The Spire

We welcome you to our Church. If you are a newcomer or a visitor, please make yourselves known to the Churchwardens or to the Sidespersons. Vicar: Rev Gill Dyer – telephone 01254 823249 (Whalley Parish Office) and 01254 824679 (Vicarage) Churchwardens: Bernard Parfitt (01282 773759) and Colin Hartley (01282 776631)

6 October 2013 (today) 13 October 2013 Trinity 19/Proper 21 9.30am Re-dedication of 9.30am: Holy Communion Church Celebrant Norman Atty Archdeacon of Blackburnj With Gill Dyer and Jim Holt Readers Mavis Wiseman Sheila Smith Sidespersons Nora Jones Rosemary Barrington Barbara Warburton Eileen Dyson Refreshments Marion Procter Mary Lockie Sue Coe Darryl Graham

Cleaning October 2013 November 2013 Church Hall Sylvia Davies Volunteers Eileen Lowe Church Awaiting list

PRAYERS We pray for the sick:- Richard Price, Amanda Blewitt, Chris Wood, Diane Lawson, Phylis Parkes, Cyril Bunce Peter Wright and Trevor Cook. We pray for the years’ minds in the forthcoming week:- Margaret Mary Speak, Peter Burnett, Edna Parfitt, nKathleen Groghan, Mary Orell, Hilda McChrystal, Mary Hargreav and James Henry Wallace.

LOOKING AHEAD 6 October 2013 at 6.30pm (tonight): Benefice service at Whalley Parish Church – Harvest Songs of Praise with the Slaidburn Silver Band. 5 October 2013 from 11.00am until 2.00pm.: A Jumble Sale/Bric a Brac organised by the Thursday Club. Please contact Cathryn Bristol (telephone: 01200 428241) or Linda Lonsdale (telephone: 01282 772359) if you have items for this event and want assistance in transporting items to the Church Hall. Access to the Hall will be available on 3 and 4 October 2013 between 6.00pm and 7.00pm for items to be delivered before the day of the sale. Please contact Cathryn or Linda if you require access. Entry will be 50p. There will be refreshments and helpers will be appreciated.. 11 October 2013 at 7.30pm: A Kaleidoscope of Song: Concert by the Earby Brass Band and preview of the Flower Festival. The combined ticket will be £10 for these events and are available from Angela Whitwell (telephone: 01282 779376). 12 and 13 October 2013 11.00am until 5.00pm: Flower Festival and Local Arts and Crafts. Admission £4 and there will be home made refreshments. 13 October 2013 at 9.30am: Re-dedication of the Church. The principal celebrant will be the Venerable John Hawley, Archdeacon of Blackburn. 13 October – evening: see below 24 October 2013 at 7.00pm: PCC meeting. 26 October 2013: Gift Day to receive donations for the Church. Coffee will be served in the Church between 10.00am and 12noon.

THE NEW BISHOP OF BLACKBURN The new Bishop, Julian Henderson, formerly Archdeacon of Dorking in the Guildford Diocese, will be consecrated Bishop at a service at York Minster on 10 October 2013. His inauguration will be at Blackburn on 19 October 2013 (This will be an all ticket event which will be severely limited in numbers). In between these dates and after his inauguration, he will be visiting deaneries and parishes. He will be visiting St Nicholas Church -in the evening of 13 October 2013 at about 5.45pm.