Office of the Town Clerk s3
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To w n o f W i l l s b o r o O f f i c e o f t h e T o w n C l e r k
Present: Supervisor, Shaun Gillilland, Councilors: Charles Lustig, Lorilee Sheehan, Steve Benway
Absent: Lane Sayward
Highway Superintendent: Travis Crowningshield
Guests: Justin Drinkwine, Codia Holland, Doug Rock, William Heintz, Bill Heintz
Supervisor, Shaun Gillilland called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
The board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ed Hatch sent a letter in regards to the second beach down at Noblewood. He wants the beach to be closer or adjacent to the current beach area. We have received funds from Brandywine Trust Company (Peter Paine) which was a donation of $20,000 for the parks and outside rec area. The code enforcement yearly report is in your packet. The Old Adirondack had their closing and the Champlain Valley Milling will be taking over. They will be submitting the changes that they want to do with the APA. They are probably going to be sending it down so that all the changes can be done through our Zoning board. County wrap: We had the last meeting today. There was a 7.5% increase in the County taxes. We are below the 9.5% that was the original amount so we are doing okay. We will be looking at all the county level salaries and try to develop a 5 year plan so that we can keep this under control. The count also went from 680 to 480 employees. We will be looking at changing workloads etc. We also found out that they just did a timber sale in Keene and from the 80s there was a rule that they would hold 40 percent of the funds to be put into reserve for mapping and marketing for the next timber sale. We changed it to 15 percent. They went and looked at the reserve fund and found that there is $441,000. Town Wrap up: We have had a very productive year. It started with the audit and the town has completed all the recommendations they wanted. We are working on the IRS issues. The clarifiers on the Sewer plant were replaced and this is just about finished. We are waiting to hear from DEC to see what type of sewer plant we are going to need. We hired a new Code Enforcement officer Doug Rock will be starting full time next week. Also, Justin Drinkwine was hired for the parks and recreation. We have done a lot this year trying to pull everything together. Thank you to the board for being very supportive. – 2 – May 18, 2018 Highway: Throughout the year we did 7 tenths of a mile of paving. We also paved the water plant parking lot and drive way. We replaced 7 cross culverts. That is where all the chips money went for those three projects. We saved $25-30 thousand of the chips money because we weren’t sure on the price of sand and salt. We have had nothing but positive feedback on the projects we did. We will do the North Reber road next year. That is the only negative we have had. The truck we purchased this year is great. The only other issue we have is the water truck. We had McGees tow it back to the shop because it broke down and we couldn’t fix it on the road. We need to do something with that truck. Travis has pricing on new trucks. Supervisor Gillilland says we need a new or different vehicle. We have the chips money and snow and ice we got $111,000 total from that. We will need to rebalance the funds but will still be way ahead. Discussion continues as to ideas on paying or different option on vehicles. Bobby would like to present to the board his ideas on a different vehicle. We will discuss again at are next meeting.
Town Clerk: It has been a very successful year. The land taxes are out for 2015. The only thing that I would like to see moving forward is to be able to accept credit cards. Please review the information in your packet so that we can move forward.
Parks: Justin has been working here for two months now. He planned a full moon snow shoe event for January that we may have to push back since we have no snow. He worked with Living Goods from Peru and they were going to come down and host it for alcohol. Justin checked with the insurance company and they said that we are covered on insurance as long as they provide an insurance certificate. We have a winter carnival planed for the last day of February. Travis will get the lights on the sliding hill so that we can do sliding. Other events we will do is skating and snow sculptures, cook hot dogs and hamburger and serve hot chocolate. Justin has put out some ads for skates and snow shoes and skis and has received some donations. He would like to start a running & walking program on the trails that we have established. We would like to have a winter parade and go caroling through the town. We can do the tree lighting at this time also. Justin would like to expand the Bakers Acres. He has contacted ACAP on the playground that they have donated to get that up and in use. He is working on the public beach with the Department of Health and getting the permits in process. We might need a land line down there. Justin is starting on the permits for the youth commission program. He has 5 lifeguard applications in already. Two need to be trained and he has that training all set up already. He has 2 aquatic directors’ applications. He is working with the department of health because they are not 21 right now but will be by the time that the program starts. They have all the requirements needed. He is starting ranger applications. He has been working on the harbor management plan. We need to inventory everything on the bay on the lake side etc. He will have a meeting with Ed Gardner to see about doing a joint service with Essex and Willsboro. Steve Benway would like to see a copy of the insurance certificate prior and would also like Town of Willsboro listed as additional insured on the certificate.
Old Business: Codia has looked at 3 different choices for the water and sewer programs. The three are BAS for $6,580.00 without travel. They have been hard to work with however. CUSI quote was $8-9 thousand and then another quote to be more competitive was $5,490 dollars. That is without travel. He also sent over a tutorial. Williamson Law came and did a presentation. Their quote was $4,713.00. That was with travel. They were great to work with and showed us all of it. They are accounting and budget and payroll and it is very user friendly with the sewer and water. Everything with flow very easy in this program, it will be a lot less work for me. They are strictly a NY business. They are very up to date on taxes and payroll. All the IRS documentation is with this program as – 3 – May 18, 2018 well. The entire system would be about $15,000.00. We would have a system that completely takes care of everything. It will also create a budget for you for the following year. Williamson will take care of the switching over on everything. There is an additional support cost that will be a yearly cost as well.
Charles made a motion to move to purchase the entire program of $15000.00 from Williamson Law for our accounting software. Steve Benway seconded. Roll Call: Benway, Sheehan, Lustig, Gillilland.
Water and sewer rate adjustment for 2015: We need to adjust our rates for water for 2015. Supervisor Gillilland would like to see water rates go from $125.00 to $150.00 a year for one unit of unmetered water. And our senior rate would go from $93.00 to $100.00. On sewer there has been an increase in are debt because of the bond. The debt amount that was budgeted previously wasn’t actually covering our debt completely so our debt amount will go from $122.00 to $222.00 per unit. And an increase of 25 percent per unit on the O&M charges sewer $286.00-$357.50 a year. Supervisor Gillilland called for a motion to increase the rates. Sewer is going to help us a little to secure the funding. It gets us closer to our rate so that we can get more money from the Environmental facility corporation. Steve Benway motioned to make the necessary adjustments to sewer and water. Lorillee Sheehan seconded. Roll call: Benway, Sheehan, Lustig, Gillilland Supervisor Gillilland stated that he needs authorizantion to pay 90,000.00 on the Bond for the truck from highway fund balance and carry over Steve Benway moved. Charles Lustig seconded. Roll call: Benway, Sheehan, Lustig, Gillilland
New Business:
Jessie Morgan has asked Angie Dickerson to be her clerk. It will save on a lot of travel and training. She has met with Shaun to see what the salary would be to do both. If she becomes overwhelmed or if it becomes a conflict Jessie wants to be able to appoint another court clerk. The agreed upon salary would be $10,000. We have $35,000 for each justice which covers the justice salary and the court clerk’s salary so we will see a savings by going to one court clerk. Jessie’s only concern is if there is a personal issue that comes up with Gregg and Angie that they will be away and her court will be at jeopardy. Lorilee Sheehan feels it is a great idea to have Angie because the paperwork will all be consistent. Bridget Brown also states that whenever she has had any questions that Angie has always been there to help. Supervisor Gillilland called for a motion to hire Angie Dickerson as Jessie Morgan’s court clerk with a salary of $10,000.00 Lorilee Sheehan moved. Charles Lustig seconded. Roll call: Benway, Sheehan, Lustig, Gillilland.
Terrace Way: Sam Blanchard would like the board to pass a resolution to name one of the roads in his development Terrace Way. Supervisor Gillilland asked for a resolution to name the road Terrace Way Steve Benway moved. Charles Lustig seconded. All in favor and the motion carried.
Authorizing Resolution to support and accept a grant from the Adirondack Park Community Smart Growth Implementation Grant Program for the implementation of planned upgrades to historic and cultural centers of Essex County – 4 – May 18, 2018 Whereas, The Department of Environmental Conservation is soliciting grant application for the Adirondack Park Community Smart Growth Implementation Program from municipalities located wholly or partially within the Adirondack Park and Whereas, The Town Supervisor of the Town of Willsboro, Shaun Gillilland is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for financial assistance for the implementation of upgrades planned at the Adsit Cabin, and Whereas, the Town of Moriah will be the lead applicant in support of the partnership with the Town of Willsboro and other surrounding communities with similar goals to upgrade planned historic and cultural structures and Be It Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Willsboro hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a project agreement with the Town of Moriah and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the Adirondack Smart Growth Implementation Grant Program, Be It Further Resolved, that this board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute a state assisted contract when required for such financial assistance to upgrade the historic and cultural center of Essex County
Charles Lustig Moved. Lorilee Sheehan seconded. All in favor and the motion carried.
On the Bus resolution: They did this at the county today. This will allow Supervisor Gillilland to execute budget transfers for the 2014 to close business on Dec 31, 2014. Supervisor Gillilland called for a motion Charles Lustig moved. Steve Benway seconded. Roll call: Benway, Sheehan, Lustig, Gillilland. Mr. Heintz presented on the Grist Mill by the fish ladder as to their ideas on the building and concerns. Doug Rock also responded to Mr. Heintz as to his concerns and ideas for the building. They will keep us up to date on changes or ideas. They wanted the town to know that they are working on it and it will take some time. Adjournment: Supervisor Gillilland called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Lorilee Sheehan seconded. Unanimous second.
ADJOURNMENT – Supervisor GILLILLAND called for a motion to adjourn the meeting Charlie Lustig moved to adjourn Unanimous second
Respectfully Submitted,
Bridget Brown, Town Clerk