO.

No gifts hospitality or benefits are to be accepted from a third party that may be or be seen to be a bribe. Family, religious, tribal, political or any other personal connections will not be allowed to influence the awarding of contracts or employment.

VESS will not, under any circumstances, pay or promise to pay or give anything of value to any government official so as to influence decisions, or lead him or her to omit or do any act in violation of his or her duty. VESS will under no circumstances pay or promise to pay or give anything of value to businesses, organisations or individuals to influence decisions or the awarding of contracts.

Governance and Delegation of Authority policy / Accountability structure

The affairs and governance of VESS shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be composed of at least seven (7) members, all of whom shall be respected private individuals. The Board shall meet not less frequently than once every 3 months. The board shall follow the procedures and code of conduct set out in the VESS constitution.

Chief execuative officer (CEO) is appointed by the board to manage the activities of VESS and shall do so within the Terms of Reference and the Strategic Plans approved by the board of directors. All staff, contractors and volunteers are to report to and be overseen by the CEO. 3 Latest review February 2016 VESS Policies and Procedures Manual

Financial Management

To minimise the risks of misuse of funds, VESS will maintain internal financial control procedures.

VESS will maintain detailed accounting records and follow the written Accounting Procedure.

VESS will ensure that funds and resources entrusted to it are controlled and properly invested and managed including prior to their disbursement to any third party.

VESS will strive to be effective in its use of resources and will minimise financial wastage.

VESS will endeavor to make cost savings and efficiencies where possible to ensure effective use of resources.

Professional accountants registered to perform audits in Vanuatu will be engaged to complete audits on an annual basis.

An annual financial report will be generated. This report will be presented to the Board of Directors during the first board meeting after the start of the next calendar year.

VESS Procurement Policy

The CEO is authorised by the board of directors for purchases within the following guidelines:

For funds allocated within a project budget that has been approved by outside donors the CEO may procure purchases specified within the budget. Three quotes must be acquired for all spends of over VT20,000.

For general spending the CEO has a discretionary spend up to VT50,000, provided funds are available. Purchases over VT50,000 and below VT200,000 require the approval of the chairperson and treasurer of the board of directors. Spends over VT200,000 require the approval of the entire board prior to purchase. Three quotes must be acquired for all spends of over VT20,000.

All Equipment will be entered into the Equipment Inventory.

Procedure for Systematic Screening of Funding Opportunities and Project Proposals against VESS’s Aims

4 Next review due February 2020 The Vanuatu Environmental Science Society Policies and Procedures Manual

All project proposals and funding opportunities should be appraised in relation to the aims and objectives of VESS. The ‘Algorithm for Assessing Project Proposals’ document should be used to ensure all projects proposals and funding opportunities lie within the scope of VESS’s area of activity.

Records Retention Policy

All certificates, contracts and other official documents shall be kept at the office of the CEO. Digital copies of these documents shall be made as soon as is practical and kept on a hard drive or cloud by the secretary of the board of directors. Financial records shall be backed up at least monthly and the digital file be kept by the secretary of the Board of Directors. Other records pertaining to VESS’s activities will be kept at the office of the CEO and digital material backed up at least monthly to a hard drive kept by the Secretary of the Board of Directors. All records shall be held for a minimum of 7 years.

Policy for the Management of Scientific Data Intellectual Property and Copyright

All staff members and contractors shall abide by the laws and principles of intellectual property and copyright. The appropriate permission shall be sought before using material that has been produced or is owned by others, including indigenous knowledge. All source material shall be referenced. Plagiarism is deemed a serious offence and will not be tolerated.

Donors’ policies for the use of logos and other images or materials shall be adhered to at all times.

All photographs, video materials, artwork and documents produced whilst under the employment of VESS for the purposes of VESS activities will remain the property of VESS.

All photographic materials, artwork, video and audio material, which are produced by a contractor or consultant or donated to VESS, shall remain the property of the artist unless specified to the contrary in the engagement agreement. This material shall be credited to the artist whenever used by VESS.

Scientific data obtained during the course of VESS project shall remain the property of VESS. However, in the interests of scientific knowledge advancing the common good, VESS is committed to publishing data and results gathered during its activities to enable new information to be made accessible to the public.

Human Resources Policies

All staff members and contractors shall be appointed on merit. All positions will be advertised to the public. Family relationships to management or other staff members 5 Latest review February 2016 VESS Policies and Procedures Manual and island of origin will play no role in appraisal of candidates. No staff member will be discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation or disability. More weight will be given to applications for employment and contracts, where the skills and experience obtained whilst working for VESS are more likely to increase long-term capacity of scientists and other skilled workers in Vanuatu.

All staff members will have written terms of reference and work plans. Any volunteer who volunteers more then 4 hours a week to VESS shall have written terms of reference and a work plan. All staff members will have an appraisal at least annually.

All staff members will be entitled to leave, overtime pay, severance pay, VNPF contributions, sick leave, maternity leave and bereavement leave as per the stipulations in the Employment Act. All employees and contractors will fill in time sheets for all hours worked for VESS.

Any complaints are to be made to the CEO. Should any staff member’s output fall below the expected standard or their behaviour in the work place constitute misconduct the CEO should be informed as soon as is conveniently possible. The CEO will conduct an investigation and discuss the incident or behaviour with the employee concerned. The CEO, and the CEO alone, has the authority to discipline a member of staff. No other staff member has this authority.

Travel expenses shall be paid or reimburse at cost. No per diem payments will be made unless specifically arranged prior to individual journeys and authorised by the CEO.

Office Protocol

All supplies belonging to and paid for by VESS, including office stationary and equipment, Internet and phones services shall be used for VESS business only.

Procedure for Stakeholder Consultation

A stakeholder consultation shall be held annually as set out in the VESS constitution. The procedures, including identification of stakeholder representatives, prescribed in the constitution shall be followed.

Review of Policy and Procedures

The policies and procedures of VESS shall be reviewed at least every 4 years. The next review of policies and procedures shall occur no later than February 2020.

6 Next review due February 2020

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