FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1965 A r g r u s Daily Ntt PrsM Run War toe w eek Ended Ths Wisthsr MC® EinCHRt Foreeast ef V. S. Weather tniifutag IjfraUii August 14, 1068 SuBiur, aleaeawt today, Truat Oa, tnutea for Hthal F. the Wnhur Gross Pariceray tn- aear fair, aot aa eeol O _____ Donaghue, to Pioneer Aerody­ rrank lAwn of New Haven, Poblic Records terseotlon. 13,400 low 6646| variable eleudiassa tw namic Syatema, Inc., property national aseoclate and servlee MHA Asks Legal Fee Hike ManohaeUr Oommuntty De- Member of toe Audit iianrtetpr lEwpmttg Bpralb morrow, ehauee o f ebowera, blgSi About Town officer for the Department of vetopmsnt Foundation, Ino„ to on Slater S t Bureau of dreulatlon 76-66. Connecticut of veterans of W aiTM tes Deedi Planser Aerodynamic Syetsma, Marriage Uoenae Two mombow tli« ■ ' ct world W ar I, will speak Moi^ Osorgt B. Oanuel and Hfsxy Inc., property northeast of the WUUam Cannon Hansan, 1 » Manehmstmr' A CUy of VUlago Charm Chester American t^rlon left To Review Building Report day at S p.m.. at a meeting of T. Oanual to Pur Croee Parkway. In Memorlam Scranton, Pa., will be guest hill Gardena addition. and B ettlm H. Bamlnl, prop­ 64S-S8S1 rie Hale, 043 Main St. Members 000. John B. Bamlnl and Bettlna In lovlag memory of Joeeph RXd- preacher at the Salvation Army The report drew fire from "You're not going to convince erty on Slater St. doon Jr., who peseod away, Aug. 977 WEST MIDDLE xWtB. wlU leave the post home at A bM A member John B. Cronin H. Bamlnl to Manchester Com­ MANCHESTTEB Sunday at the 10:46 a.m. serv­ me that’s mo\du expcdlUously munity Development Founda­ True tee’s Deed ‘P erfect’ Countdown p.m. because of "almost four months "■ '* * ■ Sadly MUsed by ice. He Is a retired FTesbyterian If you go from $m,0()0 to $7,000 tion, Inc., property northwest of The Connecticut Bank and The— Mu‘iuldooo iWnUj L minister and cousin of Mrs. of slowdown” during the coming In two months. We ought to take James Munsle and Bldred Mc­ winter. Rights WorkerSlain^ exception to this,” CSx)nln said In order to clear up the budg­ For Cooper, Conrad Cabe, both of Manchester. Brig. The meeting with Green Man BOTH FAIRWAYS Harold Bevan will conduct the et Issue, the authority voted or wlU probably be held next to have Ha executive director, service. week. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A P )— The Gemini 5 astro­ OPEN EVERY David Addy will lend a 7 p.m. Leon Enderlin, write the Fed­ Enderlin reported construction nauts rocketed into orbit today on the Btart of a mara­ service In Center Park. Robert eral Housing Authority In Now thus far is ahead of schedule Deputy Sheriff Held I thon satellite-chasing mission that could push the U.S. MON. ALL YEAR! E. Richardson will be the guest York. with excavations In process and speaker. MHA’s budget request for le­ foundation footings ready In HAYNEVILLE, A 1 I'lO' probably would con-- $1 ,000. mean a change order. demonstration at Fort Deposit, This Is three days longer than case of trouble. They reported Honeydews or Cantaloupes, L a rg e ------^ mother, Mrs, Phillip Daniels, "Whoever concoKSted this cut­ At the annual MHA meeting, Far tha saeond yaor, Morlarty Brothers hova won ’Top" the slaying of a white a nearby community. lives in Keene, N.H. any man, American or Russian, everything in order. The only back IS betraying what was has been in space, and is equal hitch' in the 8-minute, 34-second Seedless G ra p e s ...... ? t!* held before the regular one, theology student. The dead man was Jonathan Sheriff Frank Ryals said he Native Green Beans...... told to us. It is unfair and out Theodore A. Brindamour was honors in the H ertford BosoboH Twilight League. Chom- The student and a Catholic Daniels, 27, who had completed to the time planned for the first rocket burning time was a brief understood the two were shot U.S. manned lunar landing loss of communications at th« Fruit Cockt a il...... 21/ 2 can site 35c of line with what Joe (the pres­ renamed chairman and Hutch' priest, both here for summer two years of a three-year course after Coleman went to the store, piens once ogoinl flight. control center after second- ent M HA counsel, Atty. Joseph Inson was renamed vice chalr- civil rights work, were shot at the Episcopal Theological a one-story frame structure Conti) shouid be getting now,' Seminary in Cambridge, Mass. During the booster phase of down with an automaUc shotgun about 600 yards from the county stage separation. said Atty. Plepler. Critically wounded was Fa­ the flight. Cooper in an obvious­ Communications were ro­ NATIVE PRODUCE! Friday on a gravel lane outside courthouse, to check a report of Atty. Conti, on the other ly exnilirated voice, shouted: a weatherbeaten grocery store. ther Richard Morrlsroe, 26, as­ a disturbance. stered quickly. Spinach, Com, Tomatoes, Salad Bowl, lim a and SheU hand, said that when he went The priest was hospitalized in sistant pastor at St. Columbanus "What a beautiful view !” Six minutes after blastoff, th« Beans, Peppers and Cucumbers. ______to New York the Impression he "very criUcal” condition. church in Chicago. He was tak­ Ryals said he was out of town Before parachuting to a land­ Mission Control Center reported got was that the $350 was Police Arrests Police said Tom Coleman, en to a Montgomery hospital at the time and could not give a ing in the Atlantic Ocean a week Gemini 6 was in orbit. At that detailed account. from Sunday, Cooper and Ck)n- HERE’S VARIETY! "more than fair.” about 66, a grandfather and the where two teame of doctors op­ point, direction of the flight "AU the elements necessary Mrs. Anna Knee of 94 Or­ father of a highway patrolman, erated on him in shifts Friday However, a Negro girl. Ruby rad are to circle the globe 121 shifted to the Mission Control Green and Yellow Squash, Red Peppers, DUl Wckllng to Justify an Increase . . . are turned himself in a short time night. Sales of Columbus, Ga., said she times and travel a record 3.12 Center at Houston, chard St. was arrested at the TOPS IN VOLUME SALES Bag Plant, Cauliflower, Peas. Beets, Beet G re^. A ^ O . absent," he said, referring to later and admitted the slaying. Daniels, licensed to wear a and three other Negroes had million mliesr Cooper fired two Jet thrusters Nectarines, Plums, Peaches, Apples, Honeydews, Red, '^ I t e , evictiona and court cases, both Qrand-Way department store on He was charged vrith first-de­ clerical collar although he was been released from Jail with the Medical experts were confi­ to provide the final push and Blue Grapes, Bartlett and Clapp Pears, Cantaloupes, Grape­ of which have occurred rarely W. Middle TThe. last night after Meriorty Brothers is "Tops" in volumo soios o f Uneoln- gree murder and jailed without not an ordained priest, was en­ dent the flight will erase any maneuver to place the space­ fruit and Casaba Melons. thus far. s security guard accused her Moreury in Connecticut for the yoor 1965 to date — bond. A county official said a gaged in civil rights work for (See Page Two) lingering doubts about man’s ship in orbit. Vice Chairman John J. and her daughter of removing ablllty-to survive long enough In To perform the rendezvous Hutchinson said hs thoughit It space to rocket to the moon and maneuver. Cooper, as command NATIVE APPLES ’n PEACHES ARE HERE! $16 worth of clothing from the AND 3rd IN ALL NEW ENGLAND! unlikely the F H A oould be per­ store without paying lor It, re­ return. pilot, was to execute a number suaded to make the increase port police. Early in the flight, during the of intricate maneuvers to first but he suggested writing a let­ Mrs. Knee was charged with Auspicious Day second orbit about two hours back about 82 miles away from TH E KING ter InoluiUng mention of Atty. larceny under & and released after liftoff, the astronauts the satellite and then to chus it Plepler’s argument. 91 Springfield Rally Off, OOUMSBO, Ceylon (AP) planned to launch their own sa­ across the skies, using a radar Although Cronin strenuouMy on $80 bond lor court on Sept. of Produeo!" 13 in the iMancheater session of —'From the hill country of tellite, ejecting it with explosive system, a computer and Jet disapproved of Green Manor’s Ceylon comes a bolleve-lt- devices from an equipment bay thrusters to hopefully approach PERO construction Mowdown In ths Circuit Court IS. H er daughter was referred to juvenile autbbr- OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP or-not story of a bride pro­ at the base of the cap^le. to within 20 feet during th« 976 OAKLAND STREET e OPEN 7 DAYS e 64S-6S84 winter months, the other mem­ Protest Mareh Slated duced on the spur of a mo­ The satellite, which Cooper fourth orbit, and then to circle bers prssent took the pocttloai itlee. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)^Springfield Mayor Charles V. ment. and Conrad have dubbed "Little It. It was an auspicious day Rascal,.” will be used In man's If there were no hitches, the — Leaders of Springfield's Con­ Ryan Jr. violated the spirit and 100 BRAND NEW 1965 MERCURY and COMETS letter of an agreement not to — a day chosen by the as­ first attempt to rendezvous with satellite was to be ejected at gress of Racial Equality chap-' demonstrate. trologers—fo r the wedding another orbiting object. The ll;07 a.m. and the rendezvoue ter called off plans today for a Police sent patrolmen to May­ of a young Slngalese cou­ technique must be perfected would occur at 2:36 -.m. before man heads for the moon. Among thousands who rally In a church yard. or Ryan’s home Friday night ple. But when the bride­ IN INVENTORY AVAILABLE FOR groom arrived with his The pulae-pounding flight watched the liftoff of the Titan 2' A spokesman said, however, after a neighbor report^ hear­ ing popping sounds in the area party at the bride’s house Titan II Rocket Successfully Lifts Gemini 5 into Space started at 9 a.m. BIST after the from Cape Kennedy area van­ that plans for a workshop to­ for the ceremony he was first perfect countdown in the tage points were Mrs. Cooper night and Sunday's general pro­ and thought they might be IMMEDIATE DELIVERY shots. told the girl had eloped the U.S. man In space program. A and the two Cooper daughters. A test march are still on. Officers said they found no night before with someone nine-story tall titan 2 rocket Cam ala, 16, and Janita, 18, and HOUSE thundered upward from Cape 1 Day Special Benjamin Swan, vice presi­ damage and no indication of else. Conrad’s father. A U THESE '65 CARS CARRY 2-YEAR OR 24,000 MILE FACTORY WARRANTY dent of the chapter, said, "W e any shooting. Mayor Ryan and The groom’s party de­ Kennedy and drilled the 7,7(X)- Mrs. Conrad and the four Con­ were plaiming to have the rally his family were not at home at manded a bride— if not tha Viet Marines Meet Cong pound spacecraft into an orbit rad sons watched the launching today but we thought it was the time. original one, then some oth­ ranging from 100 to 216 miles on television in their Houston more sensible that our time and The Congress of Racial er. high. 'This was very close to the home. Only one other astro­ energy should go for planning Equality had announced a mass The hosts said the girl planned altitudes oi 100 to 210 naut's wife, Mrs. Scott C3ar- for Sunday.” parade demonstration for today next door was eligible. During Mopup Operation miles. penter in 19^, watched her hus­ SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS! As the great booster lifted the SAT. He said CORE, es scheduled, as a protest against alleged band’s launching from the Cape astronauts into the sky, the pi­ HALE area. will hold 'workshops at 8 p.m. police brutality in arrests of they were agreeable. Main Street— ^Manchester SAIGON, South Viet'^"’*'<* Van Tuong':^ Military spokesmen said the lots monitored systems, ready tonight at St. John’s Congrega­ Negroes in Springfield July 17. T^e groom's party said: operation were killed and about attack involved a regimental U to take emergency measures in (See Page Five) tional church yard for inetruc- An agreement canceling the "W hy not?” Nam (A P)—Elements of a three per cent were wounded. landing force which usually .Here Are Examples. tlon in nonviolence techniques. demonstration was announced A wedding took place Vietnamese Marine bat­ He said about three-quarters numbers 8,000 to 6,000 men. The weekend protest demon­ after a seven-hour meeting in as planned. Everybody said talion clashed today with of those wounded suffered light By accounts of Marine offl 1 . O N L Y ! 1965 MERCURY COMET 1965 MERCURY COMET strations were planned after the Boston office of Gov. John it was an auspicious day injuries. cers, more than three-fourths of Communist guerrillas on CAUENH 2-DOOR HARDTOP civil rights leaders charged A. Volpe Thursday, attended by Indeed. He gave no numbers, hut the Viet Cong in the area were 4.DOOR STATION WAGON CORE chapter officials, other Van Tuong Peninsula said: "W e can siy, though, that killed, wounded or captured. Stock No. 6-M-246 civil rights leaders and city and Loquacious Conrad where U.S. Marines were by Korea or World War n Krulak confirmed that the Federal Label Fedoftd Label state officials. mopping up after the big­ standards, the casualties were Marines killed more than 800 $2695 The Springfield Council of Or­ gest American battle of light, but I don't want to take it Viet 0)ng. $2734 Much of State lightly,” he said. Caudle Gets ganizations for Civil Rights sent the war, a U.S. military "The last figure (of Viet Cong Opposite of Cooper Gov. Volpe a telegram Friday "A dead Marine Is a tragedy. killed) was 864. 1 would say this G SALE PRICE SALE PRICE criticizing Mayor Ryan. The Welfare Money spokesman said. A wounded one is only some­ Is an incomplete figure,” he HOUSTON, Tex. (A P ) —named after him. M y father -fall dresses LBJ Pardon council said it "w ill keep its TThe Vietnamese unit Joined what less of a tragedy, and you said. Friends of Charles (Pete) Con­ won out but my mother didn’t ♦2457 ♦2395 agreement and will not march Used for Health the Americans today in another can't equate flesh and blood He said 108 prisoners were rad Jr. have described the as­ want me to be called junior, so I Polar White with matching all-vinyl Interior. 6-cyWnder, WASHINGTON (AP) — T. on this Saturday, but we will sweep of the area, 12 miles with achievements in terms of taken but it has not been deter­ tronaut as “ instant congeniali­ ended up Pete as a compro­ south of C?hu Lai. Choice of two with 120 H.P. 6-cyllnder engine. Auto­ 120 H.P. engine, multi-drive automatic transmission, Lam ar Caudle, an official In the march Sunday. HARTFORD (AP) — Nearly the inspiration that this victory mined how many are Viet Cong ty.” mise.” IMAGINE! FAMOUS NAMES! Four Viet Cong were killed in has given our side or the dam­ Now, he is Pete to everybody. matic transmission, backup lights, whitewall tires, signal backup Ughts, whitewall tires, 2-speed wipers and washer, Harry S. Truman administra­ The telegram came shortly half of Connecticut's welfare and how many are Viet Cong "Pete has never met a stran- remote control mirror, deluxe wheel covers. after the Spring;field School program goes for health needs, the clash and four enemy weap­ age done to the enemy,” Krulak suspects. ger,0 says fellow astronaut LA. Conrad was bom in Philadel­ Ught^ seat belts, heater and defroster. tion who served six months in a IMPORTANT ALL OCCASION Committee granted the CXiRE Welfare Oammlssloner Bernard ons captured, the spokesman told a news conference. He said the operation went off Col. Frank Borman, "He treats phia, June 2, 1930. His parents tax conspiracy case, has been chapter permission to use the Shapiro said Friday. said. 'Vietnamese losses were He did not say how many "extremely well people he meets the first time since have divorced. His moth­ 1965 MERCURY MONTEREY pardoned by President Johnson. playground for the rally today. termed "very light.” Marines were involved in the They (the Viet Cong) did not as if they were long-lost friends. er, Frances V. Sargent, lives in 1965 MERCURY COMET 2-DR. SEDAN Speaking to graduates of a operation that hit the peninsula, Caudle served his time in a Mayor Ryan, In a televised four - week training course in The engagement occurred on stand up under the power of our He treats his friends the same Haverford, Pa. His father, DRESSES FOR NOW - INTO 2-DOOR HARDTOP 330 miles northeast of Saigon, Charles Omrad Sr., lives in Sar- stock No. 5-C-127 federal correctional institution speech Friday night, warned of case work, Shapiro said nearly the western edge of the area way.” Fodorol Label in 1960. The pardon, among oth­ the "potentiality for trouble” in where American Marines fought by sea and air Wednesday. (See Page Five) The 138-pound, 8-foot-e Conrad eisota, Fla. Fedei^ Label half of the department's ex­ ' FALL - CASUAL AND DRESSY $2298 er things, wipes out a $2,600 fine the planned demonstrations. penses in the last biennium went the Viet Cong earlier this week.’ — the smallest of the astronaut The younger Conrad graduat­ $3453 be had not paid and means he The basic issue, Ryan said. Is for the care of about 20,000 blind No contact was reported today group — has a smile and a good ed from Princeton University in SALE PRICE can practice law again before "should we or should we not aged, disabled or sick adults. between Americans and the Viet humor that makes him a favor­ 1963 with a degree in aeronautl- STYLES - 2 AND 3 PIECE SALE PRICE federal courts. give in to the demands of this Using material from his an­ Cong. Job Corpsmen Riot ite everywhere. cad engineering. He met his The onetime head of the Jus­ group. No government worth its nual report, Shapiro said the L t Gen. Victor Krulek, There were some astonished strikingly beautiful wife, the M995 tice Department's Tax Division salt can succumb to any de­ money provided medical, hos- Marine commander in the Pa' looks last February when the former Jane DeBoee of Uvalde, KNITS INCLUDED! ♦2895 said he Is very happy about it. mands, no matter what threats cific, said today that about one Navy lieutenant commander Tex., while she was attending Model 202. Standard transmission, push button radio, Bquipped with 260 H.P. V-8 engine (uses regular gas), The pardon was announced accompany them." (See Page Five) per cent o f the U.S. Marines Protection R acket was teamed with L. Gordon school at Bryn Mawr. padded panel, whitewall tires, deluxe wheel covers. Multi-Drive Automatic transmission, radio, power steer­ Friday by the Justice Depart­ Cooper Jr. to fly the eight-day They married the day after he ing', whitewall tires, decor group, retractable front seat ment. The White House had no Gemini mission. was graduated. A few days later he Joined the Navy to become a belts, windshield washer, remote control mirror, backup immediate comment...... Cooper is a man known to be 1965 MECURY flier. lightA day-night mirror, wheel covers. " I ’ve been living in a fishbowl Blam ed fo r Battle stingy with words. Conrad is the only Ivy League ON E V E R Y COLONY PARK STATION WAGON for 14 years,” (Caudle said In “ It looks as if Gordo isn’t WBidesboro, N.C., upon hearing MORGANFIELD, Ky. (A P ) —deluding three from Washington, going to say as much in eight astronaut. stock No. 5-M-278 1965 MERCURY MONTEREY the news. “ Everywhere I go A Job Ckirps spokesman says Invetigates the incident. Dr. days as he did on his 34-hour And on his upper left arm V 4-DOOR SEDAN people know me. They remem­ trouble at the Camp Breckin­ John Kennedy, project director Mercury flight,” a newsman there is a big tattoo of on an­ DRESS Federal Label stock No. 5-M-272 ber me as the man who was ridge center — which fostered a for the Urban Job Corps cen­ said. chor, stars and initials of the $4133 fired by Harry Truman.” 48-minute riot among 80 train­ ters; Sam Yetts, special assist­ The remark prompted this re­ U.S. Navy. That makes him the Federal Label Truman dismissed Caudle for ees — apparently stems from ant to Office of Elconomlc Op­ ply from Conrad: only tattooed astronaut. 'IN STO CK SALE PRICE $3408 outside activities incompatible "a certain protection racket portunity Director Sargent "That's why he is taking me On geology field trips, he with his government duties. (that) has been in operation for Shrlver, and Harry Stuck of the along — to do all the talking.” looks like Billy the Kid. SALE PRICE Five years later, in 1986, dur­ about two weeks.” Office of Economic Opportunity The nickname "P ete” fits the " I like to wear denim pants happy-go-lucky Conrad, 38. 2 OFF ♦3435 ing the Eisenhower administra­ At least 11 persons were In­ arrived at the camp about six and Jacket, a big cowboy hat • PETITE SIZES 5 - IS tion, Caudle and Matthew J. jured. hours after the riot. "M y mother wanted a son and ride horses,” he says. •JUNIOR SIZES 7-15 Color; Black Cherry. AU-vlnyl interior, 266 H.P. V-8 ♦2882 Connelly, Truman's appoint­ Charles Preston, comp public named Peter,” Conrad said, He gets plenty of chiuices to (See Page Five) engine (uses regular gas), Multi-Drive automatic trans- Color: Midnight Blue. Bquipped with 260 H.P. V-8 engine ments secretary, were conidct- relations director, said that the "My- father wanted me to be ride horseback. His father-in- lissai' 10-20, Women'f l2*/j-24'/i mtssion, radio, front floor mats, courtesy lights, white- (uses regular gas), M ultl-IM ve automatic transmission, ed on charges of accepting oil "protection racket and a rash of law, Winn O. DuBose of Uvalde, wall tires, luggage carrier, power steering, power brakes, whitewall tires, decor group, radio, power steering, re' royalties In exchange for using burglaries” have brought FBI owns a large ranch in south­ Paris inspired Courreges look . , , little tinted windshield, retractable front seat belts, windshield tractable front seat belts, windshield washer, 2-speed their influence to block prosecui agents onto the post several western Texas. black dresses for doinjr the town . . . 2 wakher, padded panel, remote control m inor, backup wipers, remote control mirror, day-night mirror, backup tlon or ease the sentence of a St! times In the past few weeks. "M y four boys are more Im­ and S piece bonded costume knits . . . lights, day-night mirror, door guards. lllhts, wheel covers. Louis shoe wholesaler conilcted D. L. Coleman, 18, Oakland, pressed with their grandfather of federal Income tax evaalon. than they are with me being an yoonsr London styles . . . whether you’re Calif., president of the student Dawn Brings End Caudle said when he was re­ government of the federal anti' astronaut,” Conrad aald, "They conservative or have avant garde taste leased that " I was a product of poverty camp in western Ken' ■ay, ‘But Daddy, Grandpa has you will be sure to find dresses that will a vendetta that Sherman Adams tucky, said he had talked to horses',” start the season off greatj and Herbert Brownell had to­ meiny of the 600 corpsmen about The boys are Peter, 10! To Greek Rioting Thomas, 8; Andrew, 6; and ward Mr. Truman." the "protection racket” report Choose frmn winter pastels, dark tone Adams was assistant to the several times before the riot Chrlsotpher, 4. fall colors in prints, solids, checks, president and Brownell was at­ broke out Friday. ATHENS, Greece (A P )— Nightlong rioting which The family spends much tima at the ranch but lives In a large, tweeds! This is the most smashing dress torney general during the Ei­ "But they didn’t wont to talk Greece’s new premier called “ revolutionaiy action” was about the racket — they wanted rambling house In the Houston opportunity of the season! senhower admlnistratien. Cau­ quelled at dawn today with fires still burning in some JUST 3 BRAND NEW dle repeated Friday that "Sher­ to fight,” he said. suburb of Timber (Jove, not far man Adams was behind the A mob of about 78 attacked a parts of Athens. frqm the Manned Spacecraft Center. Regularly 9 . 9 9 ...... N O W 8 . 196S UNCOLN CONTINENTALS whole thing. Mr.. Elsenhower tlretruok they apparent­ The capital looked like an to speak Sunday In the central didn't need my case to win the ly thought was coming to settle armed camp under guard of square of Larissa. The blonde, blue-eyed Conrad olectlon in 1984.” fighting which began between police and armored cars. At least 187 persons were hurt drives a flashy, fire-engine red, AT SUBSTANTUL YIAIUMD SAVINGS The battle between massive ■ports car, like many of his as­ Regularly 1 1 .9 9 ...... N O W Caudle, 61, insisted that " I "swirling knots of people,” said Friday night In a wild one-hour 9.60 police forces and rioters, whom tronaut friends. He zips along feel no bitterness toward any­ Seymour Bryson, director of battle between 18,(XX) demon­ student security. police described as "leftists and the roads, honking the hom and one." strators and 8,000 police. Hours Regularly 1 4 .9 9 ...... hioW 12. Fireman Stuart Lovell, 80, diehard Oommunlsts,” raged later, police hurled tear gas waving at friends as if this wero He and Connellv were speolfl- Morganfield, was pulled from for six hours and left some sec­ bombs at scattered outbreaks of any small town. cally convicted of conspiracy to his truck by the rioting youths tions of the city in shambles. rioting. He attends an Bplseopal deprive the government of their who hit him with tire chains, Police said that 340 persons A police official said It was church regularly. Regularly 1 7 .9 9 ...... N O W 1 4 . 4 0 Impartial servlcea In an income ■ticks and belts. were taken into custody. Many the worst rioting in the Greek Conrad started flying at toit 'TRADE WELL a t m o m ar ty brothers tax case involving St. I»uls age of 10. He soloed while « YOU ALWAYS He 'was taken to a hospital in were released after questioning. capital since the 1947-18 civil shM wholesaler Irving Sacha, nearby Bvansvllle, lad., whoro TTie riotera, most of them sup; war. teen-ager. He was ohossn a|) Regularly 1 9 .9 9 ...... N O W 1 6 . who pleaded guilty to evading he was reported In fair condi­ portera of fallen Premier Since July 21, riote by sup­ astronaut, with the second groug $128,721 In Income taxes. tion today. Oeorge Papandreou, shouted In 1868, after being turned down Harry Schwlmmer, Sachs' porters of fallen Premier It was determined later that Insults against King Constan­ Oeorge Papandreou have in an earlier bid to be a Mareto lawyer, was the alleged fixer In E X T R A CLfiRBCS - CASH O R the ftretruok had arrived be­ tine, his mother, and Constan­ causM more than 600 Injuries ry astronaut, the case, but Caudle aald Friday cause of a false alarm. tine'a new premier, Blais Tslri- Ha likes travsUng around t t i that "tha only thing I ever got and reeuHed in the death of ona Ten job corpsmen were trMt- mokos. student. country and aaya M wlU like from Harry Schwlmmer was 4 at a camp hospital. MosUof Papandreou left the capital traveling among the stara evefl CHARGE-EVEN LAYAWAYS! two Ohrlstmaa carda." The street dteorden started them had stab wounds, many early today for central Greece after the 3B-year-old king fired more. Ha has i^ a d mora toa« MORIARTY RROTHERS Sohtrimmar was Indicted with hod outs and bruises, author­ on Ills ipromtsed "march to the Papandreou July 10 over a 8,000 boun firing lim e Inoludlaf •'HAWnrORO OOUNTT’S OLDEST UNCXHUN-MBROITBY DEALER" Ready S A T U R D A Y 9:30 a.m. Sharp OonnaUy and (3audle but was Final Wave Before Eight Days of Space ities said. l^ p l e " to teU his side of Ms dispute on obntrol of the armed more tlian 1,100 In Jeta, anted a mistrial whan he col- Astronaut Pete Conrad waves to technicians at Cape Kennedy as he and Names o< the Injured were not dispute with the 20-year-old forces. "Z agroe with fom er Ffsto SOI C0HIR STRMT OPEN IVm iNGS (Imept Tlivraday) T IL 643.B138 Epeed with a heart attack at announced by Job CJorps oftl« king. Just bslors Friday nl|^t's dant Hany •. T a m m , vtto tha bagt^ng of tlMlr trial. Ha Astronaut Gordon Cooper walk up ramp on the way to boarding their CSeminI elate, Ho had a major apeeoh ached- coca said, '<3o eat it Im , d i S m s ssvar tm tf. 6 apace ahip. re to get some food. 4 A All Pom came to an eventful clima.x this South won with the ace. De­ collector, has announced that Advanced beginners; Phlll' pany said the ban went Into ef­ ' ’“A man we assumed to be the clarer led a club to dummy s fect Monday, in response to a proprietor looked at us with a week by having the Annual collecUons of taxes due July 1 Flamand, Stephen Oravell Field Day and Picnic Tliur.sday ace and returned a heart, losing Terry Girardin, Linda Biaeon, recommendation from a State •hotgun In his hand and told us, the king to the ace. A 8-7-8: Hearts, 8.4; Diamonds, have amounted to 81,330,352.50, Department of Health divlalon ^ t off my property,’" she morning, at the West Side Oval. Q.B; Clubs, A-J-8-5-8. What do Leslie Petersen, Susan Lover Boys and girls were picked up West returned a heart to the compared with a total expected Ing, Eileen Rlodan, Daniel Bell, that conservation efforts be aald. "He shot before we had a queen, and South ruffed a heart you sayf revenue for the year ot 83,573,- started. chance to turn around.” at the playgrounds and brought Answer: Pass.- You have n Neal Mackey, Unda Girardin, over to the West Side Oval in dummy. Now declarer re­ 118.89. Tom Henson, Shelia Strohm, The recommendation to con­ Alabama Atty. Gen. Rich­ turned a diamond, and East points In high cards and 3 points Brown said also that many serve water in the face of the mond Flowers promlwed a full- where they participated In con- tor the douoletons. With a total Jackie Thomas, Karen Dragons tesUs and races; after a picnic took the Jack. Bast return^ a taxpayers are sending in delin­ Donna Shaffer, Beth RIordan drought was sent to all water acale Investigation and vowed, of 18 points you have an option­ quent tax payments without in­ suppliers in the state, accord­ "If this Is murder. It will be they were returned by buses trump, hoping to reduce dum­ al opening bid but decline the Chris Fortin, Kevin Henson, to their playgrounds. my’s ruffing power, and South cluding Interest charges, or with Louis Bilodeau Jr., Jeff Rey­ ing to Richard Woodhull, chief prosecuted to the full extent of option since you should devalue Interest figured on only the first of the water supply section of file law." The supervisors were In allowed this to ride dummy • the queen of diamonds. If your nolds, Debbie Demers, Ray­ charge of all events. ■even. ^ . . . . half of the tax bill, due July 1, mond Lovering, David Stlebltz, the department. •President Johnson In.structed queen were in either black suit, Instead of on the total tax due. A spokesman for Pine Knob Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach The following children won a Thus far nobody could find a accompanying an ace, you Bruce Rafferty, Wayne ’Tursl, to begin a "vigorous and imme­ trophy for winning the most flaw In South’s method of play­ According to the town charter, Bobby Tabshey, Jill Blancuccl, •aid its water supply was ade­ would g(ive it full value and if the firM tax installment is not quate end notified the state diate" investigation and tlie Award Cards at playgrounds: ing the hand. That came soon, would open the bidding. Debbie Bisson, Joan Juknts, Justice Department ordered an Valley St., Llnnea Johnson: Na­ for South ruffed a club and led paid by July 31, the entire bill Jean Juknie, Robert Lovering, that it did not anticipate any Copyright, 1865 Immediately falls due. shortage. PBl probe. than H.-rle, Sheryl Fairfield; a diamond, ruffing with dum General Features Corp. Karen Stlebltz, Audrey Nelson, “The President has ordered Keeney St.. Joyce Fdgar; Buck- my’s nine of trumps. JTils means that the payments Denise Joalln, Kenny Goodwin But Woodhull said Pine Knob (bat he be kept informed of ley. Carl Ogren; Green, Terry This wss South’s sporting^ due July 1 and January 1, 1066, and Shelley Strohm. •whose water is supplied by progress made in identifying ■McGurkln: Waddell, Cindy play, and it him the K ^ e will be charged Interest at the Swimmers: Diane Bell, Mar­ wells, also informed him that it 2 and apprehending those who are Wandych: Robertson Park, and rubber. over-ruffed rate of one-half per cent per garet Belh Suzanne Caron, had no way of measuring its responsible for the heinous Debbie Kenlston; Charter Oak, I with the king and led another month from July 1, Brown said. Lawrence Chapman, Thomas M. water level. acts,” said a White House •Susan Ulley; West Side, Donna j trump to clear out the last Meet the Candidates Connellan, Anne Gallagher, The water company suppHes m E n D O lu s the Pine Knob development, a ■pokesman. Cummings: Verplanck, Pris­ trump from the dummy. South DRIVI IN MARTI ORU • i Mrs. Carole Strock, publicity James Gallagher, Daiid Caron Lowndes County officials were cilla Jassie; Bowers, Nancy still had a losing diamond In chairman of the League of and Ted CheMlck. small section of wlilch extends Vght-lipped after talking at his hand and couldn't eat It Women Voters, has announced Scout March from Soiith Windsor Into Ver­ Doherty Girl Scouts have been Invited non, and nearby homes. The length with Coleman and three The Playground Field Day since the opponents were watch­ plara for a "Meet Your Candi­ Montgomery County attorneys, ing him too closely. dates” night, cosponsored by the to march in the Wapplng Pair water division Is operated by consisted of a variety of races— Jazz Band Gets Ready for Pearson Concert parade Sept. 11. Girl Scout and I. R. Stlch AsHOClates, which Vaughn Hill Ro*blnson, a state ! .sack race, tire race, baseball A less sporting South would Women’s CJlub and the league senator. Joe Phelps and Robert Pete Pantaluk and part of his big-band jazz combo blast ets, four trombones, drums, piano and bass. Presently a make sure of the contract by The meeting will be Sept. 13 at Brownie leaders wishing their constructed the development. | throw, running bases, six potato away in rehearsal for the forthcoming G. Albert Pearson sophomore at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, he has troops to participate are being Pine Knob’s estimate of Its Black, Coleman’s nephew. I race, softball pitch, kickball ruffing the third round of dia­ 8 p.m. at the high school. .Coleman, a gray-haired resi­ memorial concert, which will spotlight not only Pete’s re­ been principal trumpeter with the Manchester Civic Orches­ monds with the ace of trumps asked to call Mrs. Fred Palm­ water situation was sent the kick and dashes. 'The sports cently organized group of local talent but also a 50-voice tra and has played with numerous other orchestras. Includ­ Democratic and Republican er, Hilton Dr. state in answer to a question­ dent engineer for the State Events” were 'w on b'v ' the" Vo'l- Instead of the nine. South would candidates for town office and Highway Department, often children: chorale and a folk music group. Pete .says that his orchestra ing the Hartford Symphony. The concert will take place then return to his hand by ruff­ naire Woodhull sent to all is made up of 17 musicians, mainly Manchester High School Tuesday, Aug. 31 at 7:30 at the grounds of the Mary Cheney the chairmen of bhe two poli­ Manchester Evening Herald water suppliers last month. He worked without pay as a part-, gii-),; Sack race, Maureen ing a club and ruff his last dia­ tical parties have been Inirited Changing diapers or oil—it’s all the same to Mrs. Custodial Contract Reopened alumni, and concentrates on Jazz-influenced music ala Count Library. (Herald photo by Pinto.) mond with dummy’s nine. Bast South Windsor correspondent, said he found that nine sup­ time special deputy sheriff. Laughrey, Pam Moriarty, Les- Basle. The ensemble consists of five saxophones, five trump­ Mrs. John Tyter of Glaston­ Aime Lyons, tel. 644-8M2. Barbara Battles. Here she’s finishing up the sentice pliers are faced with serious George Bingham (left), president of Local 991 of the AFL-CTO union tor government em­ He is married and the father ^ jjg McCann: tire race, Beth Fox, could not defeat the contract. bury wlH act as moderator. of two children. He Is a native Debbie Tedford, Valerie Poulin; Dally Question on a car in her husband’s gas station. Washing dishes problems as a result of the ployes, and Superintendent of Schools William Chirtls pen their signatures to papers de­ The league is a non-partisan later helps take off the grit and grime, she says. drought noting the reopening of the current contract between the board of education and the cus­ of the Haynesville area and j softball pitch, Pat Mlnirow.skl, ty for his care is shared between As dealer, you hold; Spades, organization, ita purpose in this There is a possibility, he todial and maintenance employes of the town’s school system. Dominic Badolato, repre­ comes from a family active in i 3fi|.bara Fee, Sue Moreau: po- Adoption—Part 2 his foster parents and the state. Instance being to present as Ru§k Protests (AP Photofax). said, that If the drought con­ senting Connecticut Municipal Council No. 4 of the American Federation of State, County civlc affairs. ! ^ to race, Janet Daigle. Pris- He is always assured of board, many candidatea as possible to tinues, the health department and Municipal Employes, looks on. The signing took place yesterday morning in the confer­ His son. Tom Coleman Jr., is cilia Jassie, Lisa Davis; kick- clothing, medical and dental the public at one time, grlving Possible, Says may order, instead of recom­ ence room of the board. (Herald photo by Saterais.) a state patrolman stationed at ball kick, Joyce Moreau, Nancy care even if his foster parents them an opportxmity to speak mend, that restrictions be im­ Montgomery. A brother, Joe L. Perry, Janine Daigle; 30-vard can't afford it. and to answer questloiu sub­ Legion Leader p o s t. He said that, under the Coleman, is chairman of the | ^, Wendy Payne; 40-yard Three Agencies S im ilar reported blown out a mile froia Montgomery city water works, aash. Cathy M a h e r. Chervi Also, many foster parents mitted in wrtlng by the au- Mother of Three present conditions. It Is a “pru­ the explosion. have children of their own and dlemm, Mrs. Strock said. POR’TLAND, Ore., (AP) — dent thing” to conserve water. Gas Pipeline Explodes, Sheriff’s deputies said motoi^ and a sister. Holda Coleman, is Winot, Darlene Rickis: 60-yatd Memibers of the Women’s superintendent of Lowndes dash, Susan Peck, Marion Guica. they tend to treat all kids under Where You Can Enjoy ’The American Legion’s national ista on U.8. 30 reported seeing a their care the same. If the fami­ Club will serve refreshments in County schools. i Anna Dion; 60-yard da,sh. Gail Fine Food commander, Donald Johnson, fireball from the blast as tar as ly goes to the beach or a movie | the cafeteria after the preeen- Girl Killed, Acres Burned 40 miles away. “He Is respected in the com- i Krawles, Sophie Talaga, Mau- In Philosophy, M ethods says demonstrations against Busy Meehanie U.S. Cowboys munlty," said a deputy sheriff, i reen Martin. or Just for a drive the foster ^ In a Relaxed tatlMi of the candidates. AU The Rigdon twins were sleep­ townspeople are in-vlted to at- “He laughs and jokes a lot. I d Boys: Sack race. Gary Bunce. child will most likely be brought: Atmosphere Secretary of State Dean Rusk Bite the Dust VAN WERT, Ohio (AP) — A>>a spark, while a train passed. ing In a tent with a neighbor call him a friendly person." Robert Felber. Mark Kimball; By MALCOLM BARLOW <«>those whose mothers plan to'f'same chance for the normal de- with them. | « the adminis­ She was the only woman to take (quartered) do wonders for a quickly as po.ssible.' ed. Foster parents usually set for Oct 2 from 9 a.m. to tration’s Viet Nam policies. be completed by October. 9 p.m. load of American and WERT employes said the gas The blast rattled windows In the jury was unable to reach a Finnegan, Peter Gorman; 40-1 placed in the state’s care, For this reason 90 of the 135 less likely to find a permanent noon at the town hall. "Business is slow right now,” a two-week course In pumping British Westenu and crime sto­ line blew up, possibly ignited by Van Wert. Window glass was tossed green salad. verdict. yard dash. Russ Norton. Scott I All three adoption agencies home before he is two. After the want children similar to them­ He said he viewed this with she says. “But I’ll really be un­ gas and changing oil. ’Then she adoptions made by the Bureau selves. There are not enough “Zebra" 8:30 - 6:80 - 9:80 Drive Chairman distaste, but added “the right to ries. Revised programs are Another trial had been sched­ Gorman. Glenn Gorrenti; 50-' operating in Manchester, Chil- in 1964 were With babies under age of two his chancea are very “Hercules” 2:00 - 5:00 - 8:06 der there in the fall.” started mechanic’s school as the being submitted. uled next month, but Wilkins’ Negro families applying for Starts Tomorrow Dr. Robert V. Williams, 20 dissent in an established fact of yard dash, Ed Crandall, Mike dren's Services, the Diocesan a month old. Many of them did poor. C5ouples who adopt chil­ foster children who can take Hillsdale Rd., hafbeen appoint­ She means under the cars and lone female In a class of 13. Network officials said they attorney. Matt H. Murphy Jr., Pagani, Denis Wirtalla; 60-yard Bureau of Social Welfare, and dren most often want babies or life under our democratic sys­ under the hoods. That’s where At first Mrs. Battles put In protested in vain against Hill’s not see a foster home. care of the Negro child. The ed general chairman of the 1965- tem.” was killed Friday in a highway dash. Dale Ostrout, Mike Pen-. the Jewish Social Service, hope i In most of the Bureau’s adop- small infants that they can raise changing economic picture of all the action is in the mechanic about 20 hours a week. Now It Is order clsiimlng that audience accident. siero, Mike Jeffries. completely as their own. GOT 66 Red Cross Fund drive in out­ He urged leg(lonnalres to get business and also all the grease 40 or more, much of it at night U to place in adoption homes all tions there is no time for ex- Negro families may brighten SOMEONE'S ratings showed this was what After two, Johnny’s main hope lying Harford area towns and authorities to handle any disturb­ and dirt. That doesn't bother when she holds down the fort WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT SHADY GLEN Valley St. came out the victor , the children without homes tensive study to be made of the this fact in the not too dis­ braiMhes. ances, “no matter how distaste­ the pubHc wanted. totaling 42 points; second place, that are put in their care. I child's personality. Only his would be older couples that the tant future. TOO Mrs. Battlqs. with a king-size German she- They also bowed to am order Verplanck, 35 points; and third agencies felt could not handle Charter president and a char­ ful such demonstrations may be "Washing dishes keeps my pherd. TRUE ICE CREAM Tolland County Their methods are very ; blood parents are taken into If he were not placed in a ter member of the South Windsor to clean up some popular crime place, Waddell. 23 points. similar because of state laws consideration in pairing him the problems of an infant who to you.” hands clean.” Her mother looks after the shows “not considered suitable The eleven playgrounds offici­ may be in adolescence as his foster home he might live at Rotary Club, Dr. Wllllmas Is a ’The annual Legion parade is Mrs. Battles got into the busi­ children — three boys aged 1%, and because a child’s needs are with a family. Mansfield Training School or I director of Rockville Savings * planned Monday with Lt. Gen. for family viewing.” Dodd to Attend ally clased yesterday at noon for the same no matter what faith But Mr. Power believes that adopted parents enter retire­ ness by accident shortly after 3<^, and 5^. the eight-week period of super­ ment. another school in New Haven i Loan Assn, and is a member of James L. Richard, commander her husband, Richard, 29, How does her husband feel he may have been bom into. there has been no sign of poor or New London. He may live, East Hartford Knights of Co­ of the eth Army, San Francisco, Eggwhite Bad for Dog County Picnic vised activities by the Recrea­ The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eldward placing without personality There are 76 children living opened his first station three about It? , tion and Park Department with with relatives of his parents, j lumbus, Father Martin Council; as grand marshal. The parade years ago. "She’s great,” he says. To J. Reardon, pastor of St. James’ study. He says the added time in foster homes In the Manches­ but this is often an unhealthy! the Hartford Dental Society; ot delegates Is expected to take CHiaAGO — Egg yolk fed For Democrats an approximate total of 70,523 (Jhurch and a member of the the child has with his new par­ ter area. Of these roughly half "I stopped by one Sunday prove it he hired four girls to G youngsters participating in the emotional experience for the i and the Connecticut State Den five hours to pass the reviewing dressed for church,” she said. pump gas. raw Is good for a dog, but whole Human Relations Ck>mmlssion, ents is more important. are free of legal entanglements child, the relatives, and th e ; various programs and approxi­ with their real parents and can tal Association. stand. My husband told me to watch Mrs. Battles keeps her hand eggs or eggwhite alone should Sen. Thomas J. Dodd will at­ feels strong concern for home­ The Jewish Social Service, parents. | Serves In Caroliiu: Rusk is the keynote speaker. always be cooked because the mately 3,152 adults attended less children. He says that “All which handles about 20 adop­ be adopted. the station while he went on the in feminine things, too. She des­ tend the Tolland County Demo­ and enjoyed the supervision. Even if Johnny’s legal ties I Marine Sgt. Alexander F. He will Euldress the meeting road. The next thing I knew I igned the girls’ uniforms. raw white of egg destroys an Individuals — all children — are tions in the Hartford area each The main disadvantages to a Tuesday morning and return to Important -vitamin, biotin, In a cratic Association picnic tomor­ child living in a foster home lie to his real parents are broken m-G-M p"' •'” Sullivan, son of Mrs. Helen Sul­ the children of God. As such, year, also believes in a speedy and he is healthy and white livan of 78 Miller Rd., Wapplng, Washington Immediately alter dog’s intestines. row at the American Legion they have infinite worth, innate placing of the child. For many in the uncertainty that that will his chances for being sulopted Is serving with Headquartere his talk, the State Department day night’s trouble started when Field in Rockville. The picnic School Planned dignity and a spiritual destiny. years there was a waiting list be his home next year, next after going into state care are Squadron at the Marine Corps said Friday. will start at 1 p.m. and continue "It is in the family and of couples for children. They month or even tomorrow. Greek Rioting demonstrators left a theater small and would diminish every Air Faculty, New River, Jack- Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, re­ rally and tried to march on Par­ until dark. through loving a.s.sociation with were more than ready to take Strong family attachments of­ year. eonvlUe, N. C. ’The squadron cently ambasssador to South THE For Youngsters the baby as soon as it became ten form between foster parents Ends at Dawn liament. Congressman William St. parents that child’s basic spirit­ About 100 of the 800 children provides administrative and lo­ Viet Nam, follows Rusk. Other Onge of the Second Cong^res- ual, physical and emotional available. and the children. But if the Athens' Public Prosecutor Pa- adopted each year in Connecti­ gistic support for air units prominent speakers include nayiotis Nikolodimos said: BIBLE ■ional District will also be pres­ A pre-school class for handi­ needs are met, preparing him to But there are other reasons child’s real parents did not give based at Janksonville. Adm. David McDonald, chief of (Continued from Page One) up their legal rights to him they cut are from the 7,000 kids in This is not rioting. This is an ent. capped children, 3 Vi to 6 achieve his potential, both tem­ for holding the child besides state care. The rest are mostly K Q C hli: Wins Scholarship naval operations, George Mea- SPEAKS Walter Beliecki, chairman of poral and spiritual. checking his personality. The can return to claim him and he mcuoOoun riot, the king s-wore in Tsirlmok- insurrection.” years old, is opening for those infants Ih agency care. This Alan B. Goess, son of Mr. and ny, president of the AFL-CIO, The demonstrators set bon­ the picnic, says there will be “Adoption provides a perma­ agencies want to make sure must go no m atter what he Mrs. Edwin A. Goess, 75 Mur­ and Sens. George Murphy, R- os as premier. who it is felt would benefit wants. This kind of situation has means that Johnny would have fires and smashed shopwlndows. fey "plenty of food, soda and beer." nent home and loving parents there is a full and legal release about a 1 in 70 chance of being ray Rd., Wapplng. has received Callf., and ’Thomas Dodd, D- Demonstrators shouted insults There will also be pony rides for from an experience in a small, from the mother. broken many hearts. a 8100 Capitol Area Scholarship Oonn. Tsirlmokos charged that efforts Eugene for children denied the care of adopted each year. NORTH against the royal family and were being made deliberately to children, a water balloon throw­ friendly, structured school at- their natural parents due to a Often the baby Is premature Also, if the foster parents from the University of HarUord Delegates will wade through Brewer and can’t be released from med­ physical situation changes and But Johnny was among the Tsirlmokos, 58, who recently provoke police smd cause “prop­ ing contest for the adults, pie. mosphere. The class is under variety of circumstances." MARTIN MILNER-ANDY M VIN ! In recognition of high academic almost 600 resolutions, including erty damage and human vic­ and watermelon contests, pea- the sponsorship of the United ical care. And sometimes the they are no longer able to give lucky ones right from the be­ standing. A 1966 graudate of some on Viet Nam, before the bolted from Papandreou’s Cen­ The basic adoption proce­ ginning. Children’s Services had tims.” nut hunts and other events, un- Cerebral Palsy Association, dure the agencies follow is agency must make a thorough child the state’s minimum South Windsor High School, he sessions end 'Hiursday. ter Union party. "All scripture is inspired of der the chairmanship of William It will be in a convenient lo- physical check on the child. i requirements then the child an adopting couple in mind as IIM DAVIS •JOYCE MEADOWS was boys’ sports editor for the The government will take ”!i I simple: Find the best possible Tsirlmokos indicated he would God and is profitable for teach­ Androlevlch of Bolton, aided by cation, and open, free of home for the child and place What are Johnny's chances either go to another home soon as he was born. When the school newpaper, a member of firm steps against any more ing. for reproof, for correction, BUY IT Mrs. Jane McCarthy of Rock­ charge, to any resident towns of finding a home? °r back to an institution. doctors and the temporary fos­ ALSO crack down on street protests riots, he said, "because the cap­ him in it as quickly as pos­ the activities committee and during the parliamentary confi­ for Instruction In righteous­ You Can Taste The Quality ville. on the east side of the Con­ sible. Not very good. Only hard ! there are definite advant- ter parents sbw what a normal ‘HERCULES, SAMSON AND ULYSSES”—COLOR science club, and earned a var­ ital must not live dally amidst ness,” 2 Timothy 3:16. As sure­ In the economical half necticut River including Glas­ cold flgpires can show how ' living in a foster home pleasing baby boy he was, they Police Arrests dence debate on his govern the anxieties of these revolu­ gallon container. Over 25 Johnny was put in a Man­ sity letter in track. He will ment, scheduled to start Mon­ ly as it is reasonable that God Routes 6 & 44A — Manchester, Conn. tonbury, Blast Hartford, Man- chester foster home. A local really bad they are. : and Johnny might even be bet- allowed the couple to see him. study electrical engineering at tionary actions.” is, so it is reasonable that he delicious flavors! Area Weather chester Winder, Rwk- ! The couple was pleased and the U of H School of Engineer­ day. Observers said Tsirlmokos him and an By far the largest part of I®'’ than |I he^had been Richard Allen Tuley, 29, of fears more rioting may result In Papauidreou planned to start a gave to man a revelation of his psychologist checked the 946 children put under the ^ troubled home. eager to take him to his home, ing this fall. 68 Wells St. called police head­ two-day speaking tour today mind and will. It Is difficult to WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)-Very lariy ®for™hildr“ “ *w^ are For one thing the responsibili­ his real home. Completes Training a vote of no confidence. through central Greece to drum . . . '' i i i-liiiiiiiiiitt to e weather is e jected today, phy^slcally and/Tr multiply care of the State Welfare De- AT REGULAR quarters late last night to ask The new premier toured the believe In an Intelligent creator I partment in 1964 were infants Air Bbrce Staff Sgt. Carolyn if there was a warrant out for up support. who would leave his Intelligent likely end handicapped. There will be in JN snsioir. LOW ADMISSION $1.00 riot scene early today and made ^ u d y with the threat of show- attendance, a teacher and full- While he was In his sleepy that agencies could not find W.WIUIMAHTitiS)/Arj C. Manley, 36 Main St„ has his arrest. Police Informed him a personal plea to Papandreou In contrast to the Athens creature without guidance. state social workers and fosteer permanent* homes for. In the Children Under 12 Free completed her final week of there was emd he reportedly riots, there were orderly dem- Therefore, the concept of an in­ time assistant. A DhVfliCAl 8HOWT1ME8 “Cat Ballon” to exert Influence against ‘‘the A zone of un.settled weather therapist visits the class regu- parents compiled Information same year about 800 children summer active duty training at said he would wait at his house downhill course to abnormal! onstratloiM Brtday night by 6,- spired message from God to locatedcn • in n the Central Plains larly and, when indicated by a on his physical development and were adopted through the vari­ Weekdays at 8:40 Westover Air Force Base in until police arrived to pick him (XX) persons In Irakllon and 3,5(X) man is both logical and prob­ SUMMER'S OVER ous agencies and by relatives. Frl. and Sat. at 11:00 MSassachusetts this week. She is ty.” able. Such a revelation should States this morning will be physician, will provide direct indjyldual personality. It is (^lOiiFUS^tndffM theumw'totfie up. In ^raeus. •preading eastward, the U, S. (Children’s Services policy to I This means that aproximate- Sunday at 8:55 a ^ychlatric technician and is The warrant charged Ttiley He asked Papandreou to urge occasion no surprise. 2 therapy services. This "formal" his son, Andreas, and pro-Com- Weather Bureau said. On Sun- try to pair the child’s personal­ ly half of the kids in Johnny’s oometfy question o ^ e year/ employed as. a civilian by the with non-supfport and was is­ setting for young children with I position didn’t find homes. If the munlst leaders to "satisfy them­ The writers of the Bible ^ y cloudiness will be spread­ handicaps can provide guid­ ity with that of the adopting I t t h i s t h e w a y t o Army National Guard at sued by the 12th Circuit Court ing over Connecticut with a couple. he is among the lucky half to St^e Armory in Hartford. selves with legal manifesta­ S*« Our Giant claimed to be moved by divine ance In development and be find a home he has about the on Mo(y 14. This npm ing he tions.” Andreas had predicted inspiration. Without the Bible, AT REGAL’S MEN’S SHOP Complete Svrtm dasses tfiance of showers by evening. used as a springboard from The temporary foater home was attempting to raise 8500 ‘a popular uprising and demon­ Ditploy of School knowledgfe of tlie one supreme Dry air from Canada as- which to base further academic of the agency keeps the child m a k e a I m u i y m o i ^ A t The following children have bond for his release until the ■belated tuccesafully completed the town strations” against Tsirlmokos. SuppIlMl deity, Jehovah, would be nil. with the dominating planning. while it is ^ in g studied and Manchester SeMion of Circuit The government has forbid All other writings of him, both nigh pressure system now over More information concerning i gives It the best care possible recreation department’s “L^ani Court 10 on Sept. 18. If he fails STARTING NEXT MONDAY (AUG. 23) y o u b e tU U ! to Swim” program at Veterans’ den street demonstrations but ARTHUR Jewish and Christian, are but (he northeast will provide bright the class and specific questions i “"I** »•* legalities can be “THE GREAT to post the bond ha will appear permits rallies in closed areas •s outgrowths from the Bible. The wnny weather today, the bureau regarding possible candidates ' straightened out and the baby SPY MISSION” Memorial Park. In court Monday, ■aid. 4 like stadiums and theaters. Fii- unity of the Bible, its exalta­ Is available by calling the is placed in his permanent Beginnersu Karan Williams, Howard Wamock of no cer­ tion of God above the corrup­ Temperatures will rise from Cerebral Palsy office, 125 home. Susan Williams, Helen Scavetta, tain address, who turned 65 tion of heathen deities, its (nis morning’s rather chilly con­ Trumbull St, Hartford.,, Children’s Services reports a David Walck, Drew FlUgerald, yesterday, was found by police picture of man os sinful and ditions to pleasant afternoon shortage of these temporary M m PimrOlbQli Movie Schedule Deiilce Cologne, Richard Oava- last night sleeping on the grass lost. Its accuracy in all fields readings. FIND EMERGENCY WATER homes, since there are more and Call 488-2488 Uo, Billy Oamache, Michael In Center Park. He was charged incidental to Ita purpose, its • With the air mass over the more babies to be cared for. Not Duppeitm, Victor Mascone, WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre- > ' l l HOHl SolHNMtt “Pussycat” 10:10 with Intoxication and wlU be forthright honesty regarding Interior Stewart L. only are there children like “Masquerade" 8:88 Chratlne Cologne, Patty Glrar- held In Jail for court on Mon­ the weaknesaes of ita heroes all PLUS dln, Nancy Dewey and Patricia m ^ratures tonight will nottudall said Friday a geological Johnny who are being readied James Gamer, Julie ■ n & td n day as he oannot post 836 bond. combine to place the Bible in OPEN Mrht "bowed four* possible for adoption, but there are also Andrews, "The Ameri- p s w r i w i a i u Rlobard Edgar of no certain a claaa by itaelf. m it man finds *^Sso|^'jacqurtlne Jonas, Anna ■utpaasing wisdom for his moral ••recast for Sunday, temper-"®** I *'"®’‘**"®y Connecticut '^»ter supplies in canliatlon of Emily” Plechowskl, Jerry Boop, Jeff addrese was found In a parked NOTICE and ethical conduct, but he Whitt, Frank Btrollm, Stephen oar in the driveway of a Lin­ MONDAY ihnugh SATURDAY t to 5:30 P.M. ^ r e s wlU be h®ld down to or Udall said unUpped lakes. den sit. home next to the park also is shown a savior. The * levels, ponds, streams and water bear- MATINEES OAILT 1:80 Raymond, •George Meadows, fruits of the lives of those who RoMrt Perrault, David Stand- after a resident of the street TO THE CUSTOMERS OF layers were located In reported him, police say. Edgar follow the Bible are beneficial THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. area Monday along with Ridgefield, New Canaan, Stam­ IP OO-HIT ALSO■miH- IN COLOR ISN < NSe 1*1 ihr Is im S I Ish, Jason Jones, Jeffsry Jones, to the degree that they are d ^ sr and drier air, the bureau ■BiL Richard Hebert, Frankie De- was charged with Intmloatlon ford and the second taxing dis­ EHSIUIOOD and will remain In jail In lieu of THE TOWN OF MANCHESTER loyal to It. The more nearly IMA trict of Norwalk. t MAIN M ‘ ‘ ' ‘ri-'i V'"* " A Bold Peak At Life marals, Peggy Coope, Kathy men adhere to Ita teachings, 8_ E^loslve Hits ftiow&uN/SSKauir Brady, Jerry Blancuocl, Jerry 836 boivl for coiurt on Monday. David C. Bundiam, 31, Glas­ the greater the advance of civil­ Im picture with tha FInt 'Mme Together TarveUo, Charlee Vernais, Ix>- WATER DEPARTMENT isation. Such oannot be said of AU-Star Cast! Dean Martin coma COMPANION COMEDY FEA'rURt raine I^rraault, Thomae Good­ tonbury, was arrested and any other allegedly divine rev­ "THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET' Ingrid Bergnuui Kim Novak will Karen Gandy and Kathy charged with unnecessary iwlie elation. Till WEEK! eOMI Shirley MacLaina "Kiss Ms Stupid" Gandy. with a motor vehicle last itlght. Rex Harrison Also, The Most ANHiMmr, Also, Seott Flanwnd, Lynn He is accused of squealing his The UN of hot! for any outsido "YELLOW ROLLS ROYCB" Outspoken Story Busenas, John Waltt, ’Thomas tirea when the light on Center In color at 1:48-6:85-0:85 Walsk, Dayna Reynolds, Ann St. turned green for him and he Write todayay for free corre- Ot Our Time W W W DOING. made a left turn into pine Bt. wotoring, washing, filling of swimming mdenoe Bible courses in Plus: "OVN FIGHTERS OF "Dssirs Undsr BmsqUte, Uea Hutchins, Kevin ■poi CASA GRANDE" w h a t io v w h o ? RloAui, Debbie Kaslowekl, Court. Date Is sat (or Aug. 80. un s alx lessons. 8:65-7:60 TIm EIiim " IN Frank Motola, Vincent Turdi, pools, or any Ilka I hsrsby pro- John ^ ’abshey, _Wee^ O o^, STARTS SUNDAY East Hartford Gary Dragons, Mary BethBth De- hlbltod bstwNn tbs hours of 7:00 a.m. WrlU: Walt Disney's ^ MWiai'MNIMOF marala,marale, Donnatkmna Bugbsa,Bugbee, Mark FALL SCHEDULE CHURCH OF CHRIST 80S MAIN ST. “CINDERELLA" DRIVE IN 5 Joalln, Janst KrawskI, MarUyn and 11:00 psm. 648-2478 8:00-5:15-8:80 'J9N6T DKK /UIN* M9 MarlnsUl, Stmhen Damarala, MARLOW’S OPEN 6 Lydall at Vernon Bts. plus “Battle ot Villa Florito" Stnrto Sim. “The Amoroun ■**^*w(c Bhrla la “OI Btnc*" W e* H sbsct " y lAUQU" AIM IBwt Btrobra, OrsT Worship—80:46 a.m., 8:00 p.m.

3?? a'- l- V.’:. I

P A G E n H F A G B F O U B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. AUGUST 21. 19CT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1966 •Wonden of ihe Vniver$t believe that this can bo achieved with Cooper First Vernon Viet Marines Meet Cong measurable time.” Many Chores Facing Gemini 5 Takes Off Six Variances We have run on, quoting our British ■Filling Station’ Asteroids To Fly Again CorttfttQ contemporary, beyond the baste slm- Churches During Mopup Operation pMcIty of Its one fundamental analyele. Kmaaoel Latheraa Chareh IfatRi MiRn MM Cknrok a( R » SeeawpSea Into an Orbit Are Approved, I St. aad ■ Astronauts in On Historic Voyage it said that what Loe Angeles, with Rev. O. Henry AaSenea, m Parker Flight (Oonttamsd tram Pas* Om ) Bov.r. PraiKM J. BiSalek Ultimate in Space Flight , One Is Tabled all Its seneelees and not especially pro­ Pastor Rev. Barle R. CAPE KANNEDT, FIs. (AP) Hospital Notes f Rev. Melvin T. Petereea, Paatar supporting arms, nor oertalnly meat J. Oeppa too, carrying welght- — Astronaut L. Gordon Ofloper (OoBttnusd from Ptif# Oa#) voked violence, means le this, that the Assistaat Paster Btopping-ftonea in flIghU soiei, CAPE KBimnDDY, Fla. (A P )«get lazy, Jr. Iz th# first man to bs rockst- The zoning board of appeals under the individual aggrMStve- ^Mlahtra _ BY DB. I. M. LEVITT, — Tha zoript Is written and for leesB flesh. First measurements VlalUng houra are 8 to 8 p.m. f^Mmdled Ootobar 1. IIU American Negro Is going to go all the t;M a.m., WttraMp Bervlee. the solar systsm. sd into orbit a second Urns. President Johneon was among 12th Circuit has granted six appeals and ness of toe Marines,” he said. Maaaas at 7. 8, 8:18, 10:18 d ir e c t o r aatronauta L. Gordon Cooper Jr. ■how that astronauts’ bones ac­ In all areas excepting mater­ The general also said that way, not polite IltUe steps along the s a.m., Morning Suffrages. Adeler Turgeon preaehing. Ser­ We could not poaalbly op^ the mllllone acroee the country tabled one following a public and 11:48 a.m. The Felt and Charlez Conrad Jr. every tually waste away somewhat On May 16-16, 1968, ths Air nity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. "weapons ot Russian daslgn, way, and that he Is making the Jour­ 9 a.m., Divine Worship and mon: "TIm Peace e< God." Kin­ Of the Franklin Inetitute ate our truok-automoMlo eeoQo. Foret lieutenant colonel, then Court C as^ hearing last week. jaaiaj-is-sraiiJ^ Church School for Kindergarten dergarten and Nuraery for minute of the next eight dayz la after long periods in space. X- watching the liftoff on televl- and 6:80 to 8 p.m. and private probably Chinese manufae- ELshMUr, OomL, M 8 ^ n d Clan Mall my in tha United Statos wit w major, circled the globe 22 Martin Lerner, manager of rooms where they are 10 a.m. ney now, not In some more convenient through Grade i. Nurseryy for in- children through age S. • St. BartholoBmw’t Okuick The dramatic successes of a network of numerous rsfue], accounted for. ray studies before and after elon. He was at ths Whits lured,” were taken from Viet Rev. PklMp Hawey. im ter (light will test the density of times in 84 hours and 20 mlhutez Marty’s Firestone at 65 Wind­ to 8 p.m., Visitors are requested and reasonable tomorrow. fents. Sermon by Pastor Ander­ our lunar and planetary probes Ing stations. Why should it bt From the moment the 90-foot House. EAST HARTFORD HRHHION sor Ave., was granted a vari­ Cong b.^les. ■UB8CRIFTION RATES Rev. Rickard C. BoUea tail Titan 3 rocket blasts them astronaut bones. in hlz Faith 7 Mercury capsule not to smoke In patients’ rooms. Half way Is not enough. son at both services, "Let’s PIral Oharek af CRrtal. any dlffsrsnt In space? Actual, The nearest rocketeers ever Richard Rhea, 40, of 618 Main ance to build a two-day addi­ In Washington, a U.B, official Payablt In Adraaea . Aaalataat Pastor are beginning to raise questions on their way to space, nearly Vestibular effects — Motion That was an American space No more than two visitors at estimated that as many as 1,0(X) . T n r ...... Tomorrow le not tn time. Mske Use of Ood-glven Oppor- SetealM ly, the energy rsqulromenU for endurance record for more than came before to a launch exactly Bt., Manchester, was sentenced tion at toe rear of the existing Month! ...... 11.00 tuniUes.” M l N. Mala St. as to when will men undertake every move of the two Gemini 6 and balance sensors are located one time per patient. Viet Cong may have been killed. aa Months ...... AM Maesea at 8:48, 7:48, 8, 10:18 space nighU are not partlouhu^ in the inner ear. Fluids in the two years—until Air Force Ma­ on time was on the last shot of to 30 days in the Hartford State building. He was also given If we would all, in every field and the same voyages. ly high compared to travel « astronauts is epecifled. The Jail after pleading guilty to in­ permission for a general re­ As Marines continued their I Month ...... 1-n aad 11 ;80 a.m. days are busy and full. semicircular canals of the Inner jors Jamas A. McDlvltt and Ed­ the Mercury program May 16, Patlento Today: 289 walk of American life and involvement, St. Mary’s Episeopal CkarA 11 a.m., Sunday servloe, Sun­ Apollo astroneuU ar« earth, and costa nsed not be toxication. He was arrested pairer’s license. mop-up operation ot the penin­ Bach of them in to have nix ear give humans a sense of mo­ ward H. White n stayed aloft 97 1968, a mission flown by Cooper. ADMiITTED YESTERDAY: sula Friday a Marina spokes­ MEMBER o r like to contribute our utmost to the dmreh aad Park 81s. day school and nuraoiy. scheduled to land on the m <^ any highsr. Mr, Oole has de. hours and 60 minutes in Gemini He waa off (our minutes behind Thursday night in Manchester. John Btoutner of 46 Linden THE ABSOCIATHD PRESS St. Bridget’s Omrek hours of sleep each day plus a tion. The otolith in the inner ear Mm. Mary Bezzinl, EJest Hart­ man In Saigon said ton Leather- n a Aaaoclatad Pri-n U oxclualvoiy antlUM solution, we might begin by telling Rev. George F. Noetraad Christian Science churches before the end o ' «Us decade veloped a sarlos of tables show. 4 June 8-7. schedule. St., Manchester, was given per­ throughout tha world will hear Rev. Jolni J. Delaney, Pester two hour nap. Their eating helps provide orientation. The ford; Walter Brltnell, 53 Tracy nneks were Htill encountering to tha usa of rapubllcatlon of all naws d » Rector Rev. Robert J. Keen and many Ing that a trip from earth orUt otolith is a chamber in which Cooper and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Ground stations closely moni­ mission to erect a package ■BtchM crfditftd to U or not otherwlio crodU- ourselves these two things, artificially a Blblo lesion on God aa divine can send men on flights which timei and sleeping periods are Dr.; Leonard Darling, 8 Wad­ sniper fire. He sold toe area had S In thti pnpor nnd also the local newi pub> Rev. John D. Hughes Rev. DeanU B. Hussey to Mars should cost no more hair cells sense the movement Charles Conrad Jr. are to keep tored medical and other data Qieyenne Meet ■tore on Rt. 83, subject to re­ perhaps at first, but often enough to Rev, James W. Bottoms ‘‘Mind.’ ’ ’Ihe responsive read­ will pass quite close to Mars laid out. strictions filed with the build­ dell Rd.; Robert Doellner, 227 been toe stronghold of the 1st Itere than a trip across the United The flight plan gives these of small granules. But in their Gemini 8 craft circling the from Gemini 6 as it whipped Viet Cong Regiment, "one of Ihe All rlahti of rapubllcatlon of special dla- begin to realise that It Is real, and the Rev. Ronald E. Haldemaa ing Includes a verse from Pro- and ^ u s during the middle of States 1 earth for 7 days 23 hours and 63 overhead at more than 17,600 In Peace Prayer ing department. •S. Main St.; Marabeth Dolan, ^tchaa naraln are also rasarvad. ___ verba, S:5. Quotattona from Maasae at 7, A *:W. Instructions; "Both eat. Pilot weightlessness, the granules 28 Sterling Pi.; Mrs. Helen toughest.” truth, and the thing we all must find a the next decade. And If ou*’ But the intriguing elemsnt hi should be floating freely, hitting minutes. Russian cosmonaut miles an hour. Paul L. Young imd Grace A U.B. mllltAry spokesman 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. "Scienco and Health with Key Noon. rata of progress In space tech­ ap. Command (pilot) eat. Valery Bykovsky holds the Felngold, 19 Crosby Dr.; Harry Tha Harald Printing Comply. Inc. aa- way of living toward. tha srgumsnt pursued by the Briefing. Vision test (pilot). the sensitive cells at random The United SUtee now has STURGIS, 8.D. (AP) — For Veterleln of Hartford Tpke., said today an American mili­ aomaa no financial rrsponslblllly for typo- 10 a.m., Morning Prayer with to the Scriptures," by Mary nology la maintained, a la d ­ author Is that m terms of tan world record of 4 days, 28 hours sent 10 different men Into space. were granted a variance for an Fowler, 1(X) Autumn St.; Terri nhlcal errors appaarlnf In adyertlsmenta Half way is not enough. Baker Eddy, Includes pp. 82: St. James’ Chorek Flight plan update (or U.S. and theoretically leading to toe fourth time this century, toe Johnston, 574 Spring St.; Mrs. tary adviser, reported missing ■ermon by the Rev. Mr. Bot­ Msgr. Edward J. Bearden. ing on Mam may be posalbl# per second of velooity, tha m». Bome disorientation (or the as­ • minutes, set in June 1968. two of them Cooper and Vlr- Cheyenne Indiana will assemble undersized lot, subject to re­ P ’SJSi % S7n«*Sr^ WM«ch^^^^ toms. Nursery In old parish hall u-3, end SOS: n. passes. Medical data (pilot).’’ Marian Kerr, 30 Jarvis Rd.; since Thursday after the Viet Brnlnc Herald. Tomorrow will not be In time. Pastor a few years later. Jor requirement is to sscsm tronauts. Oddly, this doesn’t Air Force Lt. Col. Virgil I. gll I. Grissom — twice for a to­ at Bear Butte, their sacred strictions filed with the build­ Cong overran a special forces for pre-school children. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Testimony But what comes after tnstT Here, in brief are some of the ing department. Paul’s Steak Anne Lacy, 166 Benton St.; Rev. Eugene E. ’Torpey from the surface of tha earth. things they will do: happen. Perhaps the eyes over­ Grissom became the first man tal of 12. The Russians have shrine, to pray for peace. camp in the. highlands, has been Full sarrlce cUent^of N. E. A. Sarrlce, tec. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Holy meeting. Almost certainly we can go on Tb achieve earth orbit, a veloti- rocketed into space a second launched 11 cosmonauts, Includ House and a residential build­ Ralph Lanagan, 30G Wood- Pubitahera ReprasantaUvas - "^a Jul]to Reemng Room summer hours Rev. Joseph H. McCann Rendezvous — In the early ride the system in the Inner ear. They will pray (or an end to found. Communion. Rev. John J. O’Brien to explore the rest of the solar ty of about 38,000 feet per sec­ '"Each astronaut will don a spe­ time when he and Navy Lt. Ing one woman, but none has the Viet Nam war. ing are located on the lot. bridge St.; Mrs. Anna Lanz, M^aws Special Agency — New York. Chl- at 748 Main St, excepting legM orbits, the astronauts will eject F.llington; Lloyd Mattemon, The adviser walked to safety eaao. Datrolt and Boston. , Dally. 7 p.m., Evening system, but will that mark the ond (fps) is needsd. cial pair of goggles each day to Cmdr. John W. Young took made a repeat trip. Bear Butte, estimated by John B. Waggoner of 16 Saturday and was believed In ^ member audit BUREIAU OP CIRCULA- A Lesrend Returns To Saigon Prayer. holidays, Monday through Pri- a radio-equipped pod. They will Storrs; Luigi Melonl, Hartford; Masses at i 10:10 and end of our conqueet of space T Compared to this, a veloeity deliberately change their orbit test out the related functions of Gemini 8 up for a brief three- Russia has not hod a manned some to be 40 million years old, Donnel Rd. waa granted per­ good condition. He wa.s one of TIONS. ______day, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. space shot since last March 18, mission to build a detached ga­ Mrs. Therese Pasay, South 11:80 a.m. In the past, our explorations m of only 11,000 fps is needed to to lose the beeping satellite. the inner ear and the eyes. The orbit spin last March 28. But is a 1,400-foot landmark steeped nine Americans at the camp at 2 Windsor; Thomas Regan, 96 Display advertlsin* cloalna hours: It now appears that, at the same time Oalvary aw reh the earth have been followed by go from earth orbit to escape goggles are light-proof and Grissom’s initial launching July when Pavel Belyayev and Alex­ in history and tradition. rage that wtll be six feet, six Dak Sut, 290 miles north of Bal- Gknreh of Christ Then they will try to maneuver ei Leonov, collaborated on Leo­ inches from the sideline of his Helalne Rd.; David Roberts, 181 Ibr Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. (AeecmbUes of God) The Preebyteriaa Chnreh colonisation and utillsatlw of velocity. Add to this 1,000 (p« close to it again, perhaps as equipped with a small movable 21, 1961, was a brief 16-mlnute In 1834 it was a rendezvous gon. The others were evacuated Spr Tuesday — 1 P tn. Monday. he was announcing a policy to send lydall aad Vernon Sts. nov’s historic walk In space, a Autumn St.; Mrs. Joan Rogers, •47 E. Middle Tpko. 48 Spruce St. the natural resources of the and the spacecraft can go Into near as 20 feet. This attempt line of light. The astronauts will up-and-down suborbltal flight. (or white traders. Gen. George property. earlier. »hr Wednesday — 1 P m Tuesday, 60,000 more troops to Vietnam—fewer Engeno Brewer, Mtaleter (eat matched later by Ameri­ James Madden of 41 Bamforth Coventry; Peter Schulz, 134 Un­ fbr Thursday — 1 P m Wednesday. Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson Rev. George Smith, Paster newly opened territories. And In orbit around the moon. If «e eomee in the (oUrth orbit. try to adjust the light hne to Russia has launched 11 cos A. Custer and his men camped The spokeman said nearly mar mday — 1 P.m. Tburaday. than recommended by his military ad­ Pastor many eases the colonies far want to go from earth otbk to Inflight exercise — Each as­ what they perceive to be the monauts, Including one woman ca’s Bidward H. White H. at its base 91 years ago. Bd. was granted special per­ ion St., Rockville; Mrs. Joyce half of aout 300 Vietnamese ci­ ibr Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. 8:45 a.m., Bible classes. Successful rendezvous today mission to continue parking Claulfiad deadline: 10:30 a.m. each day a< visers In Vietnam and Washington— 8 a.m., Sunday School claases surpassed the mother country Mars, then a velooity « tronaut will use an elastic cord horizontal. How closely they into orbit—but none has made a A small herd of buffalo graze Steele, Coventry; Mrs. Gladys vilian irregular soldiers at Dak 9:46 a.m., Sunday School 10:48 a.m.. Worship. George in economic growth. Will this repeat trip. The United States would lead to an attempt to school buses on the property Stltham, Box 133, Bolton. publication except Saturday — 9 a.m. President Johnson waa also deciding to Carruthere of Vernon, guest for all agea. only 18,000 fps is needed. with 60-pound pull as an exer­ come will be recorded and will on nearby plans now. Sut during toe attack now have Bible classes for all ages. 10 a.m., Worship Service. The also happen In space? be a measure of how Important now has sent 10 different men dock the Gemini 6 spacecraft until July 21, 1966. speaker. If we are in a hmar o^ ciser. Each performs 80 pulls, 4 About 40 Cheyenne from the B31RTH YESTERDAY: A son been accounted for. Earlier, 260 Saturday, August 21 send political reinforcements to Viet­ 11 a.m., Divine Worship. Rev. William Samarln, interim In a new book (“Beyond To­ bit, only 8,000 fpe Is nsed- the otolith is In a weightless into space, two of them twice, with another satellite launched Tongue River Agency at Lame John Libra Jr., of 38 Worces­ to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fish­ of them had been reported miss- 8 p.m.. Worship. Donald Nel­ times a day. It isn't much exer­ separately in another maneuver nam—also, apparently, to the dis­ The Rev. Orln Paris of Fort speaker. morrow—The Next Fifty Yearn ed to get to Mars oebit cise, but it is an effort to make state. for a total of 12 men in space Deer, Mont., and the Cheyenne ter Rd., was given permission er, Thompsonvllle. Ing. Worth, Tex., guest speaker. son of Tolland, guest speaker. in Space," Amherst Press, Am­ which must be developed before to build a garage closer to the pleasure of hlfl mllitsuTT counselors. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ TV> return from Mans otbH to the heart work harder in tiie Visual acuity — In Australia, Arapahoe Agency in Oklahoma BIRTH TOIDAY; A son to The commander of the 6:30 p.m.. Evening Prayer. Community Baptist Chareh herst. Wisconsin) Dandrtdge M. earth requires only 10,000 ipi. a sequence of ground targets moon Journeys. will conduct the prayers. sidelines than permitted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelps, Tha big political gun going to Saigon week Service. saay-llving apace environment The docking flight, which will Army’s new airmobile division, Not Half Way, Not Tomorrow 7 p.m.. Family Gospel Serv­ 688 E. Center St. Cole, consulting astronautlcal If we ore on an aster^ only of weightlessness and Inactivity. will be laid out like a giant eye Only four men, however, will regulations. 103 Chambers St. MaJ. Gen. Harry KInnard, and Is one General Eklward E. LansdaJe, Air ice. Bible message by Pastor engineer for the General BUec- Recovery Team be piloted by astronauts Walter The board tabled until its Zion EvaageBeal Rev. Alex H. Elaesaer, 10,000 fps Is needed to get to Pneumatic cuffs — Conrad chart. The pilot will try to see participate in a fast, a part of DOISGHABOBD Y E S T E R- his staff, left Washington for Force retired, who had a previous role Gustafson. Hymn singing and Minister tric Missile and Space Division, what these patterns are more M. Scblrra Jr. and Tom P. Staf­ the prayers. One of them, Jim next executive meeting a re­ Governor Brown of California has Lntberaa Ohorch Jupiter. wears a pneumatic cuff around Set for Rescue ford, presently is scheduled lor DAY; Patricia Reckendorf, Viet Nam to be on hand when In Vietnam, a decade ago, as an opera­ gospel music. argues strongly for Just such both thighs, nnd they inflate two than 100 miles away. Cooper on Medicine Elk of Oklahoma, is quest by Sol Lavltt of Hart­ units of the 1st Cavalry Division appointed a fine committee, headed by Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Mid­ (Missouri Synod) From it con be seen that the Oct. 28, but toe date could bo ford for a gasoline station at Wapiplng; John Souer, Broad tive of our Central Intelligence Agency. Cooper and High Sts. 8:80 a.m.. Morning Worship. an endeavor. most expensive part of any of minutes out of every six his 84-hour mission two years keeper of the sacred arrows of begin arriving. the distinguished John A. McCone, who week Service of Prayer end 8erms des­ never lost an astronaut is strung Medicine, toe Cheyenne proph­ Bertram A. Bigge, 106 FTos- Viet Nam who is visiting Thai­ Agoncy> ^ study out the causes and 60 years, but adds that this can that whldi is needed to eecape .round the world waiting to pick hours, 58 minutes, Just seven pect St., Rockville, has filed for St.; Unda Bryant, 196 N. Main behind the scene in Vietnam. These ac­ South Methodist Clmrch 8 a.m., Gottesdlenst. In an earth gravity situation, a igned to test how keen the hu­ ATO et, received four arrows of land, said he will visit the Phil­ dsvtoe the remedies for the Los Ange­ Trinity Covenant Ohnreh be done using current rocket from the surface of the earth. from the sea L. Gordon Cooper minutes shy of eight days, and peace and war along with a reli­ bankruptcy in the federal bank­ St.; Helen Blozle, Wapplng; complishments apparently Included Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. • a.m., Sunday School. Divine In essence, this means that lazy heart cannot pump effl man eye is in space. In other Mrs. Alfie Johansson, 15 Bank ippines, Malaysia, Singapore las riots. Pastor Hackmatack St. near Keeney St. technology. In projecting for ciently and the blood does not testa, the astronauts will try to Jr. and (Jharies Conrad Jr. after splash to a landing in toe west­ gious charge that parallels the ruptcy court in Hartford, list­ and South Korea next month on propping up shaky governments, de­ Worship. The Rev. Walter A. the next 50 years he makes sev­ If there are "filling sUtioni’’ the eight-day flight of the Gemi­ ern Atlantic about 600 miles ing 82,466.80 in liabilities and St.; Mrs. Jean Kenyon, 16 Wor­ 8o there will be new studies to add Rev. Richard W. Uupoo Seldensticker, Bethel, Maine, Rev, K. EJnar Raak, Pastor circulate properly. It tends to see planned rocket launchings Ten Commandments. an aid-seeking mission. Ky vis­ vising techniques for combatting guer- Associate Pastor eral assumptions: We have Where propeUants can be pro­ and static firings of rockets on ni 6 space ship. southwest of Bermuda about Once the prayers and fasting 8604.70 In assets. cester Rd., Vernon; Raymond to our old confusions. This is Inevitable, will be guest preacher. Text: cured at reasonable cost, the pool in the legs and feet when Nadeau, 6 Emily Dr., Vernon; ited China earlier rilla-s by undercutting their popular Rev. WUlard A. Legg, 8:80 a.m.. Morning Worship. cheap nuclear power, plentiful the astronaut stands up. Cooper earth. The force of 10,000 men, using 8:63 a.m. EST Aug. 29. begin, the (our men will sit The first meeting of creditors, this week and the Formosan because many of the established lead­ Romans 13: 8-14. Tlieme: "God raw materials, and that the exploration of the sodar system 28 ships and 136 aircraft, is wrapped in blankets, on beds of to discuss distribution of avail­ Asa Todd, BiFD 2, Vernon; Mrs. support out in the villages, and con­ Aealetant Pastor In Our Everyday Lifs." Sermon: "What and When?” nearly passed out after his first Earth objects — The astro­ government hinted afterward tt e n and thinkers In the civil rights Sacrament of Infant baptism. liquid oxygen-hydrogen propel­ could be a reaRty in the llfe- nauts will have special cameras smaller than those deployed to sage. On the fourth day they able assets, will be conducted by Elsa Koehler, Coventry; Ray­ had agreed to send troops to centrating on "pacification" programs flight because of this condition. mond; Boutin, ElUlngton; Ber­ ■lovement are atimned and perplexed, 8 and 10 a.m.. Worship Serv­ Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ lants can be obtained at five ttmee of many p ^ l e who are Phonocardlogram — The ac­ 8uid will attempt to find, track rescue the Mercury astronauts Seats Tailored will Interpret their dreams to a bankruptcy judge Saul Seldman Viet Nam. rather than on the burning o f villages. ices. The Rev. Mr. Dupee Concordia Luthoraa Oboreli week Service of Bible study and cents a pound. reading this. If our technolo­ and photograph cities, rail­ in the earliest years of the man- medicine man. on Sept. 8. nice Merenlno, 57 Florence St.; BO longer sure that systems they have 46 PttkiB St. tual soimd will be taken of each In Oslo, Norway, Foreign In this role. General Lansdale purport­ preaching. "The Expanding prayer in the Fireside Boom. Although now technological gical progress dhould proceed astronaut's heart beat. Compar­ roads, highways, harbors, riv­ in-space program. Then, more The Cheyenne prayed twice in According to papers that Karen Ostby, Rt. 6, Andover; been fobowlng are adequate. Rev. Pent O. Kalaer, Pastor breakthroughs are Ineviitable, at an aoc^ rated rats, Mr. Oole than 18,000 men were used. To Astronauts 1944 for an end to World War II Jeffery Ennis, 98 Church S t; Minister Halvard Lange said, edly became the model for the one Heart, the World Is Our ing the two, doctors will later ers, lakes, Ships and sea wakes. Bigge has filed, his local obliga­ ” No one can win a military vic­ The only thing certain 1s that there and these will make the coloni­ bidlcates that an "ultinmte " Experience gained in those and in June 1661 (or an end to tions Include 862 owed Rockville Elaine Cook, 1 Weotvlew Ter.. Parish.” The third in series, The Presbyterian Chnreh see how the heart weakens In They also will test certain cam­ tory in Viet Nam.” He and too has been a failure. Jackie Robinson, "good American" In the novel about "The Heart of Methodism.” • a.m.. Holy Communion, 48 Spruce St. zation come quicker and easier, transportation system may ma­ era exposures and lens-film successful operations enabled CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) the Korean conflict. General Hospital, 852 owed Dr. Rockville; Mrs. Donna Jacobs, Church School and Nuraery. space. foreign ministers of Denmark, wilting In the New York Herald Vietnam called "The Ugly American." Nursery lor babies and two and he feels we could still under­ te riallze. Bone demineralization — The combinations. the Defense Department to do — The fit of toe contour seat In Taking part with Medicine Seymour Kummer and 86.90 32 Hillcreast Rd.; George 10:30 a.m.. The Service and take the job economically with the Job with fewer men and less Elk will be Charles White Dirt, Greenway, Columbia; Donald Sweden, Finland and Iceland Tribune the other day, composed a very In this role, General Lansdale purport­ three-year-olds. • a.m., Sunday School classes TMa system wauM use an as­ diet of the astronauts Is monl In all there are 18 projects, which an astronaut rides can be owed the now defunct Rockville appealed for negotiations with Nursery. The Rev. William de for all ages. chemical rockets of the type teroid as the bese from which most of them requiring several equipment. Albert Tall Bull and Alex city government in automobile Soucier, Tolland; Regina De- eloquent dirge about this failure, on the edly first helped the late President tored for calcium Intake. There a matter of life or death. no pre-conditions. Heyman of St. Paul’s Lutheran 10 a.m.. Worship service. Ser­ being developed for the Apollo to electrically launch spacecraft are indications that the bones experiments each day. The primary recovery area Brady, all of the Montana Agen­ property taxes. veau, 322 Oakland St.; Mrs. Diem stabilize his country politically, Church of the Nasarene Church, Allentown, Pa. will the place where Gemini would cy. part of both white and black, and of­ 238 Main St. mon by interim speaker. moon flight. TTie key element In to travel to the ende of tha solar An emergency abort of toe Bigge is a machinist with the Ethelyn Saukaitls, 91 Birch St.; and then grew disillusioned with the preach at both services. this projection is extra-terres­ splash down after a flawless fered as nice an emotional penitence as Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Minister system. TTiere would be Uttle flight on toe launch pad would Mico Manufacturing Co., and is Peter, 353 Hills- trial refueling. flight — is in the Atlantic Ocean subjeot toe astronaut to pres­ one could wish. "We need," he said, same Vietnamese statesman as he turn­ Rev. R. Alfred Swain, The Salvation Army need for the coerventional propel­ being represented by Atty. Gary town Rd.; William Hoch, Hen- Much of State St. John’s PoUeh Nationnl 681 Main St. Many scientists believe that lants. The eystem he proposes le Fuel Cell Faces southwest of Bermuda 600 miles sure 24 times toe force of grav­ Teen-agers Win, Frledel of Hartford. Excluded dee Rd., Andover; Mrs. Linda "white society which will not stoop to ed stabilization Into repression. Associate Minister CathoUc Chareh Obituary from the launching pad at Cape Oapt. WUUam D. MacLean rocket propellants could be pro­ the eleotrlc catapult. ity. If this force were n ot. dis­ from his a.ssets are tools he Lyon and daughter, Columbia; Welfare Money A the temptation of striking back with Now'General Lansdale is on his way Rev. Walter A. Hysike Offleer In Charge duced from the rocks on the First Big Test Kennedy tributed equally along his body Statue Covered owns which he uses in hla trade. Mrs. Linda Lanata and daugh­ 8:S0 a.m., Sunday School Pastor The electric catapult Is really Here the aircraft carrier Lake arms and violence and economic re- back to Saigon, as a special assistant classes for all age groups. moon. Mr. Oole argues that the a motor which has been opened it would kill him. Reassigned ter, Glastonbury; Mrs. Barbara Used for Health 8:80 a.m., Sunday School tor same basic techniques could By HAROLD R. WILLIAMS M lu Gladys O. Keeney Champlain, along with the de­ Space engineers consider the Airman 3.C. Robert M. Mus- Luchenbill and daughter. RFD •erlminations. For violence begets vio­ to Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. He 10:48 a.m., Worship Service. Masses at 8:80 and 10:80 a.m. iqp and ktid flat. Hie spacecraft stroyers DuPont and New, will SAN DIEGO, <3allf. (AP) — Message by the pastor. Nursery. all age groups. also supply us with quantities ROCKVILLE — Miss Gladys fit of toe seats so important a •son Jr., son of Mrs. Olive M 2, Bolton. lence. And so we also need a black so­ is on his way back axiparently at - the Is tied to what normally would HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) — be standing by to retrieve the What Tamzon Feeney and her (Continued from Page One) 6 p.m., Junior, Teen and 10:46 a.m.. Holiness Service. of hydrogen and oxygen — our Corlnne Keeney, 86, of Talcott Gemini pilot Is given a new one Cardarella of Elm Hill Rd., Ver­ ciety which will make a cost account­ request of Ambassador Lodge, who has Gospel Hall be the motor armature, and Is Power to get two astronauts to astronauts and their space ship. band of teen-age guerriUas, us­ Young AduR group meetings. Nursery services available. best current chemical rocket acceleraitod by the field coiii of when he gains or loses weight. ing bows, arrows and string non, has been selected for tech 418 Center St. propellants — from the plane­ the moon will be supplied by a Ave. died yesterday at a rt was the Champlain which pltal and nursing home care ing of the violence which struck a Lios himself been making statements that 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. • ;30 p.m., Prayer Service. the motor. TTie electric catapult The first cast of toe body of L. couldn’t do, toe state did. nical training at Ohanute AFB, 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. toids or minor planets. These Rockville convalescent home. on May 6, 1961, picked up Alan Andover and drugs and medicine. Angeles city and face the fact that the ultimate solution in Vietnam has Message by the pastor. con be used from a high moun­ 160-pound gadget that produces Gordon Cooper Jr. was made in Real live girls, dancing in top­ m ., as a U. S. Air Force air 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. Thursday, 7:80 p.m., Bible tiny objects would then become electricity by mixing hydrogen Miss Keeney was bom In B. Shepard Jr., toe flrst Amerl Shapiro said sickness and dis­ there was no victory, only defeat, for to be political. And General Lansdale Is Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Pray­ 12:16 p.m., Sunday SchooL tain to laimch a booster to or­ 1963. A second one had to be less bathing suits, still draw craft weapons systems special­ Study. "fUling stations" and serve aa and oxygen. Rockville Oct 4, 1879, a can aistTonaut to ride a rocket made June 16, sifter Cooper lost ist. Airman Musson, a graduate Driver Charged ability were "the number one er, Praise and Bible study. 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. bital altitudes and than permit into space in toe debut of the standing-room-only crowds at black and white people, for the Ameri­ on his way back to Saigon apparently The power unit, called a fuel daughter of Prank and Emma five pounds during his trsdnlng of Rockville High School, re­ cause of public dependency." Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer them to accelerate to orbital ve­ Mercury program. Doug Pattillo's night club, but "For the lack of an indepen­ U can dream of life, liberty and the pur- because President Johnson has decided cell by its maker. General Elec­ Bldwell Keeney, and lived program. Second Congregattonal Chnreh meeting and Bible reading. locity. However, Mr. Cole does Recovery teams are stationed outside, his 17-foot tail bikini- cently completed basic military After Accident tric Od., was to underg(o its first there all her life. Her grand­ (Jooper’s co-pilot on the Gemi­ dent and comprehenstve health ■uit of happiness for every man, and to reinforce Ambassador Lodge In the 386 N. Mala St. Thursday, 7:80 p.m.. Street not consider the eleotrlc cata­ in three other areas, in toe clad statue now wears a muu- training at Lackland AFB, Tex. program, the state is operating critical teat today with the father, Francis Keeney, was ni 6 flight, Charles (Jonrad Jr., Honor Roll fer the health and streng^th of this na­ kind of game he wants to play In Viet­ Rev. Felix M. Davis, Mlnleler meeting. Area Churches pult on the earth or moon to be event trouble should dictate an muu, Adolf Henning, 25, of Hebron Its own,” he said. launch of Gemini 6. one of the early proprietors of gained 20 pounds In a weight Tamzon’s righteous insurrec­ Thomas H. Oonnell, 32 Don­ tion which black and white alike love nam even though Defense Secretary Rev. C. Ronald Wilson, the ultimate goaL Plans to reach the moon by the Rockville Hotel, and was early termination of toe flight. lifting program last summer, Rd,, was arrested and charged Shapiro said he expected fed­ Aasoclato Minister Center Congregational Church He visualizes an asteroid eap- These are in toe eastern tionists made futile attempts In nel Rd.. Rockville, has been eral "Medicare” to cut some and dierish and which belongs to us McNamara and other military advisers First Congregational Cburdh Tsloottvine Congregational 1970 revolve around the success so closely associated with It making his seat built in 1964 named to the University of Oon- with speeding and driving while United Church et Ofariet Vernon Church tured and brought Into orbit Atlantic near toe Canary Is­ the wee hours of toe morning welfare expenses. He said, how­ all.” are supposed to have opposed General or failure of the cell during the that It became known as the obsolete. last Aug. 6 to pull a plastic necticut School of Law honor under the Influence of intoxicat­ 9:80 S.m ., Morning Worship. U Center St. Worshipping at tiie Vernon Bev. Robert K. Shlmoda, around the earth. It is then hol­ next eight days it is in orbit. Keeney House. Her father wRs lands, toe mld-Padflc north of ever, some form of separately There has been a failure, and we Ltinsdale's return. Bev. Clifford O. SImpaon, The change affected the back sheet over the statue. Their roll for the past academic year. ing liquor after his car ran off Nursery. Communion. Sermon Elementary School Minister lowed out and the tunnel in its Although the power unit has an official of the Whlte-Corbin Hawaii and toe western Pacific of his chair, not toe seat. The financed program was needed are going to try to study out its causes, All this would Indicate that Presi­ by the Rev. Mr. Davis. Minister Rev. John A. Lacey, Minister center is bulH Into a linear ac­ near Okinawa, string was took weak, and they He is a class of 1066 evening Rt. 6 and struck a line of high­ for sick and disabled not old run continuously for 600 hours Division, U.S. Envelope Co., for gained weight waa (to In his failed. student. yet nobody really has the slightest dent Johnson is playing the peace side, Bev. Joseph H. Dudley, Miss Helen C. Fischer, 10 a.m.. Worship Service. Ser­ celerator. L a r g e spacecraft without a failure In ground many years. If toe landing is on toe button, chest and shoulders. way guldeposta last night, state enough to be covered by Med­ United Pentecostal CTmreli Aaeeciate Minister Cooper and Oonrad will remain State Alcoholic Beverage Con­ Moose Picnic police report. icare. G Director of Christian Education mon: "To Discover the Soul.” could then be put Into thle tunnel tests, this is the first time it has Idea what can erase or correct the the political side, of our involvement In She was a member of Union ovei^ght on toe Lake Chan- James A. Lovell Jr. and trol agents, however, agreed The Rockville Lodge, Loyal 187 Woodbrtdge St. Rev. Francis C. Hawea, Nursery. and accelerated to very high been tested in a space environ­ Frank Borman, prime crew According to toe police, Hen­ feUure in time to guarantee It will not Vietnam a little more heavily than has Rev. Robert L. Baker Minister ef Ohriatlaa Edocatlen Congregational Church and plain, then will be flown to with 16-year-old Tamzon that Order of Moose, will hold its 9:80 a.m.. Service of Worship. velodtiee — on the order of tens ment. was active In Sabra Trumbull members for toe seven-day annual family picnic tomorrow, ning was driving east on Bt. 6 eouct new and tragic price anywhere hitherto appeared on the surface, where Child cars provided. Cape Kennedy for three days of toe statue waa immodest. They BockvlUo Methodist Church of thousands of feet per aecond. Long duration flights In space Chapter, DAR, for many years. Gemini 7 mission next year, ordered H covered. from noon to dusk, at Pine too fast, when he ran off toe •r everywhere tomorrow. We are liv­ his actions have been less evenly divid­ 10 a.m., Sunday echoed. 9:16 a.m., Worship Bervlee. 142 Grove St, It may well be that the accel­ debriefings ^ t o medical and right hand aide of the highway 11 a.m.. Worship. demand a small power unit. She was also a member of the other experts. Eight more days were cast today for toe con­ Pattlllo obeyed, but said he’ll Grove, Henry Park. FALL SCHEDULE Hie Rev. Mr. Hawes preaching. St. Francis of Assisi Bov. WUlard E. Conklin, Pastor erations wMoh could be generat­ toured supports which will teke on a curve east of Wales Rd. He ing In a moment when our intentions ed than his words. Conceivably, the 7:30 p.m., Evangelistic Serv­ Batteries to supply power for a former Fortnightly Musical of debriefings will follow at the fight to unfrock hla sexy sign, The menu will Include hot Sermon: "On the Edge of the 478 ElUngton Bd., ed by this form of propulsion Club and, In her younger days, two months to build. was not Injured, but the car had MARLOW’S OPEN 6 and our willingnesses are probably change in ambassadors to Vietnam, ice. Spiritual.” Nursery In Kinder­ long mission would be Impossi­ Manned Spacecraft Center In which is mounted on a tall post dogs, sweet com, watermelon, Soutii Windsor 0:30 a.m.. Worship Service. system art much too Mgb for ble to carry In the small space­ gave dancing lessons and help­ and beverages. Games and ath­ to be towed away from toe days, Monday thru Sat­ better than our techniques and our ca­ switching Lodge back to the duties Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Bible garten on main fUior of pariah Rev. Gordon B. Wadhnna, Nursery, Houston before toe astronauts in plain view of busy U.S. High­ human beings. However, If we craft. ed coach and appeared In many hold a news conference way 80. letic events for young and old scene. urday till 6:30; Thursdays pacities. We would like so much to do study, prayer meeting. house. Pastor Monday.nda; 7 :16 p.m., Prayer Henning was charged by General Taylor took over from him, has are concern^ with the transpor­ All past U.8. flights have used entertainments in the area. will be held. Members and tiU 9:00 P.M. aotnething good and right and Intelli­ Bev. John E. Blkteraltis, and discussion group. tation of freight payloads, then batteries for power. Racket Blamed friends are invited. Trooper (jharles Gunn and Aux­ also been part of a general intention Assistant Pastor Funeral services will be held gent. The proUem, however, is mon­ on the part of the President to trim hla this might be the ideal low-oost Hydrogen serves as fuel and Monday at 3 p.m. at the Whlte- Coin Auction iliary Ronald Davis. St John’s Episcopal Church propulsion unit. oxygen Is the oxidizer In the fuel For Corps Riot About Town Herman Krajewski, 33 Park strous. Masses at 8:46, 7:46, 9, 10:16 Glbson Funeral Home, 66 Elm Waste Disposal Vietnam policy more evenly between B t 80, Vernon This sama linear motor in the ceil. The two gases are kept In a St., Rockville, a collector and and 11:30 a.m. S t Hie Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Gordon Derby, 8, of 12 Ver­ The least thing we can try to do— the military and political considera­ Rev. James L. Grant Rector planetoid could also be used to klushy state In super-cold tanks. pastor of Union Congregation­ Not a Problem (Continued from Page One) dealer of rare coins, wlH bo Connecticut Yankee It is these tanks that devel­ non St. fell onto the edge of auctioneer for the annual New „ .-and also the most Important thing—la tions, between the search for peace and decelerate payloads with high al (jhurch, will officiate. Burial Saulter's Pool yesterday after­ St. Maurice CTiurch, Bolton 8 a.m., Holy Communion. oped leaks and caused a possi­ "The disturbance was a com­ England Numismatic Associa­ to try to begin to think straight, to computer-llke calculations for war. Rev. Botrort W. Cronin velocities arriving’ at the earth will be In Grove Hill Cemetery. HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — Dis­ noon and suffered a laceration Bt A.H.O. 9:30 a.m.. Morning Prayer from the outer reaches of the ble postponement Wednesday There will be no calling bination of impatience with the tion auction. The auction, for 't try to touch some reality in our The fateful question is, of course, Pastor and Sermon. and again during earlier tests. posal of body waste will be no on the bridge of his nose, police which no date has been an­ solar aystem by letting the ve­ houra problem during toe eight-day program and dissatisfaction repwrt. He was about to dive in­ MANCHESTER thoughts, to try to find the truth to When, on June 10th, a grand pollttoal leaderships had agreed Hie leaks were fixed. with living conditions,’’ Kenne­ nounced, is held in a different whether such a correction of previous Masses St 7, 8:80, 10 and hicle enter the tunnel. The trick space trip of astronauts L. to the pool when someone which we must begin to accustom our total of 1,365,090 Conneceicut It would before they ever let SL G eode’s Episcopal Church Hiere are 22 pounds of hydro­ Donald Yost dy, Yetts and Stuck said in a dty each year. MOTOR 643-2411: 643-1511 SALES imbalance In our Vietnam policy comes 11:30 a.m. Rt. 44 A, Bolton here would be to undertake a Gordon (Jooper Jr. and Charles pushed him, he told police. thoug:hta and our feelings and even­ voters were eligible to go to the It be elected. Having organised h i g h l y intricate rendezvous gen and 180 pounds of oxygen. TOLLAND — Donald Allan statement. In time to have any slight chance of itself, it hes begun the busl- Bev. Douglas Theuner, Oonrad Jr. The Herald’s Vernon bureau maneuver which eotdd prove Temperatures of 260 degrees Yost, 8, son of EUdredge and Gov. Edward T. Breathitt dis­ tually our policies and actions. contributing Its influence to actual polls to participate In the elec­ nees of Inviting the pubUc In Sacred Heart Church Vicar A plastic bag with an adhe­ Is at 88 Park St., Rockville, Rt. SO, Vernon very hasardous. But tt Is theo­ below zero for the oxygen and Ceilia Gwara Yost of Hilltop sive Up will be used lor collec­ patched State Police Director Radio Today OLDSMOBILE It is quite In the normal order of events. Lodge may have hla big man tion o f 84 delegates to the to share Its deUberations. 460 degrees below zero for the James Bassett and 35 troopers P.O. Box 327, tp- Timed for Moon ★ MANY MORE MODELS nnd MAKES ★ discuss matters that have Iwen put on and only election In the his­ Mbrietor of Christian Ednoatien H*"*: ft>r He The board of directors has al­ whioh, for bettor or for worse, oartth for you.^ preeidont o f the congregatloii of practice In the United States er Jr. nor Charlee Conrad Jr, You Don’t Need *2, "The message from Los Angeles la the agenda. He reluctantly granted a de­ tory of Connecticut tn which no ready given Its informal approv­ only the out and out • a.m., Worahlp Servios. Oapt. william D. MaoLosn baa Shnink from more than 96,> will take a apace walk during HOUSTON, Tax. (AP) — Tha ; that Improvements in housing and em- lay "Just this once” for discussion of a detnooratic choice was offered Temple Beth Bholom. al. W OW !! W H A T SERVICE pleee of legislation when Councilman againsters, like Vivien Kellema Sermon: ’’When (Jhrist Pasaoa The Salvation Army 000 to baraly 68,000. their eight-day flight. eight days aatronauta L. Gordon MONEY w ploymen^ although essential, are not to the people; to go and yota and John Isipton, have any They do not have the protec­ Ck)oper Jr, and CSiarles Oonrad The Young AduR Olub met 10-MINUTE SERVICE ON ALS CALLS Joseph Malek pleaded ^e had not had By." The Rev. Mr. Bowman FIREMBN’I PARADE^ DON’T BELIEVE US — THEN TRY US seemed like a aenaeleas act of partlaular dynamism in thalr tion of an adequate space eult Jr. will be circling tha earth in last night at the Elaat Side Rec To Buy A Car From enough. It is not sufficient if Negroes time to study the measure distributed preaching. STAMFORD (AP) — The Con- REYMOUM ESTATE but poor attendance forced NOT THE BIGGEST — BUT THE BEST aubmiseion which might m oely oauso, or any almpls dramatia Pilot Houao on Boom LONDON (AP) — American aa Edward H. White II did when Gemini 5 correaiMnd to the mto ^ remain In the poorer quarters of town only the night before. neotlout Itete Plnm en’s Awk>cI- short and declzlon-frea meeting. GRINDERS AND PIZZAS IN TOWN whet the appetite o t poUtleal kind of aifumsnt to maJes, or M. Peter’s EniMoaM Okmk writer Quentin Reynolds left an he walked In space 30 minutes Imum time it will take three ^ and are given the most menial Jobs. Some observers believe that Mr. leaders who had had tha (X K ^ Q O — The Great 1 atlon winds up Its annual three- Robert Digan, toe eohool'a at­ aM really intaraatlng leason to IM S S u i i . day oonvantlon with a four-bouf eetete in England valued at |29,- June 6. men to go to toe moon, explore 643-0031 A n A VI f 643-0031 MANCHESTER If there Is to be racial harmony in Roosevelt has his eye on higher office effrontery to offer the atam offer why aomsbody riwuld ba u i i u iKifeJs; 493.40, aocordlnf to hie wUl Oooper and Oonrad are wear- for a day and corns back to tendance officer, blamed toe In Tallahassee, the Florida capital, or auch a propoeltlda in tha fknat perada this afternoon. small turnout on "dote night.” PIZZA-RAY'S f# a n y ‘‘ BUU, be it the United States or pbuining to go to the poUa next Rev. Ja H i6 flromtn olootod Anthony mede public today. Inf the basic garment developed earth. Washington, but he Insists he le Juat place. Deoember. This is tha roaoon tor sight If the eotiool board does ^ 130 SPRUCE STREET England or Rhodesia, there must be Romo of Konstngton their preel- RaynoUUi died In CaUfornIa for Qemlnl. It will not safeguard trying to direct Miami Beach with e f - ' The 84 delegates having bean Just thtnki On the basis of March 17 at tha aga of 62. agalnet micrometeorolda or rs' turn ovar the high school park­ TRY US AND COMPARE OLDSMOBILE 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer. dont Friday, OOtor offloers we S equality of opportunity. There must be flclency and prepare his case for re- elected by the partlcipalIpauon ing lot, athletic field and re­ QUALITY MEATS * CHEESE SERVED HERB "Selling, Servicing New OldsmobUea Ij^Uo interast to date, a mete Tuesday, 7 a.m.. Holy Com- John TVaad .of Branford, vl Ra left hU property in equal atlon. Glamlnl 7 wtll be 14 days long. (or over M jrsnrs" KaoEae way In which the underprivileged election two years hence. — WILLIAM SS.889•»,88» out of------1,866,000 votera. 7 1 ^ votea could The Gemini program waa des­ freshment stand to the club, it BUnton. I t Bai‘‘Baithotomew. ' dent; John aharee to hla eletar, Marjorla Without tola protection, astro­ Open Mon.(-Tuea., 1-11! Thure., Frl., Sat. 11-11: Bun. 4-19 Silver Lane at Hartford Rd., ManehwtBT In p n ve thenuwlvea. And they must t u c k e r i n t h e n a t i o n a l OB- the State Oonventioti has t t - a m dafeat a wfulo R e y n ^ Kirk; Me ilster-ln-law, nauts must atey within the cap' igned to develop tochnlquea and is poaaible that the parking lot Closed Wedneoday SERVER. Hmrodar, would be used for a pre-school fknlxad ItaCir p reoMrsoM y ■■ tha sW&tfeRl Pragrar. Beatrtce Reynolds; and hto esc- aula,•U 6«! -wiasvsi which WAAteAiRoffani atawawaahelter aavaifrom equlpmant tor futura lunar 13-1511 ★ , 643-24111 retary, Heton the noolUa apace envyronment. frights o t the ApoUo profram. "l^ k dance." .1 r . V MANCHES'l'ER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST « , 19CT PAGE SEVEN

PAGE m . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, d a il y CROaaWORD PU/ZLB MAJOR HOOFLE Familiar Peopit ACROM 87Mlml«k«r .... S# 8«« nytr 1 1 ^ Wirt, 40 Flint pirt «riinlnliji irt 4 —_ Bonniur, 4 ,p n (ib.) pilnUr 42 Puli up B te°8S5«..“2S5?“"* S? 40 Witty n to rtf 51 Su«u 52 ElUptoUUl 55D«Mrttll 54 Hud (rtin|) d ty 35 OIrt’l MBM 55 Fonllthir 10 BroUiir «t SI TIdUr Jtcob (Bib.) ssstiuinr~ ^ OUNLIFFE n Chut n ull S8 Quinurtin,uinnuU CAR LEASING MANCHESTER HIGH GRADE 17 CinUur (myth.) for InrtinM 19 Spiclil ur OB 40 Trtti MOTOR SALES uUroidl 41 RotUu On 1 or 2 PRINTING U MurtellnB 42 Ood ot 1 ^ EXPERT AUTO BODY end mimmil 43Jicpb'i bon YEAR PLAN SEAFOOD FENDER REPAIRS Job and Commercial 24 .Soft, pulpy . . Printing 44Thrubindm CHOICE VARIITY ENAMEI. I.ACQUER trmidUIo Flrot in MnnchMter. New BEFINISHIKOS Prompt and Efficient 40Uu« onni, full mBintominoe, fully 47 Cry of Quality REASONABLF. PRICES Prlntlny Of All Kinds Inoiired to roduoe your prob- FREE ESTIMATES biochinilf lemo and wonieo. For full In­ 45 Bibllcilntm* 50 Numbir formation mil Seafood BT. 88—VERNON, CONN Community Press Just Above the Traffic 7 Circle 9 East Middleidle Tpke. Paul Dodo* Pontiac 43 O AK ST. Telephone 643-5727 INC. TEL. S4b-BMt TEL. 648-0016 S7S MAIN STREET Phone 64B-2M1 We Urge You To Support The LuU Junior Museum A & A PONTIAC GLASS AND • For Auto Windshields PUMP SERVICE e For Store Fronts and all Wnter Syitema nnd Pump# Moving Need Not Be Nightmare sizes of windows DAWSON'S Jneuzzl Ooulde What Is the average person's*^ TEMPEST e For Table Tops Fnlrbanke MorM reaction when the thought of full-time basis, they are highly OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. U Hour moving comes to mind? Drsad, trained and experienced and no SALES oml SERVICE Ennerfenoy SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON Service Your Car Conveniently confusion and a lot of hard matter how busy or how many Ser^oe Do you have to make all kinds'^ calls for moving Jobs oome In, 6 Pack 93c Service On work, but this is not necessarily PAUL DODGE of arrangrements to have your hate to do this work, and when the case If you chose the right no Inexperienced men are called J. A. WHITE TAX INCLUDED AH Mnkea In to help out. Thus you know Cell Hertford car serviced, do shopping ahead you find out Just how Inexpen­ people to move you. You could NO DEPOSIT not make a better chotce than that only men trained In all PONTIAC, INC. GLASS CO. Sniee 5 2 5 3 ^ 3 »«nrlce of time, and go without your sively you can have this work phases of moving will handle done at Turnpike Texaco you Manchester Moving A Trucking 878 Main St/—Tel. 649-2881 81 Bissell Ht—Tel. 649-7822 to Jensen St., Maaoheeter car Just when you could use It Oo. for this Is an outfit that goes your furniture with the utmost will never do a wax Job again. of care. YICHI'S the most? If so, there Is a sim­ They will do a Blue Coral or way beyond the ordinary Job of moving. Whether you choose A newer service that Is most ple answer to this service prob­ Simonize Job and here again, . PACKAGE STORE you may lake your car down a t ' In® reg;uiar or deluxe service popular Is the moving of offices, I lem, take your car to Turnpike business firms, doctors' and MANCHESTER 20 BISSELL ST. night and It will be all ready you get so much more for your TOURAINE BELMONT Texaco at the comer of Broad In the momln" CaU or stop In money In their services, Walter dentists’ offices. Manchester CARPET PLAZA St. and W. Middle Tpke. This and talk with Ralph Stance, he j Perrett, the owner of the bust Moving A Trucking Co. can MEMORIAL CO. station la open 24 hours a day will be glad to quote prices and ness, Ukes a very real Interest move a business or office with­ out confusion, every file, ma­ PAINTS Opposite East Cemetery WE HAVE OUR OWN and they have the facllltiea to you will be simply amazed at | In serving hla clients and he and CUSTOM MADE CLEANING PLANT his men do everything In their chine, desk and office equipment service your car at night at how Inexpensive It Is, especial being placed exactly where spec­ FOR BEST RESULTS CANVAS AWNINGS your convenience. Not only that ly when you know how long Blue power to see that moving day Qualify Memorials 16% OFF on is not a "nightmare” to you. ified. Doctors and dentists have but they have a aktlled me­ Coral or Simonize finish stays a special need for such moving Over 80 Years Experienee Ruk Cleanlny chanic on duty 24 hours a day on your car. If you choose the deluxe serv­ ice, evertbing is taken care of service for all Instruments are Cash A Carry and if there is a mechanical Turnpike Texaco Is also carefully wrapped In white pa­ PAUL'S problem, this can be solved a t ' equlpp^ to do electrical work you, everything per and placed In cartons, clear­ Call 649-5807 8-Day Service the same time. The man of the 1 on cars and they carry Sun j unpacked and practlc^ly all PAINT SUPPLY ly marked so everything will 645 Main Street WE PICK UP A DELIVER house can drop the car off on i Electrical equipment such as 1m In place In the new office. A. AIMETTI, Prop hla way home from work and' distributors, alternators, bat­ your old home Into a new home RUGS A FURNITURE that is nearly settled. As for the Manchester Moving A Truck­ Harrison St., Manchester pick it up again in the morning. teries etc., all manufactured by ing Co. offer safe storage In Tel. 649-0300 SOS MAIN ST. 648-6662 If you need a ride home, they the Sun Electrical Company. regular moving service, much of the hard work is eliminated their fireproof and vermin-proof will give it to you and pick you Turnpike Texaco features a vault at reasonable rates. Call up In the morning. There is not for the beds will be set up for weekly special. This "Special you, mgs laid in the right rooms 643-6563 for Information, Upholstery a penny extra charged for this of the Week" Is on an A-Frame SEE US FOR: portal to portal service and you and furniture placed where you and Shop STEVENSON’S e Aluminum Roll Up in IMtween the islands and these direct. Either service will elimi­ P M Awnings are sure when Turnpike Texaco are really something ipeclal lor nate the hard work and con­ RE-UPHOLSTERINO does any Job on your car that e Door Canopies you can be sure of 60 per cent fusion of moving. If you are People * Modem Furniture ESSO e Storm Doors It Is going to be done the right saving on each featured Item. planning on moving, call Man­ e Combination Windows way. More and more motorists are chester Moving A Trucking and Antiques 405 MAIN ST. Manchester Awning; Co. You could not find a better keeping their eye on the S o c ia l! gg^vlce and talk with Mr. Per- e Store Stools and Booths 195 WEST CENTEB ST. mechanic than Ralph L. Stence, for the Week at Turnpike Texa- i In the • Custom Furniture TEL. 649-5533 Telephone 649-3091 owner of Turnpike Texaco, for I rates and can give you many Slipcovers and Draperies Eetablished 1040 he has a mechanical back­ Turnpike Texaco feature a helpful suggestions, Made to Order * Tune-Ups ground of experience of over 25 full line of Texaco quaUty pro-1 ^ ggems that many people Complete Selection of years, 15 of which were spent ducts. Sky Chief hl|^ test and moving to Florida these News Materials * Engine Cleaning here in Manchester and he Is Fire Chief regular. A complete days and the fact that there FREE ESTIMATES * Minor Repairs very well known for his me- line of Havollne oils which they is a $50 minimum in the tariff Lower Level of the Parkade MOItK RKOm.B clianical know-how. He is an also sell In case lota at a on shipments up to 250 lbs. to Princess Margaret 649-6324 * Stamps d k o o r a t k w i t h expert mechanic on all makes of SO per cent. They also Mf^r; Florida should be of interest. It LONDON (AP) — Princess of cars and holds a general road service and pickup and de-1 ig not necessary to ship as a Margaret observed her 36th Sherwin-Williams repairer's license. Anyone who livery service on cars at no Bx- 500 lb. minimum as It Is In birthday today In Brindisi, Ita­ Manchester Moving knows Mr. Stence knows that tra cost. . [inoBLmost cascH,cases, wwhich iiicii incaiuimeans a very ly, where she is vacationing SUPER all work turned out here must ''j ■'i substantial saving when ship­ with her husband, Lord Snow­ vies PIZZA SHOP and Trucking Co. be of the highest quality. Not s '- , ping goods. If you are Interest­ don. DON WILLIS 168 W. Middle Turnpike KEM-TONE only do you get the finest In Use of Flags ed In shipping goods to Florida, Their children. Viscount Lin- Phone 649-8700 l')l I UXl. WAl I I'AIN I mechanical work ’but Turnpike call Walter Perrett at 643-6563 ley, 8, and Lady Sarah Arm­ 8ARA0E Texaco gdves valuable S A H and he will be glad to give you strong-Jones 1, were at Balmor­ PIZZA Green Stamps as an extra As Dropcloths all the Information on moving al Ca!^e In Scotland as guests 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 SHERWIN WILLIAMS bonus. rates, procedures and any other of Margaret’s sister, ()ueen SPAGHEHI Being Probed details you might wish to ask EUzabeth H. RA VlO U Ml MAIN STREET Turnpike Texaco has five Speeializing in employes, two of whom are about. TEL. 648-6686 hlglUy qualified and experienced OONNEAUT, Ohio _ I Manchester Moving A Truck- OPEN DAILY ' Ing Co. offers moving service Arthur Goldberg BRAKE SERVICE mechanics and the other three aty officials are lnve8tigaUngi“|f^^; th“ ;;“ „";5;;^ j UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. 8:00 A.M. too 11:00 P.M. are expert aervlce men. No mat­ an incident in which a widow while ago they extended their (AP) — Arthur J. doldbeig, Front End Alignment SUNDAYS ter when your car is taken here U.S, ambassador to the United 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. for work you are sure of having and a painter are accused of services to Canada, Tennessee, Ohio, the central United States NaUons, has arranged to keep CLOSED MONDAYS experienced men to do the work using American flags as drop former President Harry B. TYu- Gonoral Repair Work MANCHESTER for you. The station Is equipped in conjunction with their regu­ cloths while painting the wom­ lar service to Florida. They are man posted on developments at to do all kinds of repair work, an's house. the United Nations. and they also have the latest able to handle moving any­ AUTO PARTS PoUce confiscated the flags where you wish to go In the Goldberg visited former Pres­ equipment, Dyna-Vlslon for one Wednesday after complaints by 270 BROAD ST thing, this presents a complete country. Many peopid have ident Dwight D. Elsenhower at Ostnnsky neighbors. taken advantage of the "part­ Gettysburg, Pa., earlier this tUuted fUrit-CUU. picture of the motor and shows Walter E. Thayer, city solici­ DISTRIBUTORS exactly where the trouble is In load” service to Florida. It Is week and receiv^ his support DEALER IN W ASTE tor, said the flags were 35 years not necessary to engage the en­ for the new U.S. policy on U.N. FOR the motor. Think of the time — old and faded. He csdied the 858 BURNSIDE AVE. and money — saved by being tire van nor even half of it, financing. EAST HARTFORD MATERIALS Incident unfortunate, adding: for they carry as many as four The new ambassador says he MOTOR AID-R able to put your finger on the "1 know they did not mean to trouble Immediately! Brake different shipments at the same plans to keep leaders of both 289-6333 Revolutionary New deface the American flag. They time. There is no need to worry major parUes Informed on U.N. RAGS, IRON work, tune-up work, oil changes, respect it as much as any Combustion Principle lube Jobs, up to a major over­ about lack of care In "Part- affairs. Power and Hand Tools American." . load” service for every detail SCRAP METAL Open Saturdays Until 0 P.M. TU R NN K E haul can b* done at Turnpike Painting and Decorating Texaco and here you are certain Thayer said no paint fell on Is handled with the utmost care. President Diaz Ordaz Tools of the results. the flags which the widow gave You see one reason why Man­ Garden and Land Tools and PAPER AUTO the painter, a World War II vet­ chester Moving A Trucking (3o. MEXICX) CITY (AP) — Presl Baby, Household, Party Is your car dingy and In need eran. The widow’s husband was can offer such superior service dent Johnson and Mexican of a good polish job? Most of us and Banquet Supplies 781 PARKER BT. SEAT COVER a World War I veteran, Thayer Is the fact that the men work­ President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Invalid Needs Tel. 648-5735 or 648-6879 Reuben Plen’s declined to name the two. ing for Mr. Perrett are on a may get together soon to dis­ i f Convertible Tops cuss mutual problems of Mexico Texaco Station i f Auto Seat Covert and the United States. PIZZA and A State Department official Custom Made from the The Animal Kingdom said Friday Johnson may meet WATKINS-WEST CAMPING 381 Main Street Bolt of Goods to Fit Tour GRINDERS with Dias Ordas in Acapulco. Car EQUIPMENT DELIVERED FUNERAL Phone 643.9149 i f Free Eetlmates within 5-MUe Radius President Nasser Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags i f Free Installation Neighbors Put Up Howl DAMASCUS, Syria (A P) - Air Mattresses, Stoves Hydramatic Transmission On Orders Of $2 Or More SERVICE Lanterns Repairing ''Drive Down or Call” . . . President Gamal Abdel Nasser 166 Middle Turnpike West CLOSED SUNDAYS Over Six Timber Wolves of Egypt arrives in Jiddah by All Work Guaranteed sea Sunday morning for a state ORMAND J. WEST MANCHESTER Texaco Lubrlmtlon Service Manchester FOB THE SUMMER visit to Saudi Arabia. Nasser is Director SURPLUS SALES CO. ST. LOUliB, Mo. (AP) — For Too Much Pork visiting at the invitation of King We Give jt'W Green Stamps 142 E. CENTER ST. CHARTER OAK more than three years, the WASHINGTON (AP) — Mrs. Faisal. 189 N. MAIN ST. RESTAURANT Virginia Musgrove was tired of at Depot Square Quality neighbors have been talking finding her neighbor's hogs, Manoheeter’i Oldest Work! 120 CHARTER OAK ST. about George Wilson’s boarders. "little ones and big ones," In Johann Lotz With Finest FaclllUee Open Dally to 9:00 P.M. TURNPIKE 648-1492 Some have threatened to kill her backyard. CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — West J. FARR — 648-7111 them. So she haled her neighbor, German horse breeder Joliann Wilson says It’s just a mis- farmer Charles Guilford, 71, Lota was sentenced to life In TEXACO idlng. Into court earlier this year. prison today on charges of MANCHESTER ^ The boarders are his pet six Guilford, appealing two subse spying for Israel and sabotaging Open 24 Honrs A Day grey Umber wolves. quent convictions of trespassing the work of German rocket ex- Painfing-^Decorafing RUG CLEANING by hla animals, told a circuit Firestone Tires "Wolves Just have a bad rep- perta working in Egypt. Phene COMPANY utaUon," Wilson says. "Many court Thursday: Lotz's wife Waldrud was sen­ COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL * RESIDENTIAL Quality Line Products 643.6365 people think they’re vicious, "Animals, are dumb. You tenced to three years Jail for Gen. Repairers License 15 HANN.LWAY 8T. but it’s not true. The animals should fine the animals for treS' complicity In the charges. Interior— Exterior— Color Consulting Service only get angry when they see passing, your honor, not me." _Lots also was fined $74,816. Comer Broad and PhoM 6434)012 guns and ammunition, which Judge Calvin Van DyqjL-sof A third defendant, West Ger­ Complete Insurance Coverage tained the convictions, but re Middle Tpke. West they've learned to associate man steel executive Frans Wil­ Eat. 1915 Read Herald Ads. with death." duced the fines of $660 to $200 liam Kiesow, was acquitted on 3-DAY and suspended payment on the Phone 643-2176 After one of the wolves bit a 9- charges that he collected state SERVICE year-old girl recenUy, the condition that Guilford keep his aecreta to spread anti-B)gyptlan wound requiring several sUtch- pigs on his own property in the rumors and sought to under­ — Use — es, neighbors gtrt SO signatures future. mine Egyptian military securi­ WM. DICKSON & SON FURNITURE CLEANING on a peUUon demanding that ty- TeL 649-0920 — Manchester, Conn. Wilson get rid ot the wolves. ■ffeotlve Osller The lentenoee were handed The board of trustees of subur­ aBDAiR RAlFTDS, lown (AP) down by the Supreme State Se­ ban Oalverton Park, where Wil­ —onarmer VtrfllJlUiWBon has a curity (3ourt of the United Arab mechanical cow csAler that ro­ HE WARM son Hves, ordered him to dls- RepubHe. poat of hts pets. tates, flashes and beUowa to IlL CLEAN "At first, I oonaldered having his cows home. m m A deputy shoriff said the de­ lU THRIFTY the animals destroyed,” Wilson ■aid, "but interested persons vice was calHng cows so oMl- Looking for a ploc* for fVC______MPMf wi JOG 4 BE AN m. OWNER advised me. against it iMcause qlently Wedneeday night that PiW.forItPiWforIt ..h ------neighbors complained their rirat SpGcial Affair? RNrtlm Ml MiorT.. . ti nnT . . . kow to i of the wolves' great value as Finest In research tools to behavioral cows ‘^were in a state of agita­ U U II toi «w«t kito « hMIiii Ilk. BOlanUats studying the relatlon- tion and bellowed back at the WE CATER TO: AUIOMATIC ■hlp between animals and hu­ machine.” e Banquets e Weddlags hamburgers Ttie deputy tslsphoned Raw- Oil HEAT mans." a Oathertaiga The board nanted ^m until son, who a g i ^ to shut ott the Monday to find another suitable esUer, a Group Meetlags of every desoilptloa W. G. GLBNNIY CO. owner. He has 'risUed aaveral zoos to datarmlne where his Diet Proves Fatal W a have the "Know-How" iU Y THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK wolves would have the best OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)~ to pleaao youl 886 N. MAIN ST. home. Cecllla the seal died at Lincoln look for the EOlden arches. . . McDonald's Wilson says the blUng Incident Park Zoo and an autopsy Thurs­ Chureh C othgts Inn 46 WEST CENTER STREET PAINTS TEL. 649-S268 was the first involving his day disclosed she hizd saten 8M Mala Bt.. Hast HarMeri wolves, and the asm* ooul4 plastic oufis, plastk sFioka and ______SILVER LANE ByiNSION havr$KX)urrad with a dof. a tew«L m-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1965 p A d m d h ' ■' ...... "W\ PAGB EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1965 fBufilnesB Ssrvleea Palntlnf>-Pap«riEg H ' Offered 18 PAINTTNO BY Dick Fontaine, THE Four Teams Still Alive in Softball Tournament YOU ARB A-ll Track to A-ll Interior and exterkw. Fapev Veteran and Unknown Pro CLASSIFIED hanging and wall paper reraov- Cellars, atUoa, trash, small trucking done A-1 ri|htl OaU aL Dutch Boy and OuFont 643-3031, TrsmaiM Traekiag Quality workmanaUp. OaU Herald Angle ADVERTISING Bervioa. evenings, 0B7-06T1, Share Top Spot in Sutton LAWNMOWER Sharpening; re­ INBIDB and aatefito pstoting. ■ r Walnut, Mai Show Big Victories CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS pairs, sales, rotor blades You name your uwn pries. sharpened; bicycle sales, serv­ Special ratoa (or homsownaca EARL Y O S T 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sports Bdltor ice. Manchester Cycle flbop. 65 or over. 64e-78«S. 176-B401. SUTTON, M m o . (A P )— A voteran pro who went 140 W. Middle TurnpUte, 8)40 bsck to school gnd an unknown Judo exponent from Assured of a spot in the Town Softball Tournament, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Note* from the Little Black Book Haffner Out Japan shared the attention today in the $200,000 Cfir- MONDAY Thm FRIDAV lOiM A.M. — BATURDAT f AM. Floor FItilfilUflf Walnut Barbers defeated PuiI Dodge Pontiac, 9-6, last Tip Department: If you can spare the time, w d the hng World Qolf Championship. FIXX)R BANDING and i^ n l* > night at Mt. Nebo. It was th4 17th victory in a row for cash don’t miss the Carling Golf Tournament at Sutton, Of Oak Tilt Mike Bouohak hsid a one-w------— .i.i.i HoufichoM SfiniecM ing (specializing in older the Barbers, 14 in league play and another three in the ■trok* load antsrlng ths sseond PLEASE READ YOUR AD Offered 13-A floors). Waxing floors. Paint. Mass., over the weekend or on Monday. It’s big league tourney. round after posting a 83-8S—88 Sugimoto has won two black or "Want Ads" are taken ever the phone as a Ing. Ceilings. Paperhanglnf. from start to finish with golfs greatest players in ac­ belts In Judo oompstitlon. eonvenlenoe, The advertleer ehould read his ad the FIRAT HOUBEIHOLD Furniture re­ Wataat (•) With Toronto over ths par 71 Ptsaeant Valley No Job too small. John Var- tion. Driving time to Sutton, not too far off the Massa­ STANDINGS ab r h rl Country Club course Friday. fiouohak sold he chipped ex­ DAY IT APPEARS end REPORT ERRORS In time (or the stored and reflnlshed, roinre faUIe, 849-6760. Aiualdl, o ...... 4 1 1 ______I neat Ineertlon. The Herald Is reeponslbl* (or only ONE Incor­ changed. OoU (or eetlmate 849- chusetts Turnpike, or Rt. 20, is a little over an hour, W. U Pot. Ths 33-ysar-old Souohak, who ceptionally well, adding "I res­ Oarluon, is ...... 4 S 3 n e t er emitted IsseiiloD for any edvertlsement and then only 8649. ______provided you obey the poeted ' Walnut Barbers .... 8 0 1.000 Whttf, 3b ... .Sit Th« Hfirtford Charter hasn't won a tournament in a cued three pairs with chips to 1 .661 Twaronil*. rf . S 2 1 wUMn a toot of th* cup." to tha extent of e *Nnake good” Inaertloii. Errors which do not Money to Loan 29 ■peed UrniU. . . . Pro foot­ Paul Dodge ...... 2 Oaks faced With a tough year, said hs paid a recant visit REWEAVTNQ of bums, moth Oenter C o n g o ...... 1 1 AOO MrAdain, if .4 0 4 leeeea the value of the edverttsemeot will not M eorreoted by ball buff* will have an oppor­ Off the Cuff Viol,>loi. VIcf 8 0 1 Toronto ball club this week to Ms old boos, Claud* Harmon, On th* 13th, he sliced Into an *Nneln good” Ineertlon. holes. 2Upp*rs repaired. Win­ BBOOND MORraAOB - U» Big Ous Trlandos, who has Mai Tool ...... 1 1 .600 McCauley. If ...... 8 0 0 at Winged Foot Country CSub at adjacent fairway and caught dow shades mads to mees ing ground gainer In their two smoke has cleared away and had mud hMe trouble on the The loss eliminated Wyman, the Crowell, Sb ...... 4 3 3 my gam* haa got battar each ment. If you have equity In Is all aet for the Notre Dame- ment store In San Francisco. . Simmons, sa ...... 4 1 3 exhibition games as well as the 17th fairway aa he staggered to Building— Contracting 14 property, caU Frank Burks to Army football game, Oct. 9 at Second annual Five Mile Road defending town champions. May. aC ...... 1 0 0 opening win over Richmond, day a 74. Troublt Reaehing Our Advertiser? It promisee to be a hectic Oxols. cf ...... 3 1 3 discuss ways and means. Con. Shea Stadium in New York. Race in honor of Dr. Charlie Ka.-iavai(e, rf ...... 3 0 0 has been sldellnsd for at least "I Mt a good Shot off ths tss," CARPENTRY — 82 year*’ ex­ nectlcut Mortgage E!xehang% "ISie tickets have already ar­ Robbins will be held Saturday, week, with three duta still Doucette, cf ...... 2 0 1 this week, with a knee injury. Sugimoto was one o f six {deyere perience. Ollings arid floors alive In the tourney. Center he said, "but that waa the last 24-Hour Answeriug Senriee 16 Lewis 8 U Hartford, 346. rived," the school probation Sept. 4 in Middletown. Bemie McNcIl. lb ...... 4 0 0 His place In the offensive back- one stroke beMnd Bouehak. one.’’ tiled, porches, rec room*. ga» M97. Congo meets Mol Monday, the An.ealdl c ...... 3 0 1 The group also Included Ar­ head reports. . . . Pat Mistret- O’Rourke, city recreation direc­ Gllha, If ...... 8 0 1 field will be filled by Mario U. B. Open champion Gary Free to Herald Readers rages, additions, attics finish­ winner to play Paul Dodge Potter, 3b ...... 3 0 0 A L PU TZ H A L IX W IS DICK MoOILL nold Palmer, Miller Barber, Joe 2 ta. No. 1 pitcher with Morl- tor In Middletown, Is promoting Metndes, who Just rejoined the Player of fiouth Africa gained a ed. remodeled, concrete work. arty’s and the Twilight the race. Three trophies and 10 ’Tuesday for the right to meet MIstretta, p ...... 3 1 1 club last week from ths San Campbell and Dick Hart. stroke by having the first round Want Informatlcn on one of o«r elaaelfleg advertteemeator He No Job too small. Immediate Musical— Dramatic 30 Walnut Wednesday in the title League’s best In 196S, was a medals will be awarded. Bob­ Totals 31 5 11 Diego Chargers. Sugimoto te a touring pro in washed out Hiureday. Player answer at tha telepbon* UstedT JUmply eall tha estimates. 648-2829. tl^^-sport letterman at West bins, holder of numerous nation­ game. Walnut 300 000 4—9 14 Mendez played against Rich­ Japan who played in tn m ps- was one over Thursday, but fln- Virginia Wesleyan, playing al champdonshlpe and a practic­ Steve McAdam paced the Paid Dodge 101 000 3-6 11 Moriarty’s Meet Vernon mond and was on the receiving vlous tourneyslayz in th* United izbed with a par 71 ths seomid CARPENTRY —Concrete steps, PIANO instruction, in my home, Barbers, showing four hits for States, including the fit. Paul EDWARDS floors, hatrhways, remodeling 188 McKee Btreat. 849-9679. baseball, basketb^ and foot­ ing physician at the Connecticut Mai Tool (4) end of a 28 yard touchdown toss time around. ball and was tabbbd the out­ Valley Hospital, will compete. . a perfect night. Equally pro­ ab r h r from quarterlMUik Mike Mosolf. Open, the first In which he British Open champlao Peter porches, garages, closets, csll- ductive was Bob Carlson who Newton, lb ...... 3 0 1 made the outotf. ANSWERING SERVICE Ings, attics finished, rec toovna standing senior athlete a year exmtestants In Sunday’s exhibi­ It Is expected that Mosolf will Thomeon had a 77 and Dave Private Instructions 32 tion football game at Yale Hos­ accounted for three of the win­ Bats, as ...... 3 0 0 share quarterbacking duties The Jovial 180-poundar aamed Marr, lost week’s PGA winner, formica. No Job too amaU. D A •go- Barcomb, 3b ...... 8 1 0 Sunday^ in lOH Benefit D (Carpentry fiervic*. 849-8S80. s e e pital, wlU compete. . Contest­ ners' 14 hits. Kozickl. p ...... 3 0 0 with Manch Wheeler, newest ar­ an invitation hers becauas of hia who had a 73. ATTENTION Tractor Trailer Walnut took an early 3-1 lead Wilbanks, If ...... 8 1 1 iint performances in ths Ma­ 6494)500 - 075-2519 ants in Sunday’s exhibition foot­ rival In the Oaks camp. Wheel­ NEWTON H. SMITH A flONfi— Trainees. Men 19 and over are Short Stuff ball game at Yale Bowl, the after the first Inning, scored Weir, c ...... 3 1 1 er, a star quarterback last year Eyan and Thailand tounia- and leave yoor meeeage. YoaH hear from our adverttser In Jig needed at once to train (or Coaches in attendance at the two more In the fifth and four Duolos, i f ...... 3 0 1 Q-foying in s1i &D€ fo r Lewis &nd Wally Widholin.^hurler In the st&te tMs seesoni ments. RemodeUng, repairing, recrea­ New York Olonts and Pitts­ Morris rf ...... 8 1 1 * ^ probably the best receiver iaaIn pitching Vkl M fw South U/lw/laj’kt*Windsor fpvto ttlJIthe for the Portland Seahawks, is T BOWUNO MEBTINO time without speodlng an evening at the telephone. tion rooms, additions, garages, high paying Jobe as Tractor* Moently concluded and hlghly- In the seventh to win going Uzwack. 2b ...... 1 0 0 Ths 37-year-oId fiugtmoto oald burgh Steelere, will receive a coming playoffs, Hartford Twilight arcult. Zone Four pennant, and former working out with the team this concrete work. Coll 649-8144. T ^ le r Drivers if qualified. ■uooesaful 20th annual Coaiohee’ away. Sleeves, of ...... 3 1 0 week and should be ready lor Ms biggest prize in a singls repi Earnlnga $200. per week salary minimum of $%,000 each and Twilight League pennant Rockville fans will also get a Stafford High ace Pete Sfreddo, Automobiles For Sale 4 CUnlc at UConn were ^nging with a sellout, could ^Ut a swag Suffering their first loss In TotalA who served a stint with the Min duty against the Rifles, meet was the 02,000 ha won In atlves of entries In the Y Bowl­ DION CONSTRUernON OO. — and up. Many Jobs available. WsrmB chance to see the league’s leeid- the Japan Open. Asked through A TASTE OP HONEY— Last in the PGA cham­ the pradsee of Dan Jeasee of of 176,000 down the middle. The the playoff. Dodge was paced 1 winner Moriarty Bros. nesota farm system. Against Richmond, Mosojf ing Leogus will meet Wednes­ Complete buUdlng service. New Budget plan available also. For Trinity College who handled the ing pitcher, Pat MIstretta, who an interpreter what ha would do 1958 CHEVROLET Impala Con Giants and Detroit Lions the by Don Simmons’ three hits. Paiterson. .. 0 meets Vernon Mobile completed four out of 11 passis day night at 7:80 at the HoU' pionship a year ago, Dave Marr turned things construction, alterations or ad­ detaUs phone 249-7771 anytime. ri had won all nine of his deci­ Behind the trio will be i If he won the 036,000 first prize HERALD vertlble, 6 automatic, black baseball portioa of the pro­ first year and the Giants and Eric Gaols homered for the FV)wler. p ...... strong Infield composed of A1 and had one other intercepted day Lanes. Offleers arc Charlie around completely and won the 1965 title. The ditions. Roofing, siding, point­ Jenkins, cf . . . . 2 Homes tomorrow at 2 at sions this season. The Rockville here, he said: with white top, exceptional con gram. At least a doaen coaxes Baltimore Colts the second year losers In the seventh. Putz and Mark Bucheri, both for a net yardage passing of 1^2 Whalen, president; Art John ing. etc. 648-4862, 648-0890. Wienrnian, If .. 1 Rockville’s Henry Park. All High faculty member and coach "Give up pleylnf and go back New Rochelle, N. Y „ pro is among the favorites in dttion, terms available. 844- —who handle sports other than each received $37,500 for partic­ Mai Tool broke a 2-2 tie with LuUen. .... strong hitters with the Rock yards, it Is expected that Wheel­ ■on, secretary, and Joe Twaro- Help Wanted— Famalfi 85 baseball, including football or ® proceeds will go to the I.O.H. was a big factor in Moiiarty’s to Japan.’* nite, treasurer. 1200,000 GarUng World Golf Tournament. DOX LETTERS 8256. QUALITY Carpentry — Rooms, ipating In the Albie Booth Me­ two runs in the fifth and put Berramtnl, lb second flag In a row. vllle Legion this season, at third er win be able to fill fills voal basketball—claimed Jeseee was the contest out of Wyman’s Tint!, ab ...... 0 ‘ (Instructors of the Handlcap- dormers, porches, basements PART-TIME or full-ttma. ox- morial Boys’ Club Fund attrac­ Cavanaugh, m oj ped) pool fund. Vernon Coach Frank McCoy and first base, Dick McGill at In otherwise potent Oaks of­ 1958 FORD station wagon, perleneed bookkeeper. Apply the hit of the mld-eummer pro­ reach. The losers added a tally For Your standard 6 cylinder, 0KX). 043- refliUshed, caMnets, buUt-lns, tions. Ample supply of tickets Jackflon, c .... 9i Moriarty Bros.’ Coach Gene has put together a tough trio to short and Manchester’s Bill fense. • formica, aluminum, vinyl, in pereon, Mariovra lao., MT gram. Jeasee, who is beet known remain to be sold. ’The ducat in the seventh, but Mai put the Calhoun 3b .,. Halftime entertainment fdr 4379. IdUchaud. rf . . . ' Johnson ^11 go with his regu­ face the Gas Housers, headed Andrulot at the kestone spot. InformatioB steel, ceramo siding. WUliam MoM St. for hia footbaB coaching abil­ sale Is lagging behind the first fire out before any damage. by Skip Olander, who beat Mor­ Dave Klecak, who played with tMs Saturdays game will & ity, ia also a learned baseball It was a pitchers night, the lar lineup, featuring the Twi­ 1959 CHEVROLE3T Bel Air —4- RobMns (Jarpentry fiervlca, two promotions It was reported TotaJs 77 3 3 1 light Loop’s leader Utter, Bob iarty’s Wednesday night pitch­ the Holy Cross freshmen this supplied by the Charter OaMi man who had kept up with the winners collecting five hits and MtaJ Tool 010 130 0—4 Jack Sanford Successfu door, excellent condition, $250. 649-3448. in New Haven. Carlson. Also expected to see ing for Royal. Behind the UConn spring, and jtowerful Joe Van Sabres, who ware a feature a|- RN OR LPN, l-U Shift, part- game and is highly respected the losers only three. Weir and WYinan 000 aoo 1—8 TOE HERALD will not or best offer. CaU 843-5220. • « • action are Moe Morhardt, for­ FYosh standout are Loomis Oudenhove, ex-RockvlUe High traction at two of last yean disclose the Identity of A A. IXON, INC Roofing time, 849-4619. in mMty areas . . . Two Man­ Steeves of Mai delivered the ^ t M n g s Little Miss Softball mer Chicago Cub, and the Prep’s Jim Needham, Judged performer, will handle the Oaks games. I any advertleer using box siding, palntiiw. Carpentry. Al­ chester High coaches were hi big hits, run producing doubles, Ticket sales continue good ta r COUNTER girls for night week, Here *n There then scoring themselves. leagues RBI champ. Speedy by many to be the best Legion catching. National League letters. Readers enswer- FORD Galaxie 1968, excellent terations and addlncaa. OsU- attendance, Dick Danielson, Heading the outfielders is the Oaks home opmer, General In American League Debut ing blind box eda who Ingi. Woikmanshto guaran­ over 18, Apply to Mrs. CtMqi^ still in a San Francisco uni­ Wyman leaves the tourney UtUe Missiles 32, PelUn’s 24; W. L. P ot O.B. condition, $1,376. 742-8970. man, HoUday Lanes. head soccer mentor, and Verne form, but no longer a member Jeff Heintz, who played In the Manager Don Brewer said ttotire to protect their teed. 399 Autumn 8t 043-4890. Burnette, new assistant foot­ with a 1-2 mark, after showing Moriarty Bros. 18, Killan Steel MUwaukee .. 70 60 .683 — of the Giants, is Jack Sanford, Ball 6 ; Nassiff Arms 16, Bantly garden for Central Ckmn. this "Tliere are sUU plenty of good Identity can follow this ball cocMih . . . Joe Soltys, sm 11-1 mark to win the Dusty spring. Flanking Heintz will be Loe Angelea . 71 82 .677 N EW YORK /A p \ _ _ * s a s City 8-1, Detroit swept Boa-es. ExceUent been brought up from ^ minor Houston ...... 60 72 .410 21 American League debut 0 lead In the fourth inning with Bill Skowron’B two-run homer fore 2 p.m. workmanship. 649-6496. position, insurance benefits. asset than the hard-working league system. . Wally Wld- companies you do NOT . former newspaperman . . .Two New York ... 88 86 .297 after nine years aa a Na­ a two-run homer. Albie Pearson off Kansas City’s Jim Hunter In Apply by mall or in person, twlni and Hal Lewis have now Busy Pro Football Weekend it to see your letter. Hartford Dispatch, 226 Proe- eochibitors at the clinic, both of Friday’s Beeulis tional Leaguer, aet down knocked in the Angels’ other run the tMrd Inning powered the 1968 RAMBLER, 6 cylinder, A Your letter win be des­ played on four consecutive Milwaukee 4, Pittsburgh S In the seventh with a single, one WMte Sox to their seventh standard, 4-door. Best offer. Roofing and rhlmneys 16-A pect St., East Hartford, Mr. ' whom were former head foot- championahip entries in the the first-pkice Twins on troyed if the advertiser is Manus. Please do not phone. one you’ve mentioned. If ROOFING — aperJaUring re­ I eoc-Boeton University mentor, X George Brunet had the Twins 20-game winner last season, pair helped Hamilton win In 1962 won his eighth gams against 10 not It will be handled In 1948 DESOTO — sedan, new mo­ pairing roofs of aU klnda, new < and Hal Kopp, former Rhode Cincinnati 0, Philadelphia 3, day night, and the Los An­ shutout on three Mts until the the usual manner. and 1063 and Moriarty’s the past B ob H ayes Fightk^ ninth inning of the second game. defeats. tor overhaul. Good running roofs, gutter work, ctaLuneys Island coach. Sinko is now sell­ 10 inning* geles Angels held on for a two seasons. . Both will be on But ZoUo Versalles singled, • • • condition, $50. 643-2171 or 643- cleaned, repaired. Aluminum SALESLADIES to work full­ ing sports books and sports In Bowl Tomorrow fit. Loula 8, New York 1 3-1 victory in the first B m m m m a m m siding. 90 years’ experience. time, apply Pilgrim Mills, dieplay Sunday afternoon at moved to tMrd as Rich Rollins YANKEES-ORIOLES— 8470. films and Kopp is trying to Houston 7-0, Chicago 4-3 game of a doubleheader. Free estimates. OaU Bowlay, Hartford Rd., open 10 a.m. to move football sled adaptors. Hock\^le’s Henry Pailt when Today’s Games douUed and scored the tying Jack Cullen pitched a three- Lost and Fonnd the Gas House Gang faces the Young quarteribacks will be in the spotlight— or at Minnesota ciuno back for a I- Mtter for Ms first complete 1969 BLUE Corvette convertible, 84S-6861. 644-9199. 9 p.m. • * * Cincinnati (Nuxhall 9-3) run on Tony Oliva’s grounder. 3 speed, standard shift, $1,460. Vernon Mobile Homes. Game east on the spot— tomorrow at Yale Bowl when the For Grid Career 1 triumph in th* niihtcim. Rollins went to tMrd on the game In the majors, and Tom LOST: Passbook No. 15084. No­ Fhlladelphla (Culp 8-9) tice Is hereby given that Pass Call 648-1060. Just Jotting* starts at 2 o’clock with all pro­ N^ew York Giants and the Pittsburgh Steelers clash for Milwaukee (Lemaster 8-9) The Angels purchasod th* grounder and scored as Andy Tresh Mt his 19th homer in the Heating and Plumbing 17 U ear-old veto: book No. leOM Is Issued by the Latest from the Weat Coast ceeds entering the IGH Fund.. NEW YORK (A P )—-Olympian Bob Hayes continues Pittsbuigh (Friend 6-10 or Sisk Iran from the Kosco filed out. Sandy Valdeepi fourth inning for the Yankees’ 1968 FORD, 4-door, automatic the benefit of the Albie Booth Boys’ Clubs of New Ha*' Fnvaanclsco Giantsanis only four days First Manchester Office, Hart­ lAows Tom Kelley’s pitching eXut Gowdy, who is now In the lis quest for a professional fcxitball career tonight, at- 4-3) no then added a run-scoring sin­ only run. Cullen allowed