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Glory Reign Resource Page

Glory Reign Resource Page From: Table of Contents

Introduction Prayers (Pages 2-3) Prayers to Break Soul Ties & Curses... (Pg 9-10) Holy Spirit Prayer Breaking Soul Ties Soaking Covering/Protection Prayer Short Prayer to break Curses, Spells & Incantations Personal Binding to mind and life of Christ Prayer (From Liberty Savard's book- “Shattering Stronghold's”) Cleansing House/Room Prayers… (Pg 10-13) Front door Dining Room Prayers of Protection... (Pg 3-4) Kitchen/breakfast Family Protection Prayer Living Room Daily Binding Protection Prayer Master Bedroom Cutting Free Prayer (for after intercession, Guest Room ministry, or deliverance w/others) Office The Armor of God Bathrooms Garage

Prayers of Healing... (Pg 5) Daily Forgiveness Prayer Daily Declarations (Pg 14-15) Prayer for Health 1. increasing expectancy of God’s goodness 2. faith built God’s promises 3. speaking to various aspects of our lives Prayers of Generational Healing... (Pg 5-6) Generational Cleansing Prayer Books to Check out…(Pg 15-16) Prayer to cut Generational Predispositions Healing & Deliverance Prophetic Prayers of Deliverance... (Pg 6-8) Spiritual Warfare Prayer of Renouncement from the Occult Kingdom Perspective & Activation Renouncement of Freemasonry Personal Accounts of Heaven Revoking Negative Vows Removing False Judgments

As Christians we are privileged to be able to communicate with the Lord on a daily basis through the power of prayer. There is nothing the enemy fears more than prayer AND there is nothing that moves heaven to action quicker than the [saints] faithfully praying. -Glory Reign Ministries Glory Reign Ministries ______Many people ask us for resource material so we put together this page. These are not necessarily Glory Reign Ministries items. The following are several prayers and book resources that we encourage you to find, buy and check out. Please note that they are in NO WAY exhaustive prayers on the subject. They are simply meant to give you direction in the different ways you can pray for your needs and desires.

Holy Spirit Prayer: “Holy Spirit, come and enlighten me, console and instruct me. Show me the way you would have me go today. Fill me with your light, power and life. Spirit of the living God, fall a fresh on me and my family today.”

Soaking Covering/Protection Prayer: “Lord I consecrate my mind, thoughts, imagination, ears, eyes, body, soul, will, intellect, desires, emotions and attitude to you. I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, thoughts, imagination, ears, eyes, body, soul, will, intellect, desires, emotions and attitude, cleansing them from sin and all soulishness. In the name of Jesus, I bind up all demonic attacks and spirits sent against these areas, including all communicating spirits and their communications, all blocking spirits and any others demonic entities that would seek to infiltrate my time with the Lord. I plead the blood of Jesus over them and cancel their assignments. I ask you Father to loose your angels to come and remove anything that is not of you. I also bind up the soulish voice, the soulish imagination and soulish will and declare that they will be silent. I declare that my mind, thoughts, imagination, ears, eyes, body, soul, will, intellect, desires, emotions and attitude are sanctified unto the Lord. Come Holy Spirit and guide me as I pray, open my eyes to see and my ears to hear what the voice of the Lord is saying to me. In Jesus precious and holy name.”

Personal Binding to mind and life of Christ Prayer: (From Liberty Savard's book- Shattering Stronghold's) “Lord I am standing on the truth of your Word. You said you would give me the keys to the kingdom, that whatsoever I would bind on earth would be bound in heaven and whatsoever I would loose on earth would be loosed in heaven. Right now in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind my will to the will of God, that I will be constantly aware of his will and purposes for my life. I bind myself to the truth of God that I will not be deceived by the many subtle deceptions of the world and Satan. I bind myself to the blood of Jesus and all of its miraculous working power to restore, protect, heal and keep me safe. I bind myself to the mind of Christ and ask his mind to be in me that I would have the thoughts, purposes and feelings of his heart and mind in me and be aware of how Jesus would have me think in every situation I come into this day. I bind my feet to the paths of righteousness that my steps will be steady and true all day long. I bind myself to the work of the cross with all of its love, power, forgiveness, truth, ______2 Glory Reign Ministries ______mercy and dying to self. I bind the strongman so I may spoil his house taking back every bit of joy, peace, blessing, freedom and every material and spiritual possession that he has stolen from me. Satan, I loose your influence over every part of my mind, body, soul and spirit. I loose, crush, smash and destroy every evil device you may try to bring into my life and sphere of influence during this day. I repent of every wrong desire, attitude and pattern of thinking I have had. Forgive me Lord for holding onto wrong ideas, desires, behaviours and habits. I renounce and reject these things. In Jesus name I loose, crush , break, smash and melt every wrong attitude, pattern of thinking, belief, idea, desire, behavior and habit I have ever learned. I loose the strongholds around them that would keep me from being completely surrendered to the will of God for my life. I loose all doubt and confusion from myself. In Jesus name I loose the power of all word curses spoken to, about, or by me. I loose all generational bondages and their strongholds from my life. I have bound myself to the mind of Christ, and I loose every wrong thought and evil imagination that will keep me from being in unity with him today. I bind and loose these things in the name of Jesus Christ, who has given me the keys to do so. Thank you Jesus for the truth.”

Prayers of Protection

Family Protection Prayer "I place myself, family, pets, and loved ones under the cross of Jesus Christ. I cover myself, family, pets and loved ones with the Blood of Jesus Christ. I surround myself, family, pets and loved ones with the light of Jesus Christ. Now I, all my family, pets and loved ones are now in the center of the presence of Jesus Christ. I bind up in the name of Jesus and by the power of his cross and blood, all spirits of the air, atmosphere, water, ground, underground, nether world, fire and wind and I declare in the name of Jesus that none of them shall harm me, my family, pets or loved ones. I bind up in the crown of thorns of Jesus all communication spirits and their communications, all distracting spirits and their distractions, all confusing spirits and their confusion, all interrupting spirits and their interruptions, all conflicting spirits and tormenting spirits and any others sent by Satan to torment us. In the name of Jesus, I declare all these are bound on earth and are bound in heaven and are sent to Jesus for him to handle. I loose the angels to remove them. Now I loose upon myself, family and loved ones, all the graces of the Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Daily Binding Protection Prayer "In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of his cross and blood, I (we) bind the spirits, powers and forces of the earth, the underground, the air, the water, the fire, the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature. I (we) break any curses, hexes or spells sent against me (us); I (we) decommission any evil spirits sent against me (us) and send them directly to Jesus for him to deal with as He

______3 Glory Reign Ministries ______will. Lord, I (we) ask you to bless my (our) enemies by sending your Holy Spirit to lead them to repentance. I (we) bind all interplay, interaction and communication of evil spirits that might affect me (us). I (we) claim the protection of the shed blood of Jesus Christ over ______. Thank you for your protection, Lord. Amen"

Cutting Free Prayer: (to pray after you have done intercession, ministry or deliverance work with others.) "Lord Jesus, thank you for sharing with me your wonderful ministry of healing, intercession and deliverance. Lord I realise that the sickness and evil I encounter are more than my humanity can bear, so cleanse me of any sadness, negativity or despair that I may have picked up. If this ministry has tempted me to anger, impatience, or judgment cleanse me of all of those temptations and replace them with your love, joy, and peace. If any evil spirits have attached themselves to me or oppress me in any way, I command you spirits of the earth, air, fire, water, underground or the netherworld or of nature to depart now and go straight to Jesus Christ for him to deal with as he will. Come Holy Spirit, renew me. Fill me anew with your power, love, and joy. Strengthen me where I have felt weak and cloth me with your light. Fill me with life. And Lord Jesus, please send your holy angels to minister to me and my family and to guard and protect us all from sickness, harm and accidents. I praise you now and forever more, Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

The Armor of God: "Heavenly father, Abba, I desire to be strong in you Lord and in your mighty power. I recognise that it is essential to put on the armour that you have provided. I do so now with gratitude, praise and thanksgiving recognising that the armour is effective spiritual protection against the spiritual forces of darkness. Knowing that my mind is a target of Satan's deceiving ways, I shield my mind by putting on the helmet of salvation. Recognising that Jesus Christ is my salvation, I shield my head with him and invite his mind to be in me. With the breastplate of righteousness in place, I ask the holiness of Jesus Christ to be in my life this day. By taking Jesus, who is the truth, as my strength and protection, I confidently strap on the belt of truth. I ask for the wisdom and discernment to believe, live, speak, see and know only the truth. Eagerly, Lord God, I lift up the shield of faith as I trust you to be a complete and perfect shield against the flaming arrows of the evil one. With joy I take hold of the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. Enable me to use your Word not only to defend myself from Satan but also to claim its promises for my life. Thank you Lord for the shoes of peace. I desire that my feet walk in obedience to your ways and will and as he promised, that the Prince of Peace walk with me. Help me, O Lord to keep this armour well oiled with prayer. I desire to pray at all times with depth and

______4 Glory Reign Ministries ______intensity as guided by the Holy Spirit. All of these things I ask in the powerful name of my Lord Jesus Christ and in the might of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

______5 Glory Reign Ministries ______Prayers of Healing

Daily Forgiveness Prayer “Jesus, you have shown the way of forgiveness for myself and others. In your infinite mercy you have given me the way to heal the ravages of unforgiveness, some of which are: bitterness, depression, mental illness and physical disease. Jesus, help me to pray for those whom I can’t forgive, because they have hurt me so. What they did was so unjust Lord, but do help me to forgive them by praying for them. So Lord Jesus, deliver me from all of the evils that surround me, especially from the evil one, Satan and his own, who pursue me unrelentingly; they mercilessly press down upon me and they fuel my foolishness, and curse my goodness. Lord Jesus, be my shield, my guardian and my savior. you eagerly come before I call for help, help me and fill me with your light. Jesus, may the power of your Father’s love send the Holy Spirit into my heart and into my life forever. Thank you Father, Amen.”

Prayer for Health “My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. My members - the parts of my body are instruments of righteousness, presented to God for his service and his glory. Satan, his evil spirits, and illness, have no place in me, no power over me and no unsettled claims against me. ALL has been settled by the blood of Jesus. I overcome Satan by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. My body is for the Lord and the Lord is for my body. Jesus bore my sickness and infirmity and in him I am healed. In Jesus’ Holy name I pray. Amen.”

Prayers of Generational Healing

Generational Cleansing Prayer “Dear Father, I come before you in the blessed name of Jesus Christ standing in repentance for every sin committed knowingly or unknowingly by myself, my parents, my grandparents and all past generations of my family blood line. I especially repent for the sins of (fill in the sins you are aware of) and for any generational ties to occult, Masonic or satanic organisations. I repent for any generational sins that have opened my family line up to any type of curse or demonic oppression. I ask you to forgive me and my family line for all of these sins. Lord Jesus, I also ask that you would cleanse me of any predispositions to sin that may have come down through my family line. I take the sword of the spirit and I cut myself free from any predisposition to sin especially (name specific sins here) . Lord I also ask that you free me and my family line from all familiar spirits including spirits of infirmity, addiction, abuse, death, ( name others that come to mind here) . In the name of

______6 Glory Reign Ministries ______Jesus, I cover myself and my family line with the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ and declare that Jesus Christ is my true inheritance. In the power of Jesus name by his cross and blood I also break the curses that have come upon me and my family line, specifically the curse of mental illness, chronic illness, miscarriage and inability to have children, divorce, poverty and financial lack, accident prone, suicide, early death, and (name the others that relate to your family) . Thank you, Lord for healing me, my descendants and my past generations. Thank you, Lord for the blessings that have been passed down to me through my family line and that I have received through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank you, Lord for filling me with your Holy Spirit and for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray. Amen.”

Prayer to cut Generational Predispositions "Dear Lord, if there is any predisposition to (alcoholism, lust, etc.) that has come down to me through my parents, my father, my grandparents, etc., I ask you through your power to set me free. Send your Holy Spirit, and by the power of your Holy Spirit, and by the Sword of the Spirit, cut me free from any predisposition to ______. Lord Jesus, in place of this weakness, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit, and fill me with your spirit of (self-control, confidence, courage, fortitude, or whatever fruit of the Spirit counteracts this weakness that I have). Thank you, Lord, for healing my descendants and me. In your precious name I pray. Amen"

Prayers of Deliverance Prayer of Renouncement from the Occult “Lord, I renounce Satan and any involvement in the occult I have had. I repent of all witchcraft, sorcery and tarot reading. I repent of psychics, séances, horoscopes, and spells. I repent of Ouija Board games, voodoo, blood rituals and covenants. I repent of Masonic rituals, astral projection and all occult activity that I have ever been involved in. I repent of and renounce all spirit guides and familiar occult spirits that I may have been involved with. In Jesus’ name I command Satan and his evil spirits in to depart from me and trouble me no more. I take the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and cut myself free from any bondage to the occult world. I close the door between that world and me and I seal it with the blood of Jesus, barring it with his cross. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness and for freeing me to love you with all my heart, mind and soul. In the Holy name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.”

Renouncement of Freemasonry "Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you, and others made in your image. ______7 Glory Reign Ministries ______In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge, craft or occultism by my ancestors and myself. I renounce every covenant, every blood covenant and every alliance with Freemasonry or the spiritual powers behind it made by my family or me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke, renounce and bind Witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, the Spirit of Antichrist, the Spirit of Fides, and the spirits of Death, and Deception. I also renounce and rebuke the Spirit of Prostitution. I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including "Master," "Worshipful Master," or any other occultic title. I also renounce all obligations, oaths and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all women's orders of Freemasonry, the Order of the Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls or any other Masonic or occultic organization. In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce the oaths taken and the curses and iniquities involved in the Thirty-Third Degree of Freemasonry, First or Entered Apprentice Degree, the Second or Fellow Craft Degree and the Third or Master Mason Degree, I renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses and iniquities involved in: the York Rite Degrees of Masonry, the Mark Lodge, the Holy Royal Arch Degree and the Royal Master Degree of the York Rite; I renounce the oaths taken and the curses, iniquities and penalties involved in: the Eighteenth Degree of Freemasonry, the Thirtieth Degree of Masonry, the Thirty-First Degree of Masonry, and the Thirty-Second Degree of Masonry, I renounce the oaths taken and the curses, iniquities and penalties involved in the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and every other degree, Lodge or secret society or ritual that either I or my ancestors ever took or participated in. In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I break every curse of Freemasonry in my life, including the curses of barrenness, sickness, mind-blinding and poverty. I also renounce, cut off and dissolve in the blood of Jesus Christ every ungodly soul-tie that I or my ancestors have created with other lodge members or participants in occultic groups and actions. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now bind every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins that I have confessed and renounced, including every spirit empowering all iniquities inherited from my family. I command, in the name of Jesus Christ, for every evil spirit to leave me now, and go directly to Jesus Christ never to return to me or my family, and I command that you now take all your memories, roots, scars, works, nests and habits with you. I surrender to God's Holy Spirit and to no other spirit all the places in my life where these sins and iniquities have been. I ask you, Lord, to fill me with your Holy Spirit now according to the promises in your Word. I enthrone you, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for you are my Lord and my Savior, the source of eternal life. Thank you, Father God, for your mercy, your forgiveness and your love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

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______9 Glory Reign Ministries ______Revoking Negative Vows Negative vows are verbal contracts that we make with our words in regards to ourselves. Because our words have the power of life and death, the vows that we speak to or about ourselves can have severe consequences. Simple phrases said in times of emotional turmoil and distress like, “I will never have… I will never be able to… I will never do…” can set into motion circumstances that prophetically fulfill the very words that were spoken. Negative vows act like road blocks set up against the forward motion in our life and they can hinder our progress towards healing. Many of us are suffering under the consequences of vows that we have made and completely forgotten about. In order for us to go deeper in our healing, we must revoke these words and remove their imprint from our lives. Pray the prayer below... “In Jesus name, Father I humbly repent and ask for forgiveness for every negative vow that I have made or spoken against myself including (here announce all the negative vows you may have made over yourself). I plead the blood of Jesus over these vows and decree that they are crushed, broken and removed and have no more power over me or my life. I take the sword of the Spirit and cut myself free from all of their negative effects over my body, my mind and my soul and declare their effects upon my body, mind and soul. I break every cycle these words may have set in motion and I close every channel that allowed them to operate. Lord Jesus I ask you to come and cleanse every place in me that has been affected by these words and heal every trauma that was created. Fill these places with your Spirit and your healing peace. Lord, give me the grace to now go forward in my life, free from all these past entanglements. In Jesus Holy Name I pray.”

Removing False Judgments “You’re stupid…You’re ugly…You’ll never amount to anything!”- all of these words can have incredible negative effects -- especially when they are used as false judgments against us. Condemning words from a parent, a spouse or a friend can have harmful effects that cast a dark shadow over our lives and act as barriers to our healing. Likewise, we can also make personal judgments against others that can have a backlash effect on our lives, causing us to experience the very thing we have judged them for. Rejecting false judgments and the blocks they impart into our lives is important step we take towards our healing. Simply pray the prayer below... “In Jesus name, Father I humbly repent and ask for forgiveness for every false judgment that I have made or spoken against (here list people like your parents, brother/sisters, spouse, etc.) Lord, wash me clean of any negative backlash that may have come upon me for these judgments. Now in Jesus name, I break the false judgments of (here list the words that were spoken against you) spoken to or against me, and declare them all null and void. I decree that they are crushed, broken and removed and have no more power over me or my life. I take the sword of the Spirit and cut myself free from all of their negative effects over my body, my mind and my soul. By the power of the Holy Spirit I now decree the truth of God’s word over my life, that I am (here list verses from scripture that are what God says about you like - I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, etc). By

______10 Glory Reign Ministries ______the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask the Lord Jesus to come and fill every place that has now been emptied with his healing and truth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

______11 Glory Reign Ministries ______Prayer s to Break Soul Ties & Curses "Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you, in Jesus' name, and repent for allowing any control or bondage in my life and ask to be forgiven. I renounce all use of soul power. I renounce allowing myself to be controlled or manipulated in any way. I loose myself from all control, soul bonding, bondage, slavery, or any spirits that have come from the controller, any sex partner in the past or by any person, specifically (name of person) . I declare that Jesus has delivered me from bondage, and I am a child of light and the bride of Christ. I now ask you, Lord Jesus, to make me free from these soul ties, soul bonds, or cords of iniquity between me and any sex partner of the past, or any other person or persons, specifically (name of person) . I cancel and break this bonding and cords of iniquity permanently. I take back all rights to my body, to my soul, and to my spirit. I reclaim all the parts of myself that were connected to the other person or sex partner of the past. I release all parts of the other person. I break any psychic or telepathic links between me and any other person, in Jesus' name. Father, if there should be any ungodly bonds between my soul and spirit, I now renounce them and break them, in Jesus' name. I ask you, Father, to apply the blood of Jesus to where these cords were connected so they can never be reconnected. I command all evil spirits that have come from this connection to leave me now and never return, in Jesus' name."

Short Prayer to break Curses, Spells & Incantations “Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you as your child, born again, redeemed, and washed in the blood of Jesus. I declare that you, Jesus, have redeemed me from the curse of the law having been made a curse for me at Calvary. I proclaim that I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints of God. I give thanks unto you, Father, for delivering me from all the powers of darkness and translating me into the kingdom of your dear Son. As one who is covered with the blood of Jesus, I here and now reject and disown all the sins, pacts, dedications, curses and occult selections of my ancestors or any relatives, specifically (name of person(s) responsible for the curse, if known) , which has been passed on to me intentionally or unintentionally. In Jesus' name, Father, I ask to be redeemed and cleansed from all evil curses, incantations, dedications, spells, pacts, and familiar spirits passed on to me from my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, ancestors, relatives, or any other person, specifically (name of person(s) responsible, if known) . Father, I also ask to be redeemed and cleansed from all curses that have come upon me from what I have done or been involved in. I now appropriate in my life, Jesus’ death on the cross to free me from all curses. I REPENT and declare that I am totally committed and complete in my relationship to my Lord, Jesus Christ. In the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break and loose myself and all my children or children to be, from all evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, incantations, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchments, pacts, dedications, or sorcery that have been put on ______12 Glory Reign Ministries ______me or my family line or by any other person or persons (person's name, if known) or from any occult, cultic, satanic or psychic source. I declare all these curses, dedications, or pacts null and void, in Jesus' name. I reject every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I reject every demon, evil spirit or familiar spirit sent to me by Satan or attached to any part of me because of these curses, dedications, pacts or my activities. I command all these connected and related spirits to leave me now and never return, in Jesus' name. I command you, Satan, to remove from me all satanic shields, seals, devises or mechanisms used to harass, manipulate, or control me in any way or attach and hold a familiar or demonic spirit to any part of me. I command you, Satan, to take them off now, and I command all these attached spirits to leave me now and never return, in Jesus' name. Father, in Jesus' name, I ask you to send your warrior angels to take all these evil and familiar spirits to their destiny. I now ask you, Heavenly Father, to fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to live above sin. I now submit my life and all to you. I determine to look to you, Heavenly Father, to provide all my needs. I will not yield my body or any part of my body to any sinful practice or unrighteousness. I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, an instrument of righteousness, a living, holy sacrifice, to glorify you, Father. I ask you, Father to surround me with your warrior angels, giving them charge over me to protect me in all my ways. Amen.”

Cleansing House/Room Prayers Front door “Lord Jesus I present this land, property and home with everything in it to you. I say that as for my house, we will serve the Lord. Now come and break every hex, spell, evil spirit and demonic assignment from this land, property and home. Remove every spirit of infirmity, fear, divination, whoredom/idolatry, bondage haughtiness, perverseness, deaf and dumbness, heaviness, lying, anti-Christ, stupor, error and jealousy and harassment by the power and authority of your blood and your name. Make this a place of refuge and a habitation for your presence and your glory. Bless us with your peace, protection and prosperity. Bring the blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-13 on our work, our provision, our children, our finances and our relationships. Bless us going in and coming out. Thank you lord for your anointing and blessing on this house, in Jesus name.”

Dining Room “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Keep all anger, strife, broken relationships and all evil away from this room. Gather people around this room for fellowship, friendship and ______13 Glory Reign Ministries ______encouragement. I declare that the food eaten here will nourish the body and no death or poison will be in the food. May the conversations that take place here bring peace healing and comfort to all who sit here and glory to your name. In Jesus name.”

Kitchen/breakfast “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Keep all anger, strife, broken relationships and all evil and unforgiveness from this place where we eat our meals. Fill this room with your presence, peace and protection each morning before we go our separate ways. Help us to keep you first in all we do. Lord, break every spirit of fear, poverty, lack and the blocking of our success from this place. Remove every obstacle to the blessings you have in store for our family. Now Lord come and bless according to your word. May the pantry and the cupboards always be full and may we have a willing and obedient heart to share our blessings and abundance with others. We bless all food eaten in this place to nourish our bodies in Jesus name.”

Living Room “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Keep all anger, competition, jealousy, hurt and unforgiveness from this room as we relax and enjoy our time together and with friends. Close the door to all evil. Help us to guard our eyes, heart and mind with what we see and hear and help us guard the things we say with our mouth. Remove all fear, bondage, divination, whoredom, perversity, heaviness, lying and jealous spirit from this place. Close any doors to the enemy that have been open here. Give us wisdom regarding the entertainment we participate in, including TV, movies, music and games and other media and the conversations we engage in. In Jesus name.”

Master Bedroom “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Keep all anger, jealousy, hurt, unforgiveness, divorce and division from this room and our relationship. Help us remember to reconcile every difference between us before we go to sleep each night so that the enemy does not get a foot hold. Remove and cut off every assignment of whoredom, adultery, rape, lust, seduction, pornography, masturbation, harlotry, illegitimacy, exhibitionisms, orgies, bestiality perverseness and all sexual sins from us. We declare this marriage bed is set apart, sanctified, holy unto you God. Bless our covenant and increase our love, devotion, communication and intimacy with each other. We welcome you into our times of intimacy together and ask that you make them times of love and for each other and worship of you. Seal this place with your presence, peace and love and rest.”

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______15 Glory Reign Ministries ______Guest Room “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Now come and break every hex, spell, evil spirit and demonic assignment from this land, property and home. Remove every spirit of infirmity, fear, divination, whoredom/idolatry, bondage, haughtiness, perverseness, deaf and dumbness, heaviness, lying, anti-Christ, stupor, error, jealousy and slumber by the power and authority of your blood and your name. Remove and cut off every assignment of whoredom, adultery, rape, lust, seduction, pornography, masturbation, harlotry, illegitimacy, exhibitionisms, orgy, bestiality, perverseness and all sexual sins from us. Create an atmosphere of hospitality, freedom and comfort. Bless this room and make it a place of peace and comfort and rest, with your lasting presence to be a blessing to all who rest and or work here.”

Office “Lord Jesus, break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Now come and break every hex, spell, evil spirit and demonic assignment from this land, property and home. Remove every spirit of infirmity, fear, divination, whoredom/idolatry, bondage haughtiness, perverseness, deaf and dumbness, heaviness, lying, anti-Christ, stupor, error, jealousy and slumber by the power and authority of your blood and your name. Loose the spirits of creativity, productivity, wisdom, revelation and camaraderie in this room. May all that takes place in this room glorify God.”

Bathrooms “Lord Jesus break any and all demonic assignments on this room and the objects here. Cleanse them for your purposes. Remove and cut off every assignment of whoredom, adultery, rape, lust, seduction, pornography, masturbation, harlotry, illegitimacy, exhibitionism, orgy, bestiality, perverseness and all sexual sins from us. Remove all lying spirits of condemnation and vain imaginations. Remove all attacks on identity and poor self image, including: you’re ugly, you’re stupid, you’re worthless, you’re fat, etc. Remove all spirits of error and bondage that create addictions to drugs and alcohol and promote bad behavior. Come Holy Spirit and bring peace to this room. I declare that no accident will happen here. This will be a place of safety, in Jesus name.”

Garage “Lord Jesus, I present this land, property and home with everything in it to you. I say that as for my house we will serve the Lord. Now come and break every hex, spell, evil spirit and demonic assignment from this land, property and home. Remove every spirit of infirmity, fear, divination, whoredom/idolatry, bondage haughtiness, perverseness, deaf and dumbness, heaviness, lying, anti-Christ, stupor, error and jealousy ______16 Glory Reign Ministries ______by the power and authority of your blood and your name. I declare that you are my front and rear guard and that my household and I are protected from all assaults of the enemy. I place a hedge of protection of the blood of Jesus around this place. It surrounds us everywhere we go and at all times. I declare that you Lord are our strong tower, our refuge and defense and a very present help in times of trouble. I break all assignments of accident, injury, mishap and death from this garage and from these vehicles. I declare that you will send your angels to watch over every member of this household lest we dash our foot against a rock. Thank you for your protection. I receive all of your promises now in Jesus name.”

______17 Glory Reign Ministries ______Daily Declarations Declarations from Bethel Church

Declarations # 1 These ten basic declarations are foundational to the building of your faith. They will increase your expectancy of God’s goodness and, thus, will increase the manifestation of that goodness in your life. Say these and other declarations every day for a month and see what happens to your life. 1) My prayers are powerful and effective (2 Cor. 5:21; James 5:16b) 2) God richly supplies all my financial needs (Phil. 4:19) 3) I am dead to sin and alive to obeying God (Romans 6:11) 4) I walk in ever increasing health (Is. 53:3-5; Psalms 103:1-3) 5) I live under a supernatural protection (Ps. 91) 6) I prosper in all my relationships (Luke 2:52) 7) I consistently bring God encounters to other people (Mark 16:17-18) 8) Through Jesus I am 100% loved and worthy to receive all of God’s blessings (Gal. 3:1-5) 9) Each of my family members is wonderfully blessed and radically loves Jesus (Acts 16:30,31) 10) I uproariously laugh when I hear a lie from the Devil. (Psalms 2:2-4)

Declarations #2 Remember this: faith is the evidence of things not seen. Our evidence for things being true is not our circumstances, but God’s promises. We don’t deny negative facts in our lives but we choose to focus on a higher reality: God’s truth. Faith indeed comes by hearing therefore we choose to speak these powerful truths to build our own faith. 1) I set the course of my life with my declarations (James 3:2-5) 2) God is on my side. Therefore I declare that I cannot be defeated, discouraged, depressed or disappointed. (Rom. 8:37; Ps.91; Phil 4:13) 3) I am the head and not the tail. I have insight, I have wisdom, I have ideas and divine strategies. I have authority. (Deut. 28:13; James 1:5-8; Luke 10:19) 4) As I speak God’ promises they come to pass. They stop all attacks, accidents, assaults, oppression, and fear from my life. (2Peter 1:2-4; Mark 11:23-24) 5) I have the wisdom of God today. I will think the right thoughts, say the right words and make the right decisions in every situation I face. ( James 1:5; 1 Cor. 2:16) 6) I expect to have powerful divine appointments today to heal the sick, raise the dead, to prophesy life, to lead people to Christ, to bring deliverance and to release signs and wonders and to bless every place I go (the book of Acts)

______18 Glory Reign Ministries ______7) I expect the best day of my life spiritually, emotionally, relationally and financially in Jesus name (Rom. 15:13) Declarations #3 One of the main methods Jesus and the apostles used was to SPEAK TO things. You will notice they did not ask God to heal people, to cast out demons or to raise the dead; they spoke to bodies, to demons, to the wind, etc. Jesus encouraged us to speak to the mountains in Mark 11:23. This set of declarations focuses much on our speaking to the various aspects of our lives. 1) I have a covenant with God, and by the blood of Jesus, I release my divine protection and divine provision (Hebrews 8:6) 2) My angels are carrying out the Word of God on my behalf (Psalm 103:20) 3) Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were headed my way are diverted right now in Jesus name (Psalm 91) 4) I speak to the raging waters in my life; peace, be still; I say to my mind; peace, be still; I say to my emotions; peace, be still; I say to my body; peace ,be still; I say to my home; peace ,be still; I say to my family; peace, be still (Mark 4:39) 5) Now I speak to every mountain of fear, every mountain of infirmity, every mountain of discouragement, every mountain of depression, every mountain of lack and insufficiency and I say “Be removed and cast into the sea in Jesus name”. 6) And I speak to this day and I call you blessed. And I declare that I serve a mighty God who today will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think. (Eph 3:20) I say you are a good God and I eagerly anticipate your goodness today.

______19 Glory Reign Ministries ______Books to Check out... There are many wonderful books and teachings out on the market today. There is no way we could list all of the resources that we think would be beneficial so we have decided to list several of the top ones we have read, enjoyed and learned from. For recommended websites and other ministries, please go to our links page.

Healing & Deliverance Deliverance From Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual - Francis MacNutt Healing - Francis MacNutt Deliverance and Inner Healing - John & Mark Sanford The Healing Touch- Norma Dearing Blessings or a Curse, You can Choose - Derek Prince The Bondage Breaker- Neil T. Anderson Unbroken Curses - Rebecca Brown MD Stirring the Waters: A 20 Day Guide to Personal Healing - Mignon Murrell

Prophetic The Seer - James Goll Developing Your Prophetic Gifting - Graham Cooke User Friendly Prophecy- Larry Randolph The Prophets Dictionary- Paula Price Dream Language- James Goll Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven - Paul Keith Davis Keys to Unlocking Your Dreams - Barbara Claassen The Prophet's Handbook - Dr. Paula Price

Spiritual Warfare Give It Back- Kimberly Daniels Destiny Thieves- Sandie Freed Bound to Lose, Destined to Win -Bishop Earthquake Kelley God's Unfolding Battle Plan - Chuck Pierce

Kingdom Perspective & Activation God's Supernatural Power- Bobby Connor Dreaming With God - Bill Johnson Developing A Supernatural Lifestyle - Kris Valloton Supernatural Ways of Royalty - Kris Valloton When Heaven Invades Earth - Bill Johnson Revolution - Patricia King The Reality of the Supernatural World- Todd Bentley Throne Room Company - Shawn Bolz Revolution - George Barna There is Always Enough- Heidi & Roland Baker Angelic Encounters- James & Michal Goll

Personal Accounts of Heaven We Saw Heaven - Roberts Liardon Heaven is Real - Ron & Glenda Pettey

______20 Glory Reign Ministries ______oooOOOooo


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