Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting, December 12, 2007
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Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting, December 12, 2007 Present: Bob Zawilski, Astrid Arola, Ben Sclair, Steve Mazoff, Clint Johnson, Dave Guttu, Duncan Cook, Mary Covelli-Johnson, Greg Rediske
Not present: Janine Messenger
1. Call to Order 2. Secretary’s Report a. November 82.65%. 1st in Area, 5th in District. b. 126 active members (down three, possibly four). i. Sally Porter Smith and Marc Richie to be installed December 14. ii. Removed Pfingston, Ott, Pryor from member roles. Awaiting one last effort on Hatlen. 3. Treasurer’s Report a. Raffle books are nearly balanced. Puy Guy is wrapping up gambling report which is due December 15. Ash has offered assistance. Still expecting $2,500 from Dimmer Foundation. $22,754 net, $28,800 gross. b. All youth activities and community concerns disbursements will be funneled through Charitable Fund. 4. President’s Announcements a. Initiative Review: i. Lakeview Elementary & Kids at Hope – How to kick start in February 1. Five people now involved ii. Thank you to Penny LeGate – A HOPE for Children. $500 MSC to Penny's charity. Money from World Affairs Conference. iii. Budget discussion 1. No IB expense this year (potential $10-15,000 scholarship). Discussion: Monies should be saved so we can pay down the commitment easier/quicker (3-5 year plan). 2. Reduced Raffle 3. Potential fine 4. Pierce County Reading Sponsor. MSC: $1,000 contribution. Money from World Affairs Conference. 5. Meeting equipment; projector, wireless mike & screen a. Dave G. will get back with Richard to discuss the screen idea. 6. Away meeting costs a. $15 for meals and $5 for non-eaters. Round down. Ben will get away meeting attendance numbers to Bob. iv. Shelter Box/ Sportsmans Dinner v. Presidents Development Council Meeting. Greg suggests the committee get started in ernest in January. 1. Road map for Greg Horn. 2. Audit/Review parameters. Steve Mazoff, Cliff Rubert, Gordy Quick, Bud Montgomery. Directors’ Reports: 5. Membership & Fellowship (Janine Messenger) a. New Member Committee (Lenny Holmes) b. Fireside/Information (John Magnuson). Fireside on December 10. Three members (Sally Porter Smith, Marc Richie, Lenny Holmes). Vallie Joe Fry, Selden's Rediskes and Magnusons c. Puffins (John Korsmo). Going strong on roast and food baskets. d. Membership Mentoring (Joe Quinn). No new members in the pipeline. e. Club Sports (Bill Potter). Nothing to report. f. Fellowship (Janine Messenger) i. Packwood Weekend. Thompson, Selden checking the list for early February ii. Request for 'Defending the Caveman' outing by Ted Wier, early March. Committee will get back with dates and money iii. Reimbursed the Seldens for Mariners tickets. g. Revolving Dinner (Bud Montgomery). No report. h. Floating Board (Joel Feldman). No report. 6. Community Service–General (Duncan Cook) a. Community Concerns (Paul Casey). The CC Committee approved sending $750 dollars to Western State Hospital for Children’s Christmas Gifts. b. Partners for Parks (Ted Wier). These Partners are considering plans for a fund raiser and building a fishing pier on American Lake, Ted will advise. c. Courage Classic (Dave Guttu). No Report. d. Raffle (Ron Irwin). See President’s Initiative Review. e. Sportsmans Dinner (Tony Robinson/Paul Wulfstieg) i. November 29 Meeting (items discussed): 1. Discussed sponsor levels. Still seeking a major sponsor. 2. Dinner Price remains at $35 and Raffle tickets $5 each 3. Food service provider, Scott, same as last year 4. Event attendance – suggest a modest increase to 400-425 5. Shelter Box See President’s Initative Review f. Major Project (Bob Zawilski/Greg Rediske). i. From Mike McGowan: We are still working with CP board and they are conducting focus groups. We have developed an e-mail list of 2000 people to send one liners about IB on a weekly basis in an effort spread the knowledge of IB to the community, faculty and staff and parents. This is with the help of IB New York Office. 7. Community Service–Youth (Steve Mazoff) a. Youth Sports & Activities (Eric Herbel) b. Scholarship/Student Recognition (Robert Peterson). No change in schedule. See prior report. c. Next Step (Mike McGowan). Next meeting Jan.8. No change from prior report. d. RYLA & 4-Way Test Program (Jim Schultz) i. RYLA conference will be held March 6-9, 2008 at PLU. The 4-day leadership conference will be $300/student (up slightly from last year). ii. Recommendation is that we send two students from Lakes High School (as we did last year). Lakes has been very cooperative in working with us on this program. 1. After last years experience with CP (and Ed Janay's experience the previous year), it is suggested that we focus our attention on Lakes. e. Educator Recognition (Tony Robinson). No change in schedule. See prior report f. Lakeview Tutoring (Mark Blanchard) g. Youth Exchange (Greg Rediske) i. We are raising the monthly stipend for the exchange student to $125/month, from the current rate of $100 (a long, long time historical number). This is to help with lunch money, in particular. This will begin in January. We will remain within the budget. ii. We are gifting $100 to Nick to go toward snowboard boots, for a Christmas present. iii. We are going to allocate the $250 in our budget for cell phone use, which will reimburse Greg and Nick ($150/100) for currently expended monies. iv. The committee is putting together a "want to do" list for Nick's year, and we will attempt to put Lakewood Rotarians to each item, i.e. volunteer to take him to the Art Museum, volunteer to take him to the glass museum, etc. There are several trips lined up for snowboarding so far, including Phil Eng. v. We will begin the process of soliciting an outbound student in February, and expect to have better success with a longer lead time. Kim Prentice will be helping from the "inside". 8. Public Relations & Communications (Mary Covelli-Johnson) a. Publicity (Eric Herbel) b. Club Bulletin (Dave Sclair). 19 by mail. c. Club Directory (Ben Sclair) d. Calendar (Dave Covey) e. Sunshine/Spiritual Support (Jan Luze/Jim Ray) f. Military Appreciation (Tracye Kakley) g. Risk Management (Bob Zawilski) 9. Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Clint Johnson) a. Paul Harris Foundation (Mike McGovern). Next meeting is January 10th b. Lakewood Foundation (Clint Johnson). No report. c. World Affairs Conference (Bill Price). Saw a recent email (to Clint's son) from WAC indicating that the Seminar will return in 2009. No location determined yet. d. World Community Service (Mark Blanchard) 10. Club Administration (Dave Guttu) a. Program (Larry Faulk) b. Attendance/Greeters (Dan Livingston/Jim Skar) c. Sgt-At-Arms (Bill Young). Track fine collections for the bulletin. d. District Affairs (Norm Tremaine) e. Installation Banquet (Joe Ghilarducci) f. By-Laws (Sam Hunter) g. Long Range Planning (Ted Wier) h. Set-Up/Equipment (Richard Simmons) i. Start looking for a projector. 11. Old Business a. DSG – book recycling Report by PE Joel 12. New Business a. Policy discussion on release of members e-mail addresses and potential website links to supported organizations. Background, Dave O’Keefe, Community in Schools, called to ask if we would mind if he emailed quarterly updates to our members. He indicated he already had a list of our e-mail addresses. In addition to e-mails of this nature, also discuss the potential for a list of supported organizations on our website and links to their website. i. Consensus that if someone wants to promote their cause, they get that information to bulletin chair for inclusion in the bulletin. Bob will discuss with Dave O'Keefe where he got our list. b. D&O insurance will be renewed at $1 million level for $450. c. Danny Lovelace is waiting for job change to see if he's going to renew. d. Discussion: How much is too much for passing the hat? It is president's discretion. 13. Next Meeting: January 9 14. Adjourn ADDITIONAL NOTES Rotary Literacy Program — Pierce County Library System’s Summer Reading Program
We have an outstanding opportunity to get the Rotary name tied with a currently established and successful summer reading program conducted by Pierce County Library System. Pierce County Library System covers both Area 7 & 8 Rotary Clubs and with 17 branches, it reaches most members of our collective clubs. Here is some additional information for you and your Board’s consideration. 1. Pierce County Library System is the fourth largest library system in Washington state and it serves 522,000 people. 2. The Library System’s service area spans 1,600 square miles and includes all of unincorporated Pierce County and the annexed cities and towns of Bonney Lake, Buckley, DuPont, Eatonville, Edgewood, Gig Harbor, Lakewood, Milton, Orting, South Prairie, Steilacoom, Sumner, University Place, and Wilkeson. 3. People made 2.5 million visits to the Library System’s 17 branches in 2006 and 910,000 visits to its new Web site. 4. In 2006, people checked out 5.6 million books, CDs, DVDs, and other materials. 5. Pierce County Library’s summer reading program reaches 21,000 children and teenagers throughout Pierce County Library’s service area. 6. The Library’s youth service librarians meet directly with all 1st and 2nd graders in the public school district as well as many private schools to promote summer reading. They also meet with some of the kindergarten and 3rd grade classes and give them the summer reading activity book. 7. The Library also distributes summer reading information to 21,000 students in kindergarten to fifth grade and sixth, if still in elementary schools. In 2008, it plans to distribute summer reading information directly to all middle school and junior high students, too. 8. With 17 branches and three bookmobiles, the library is committed to providing quality in-branch marketing materials. 9. The Library successfully seeks and receives significant earned media – print, radio, and TV with hundreds of news stories annually. 10. The Library also seeks and achieves sponsorship for advertising the Library’s programs and services.
Benefit to the Pierce County Rotary Clubs: Each of our clubs currently has individual literacy programs. Many of these programs are very successful, but may reach a limited number of people. Rotary involvement with Pierce County Library System’s summer reading program would complement and enhance your current literacy program. Rotary and the Pierce County Library would form a very nice public relations partnership advocating the fun side of reading for children. The Library’s summer reading program continues to grow and gain momentum. In 2006, the Library reached 21,000 students, as well as countless teachers and parents. Rotary would be the PRIMARY NAMING SPONSOR for this program, which would include our Rotary Wheel on the Library’s newspaper advertisements and program brochures. The Library also has banners that it places on the outside of their branches and processing and administration center, which may include the Rotary logo in the future.
The time frame for this program is a fairly large window. The build up begins in April through the middle of June. The program itself runs from the end of June (when school ends for the summer) through the end of August. However, we need to get everything lined up by December 31st.
To be the PRIMARY NAMING SPONSOR we need $10,000 among the 14 clubs in Pierce County. It is acknowledged that a few of the Rotaries may be serviced by a city library, but their membership resides all over the County. Sponsoring Pierce County Library’s Summer Reading Program creates a high visibility for Rotary and underscores our commitment to support literacy for youth.
So far 4 clubs together have committed $3,500 — South Hill, Parkland/Spanaway, Clover Park and Puyallup. That makes $6,500 remaining among 10 clubs. You’ve seen what we can do together with the Courage Classic and the Bus Shelters… together we can make things happen and generate an increased awareness of the Rotary’s emphasis on education!
Point of Contact: PP Mark Mullins, Puyallup Rotary Literacy Chair wk (253) 845-7575 [email protected]
Additional Notes
December 6, 2007
Walt Kellcy, Jr., President Clover Park School District Board of Directors 10903 Gravelly Lake Drive, SW Lakewood, WA 98499
Dear Walt,
Congratulations on an excellent meeting with community citizens for the purpose of offering suggestions and identifying criteria that will be helpful to the school board in selecting a new school superintendent. As one of the key service organizations in the Lakewood community with a membership of nearly one hundred and forty active and prominent men and women, we are particularly interested in the appointment of the next leader of our public schools. I believe this will be one of the most important decisions that will be made by the Clover Park School District Board of Directors in planning for excellence in the years ahead.
Several of our Lakewood Rotary members participated in the forum meeting and were appreciative of the attention given to the input of the community members who were present. Recognizing the importance of this selection in the future of our school district and community, we are requesting that you give high consideration to appointing a member of the Rotary Club of Lakewood to the Superintendent Search Committee.
Thank you for your consideration of our request. We stand ready to assist wherever we can in bringing the very best in educational excellence to our students, parents, and citizens.
Bob Zawilski, President Rotary Club of Lakewood