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Name: ______ Christian Vocation: Study Guide _____/83 Points

Name: ______Christian Vocation: Study Guide _____/83 Points

Creation of the Human Person Body Likeness Good Self-giving Image Will Intellect

1. Man is created in the ______and ______of God. 2. The Catholic view of the human body is that it is inherently ______. 3. God gave us our ______so we could know Him. 4. God gave us our ______so we could choose to love Him. 5. Because we are all created in the image of the Trinity, we are all called to mutual ______. Universal Call to Holiness

6. _____ All Christians, no matter what their rank or status, are called to the fullness a. Baptism of Christian life and to the perfection of charity 7. _____ sacrificial love b. holiness c. Universal Call 8. _____ Your vocation is a response to the grace you received in d. love 9. _____ the love between friends h. Storge 10. _____ Follower of Christ who changes and conforms their life to his teachings i. Philia 11. _____ The perfection of Charity; union with God j. Eros 12. _____ familial affection k. Agape 13. _____ The fundamental and innate vocation of every human person l. disciple 14. _____attraction m. stewardship 15. _____ The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor

Vocations in general 16. _____ Teaches us that youthfulness is not a reason to ignore God’s call b. laity 17. _____ The domestic Church and school of vocation c. priests 18. _____ Teaches us that God may directly inspire us to act d. religious e. Moses (Ex 3:1-4) 19. _____ Those called to direct temporal affairs according to the will of God f. Jeremiah (Jer1:4-10) 20. _____ Teaches us God will persist in the face of our reluctance g. Isaiah (Is 6:1-8) 21. _____ Teaches us that God will provide all the talent and ability we need h. Samuel (Sm3:1-18) 22. _____ Teaches us that God sometimes speaks through a spiritual director i. Jonah (Jonah 1-4) 23. _____ Possesses the sacred duties to teach, govern and sanctify j. Mary (Lk 1:26-38) 24. _____ Those whose vows and consecration, though not sacramental, conforms k. family them completely to Christ 25. _____ Teaches us the perfect yes to God’s call and is ideal model for us to follow Vocation to Marriage 26. _____Teaches us “Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church” a. Genesis 1-3 27. _____ The bride and groom b. Matthew 19 28. _____ The only thing that can dissolve a valid marriage c. Ephesians 5:21-32 29. _____ Free mutual consent of the man and woman e. God 30. _____ A declaration that no marriage bond ever existed g. Matter of Marriage 31. _____ Teaches us “whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits h. Form of Marriage adultery” 32. _____ Cannot be dissolved i. Minister of Marriage 33. _____ understanding one’s fertility to achieve pregnancy or postpone pregnancy for j. indissolubility just and serious reasons 34. _____ The first educators of Children k. death 35. _____ Approved formula for the exchange of vows l. annulment 36. _____ A total and mutual giving of self, a lifelong exclusive relationship and sexual m. natural family intercourse are among the blessing of children planning 37. _____ The author and lawgiver of marriage n. conjugal chastity 38. _____ Teaches us that marriage is a “one flesh union” o. parents

True or False 39. ______Married conjugal love is necessary and precious. 40. ______Spouses being open to children is an essential part of marriage. 41. ______Research demonstrates that couples who cohabitate (live together) before marriage are less likely to stay married then those who do not.

Vocation of Holy Orders 42. _____ Rooted in God’s choice and His call a. Levitical priesthood 43. _____ consecration prayer c. common priesthood 44. _____ Allows the priest to devote full self to people and the Church d. ministerial priesthood 45. _____ The roots of the priesthood found in the Old Testament e. Bishop 46. _____ Laying on of hands, anointing with Chrsim h. Matter of Holy Orders 47. _____ Has the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders i. Form of Holy Orders 48. _____ All people are called to teach, govern and sanctify j. in persona Christi capitis 49. _____ The priest acts in the person of Jesus absolving sins and confecting the k. celibacy Eucharist.

Vocation of Consecrated Life 50. _____ Living in such as way that it shows the liberating beauty of a dependence on a. essence of God’s will that is not servile but filial, requiring real responsibility and trust Consecrated life 51. _____ Works of service performed by religious within the life and mission of the b. purpose of Church Consecrated life 52. _____ a man belonging to a monastic community c. Chastity 53. _____The first priority of religious life d. Poverty 54. _____ Total self-gift directly to God e. Obedience 55. _____ Dedication to God with an undivided love f. apostolate 56. _____ head of a monastery g. abbot 57. _____ cloistered religious woman h. monk 58. _____mendicant brother, such as a Franciscan i. nun 59. _____ to witness to holiness , eschatological realities and to point the way to heaven j. friar 60. _____ Holding God as one’s only treasure k. cloister 61. _____area of a convent closed to visitors, primarily used to describe convents of l. prayer and cloistered nuns completely cut off from the world community

Short Answer 62. List two reasons consecrated life is important to the Church? a. ______b. ______

63. What are the four stages of formation in religious life? a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______

64. To love as God loves, our love must be: a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______

65. What are the three ends of Marriage? a. ______b. ______c. ______

66. What is necessary when discerning your vocation? ______

67. How do each of the vocations practice chastity? a. Consecrated life: ______b. Matrimony: ______c. Holy Orders: ______68. What is the difference between courting and dating? (2 points) ______

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