1999 Business Communication Page 1

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1999 Business Communication Page 1

1999 Business Communication Page 1

DIRECTIONS- (Mark "a" on your answer sheet if the sentence is correct. Mark "b" on your answer sheet if the sentence is incorrect Note: errors may be in punctuation, spelling, word or number usage, capitalization, or sentence structure. 1. You have the authority, do you not, to make this A. Sentence is B. Sentence is decision yourself? correct incorrect 2. "How can we achieve these goals?" is the next A. Sentence is B. Sentence is question. correct incorrect 3. The board of directors, of the Public Service A. Sentence is B. Sentence is Commission, will announce its decision this Friday. correct incorrect 4. All students, who are members of FBLA, will be A. Sentence is B. Sentence is excused at two o'clock today. correct incorrect 5. The job you have described sounds very attractive; the A. Sentence is B. Sentence is salary is good and the opportunities for advancement seem correct incorrect excellent. 6. Mrs. Voiers asked her boss, Mr. Branson, whether she A. Sentence is B. Sentence is was still being considered for the transfer. correct incorrect 7. The president Nicole Priestaf will address the faculty A. Sentence is B. Sentence is tomorrow afternoon. correct incorrect 8. Among those attending the opening was the banker, A. Sentence is B. Sentence is Curt South. correct incorrect 9. Smoke damaged five dresses, eight suits, and 11 coats. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 10. He could give you a thousand and one reasons for his A. Sentence is B. Sentence is decision. correct incorrect 11. Our meeting starts on July 21st in the school cafeteria. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 12. The dimensions of my new office are four by five A. Sentence is B. Sentence is meters. correct incorrect 13. This month's sales figures are better than last month. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 14. I have not yet seen the petition of the utility company's A. Sentence is B. Sentence is lawyer. correct incorrect 15. We have been invited to the Joneses' home. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 16. I am now completing my Ph.D. thesis. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 17. Dr. Linda Dunahee, M.D., will be today's keynote A. Sentence is B. Sentence is speaker. correct incorrect 18. We had a glorious time touring the Windy City. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 19. New York State is also called the Empire State. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 20. They maintain a condo in the south of Alabama. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 1999 Business Communication Page 2

21. Ms. Harris invited Lauri and I to the workshop. A. Sentence is B. Sentence is correct incorrect 22. Neither the Packers nor the coach believe we can A. Sentence is B. Sentence is possibly lose the championship. correct incorrect 23. If Preston or Judy places an order today, they will A. Sentence is B. Sentence is receive a discount. correct incorrect 24. Ellen wishes she was able to use word processing A. Sentence is B. Sentence is software. correct incorrect 25. We better choose another restaurant since Joni does not A. Sentence is B. Sentence is like Mexican food as much as I. correct incorrect DIRECTIONS: Select the word that means the same or nearly the same as the numbered word. Blacken the space on the answer sheet that corresponds with your answer. 26. ABSURD A. sensible B. ludicrous C. weird 27. ELABORATE A. simple B. prudent C. ornate 28. SIMPER A. smirk B. frown C. whine 29. OBSTINATE A. understanding B. easy C. intractable 30. SHREWD A. perceptive B. deceiving C. ambiguous 31. WRANGLE A. solemn B. dispute C. herd 32. ADMONISH A. reproach B. approve C. forgive 33. ELLUCIDATE A. clarify B. confuse C. select 34. CENSURE A. approve B. denounce C. understand 35. INDIGENOUS A. native B. foreign C. adaptable 36. DISCERNIBLE A. appreciable B. imperceptible C. condition 37. FURTIVE A. evasive B. openly C. watchful 38. STIPEND A. deliberate B. drain C. payment 39. VERBOSITY A. wordiness B. distance C. adept 40. PITHY A. explain B. precise C. blur 1999 Business Communication Page 3

DIRECTIONS: Using the following key, indicate the number of errors in each line. a. no errors b. 1 error c. 2 errors d. 3 errors e. 4 errors or more

Line 41. TO: Lt Kevin Colling President

Line 42. FROM Mardy South Personnel Director

Line 43. DATE: May 12 1998


Line 45. My reccommendations for improvements in our communication system are Line 46. enclosed. I have carfully examined the xerox copies of our out going Line 47. letters for 1 week and most of our letters by the way look alright. Line 48. However as we are striving for perfection effective correspondents is Line 49. a important facter in business relations and can always be improved.

Line 50. After an analyses of our letters I have concluded that is has these Line 51. four major flaws:

Line 52. 1. excessive wordiness Line 53. 2. a large number of trite expressions, Line 54. 3. has crowded margins and earless spelling Line 55. 4. to many different letter format.

Line 56. Our main purpose is to make improvements so that letters will not Line 57. only have a more positive affect but also more attractive. My suggest- Line 58. ion to effect these results is to establish a training program for our Line 59. typists and dictators. These would familarize every one with the proper Line 60. and standard procedures and make policies consistant through out the Line 61. company. I feel we need this training program set-up immediately. Line 62. Sincerely 41. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 42. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 43. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 44. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 45. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 46. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 1999 Business Communication Page 4

47. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 48. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 49. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 50. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 51. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 52. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 53. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 54. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 55. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 56. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 57. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 58. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 59. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 60. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 61. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more 62. How many errors? A. no errors B. 1 error C. 2 errors D. 3 errors E. 4 errors or more DIRECTIONS: Identify the incorrectly spelled word from the three words in the group. If no word in the series is misspelled, blacken the space in the D column on the answer sheet. 63. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. antibiotic B. disagree C. nonprofit D. none 64. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. reimburse B. antetrust C. subsequent D. none 65. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. enlist B. disability C. expensive D. none 66. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. supersede B. describe C. transportion D. none 67. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. comittee B. compulsion C. permission D. none 68. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. bimonthly B. misplaced C. subtract D. none 69. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. receive B. substandard C. insistance D. none 70. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. precaution B. insist C. depend D. none 71. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. monopoly B. noneunion C. propose D. none 1999 Business Communication Page 5

72. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. conceive B. contracter C. importable D. none 73. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. succeed B. exportation C. preduction D. none 74. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. transferring B. supose C. accept D. none 75. Which word is incorrectly spelled? A. depend B. procession C distraction D. none DIRECTIONS: Select the most appropriate answer and blacken the space on the answer sheet that corresponds with your selection. 76. In speaking and writing, the term diction refers to A. choice of words. B. tone. C. sentence length. D. sentence complexity. 77. An appropriate "voice" in general business style is A. aggressive. B. insistent. C. forthright. D. humble. 78. Effective business style is usually characterized by all A. brevity. B. clarity. C. discreet inclusion D. frequent of the following EXCEPT of personality. quotations. 79. For effective listening, you must A. think about B. complete your C. postpone thinking D. ask the speaker to what you have thinking about what about what you have repeat the statement. heard even while you have heard heard until the new information is before attending to speaker is finished coming in new information 80. You have sent memos to every manager at your level A. upward B. downward C. vertical D. lateral regarding changes in operating procedures You used ___ communication communication communication communication through these memos. 81. Mary Jane made a comment at the last committee A. Ask the head of B. Speak to Mary C. Ask someone else D. Write Mary Jane meeting that disturbed you. You would like some the committee to get Jane in private as who was at the last a note describing clarification on what she said. You should this clarification soon as possible. meeting what he or your feelings. from Mary Jane she thought Mary before the next Jane said meeting 82. Curtis South, the owner of a growing boat A. Develop precise B. Encourage C. Develop and use D. Give lateral manufacturing company, knows that mediocrity and low downward upward communication communication the employee morale often threaten businesses that ignore the communication communication and channels that flow attention it deserves; quality of communication The organization has three because it is the respond effectively. in all directions. it is usually levels of management plus 100 line workers. As a most important overlooked. communication consultant which of the following would information flow in be the best advice you could offer? any organization. 83. You must listen to a human resources manager to A. try to take down B. use a logical C. take brief notes, D. prepare to ask provide you with instructions on new company procedures. every word that is system of outlining knowing that a any unanswered You will, in turn, relay the information to your department. said. that will allow you memo will be sent questions. You should to take down the next week that key points details the key points accurately 84. Which of the following is not an outcome of good A. greater job B. better job C. fuller awareness D. increased listening habits? satisfaction performance of coworkers creativity 85. An example of horizontal communication is A. workers talking B. coworkers talking C. a middle D. coworkers talking to their supervisor about home manager sending a to other coworkers about new work problems. memo to all first- about problems in schedules. line supervisors. their department. DIRECTIONS: Select the most appropriate answer and blacken the space on the answer sheet that corresponds with your selection. 1999 Business Communication Page 6

86. The program will be seen in _____ entirety following A. its B. it’s this event. 87. Breakfast is served at the restaurant _____ of the time A. irregardless B. regardless of day. 88. We have _____ of work to do. A. alot B. a lot 89. Madison is the _____ of Wisconsin. A. capital B. capitol 90. I need a ream of _____ to do this mailing job. A. stationary B. stationery 91. The city council will _____ a change in the tax A. affect B. effect structure. 92. I'm sure he will _____ to your request. A. accede B. exceed 93. The bill would further regulate _____ commerce A. interstate B. intrastate between Alabama and Florida. 94. The _____ on the loan was due on October 1. A. principal B. principle 95. All members of the committee were present _____ Ms. A. accept B. except Loock. 96. She signed the minutes “_____ submitted, Terri Otto, A. Respectfully B. Respectively Secretary." 97. The program leader will try to _____ all participants A. ensure B. insure leave with a deeper understanding of the subject. 98. The report was published every six months (or on a A. biannual B. biennial _____ basis). 99. The slides and graphs were a good _____ to the A. complement B. compliment presentation. 100. Kristin had _____ reserved the conference room for A. all ready B. already the meeting.

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