Pallas Athene Award

(from the IDEALS)

We are gathered to pay tribute to you for your contribution to ESA. Your outstanding achievement makes you eligible for your ______degree of Pallas Athene. Your work for ESA is evident or you would not be standing here today. You have helped attain strength in unity. Your support has made the chapter more unified and much stronger. You have shown a capacity for endurance. A continuity of purpose and action. You have helped us attain solidarity and integrity.

These are some of the accomplishments you have made as we traveled the road of service for ESA. But what of your future? ESA needs your service and your wisdom. She needs your sharing of ideas, your experience, your evident faith in this membership.

I charge you not to look to the past, but salute your future! What gift do you have to share with ESA? Athene created the olive tree, the sign of peace and the source of prosperity. It is fitting that she should be the patroness of the Pallas Athene award which brings new life and vitality to ESAers around the world.

You, too, have other contributions to make. Chart your course using honesty, integrity, sobriety, truth, faith, love .. for these are the safe starts by which we must all steer our ships.

Accept this award with pride. Continue to let others quench their thirst at your fountain of knowledge, and continue to show us the way to ESA strength in unity. Remember these thoughts by Helen Steiner Rice

The more you give, the more you get ... The more you laugh, the less you fret ... The more you do unselfishly, the more you live abundantly. The more of everything you share, the more you have to spare. The more you love, the more you'll find That life is good and friends are kind. For only what we give away Enriches us from day to day