Genetics Formal Lab Report

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Genetics Formal Lab Report

Genetics Formal Lab Report

Monica Delgado 3rd block 05/28/10 ABSTRACT

Different people have different blood types, and when two people mate, their blood is mixed to form their offspring’s blood. In this lab, blood was tested to see who the father of Quinn’s baby was. Finn thought that he wasn’t the father and thought Puck was the real father. Introduction

All humans are made up of white and red blood cells. The antigens on the surface of a person’s red blood cells determine what kind of blood they have and what kind of antibodies are in their plasma. A human being may be one of four possible blood types; A, B, AB, and O. The three alleles are IA and IB which are codominant alleles and i which is recessive. The possible genotypes are IA IA, IAi, IBIB, IBi, IAIB, and ii. There’s also the Rhesus factor (Rh) and it could be either positive or negative. If a mother is Rh- and her fetus is Rh+, then it is called Rh incompatibility because the mother develops antibodies that would attack her fetus’s blood. If a mother does have Rh-, her first baby would most likely be okay, and her second might have complications. This situation can be prevented by the mother getting shots that would stop antibodies from forming. When two parents have a child, the child would have blood that would be a combination of both. A punnett square could determine the possible genotypes that the offspring can have for blood. In another sense, when having a blood transfusion, the donor and the receiver need to have the same type of blood. If they don’t, when the two bloods mix together, the antibodies would make the red blood cells stick together forming large blood clots which can block blood vessels and death can occur. DNA and blood types can help parents know if their child belongs to the said parent and the child can grow up knowing who their true parents are. HYPOTHESIS

If Puck’s blood type mixed with Quinn’s blood type gives a genotype the same as the baby’s blood type, then he would be the baby’s father.


 Blood type slide

 10 toothpicks

 Anti-A serum

 Anti-B serum

 Anti-Rh serum

 4 blood samples



1. Perform test at room temperature. Place one drop of Anti-A and one drop of Anti-B serum in their respective depression circles in the blood type slide.

2. Add one drop of the synthetic blood sample being tested to each drop of anti-serum.

3. Also add one drop of blood to the extra depression circle. This is the control. Do not add antiserum to this blood droplet.

4. Mix the blood sample and antiserum with a clean end of the toothpick, scraping firmly against the slide in the process. Continue stirring for two minutes or until agglutination is noted.

5. The control blood drop should also be mixed for two minutes.

6. Analyze the slides and determine whether or not agglutination occurred. Record results in the table provided.


1. Perform test at room temperature. Place one drop of anti-Rh serum in the depression marked Rh.

2. Add one drop of the blood sample being tested to the drop of antiserum. 3. Also add one drop of blood to the extra depression circle. This is your control. Do not add antiserum to this blood droplet.

4. Mix the blood sample and antiserum thoroughly with a toothpick for two minutes, rubbing the toothpick against the slide as you stir. Look for macroscopic agglutination of cells.

5. The control blood drop should also be mixed for two minutes.

6. At the end of two minutes, interpret and record test results in the table provided. Observations

When the blood drops were first placed on the slide, it looked normal


Figure 1

Sample # Person A B Rh ABO Rh Blood Possible Blood Type genotypes Type

1 Quinn A+ A+ + IAIA, IAi

2 Puck B+ B+ + IBIB, IBi

3 Finn A- B- AB- - IAIB

4 Baby O+ O+ + ii


According to Figure 1, Puck is the father because he has B+ blood type and Quinn, which is the mother, has A+. The baby is O+ and it is Puck’s child because Puck can have a heterozygous allele which means he has the recessive allele and if Quinn is the same way, then both having recessive alleles would have an offspring that is homozygous recessive. With the homozygous recessive, the baby would turn out with blood type O and since both Puck and Quinn have a Rh+ the baby would be Rh+ too. Finn cannot be the father because he has only one possible genotype which is IAIB and it has no recessive allele in there so he can’t produce a child with O blood type. Also, his Rh factor is negative and the baby is positive so he cannot be the father. REFERENCE LIST

" genetics Facts, information, pictures | articles about genetics ." Encyclopedia - Online Dictionary | Get facts, articles, pictures, video . N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2010.

Blood Types - UEN. (n.d.). Utah Education Network. Retrieved May 25, 2010, from

Blood Types Tutorial. (n.d.). The Biology Project. Retrieved May 25, 2010, from

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