Joint Commission Report on Accreditation of Study Programme of Riga Technical University

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Joint Commission Report on Accreditation of Study Programme of Riga Technical University



(Site visit 13-14 September 2007)

Assessors: Bo Öhlmér, Jaan Alver and Marina Pankova.

The Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818) and Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management” (code 42818) were evaluated.

Acknowledgements. The evaluation commission thanks the administration, academic staff and students of the Riga Technical University for being freely available for interviews and conversations, for providing all material that the commission requested and for making the two days of site visit a pleasant collegial experience.

Information sources used in the analysis

The conclusion on accreditation is based on the following sources:  Self Evaluation Report as well as other written material;  Study of additional separate table comparing study courses in these programmes with similar programmes in EU;  Interview with faculty, staff, students and potential employers;  Study of student project papers and other course material;  Study of student`s surveys.  Attendance of lectures;  Inspection of the facilities.

Comments to the assessment

Aims and objectives

The aims and objectives almost comply with the professional and educational standards. However, they could be more operational and directive, especially in the Professional Master programme. The objectives and planned results should be formulated so it is possible to evaluate and control if they are reached, i.e. measurable, such as that the average assessment of the various term papers and project reports should be above 8, that 90 % of the graduates should have a job in the profession within three months after graduation, and that a survey to employers should indicate a satisfaction with the graduates of at least 8 on the 10 grades scale. We understood the link from the aims of the study programme, through the intended competence profile, and to how each course contributed to this. However, it would be good to express more clearly the link between the study programme’s objectives and the objectives of each study course.

The aims and objectives of the Professional Master study programme need to be specified and increased until appropriate level. The objective set by the Master Degree Course need to be expressed more ambitional – the objective is formulated now as “to prepare entrepreneurs and manager, by paying special attention to the knowledge and skills...., which will allow to have graduates in scientific an teaching profiles, qualified practitioners capable of functioning in different organizations active in the Real Estate”, but the objective of the Professional Master study programme need to be as “to prepare scientific an teaching..., with qualified practitioners capable... specialists in....”. Isn`t acceptable, that in presented version three of four defined programme tasks can be used for any other study programme, they need to be more clear and concrete, relevant to this concrete study programme.

Content and organization of the studies

The course literature could be more recent and translations from old Soviet period and old foreign textbooks should not be used, especially since most of the translators are not proficient in the concepts of the discipline. The English language skill of the staff and the students should be improved, which would facilitate to include more foreign (EU) textbooks and journal articles in the teaching. In addition, there are e-books and complementary course material available on Internet, which is cost efficient.

The titles of some courses did not coincide with the content, so the titles should be adjusted. It regards the following courses:  The Financial Aspects of Real Estate Dealings, which contains taxation aspects (Bachelor). We suggest Taxation and Related Aspects of Real Estate Dealings.  Economics of Building Construction, which deals with legal issues (Master). We suggest Legal issues in Building Construction. In contrast, the course Building Construction Economics deals with economic issues (Master). In both study programmes, the principles of real estate management in EU could be treated more, preferably with the aid of a visiting professor from a EU country

Both study programmes comply with the education standards of Latvia with one small, but important exception: the general education courses in the Bachelor programme should have a total volume of at least 20 CP, but it has only 19 CP.

The self-evaluation reports didn`t contain the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as required. Detailed comparisons with credit points in various subjects were provided in separate tables at the site visit time. All of them should be included in the self-evaluation reports.

The teachers in each course are recommended to compare course literature lists in these study programmes as well, because the literature lists are mostly available through Internet and they usually contain the most recent textbooks. Criteria should be developed for which European universities to choose in these comparisons, such as the two best in the relevant field. This comparison should be made yearly as a basis for the continual development of the study programme content. The graduates from both programmes are needed at the job market according to the employers, so there will be job opportunities. According to the information from conversations with students the most of them are already working in real estate constructing/building sector, which is positive. Nevertheless, students want seminars informing about the goals of various companies.

In the Bachelor programme, 34 % of the teachers are older than 60 years. In the Master programme the percentage is 26. It means that there is a need of recruitment of new teachers in the near future, especially in the Bachelor programme, and a plan for it should be developed. According to the information from self-evaluation reports the University is working systematically on the regeneration of the academic staff. The language skill of the teachers should be improved so the more recent English textbooks could be used. The proportion of doctors is high in both programmes.

Teaching and learning

The learning goals are not easy measurable and the course objectives are not connected clearly to the study programme objectives, as commented above. The teaching methods are very good. The counselling and guidance of students is very good, and the students are very satisfied. However, students want that more of the course information and material should be available on Internet.

Management and support of the studies

The principles of democracy are respected both between staff and students and in the management of the staff. There are good atmosphere and relations both between staff and students and within staff.

There has been a high level of dropouts of the students during the first year of the Bachelor study programme. The high figure can be explained by difficulties to have a fulltime job during the studies and perhaps unrealistic expectations of the workload, but it shows also that the quality norms in generally are followed.

There is a very good cooperation with Latvian sector organisations both in the study programme development and in the form of visiting lecturers.

There is international cooperation. Students at the department participate in student exchange, but there were no foreign students studying in the programmes. There was one foreign visiting professor. The faculty should strive to increase the teacher exchange and research cooperation with foreign universities. Improved English language skill would facilitate such cooperation.

The library stock of recent foreign literature in this area is limited. There is most local Latvian literature or old international. The reason is not budget constraints but lack of suggestions from the staff to buy more recent literature. However, the library participates in the integrated library system, which facilitates finding relevant literature. Some very old books occupy space in the library.

The technical resources and facilities are very good. Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students

The staff members participate in conferences to a high degree and they also arrange conferences. However, the participation in English speaking conferences should increase.

The research activities, and the developing of an international network that include also the English-speaking world, would be facilitated by improved English language skill. This has been said several times, so to avoid misunderstandings, we would like to say that the Russian and German languages are important too, for instance because of good literature as well as business opportunities in those countries also.

The staff members should strive to increase their number of publications in international peer- reviewed journals. The international visibility and especially the comments by the reviewers are very valuable. High ranked journals engage the best experts in the world as reviewers. Many staff members participate with papers in conferences, which is good. Such papers could be revised after the conferences and sent to peer-reviewed journals. In average, most such journals have an acceptance rate of around 20 %, so the normal outcome is rejection. However, the comments by the reviewers will be received even on rejected manuscript. The comments are a basis for improving the manuscript as well as the entire future research process. (This lack of publications in international peer-reviewed journals within the economic field is the same in all Latvian Universities and other higher education institutions.)

An increased stock of international journals and books in the library would be an advantage also for the staff members in their research.

Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it

Student opinions are considered, if possible. However, objectives possible to measure, as commented previously, would facilitate quality management.

According to the student surveys and other student communication satisfaction with quality of the programmes is high. The student surveys were analyzed and stored in a separate binding, however the analysis should also be included in the self-evaluation report. The self-evaluation (SWOT analysis) made as part of the application for accreditation should be made annually as a basis for continuously action of the self-evaluation and quality improvement system, which need to be introduced. The development plan presented in the self-evaluation Report isn’t rank able as a plan, it should contain measurable objectives with deadlines, i.e. milestones. Conclusions

The potential improvements include increasing the English language skill, and increase the use of more recent course literature. The number of publications in peer-reviewed international journals could be increased. A plan for recruiting new staff members could be developed, especially for the Bachelor programme. Some important improvements of the self-evaluation reports of both programmes need to be done, as the evaluation comission mentioned in assessment, e.g. the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as well as the analysis of students` surveys should also be included; the development plan should be improved to contain measurable objectives with deadlines, i.e. milestones. The self-evaluation and quality improvement system need to be introduced on an annual basis and the continuously action of it need to be ensured.

The strengths are that the students as well as the staff members have a high motivation, that the job market is good and that the potential employers are very satisfied with the study programmes. There is good cooperation with potential employers and other institutions. The proportion of doctors among the staff members is high. The participation in international conferences is high.

Therefore, we recommend accreditation for six years of both the Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“(code 42818) and the Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management“ (code 42818)

On behalf of the evaluation commission Uppsala, 2007-10-08

Bo Öhlmer Joint assessment questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts

Expert’s name, surname: Bo Öhlmér, Jaan Alver and Marina Pankova

Evaluated higher education institution and study programme: The Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818) and Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management” (code 42818) at Riga Technical University

The date of site visit: 2007-09-13--14

The scale for the assessment: 4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1(unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programmes (6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: …The objectives should be more operational and possible to measure. More clear links between the study programme objectives and the course objectives.

II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: ………

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: … Not the most recent literature and the quality of the literature could be improved somewhat. 3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2; Master Programme 2 Comment: …No criteria were used for the choice of study programmes from EU countries. The comparison made could be more analyzed and commented.

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: …A high proportion of the teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English should be improved. A high proportion of the teachers are older than 60, so a replacement plan need to be developed.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: …

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3.5; Master Programme 3.5 Comment: ………

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: ………

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………Good atmosphere and relations

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: Sending exchange students but not receiving. Only one foreign visiting professor. Very good cooperation with sector organizations.

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: …The teachers should suggest literature to increase and update the library stock, especially with recent Western literature. The technical resources and facilities are very good.

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: …The staff should strive for publishing articles in international peer reviewed journals.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: … The self-evaluation should be made annually. Analysis of the student survey results should be included in the self-evaluation report. The development plan should include quantified milestones (with deadlines).

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: …- Comment: …No graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3.5; Master Programme 3.5 Comment: ……… INDIVIDUAL REPORT ON ACCREDITATION OF STUDY PROGRAMME OF RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY

(Site visit 13-14 September 2007)

Assessor: Bo Öhlmér

The Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818) and Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management” (code 42818) were evaluated.

Acknowledgements. I thank the administration, academic staff and students of the Riga Technical University for being freely available for interviews and conversations, for providing all material that the commission requested and for making the two days of site visit a pleasant collegial experience.

Comments and recommendation

I have nothing to add to the joint commission report, which was edited by me.

The potential improvements include increasing the English language skill, and increase the use of more recent course literature. The number of publications in peer-reviewed international journals could be increased. A plan for recruiting new staff members could be developed, especially for the Bachelor programme.

The strengths are that the students as well as the staff members have a high motivation, that the job market is good and that the potential employers are very satisfied with the study programmes. There is good cooperation with employers and other institutions. The proportion of doctors among the staff members is high. The participation in conferences is high.

Therefore, I recommend accreditation for six years of both the Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818) and the Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management“ (code 42818)

Uppsala 8/10, 2007

Bo Öhlmer Individual assessment questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts

Expert’s name, surname: Bo Öhlmér

Evaluated higher education institution and study programme: The Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818) and Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management” (code 42818) at Riga

Technical University

The date of site visit: 2007-09-13--14

The scale for the assessment:

4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1(unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programmes (This individual assessment is exactly the same as the joint)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: …The objectives should be more operational and possible to measure. More clear links between the study programme objectives and the course objectives.

II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: ………

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: … Not the most recent literature and the quality of the literature could be improved somewhat. 3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2; Master Programme 2 Comment: …No criteria were used for the choice of study programmes from EU countries. The comparison made could be more analyzed and commented.

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: …A high proportion of the teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English should be improved. A high proprtion of the teachers are older than 60, so a replacement plan need to be developed.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: …

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3.5; Master Programme 3.5 Comment: ………

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: ………

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………Good atmosphere and relations

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: Sending exchange students but not receiving. Only one foreign visiting professor. Very good cooperation with sector organizations.

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: …The teachers should suggest literature to increase and update the library stock, especially with recent Western literature. The technical resources and facilities are very good.

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2 Comment: …The staff should strive for publishing articles in international peer reviewed journals.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3; Master Programme 3 Comment: ………

12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 2.5; Master Programme 2.5 Comment: … The self-evaluation should be made annually. Analysis of the student survey results should be included in the self-evaluation report. The development plan should include quantified milestones (with deadlines).

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: …- Comment: …No graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: …Bachelor programme 3.5; Master Programme 3.5 Comment: ……… 21.09.07.



Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“ (code 42818)


(Site visit 13-14 September 2007) Assessors: Bo Öhlmér, Jaan Alver and Marina Pankova.

I The assessment of study programmes

(6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: 3; Comment: The objectives should be more operational and possible to measure. More clear links between the study programme objectives and the course objectives.

II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: 2.5; Comment: ………

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: 2.5; Comment: The study programme complies with the education standards of Latvia with one small, but important exception: the general education courses in the programme should have a total volume of at least 20 CP, but it has only 19 CP. 3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment: 1,5 Comment: The self-evaluation report didn`t contain the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as required. Detailed comparisons with credit points in various subjects were provided in separate tables at the site visit time. All of them should be included in the self-evaluation report.

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: 3; Comment: A high proportion of the teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English should be improved. A high proportion of the teachers are older than 60, so a replacement plan need to be developed. The University is working systematically on the regeneration of the academic staff.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: 3 Comment: ………

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: 3 Comment: Modern methodology of teaching are used widely; there is clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving; computers, internet, audiovisual and multimedia equipment are used widely.

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: 3 Comment: The teaching methods are very good. The counselling and guidance of students is very good, and the students are very satisfied.

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: 3.5 Comment: Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes are clear and objective.

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: 2.5 Comment: ……… 8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: 3 Comment: Principles of democracy are respected; there is good atmosphere and relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students.

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: 2.5 Comment: Participation in ERASMUS, DEAD, LEONARDO DA VINCI projects (but, exchange students are sended, but not received), as well as development and realisation of SF project for development of professional qualification of academic staff. There was only one lecture of foreign professor. Very good cooperation with sector organizations. .

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: 2.5 Comment: The teachers should suggest literature to increase and update the library stock, especially with recent foreign literature. The technical resources and facilities are very good. Big amount of investments made in the development of the modern library.

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: 2 Comment: The staff members should strive to increase their number of publications in international peer-reviewed journals. The international visibility and especially the comments by the reviewers are very valuable. High ranked journals engage the best experts in the world as reviewers. Many staff members participate with papers in conferences, which is good. Such papers could be revised after the conferences and sent to peer-reviewed journals.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: 3 Comment: ………

12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: 2 Comment: The self-evaluation (SWOT analysis) made as part of the application for accreditation should be made annually as a basis for continuously action of the self-evaluation and quality improvement system, which need to be introduced. The development plan presented in the self-evaluation Report isn`t rank able as a plan, it should contain measurable objectives with a deadlines, i.e. milestones. 13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: No assessment. Comment: No graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: 3.5 Comment: Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes are provided.

Conclusions and recommendation

Some important improvements of the self-evaluation Report of the programme need to be done, as the evaluation commission mentioned in the assessment, f.ex. the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as well as the analysis of students` surveys should also be included, the development plan should be improved to contain measurable objectives with a deadlines, i.e. milestones. The self-evaluation and quality improvement system need to be introduced on annual basis and the continuously action of it need to be ensured.

Therefore, I would recommend accreditation for six years of the Professional Bachelor study programme “Real Estate Management“(code 42818).

M.Paņkova Member of the assesors commission 21.09.07. 21.09.07.



Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management” (code 42818)


(Site visit 13-14 September 2007) Assessors: Bo Öhlmér, Jaan Alver and Marina Pankova.

I The assessment of study programmes

(6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study programme. Assessment: 2. Comment: The objectives should be more operational and possible to measure. Clearer links between the study programme objectives and the course objectives is needed. The aims and objectives need to be specified and increased until appropriate level. The objective set by the Master Degree Course need to be expressed more ambitioned – “to prepare scientific an teaching..., with qualified practitioners capable... specialists in....”. Isn`t acceptable, that in presented version three of four defined programme tasks can be used for any other study programme, they need to be more clear and concrete, relevant to this concrete study programme. II The content and organization of the studies. Assessment: 2,5 Comment: ………

2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: 2,5 Comment: The study programme on the whole complies with the education standards of legislation of Latvia, and with the requirements and standards of the European Union.

3. Consistency of the study programme and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programmes from EU countries. Assessment: 1,5 Comment: The self-evaluation report didn`t contain the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as required. Detailed comparisons with credit points in various subjects were provided in separate tables at the site visit time. All of them should be included in the self-evaluation report.

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: 3 Comment: A high proportion of the teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English should be improved. A high proportion of the teachers are older than 60, so a replacement plan need to be developed. The University is working systematically on the regeneration of the academic staff.

III Assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment: 3 Comment: ………

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: 3 Comment: Modern methodology of teaching are used widely; there is clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving; computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment are used widely.

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: 3 Comment: The teaching methods are very good. The counselling and guidance of students is very good, and the students are very satisfied.

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: 3.5 Comment: Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes are clear and objective. IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: 2.5 Comment: ………

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: 3 Comment: Principles of democracy are respected; there is good atmosphere and relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students.

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: 2.5 Comment: Participation in ERASMUS, DEAD, LEONARDO DA VINCI projects (but, exchange students are sended, but not received), as well as development and realisation of SF project for development of professional qualification of academic staff. There was only one lecture of foreign professor. Very good cooperation with sector organizations.

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study programme. Assessment: 2.5 Comment: The teachers should suggest literature to increase and update the library stock, especially with recent foreign literature. The technical resources and facilities are very good. Big amount of investments made in the development of the modern library.

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study programme. Assessment: 2 Comment: The staff members should strive to increase their number of publications in international peer-reviewed journals. The international visibility and especially the comments by the reviewers are very valuable. High ranked journals engage the best experts in the world as reviewers. Many staff members participate with papers in conferences, which is good. Such papers could be revised after the conferences and sent to peer-reviewed journals.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: 3 Comment: ……… 12. Annual self-assessment of the study programme, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: 2 Comment: The self-evaluation (SWOT analysis) made as part of the application for accreditation should be made annually as a basis for continuously action of the self-evaluation and quality improvement system, which need to be introduced. The development plan presented in the self-evaluation Report isn`t rank able as a plan, it should contain measurable objectives with a deadlines, i.e. milestones.

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: No assessment. Comment: No graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: 3.5 Comment: Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the programme, its re-organization and other changes are provided.

Conclusions and recommendation

Some important improvements of the self-evaluation Report of the programme need to be done, as the evaluation commission mentioned in the assessment, f.ex. the detailed comparison with other study programmes from Latvia and 2 EU countries, as well as the analysis of students` surveys should also be included, the development plan should be improved to contain measurable objectives with a deadlines, i.e. milestones. The self-evaluation and quality improvement system need to be introduced on annual basis and the continuously action of it need to be ensured.

Therefore, I would recommend accreditation for six years of the Professional Master study programme “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management“ (code 42818).

M.Paņkova Member of the assesors commission 21.09.07. INDIVIDUAL EXPERT REPORT ON ACCREDITATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR PROGRAM “REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” AT RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY by Jaan Alver, PhD, professor of Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia This report presents findings, recommendations and conclusions, made during the visit to the Riga Technical University (Riga, September 13–14, 2007) as a member of a team of experts. The aim of the team was to assess the professional bachelor program “REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” (code 42818). The conclusion on accreditation is based on the following sources:  A site visit.  The Self-Evaluation Report.  Other submitted written materials.  Interviews with academic staff, administration, students and employers.  Study of student project papers and other course materials.  Attendance of lecture.  Inspection of the facilities.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives almost comply with the professional and educational standards but their formulations in the Program seems general and declarative. The wording should be clearer.

Content and Organization of Studies Some strengths and weaknesses of the Program:


 The Program is administered by the program director who belongs to the academic staff.  Generally the Program is in line with the requirements of professional and educational standards and legislation of Latvia.  Students have good relationships with the faculty.  According to the employers’ opinion the graduates are needed at the job market. Weaknesses:

 The self-evaluation reports did not contain the detailed comparison with other similar study programs, as required.  The titles of some courses seem strange and not related to the content.  The literature references of the course outlines in initial Self-Evaluation Report were partly out of date and not related to the subject. The recommended literature does not always correspond to the standard western literature and to the level of the study program.  The literature at the library could be better. The library does not meet the requirements necessary for research. The availability of foreign periodicals is not adequate.  The program does not include courses provided by foreign teachers. It should be expressed that students, graduates and employers are satisfied with the content and quality of the study program. The program is on development stage, there are no graduates and therefore also no sufficient information about feedback of graduates and alumni.

Assessment of Teaching Process and Infrastructure The methodology of teaching, the availability and use of computers, Internet, and audiovisual equipment seems to be adequate. The general impression of the meeting with students’ representatives is that their motivation to learn is high. The students are also satisfied with the good infrastructure and study conditions as well as good relationships with the faculty. Recommendations

 It is necessary to strengthen the research and publishing especially in peer-reviewed foreign magazines.  The proficiency in English of academic staff members should be improved.  The literature at the library should be better. It is recommended to teaching staff to order and use complimentary inspection copies.  It is recommendable to complete library with the internationally recognized basic textbooks in English and to encourage students and teachers to use these books systematically during the study process.  More attention should be paid to the international dimension of the program, and to faculty and students’ mobility.

Proposal on accreditation I recommend the Professional Bachelor Study Program “REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” (code 42818) for six year accreditation.


Jaan Alver, Professor, Head of Department of Accounting, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; [email protected] Tallinn October 8, 2007 Questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts (Supplement to the individual report)

Expert’s name, surname: Jaan Alver, Professor of Tallinn University of Technology Evaluated higher education institution and study program: Riga Technical University; Professional Bachelor study program “Real Estate Management”

The date of site visit: September 13–14, 2007.

The scale for the assessment: 4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1 (unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programs

(6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study program. Assessment: …3.0

Comment: The aims and objectives are general and not fully controllable, they are defined rather declaratively. The wording should be clearer.

II The content and organization of the studies Assessment: …2.5 2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: …2.5 Comment: The study program complies with the education standards of Latvia with one small exception – the general education courses in the program should have a total volume at least 20 CP, but it has only 19 CP. The basis for assessment of the Program’s outcome is not complete because no theses have been defended yet.

3. Consistency of the study program and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programs from EU countries. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: It is difficult to understand which criteria were used for the choice of comparative study programs. Comparison is not detailed and does not include comments.

4. Qualification and professionalism of the academic staff members. Assessment: …3.0 Comment: Most teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English is weak and should be improved. Several members of teaching staff are older than 60. So a replacement plan should be developed.

III Assessment of teaching and learning Assessment: …3.0 Comment: 5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: …3.0 Comment: Audiovisual and multi media equipment are used widely.

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: …3.0

Comment: The general impression of the meeting with students’ representatives is that relations between students, teaching and administration staff are good. Students are satisfied.

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: …3.5 Comment:

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: …3.0 Comment:

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: …3.0

Comment: There are good relations between representatives of the administration, teaching staff and students. The students should be more informed about their rights.

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: …3.0

Comment: Participation in ERASMUS, LEONARDO and other projects takes place, but students exchange is like one direction way – they are sent, but not received. Only one foreign visiting professor. Improvement of proficiency in English (both – teaching staff and students) is necessary for developing international programs. Very good cooperation with sector organizations.

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study program. Assessment: …2.5

Comment: The library stock should be increased and updated. The availability of nowadays textbooks and foreign periodicals is not adequate, foreign special literature is old and out of date. The library does not meet the requirements necessary for research. The technical resources and facilities (especially in library) are very good.

V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study program. Assessment: …2.5

Comment: The academic staff should strive for publishing papers in international peer reviewed journals. Improved proficiency in English would facilitate this. No theses have been defended yet. On that reason no information about students’ research activities is available.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: …3.0 Comment:

12. Annual self-assessment of the study program, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: …2.5

Comment: It is recommended to make self-evaluation annually.

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: …– Comment: There are no graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the program, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: …3.5

Comment: Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the program, its re-organization and other changes are provided. INDIVIDUAL EXPERT REPORT ON ACCREDITATION OF THE HIGHER PROFESSIONAL MASTER PROGRAM “CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” (CODE 42818) AT RIGA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY by Jaan Alver, PhD, professor of Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia This report presents findings, recommendations and conclusions, made during the visit to the Riga Technical University (Riga, September 13–14, 2007) as a member of a team of experts. The aim of the team was to assess the professional master program “CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” (code 42818). The conclusion on accreditation is based on the following sources:  A site visit.  The Self-Evaluation Report.  Other submitted written materials.  Interviews with academic staff, administration, students and employers.  Study of student project papers and other course materials.  Attendance of lecture.  Inspection of the facilities.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives almost comply with the professional and educational standards but their formulations in the Program seems general and declarative. The wording should be clearer.

Content and Organization of Studies Some strengths and weaknesses of the Program:


 The Program is administered by the program director who belongs to the academic staff.  Generally the Program is in line with the requirements of professional and educational standards and legislation of Latvia.  Students have good relationships with the faculty.  According to the employers’ opinion the graduates are needed at the job market. Weaknesses:

 The self-evaluation reports did not contain the detailed comparison with other similar study programs, as required.  The titles of some courses seem strange and not related to the content.  The literature references of the course outlines in initial Self-Evaluation Report were partly out of date and not related to the subject. The recommended literature does not always correspond to the standard western literature and to the level of the study program.  The literature at the library could be better. The library does not meet the requirements necessary for research. The availability of foreign periodicals is not adequate.  The program does not include courses provided by foreign teachers.

It is necessary to emphasize that the library does not meet the nowadays requirements for research, teaching and studying and the literature in library should be updated. It should be expressed that students, graduates and employers are satisfied with the content and quality of the study program. The program is on development stage, there are no graduates and therefore also no sufficient information about feedback of graduates and alumni. Assessment of Teaching Process and Infrastructure The methodology of teaching, the availability and use of computers, Internet, and audiovisual equipment seems to be adequate. The general impression of the meeting with students’ representatives is that their motivation to learn is high. The students are also satisfied with the good infrastructure and study conditions as well as good relationships with the faculty. Recommendations

 The members of academic staff should improve their knowledge of general as well as business English (especially terminology) and facilitate the use of western literature.  It is necessary to strengthen the research and publishing especially in peer-reviewed foreign magazines.  The literature at the library should be better. It is recommended to teaching staff to order and use complimentary inspection copies.  It is recommendable to complete library with the internationally recognized basic textbooks in English and to encourage students and teachers to use these books systematically during the study process.  More attention should be paid to the international dimension of the program, and to faculty and students’ mobility.  The faculty should pay more attention to research and development activities applying international and local research grants and participating actively in the international networks involving also students.

Proposal on accreditation I recommend the Professional Master Study Program “CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT” (code 42818) for six year accreditation.


Jaan Alver, Professor, Head of Department of Accounting, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; [email protected] Tallinn October 8, 2007 Questionnaire for Evaluation Commission Experts (Supplement to the individual report) Expert’s name, surname: Jaan Alver, Professor of Tallinn University of Technology

Evaluated higher education institution and study program: Riga Technical University; Professional Master study program “Civil Construction and Real Estate Management”

The date of site visit: September 13–14, 2007.

The scale for the assessment: 4 (excellent), 3 (highly satisfactory), 2 (satisfactory), 1(unsatisfactory)

I The assessment of study programs

(6 main aspects and 14 questions)

I Aims and objectives 1. Possibility to understand, to reach and to control the aims and objectives defined by the study program. Assessment: …2.5

Comment: The aims and objectives are general and not fully controllable. The wording should be clearer.

II The content and organization of the studies Assessment: …2.0 2. Complying with the professional and education standards, legislation of the Republic of Latvia and with the requirements and standards of the European Union. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: The basis for assessment of the Program’s outcome is not complete because no Master theses have been defended yet. The library does not meet nowadays’ requirements for research and study. Foreign special literature is little old and out of date.

3. Consistency of the study program and its parts with the demands to create the common European education space, including the comparison with at least two study programs from EU countries. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: It is difficult to understand which criteria were used for the choice of comparative study programs. Comparison is not detailed and does not include comments.

4. Qualification and professionality of the academic staff members. Assessment: …3.0 Comment: Most teachers have a doctoral degree. The proficiency in English is weak and should be improved. Several members of teaching staff are older than 60. So a replacement plan should be developed.

III Assessment of teaching and learning Assessment: …3.0 Comment:

5. Modern methodology of teaching, a clear statement of results to be expected, problem solving, use of computers, internet, audiovisual and multi media equipment. Assessment: …3.0 Comment: Audiovisual and multi media equipment are used widely.

6. Counselling and guidance for students, academic supervision and consultations of the teaching staff, increasing of the students' motivation to study. Assessment: …3.0

Comment: The general impression of the meeting with students’ representatives is that relations between students, teaching and administration staff are good. Students are satisfied.

7. Methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes, their objectivity use to improve the studies. Assessment: …3.0 Comment:

IV The management and support of the studies Assessment: …2.5 Comment:

8. Respect of the principles of democracy, clear definition of the relations among representatives of the administration, academic staff and students; Assessment: …3.0

Comment: There are good relations between representatives of the administration, teaching staff and students. The students should be more informed about their rights.

9. Cooperation with other higher education establishments, research institutions, international organizations; exchange of staff and students with other higher education establishments. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: Participation in ERASMUS, LEONARDO and other projects takes place, but students exchange is like one direction way – they are sent, but not received. Only one foreign visiting professor. Improvement of proficiency in English (both – teaching staff and students) is necessary for developing international programs. Very good cooperation with sector organizations.

10. Methodological, informational and technical resources and facilities of the study program. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: The library stock should be increased and updated. The availability of nowadays textbooks and foreign periodicals is not adequate, foreign special literature is old and out of date. The library does not meet the requirements necessary for research. The technical resources and facilities (especially in library) are very good. V Research (creative) activities of the staff and the students 11. Involvement of the academic and general staff in the research (creative) activities, up to date character and connection with the content of the study program. Assessment: …2.0

Comment: The academic staff should strive for publishing papers in international peer reviewed journals. Improved proficiency in English would facilitate this. No Master theses have been defended yet. On that reason no information about students’ research activities is available.

VI Quality assessment and mechanisms to ensure it Assessment: …3.0 Comment:

12. Annual self-assessment of the study program, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses, changes, plans and possibilities for the development, continuously action of the system of self- evaluation and quality improvement. Assessment: …2.5

Comment: It is recommended to make self-evaluation annually.

13. Successful work of graduates according to their qualification. Assessment: …– Comment: There are no graduates yet.

14. Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the program, its re-organization and other changes. Assessment: …3.5

Comment: Opportunities to continue studies and financial guarantees in the case of closure of the program are provided.

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