Newton-Conover City Schools
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The Newton-Conover Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 23, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the N-CCS Boardroom.
Members present: Tim Hayes, Chair Jeanne Jarrett, Vice Chair Jim Stockner Angie Harris-Ramseur Bernard Coulter
Also present: Dr. David Stegall, Superintendent
Moment of Silence for Prayer or Personal Reflection was observed.
Pledge of Allegiance Vance Sigmon, Nathan Lingle, Ella Presnell and Carson Harris led the opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to order: Agenda Item I and III
Quorum Determination...... G.S. 115C-41
Chair Tim Hayes called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and stated that a quorum was present.
Adoption of Agenda Agenda Item V Agenda for November 23, 2015 was adopted as presented.
Presentations/Recognitions Agenda Item VI Dr. Whisnant recognized Billy Ray Ramseur and Patricia Ramseur for their commitment to Newton- Conover Middle School. Mr. Penley praised Josh Kappas and Jonathan Foster from Vertical Church, Michael Strickland and Erin Halsey, from The Cove Church for their involvement with Newton-Conover High School and the community. Dr. Keisha Pritchard recognized Audrey McGee for being the recipient of the E. C. Teacher of Excellence Award.
Public Forum Agenda Item VII No items were brought before the board in the public forum. Consent Agenda Agenda Item VIII A. A motion to approve the October 19, 2015 minutes and budget transfers was made by Mrs. Jarrett and seconded Mrs. Ramseur. BOE Approved.
Items of Information Agenda Item IX A. Dr. Stegall highlighted on policy updates recommended by NCSBA. He asked for the board to become knowledgeable of the recommendations so that a vote can be held at the Dec. 14, 2015 meeting. B. Dr. Stegall shared that three local companies met the prequalified requirements to place bids. Two of the companies asked for an extension of the bid date due to collecting all the information from sub-contractors. Bids will be due Dec. 17, 2015 instead of Dec. 14, 2015. The board was in agreement that a special called meeting will be held on Dec. 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm for the opening of the bids.
Discussion/Action Items Agenda Item X A. Carmen Houston presented budget amendments for approval. A motion to approve the amendments was made by Mrs. Harris-Ramseur and seconded by Mr. Coulter. Budget Amendments are included. B. Mr. Robinson presented the goals for Discovery High School. The focus of Discovery is Math I Achievement, Biology Achievement, Recruiting and Enrollment, and Community Partnership Development. Goals included. Mr. Penley shared SIP Goals for N-CHS. The focus of N-CHS is: Increase the number of students proficient in all EOC courses, Increase the percentage of students who reach the college and career benchmark on Act, Improve parent satisfaction of school wide communication. SIP Goals are included. Mr. Stockner made a motion to approve the Discovery High School and Newton-Conover High School Improvement Plans. Mrs. Harris-Ramseur seconded the motion. SIP Plans are included. C. The 2nd Reading of Professional Standards Teacher Policy was explained by Dr. Stegall. The board attorney recommend that we be very clear as to what is expected of employees. All staff members will receive a copy after the policy is approved. Mrs. Harris-Ramseur made a motion to approve the Professional Standards Teacher Policy. Mr. Stockner seconded the motion. BOE approved. Policy included. D. Dr. White shared the Guidelines for the Teacher Assistant Tuition Reimbursement Plan. The board discussed whether the guidelines should include a penalty for teacher assistants who receive reimbursement and leave N-CCS for employment as a teacher in another system. It was agreed that this stipulation could create problems. Mr. Stockner made a motion to approve the guidelines as written. Mrs. Harris-Ramseur seconded the motion. BOE approved. Guidelines included. E. Dr. White presented the Qualified Observers 2015-2016 list. Chair Tim Hayes asked to be recused from this vote. Mr. Coulter made a motion to approve the recusal of Chair Hayes and Mrs. Harris-Ramseur seconded the motion. The voting procedure was turned over to Mrs. Jarrett. Mr. Stockner made a motion to approve the Qualified Observers for 2015-2016. Mr. Coulter seconded the motion. BOE approved. List included. F. Dr. Stegall informed the Board that Mr. David Bozza is interested in filling the upcoming vacancy on the Auditorium Authority. Mr. Bozza is a teacher at N-CCS and is very strong in the arts. Mr. Stockner said that Mr. Bozza would represent the district well and made a motion to approve Mr. Bozza to the Auditorium Authority. Mrs. Harris-Ramseur seconded the motion. BOE approved.
Important Dates Agenda Item XI Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving Break Nov. 30 Chris Penley’s Birthday Dec. 1 Basketball @Hickory Wrestling @ Alexander Dec. 2 Jeanne Jarrett’s Birthday Connection’s Chili Pottery Fundraiser 11:30 am Dec. 4 Basketball @ home Dec. 5 Biker Run at NCHS, 11:30 am Dec. 6 Sylvia White’s Birthday Dec. 7 BOE Work Session Dec. 8 Wrestling @ home Dec. 11 Basketball @ home Wrestling @ Bunker Hill Dec. 12 Community Dinner @ Calvary Baptist Church, 11:00 am Dec. 14 Board Meeting, Swearing in of Members, 6:30 pm Dec. 15 Basketball @ Maiden NCMS/NCHS Choral Concert 7:00 pm Dec. 16 Staff Christmas Party at Dr. Stegall’s Home, 6:00 – 8:00 pm Dec. 17 CO Holiday Lunch, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm NCMS Band Concert, 6:30 pm Bleacher Project Bid Opening 2-4 pm Dec. 18 Basketball @ West Lincoln Dec. 18-19 Red Devil Duals Dec. 21 Basketball @ home Wrestling @ Chapel Hill Dec. 21-Jan. 4 Winter Break
Other Items of Business Agenda Item XII Mr. Hayes asked the Board if they were interested in applying for a grant that will be shared with the Conover and Newton Police Departments. This grant would help pay for a facilitator and programs for at risk students at the Middle School. The Board agreed that it is worth pursuing.
Closed Session Agenda Item XIII Motion to go in to Closed Session was made by Mrs. Jarrett and seconded by Mr. Coulter. BOE approved.
Action from Closed Session Agenda Item XIV Motion to approve personnel recommendations was made by Mrs. Harris-Ramseur and seconded by Mr. Coulter. BOE approved. Other Items of Discussion Dr. Stegall informed the Board that the State passed a law that grades students on a 10 point scale. This means that a student with a score of 100 would get the same letter grade as a student with a score of 93 and resulting in A’s receiving a 4.0, all B’s would be 3.0, etc. Dr. Stegall shared concerns regarding class ranking and how students have become extremely competitive to earn higher GPA’s. He said that some students are taking classes outside Newton-Conover or on-line to assure they get the extra points. He asked the Board for guidance on how to handle this situation. It was recommended that only grades earned from Newton-Conover Schools and its cohorts be considered when factoring GPA’s.
Mr. Hayes told the Board that he has had no cooperation from Catawba County School’s regarding Conover School. He is planning on emailing the whole Catawba County School Board with our issues. If this does not work, he will address the Catawba County Board in open forum to force the issue.
There being no further business to discuss in Open Session, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Coulter and seconded by Mrs. Jarrett.
Board Chair, Tim Hayes Secretary, Dr. David Stegall