Writing 2 – Grammar Lesson 19: Review

Exercise 1: Classify these sentences and write the number of the pattern in the blank. These are a mixed review of: Pattern l (SN + V) Pattern 4 (SN + LV + PrN) Pattern 2 (SN + V + DO) Pattern 5 (SN + LV + PrA) Pattern 3 (SN + V + IO + DO)

______1. Mary’s father is the best cook in the neighborhood!

______2. Thomas and Leroy stay hungry from daylight until midnight!

______3. That poor squirrel fell into the chimney and could not get out.

______4. Mrs. Gruff was exceedingly angry with the four boys and their obnoxious dogs.

______5. I sent my son the biggest surprise in the world for his birthday!

______6. The dogs in the yard seemed unusually happy and playful at the approach of the boys.

______7. The computer salesman did sell me a new laptop yesterday.

______8. My sister and I ran after the ice cream truck.

______9. Jim gave a corsage to his mother on Mother’s Day.

______10. We were warm and cozy in front of the blazing fireplace.

______11. Hang the posters on the wall by the dresser.

______12. That small tropical island is Guam.

Exercise 2: Put a slash to separate each run-on sentence. Then correct the run-on sentences as indicated by the labels in parentheses at the end of each sentence. Make the corrections neatly above each sentence.

1. The newlyweds sat in the front they could see their nephew. (CX, where, 2)

2. My Smart car is small we can all crowd into it. (CX, although, 1)

3. The algebra students were confused they did not ask questions. (CD; however,)

4. The toddler did not understand he could not have more ice cream. (CX, why, 2)

5. The dance troupe danced to classical music they sang beautiful songs. (SCV)

6. You are kind to others they will think highly of you. (CX, if, 1)

7. The elderly man sold his house he moved to a new state. (SCV) Exercise 3: Identify each kind of sentence by writing the abbreviation in the blank (S, F, SCS, SCV, CD, CX)

______1. After they swam for several hours, they were ready for a snack.

______2. The vet gave Roscoe a shot and some antibiotic pills.

______3. Patsy took notes on her topic, and she wrote her essay last night.

______4. Where my lab group sits in the laboratory, I must sit.

______5. Even though you are captain of the team.

______6. The dictionary gives definitions and offers pronunciations of words.

______7. Brown bats have been living in the cave that we explored.

______8. Even though I try to avoid illness, the flu bug always finds me.

______9. The lawn mower made a funny noise when I turned it on.

______10. Because the berries were freshly picked, the strawberry pie tasted delicious.

Exercise 4: Use the Quotation Rules to help punctuate the quotations below. Underline the explanatory words.

1. mom asked are you going to bed early tonight joe

2. my sister breezed in and said happily i love my new job

3. i love my new job my sister said happily

4. james asked is the baby asleep

5. is the baby asleep asked james

6. j ames whispered the baby is finally asleep

7. the baby is finally asleep james whispered

8. my sisters teacher said we will go to the zoo tomorrow

9. we will go to the zoo tomorrow my sisters teacher said

10. the horses are out yelled my dad

11. my dad yelled the horses are out

12. mom said charlie would you bring in the groceries 13. charlie would you bring in the groceries mom said

14. would you bring in the groceries charlie mom said

Exercise 5: Tell whether the underlined word is an interrogative pronoun or an interrogative adjective by underlining the Int Pro or the Int Adj in parentheses.

1. Which is the shortest pencil? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

2. Which pencil is the shortest? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

3. Whose are those coats on the floor? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

4. Whose coats are on the floor? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

5. What are his parents like? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

6. What animal do you dislike? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

7. Who is in the bed? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

8. Whom do the bank tellers work for? (Int Pro, Int Adj)

Exercise 6: Review! Underline the correct pronoun or verb choice in each sentence.

1. Driving time was divided equally between my sister and (I, me) 2. This is (she, her). 3. Everybody brought (his, their) own backpack.

4. Have you any extra money for (us, we) girls? 5. That algebra problem was too difficult for Cindy and (me, I). 6. Will you be taking (we, us) girls to the dance on Saturday?

7. Between the two of (us, we), one of (us, we) should be able to get the right answer. 8. Neither of the men (share, shares) his boat on weekends. 9. Did every boy scout (pay, pays) his dues for the year?

10. Few on the airplane (want, wants) (his, their) peanut packages. 11. The trees always (loses, lose) (its, their) leaves during the storm. 12. All of the cereal (was, were) spilled on the floor!

13. Half of the milk (was, were) missing from the container. 14. Some of her money (is, are) stolen! 15. Everything on the tables (is, are) delicious.

16. None of the bread (is, are) on the counter. 17. One of the students (walk, walks) a mile to (his, their) bus stop. 18. Some of the silver (has, have) lost (its, their) shine.