Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners P.O. Box 87934 Canton, MI 48187

My name is ______M.D./D.O. and I practice as a physician specializing in ______in ______, Michigan. In my experience with nurse practitioners, I have found that our roles are complimentary to each other as each profession (physician/nurse practitioner) brings a different skill set that makes us complement each other and thereby benefits the patient. Nurse practitioners are integral members of the health care team, and their educational preparation emphasizes collaboration with all necessary providers and the coordination of patient care.

It is with pleasure that I write this letter in support of changes to the Michigan Public Health Code that would enable advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to practice to their full education and nationally board-certified recognized scope of practice.

Changes in the Michigan Public Health Code would not disrupt the collaborative relationship that nurse practitioners and physicians currently share but would increase transparency by clarifying the roles of APRNs. This clarification would better assign responsibility for care and outcomes only to the clinician providing the care. Defining APRNs in the public health code will improve communication between all members of the health care team, the patients and their families.

I believe that these changes will facilitate improved care & enhanced communication, prevent unnecessary delays and will positively influence access to care for the residents of Michigan.
