The Practice Volume 1, Part I Ms. Ripley

The Practice

A very good introduction to the practice and the firm and the lawyers in the show. How it all got started.

Trial: Did not exceed 60km an hour. Bobby is questioning the accused. All cops are trained to lie under oath? (What is it called when you lie under oath – purgery) Right to his opinion calling the cop names. I’m the client. Judge calls him guilty. Bobby is disgusted. Commercial break

Eugene at trail: Divorce. He keeps threatening the wife. Tell the husband to stop. Eugene was defending the wife. (Tell story about other show – couple being stalked by a psycho and he shoots him – wasn’t moving forward so it wasn’t considered self defence)

Unlawful – possession. Eleanor wants a probable cause hearing.

Back at the firm – Eleanor and Lindsay. Eleanor let’s do a probable cause hearing. A client that is suing a dating service. (Eleanor is doing it)

We have to close the practice – this is what happens when clients don’t pay. They are all bickering at the firm.

Goes back to Eugene – the husband had gone and destroyed her house. We are going back to court. Keep your doors locked. The kid – what if he hurts us? What do you think should happen?

Bobby: Lyle you stay calm. We’ll make our arguments. Trying to tell the accused how to act. You don’t say anything. We’ll we win? The video tape, robbing a grocery store. Tape is admitted – evidence. Then the guy goes crazy on the judge. Bobby tries to get the judge to recluse himself.

Eleanor and Rebecca: Dating service – nothing wrong with it. It’s embarrassing.

Bobby and Lindsay – Jimmy meeting. Talking about the tobacco company. Civil Law

Back to Eugene- he stabbed her diaphragm with a knife. He feels deep remorse (whiny lawyer says). Does your client wish to show vandalism? Show me a bruise – show me something more than a punctured cervical cap. You be charged with trespassing. The Practice Volume 1, Part I Ms. Ripley

Bobby – armed robbery – 6 years (plea bargain). You were assigned to this case. You want to fire me – please do…I have an ethical obligation to present you with the best possible option.

Lindsay- Eleanor meeting – vehicle search – we have lots. Cop being questioned.

Driving under the influence – general search – incident and arrest. Cop – wasn’t looking to find cocaine…Withdrawn (Questions). He had no right to go into the trunk. He can search the car but not the trunk (getting people off with anything that you can – can’t do this with cops). Getting off on a technicality. In the chambers with the judge. Decide to plead guilty to a few things but not to all – he’ll walk in a year.

Bobby and Jimmy talking. Rebecca and Eugene – talk about what Eleanor should have said in her personals.

Wife – comes in with a tape from her husband. Don’t blame you for being scared that someone might break into your house. That man is going to kill me…

Bobby and Eleanor talk about Lindsay and how well she did in criminal court. Jimmy comes to visit.

Husband and his lawyer come to the firm. Eugene threatens the guy and then takes him by the throat. Bobby is annoyed with Eugene. Jimmy – is this the kind of practice that my bank is investing in? Husband threatens the wife. You are a lawyer now and not a P.I. anymore. (Can he ethically do that as a lawyer?) What lengths would you go to? How frustrating would that be to be up against the law without any proof or evidence?

Lindsay – what if we get him an acquittal…

You said that you were going to break his knee caps? It would have been unethical to do it outside of council = judge chambers. Lawyer (whinery). Any and all contact husband can’t come in contact with the wife.

Kid shot the father (with a bow gun). You say nothing until I can get there. (Why is this important?)

Down at the police station. The man was yelling, and the wife said that her son hat shot him. He did not say he was going to kill anyone (but he had that crazy look). If Michael is charged with murder he’ll do time. If it’s self defence, or defence of others. It’s only okay if he thought that the husband was going to kill The Practice Volume 1, Part I Ms. Ripley one of you. If not Michael is in serious trouble. (Now they will have to prove that he was doing it in self defence). (Coaching the witness? He explained that if it wasn’t self defence – she’ll go away for awhile)

Eugene – blaming himself – talking to the other lawyer – I pushed him over the edge. Lawyers talking with each other – be a character witness – I’ll work with your self defence claim – and say the guy was psycho.

Eugene and Bobby go up against the new prosecution – trying to get a plea bargain with her (and she’s a shark). Defence attorney versus prosecution attorney.

How is this not fair? Now we can only get 10 years not 6 anymore. What he is doing – is getting a lesser plea for this guy because of the boy’s case.

Michael – I’ve got to take care of my mother.

I lied to my client (Bobby). This kid gets a chance and maybe another lawyer couldn’t have done better for that guy. How do you justify this at night? How do you sleep at night?