To be completed by a Young Life staff member or Youth Pastor/Spiritual Director emailed to:

Marlyn Valenzuela [email protected]



Vida Joven Nicaragua Intern Position Summary

DESCRIPTION: The intern position is designed for involvement in international ministry, immersion in the language and culture and learning to live and minister in the cross cultural context. This is a position that involves ministry with high school teenagers, college aged students and adults from US work teams, in addition to the ministry exposure with the national ministry in Nicaragua. The interns will work directly with Nicaraguan staff members and volunteers in various communities, depending on work projects and work team load, as well as special projects as they develop. This position will create an environment for personal growth in Christ and a means to incorporate that growth into a hands-on setting.


a. Be active in all aspects of work teams from pick up to drop off (arrival-departure). b. Participate in all activities and projects alongside work team members. c. Communicate effectively with fellow staff and/or interns. d. Work with a team of motivated adults, both younger and older.


a. Must have a deep love for Christ and for kids. b. Must feel called to serve the ministry. c. Must be a leader. d. Must be a team builder. e. Must have a teachable heart. f. Must have the ability to raise money. g. Must be a self-starter. h. Must be creative, flexible and hardworking. i. Must have intermediate to advanced Spanish speaking ability. j. We also ask that you have a prior knowledge/understanding of Young Life/Vida Joven and our ministry here in Nicaragua or in the States.

Dear Staff Member, I understand that being an intern is an experience which is intended to develop spiritual growth, while at the same time provide the ministry with the basic work force needed to carry out the programs. I am recommending this person because I believe in him/her, feel that this candidate possesses a level of spiritual maturity necessary for the Intern experience and that they are able to fulfill the stated description, responsibilities and qualifications.

Recommended by (name)

Relation to applicant

Phone #


1. To your knowledge, how long has he/she been a Christian?

2. How will this person benefit from the Intern experience?

3. List what you know about this person's strengths and weaknesses in the following areas that would be helpful to his/her Coordinators. Any limitations?

Physical Condition:

Social Maturity:

Emotional Maturity:

Spiritual Maturity:

4. Have you specifically observed his/her acceptance of responsibility?

5. What has been your personal involvement with him/her?

6. What has been his/her involvement in Young Life/Vida Joven or other youth ministries - in the past and this year?

7. Have you specifically observed his/her response to leadership? Does he/she have a problem with authority?

8. Would you have this person counsel campers/kids from your YL area/church?

Additional comments:

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.