Classroom Portfolio Labels Preschool
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Classroom Portfolio Labels – Preschool Use these Classroom Portfolio labels to label pieces of evidence included in the Classroom Portfolio. This resource is an optional resource for programs. These labels apply to groups that serve preschool-aged children only (30 months – 5 years).
These labels were designed to be used with Avery 5160 (1” x 2 5/8”) labels or a similar product. You may notice that some criteria do not fit on one label. In these cases, the criterion language appears on two labels and includes a “1 of 2” and “2 of 2” note at the top of each label.
Certain criteria have been intentionally removed from this resource. Read more.
© 2016. National Association for the Education of Young Children. All rights reserved. Topic Area 1.A. Building Standard 1: 1.A.01 Teachers work in partnership with Positive Relationships families, establishing and maintaining regular, Relationships Among Teachers and ongoing, two-way communication. Families
1.A.03.b Teachers communicate with family 1.A.05 Teachers share information with families 1.A.03.a Teachers communicate with family members on an ongoing basis to about classroom rules, expectations and routines members on an ongoing basis to a. learn about b. ensure a smooth transition between home and not only at enrollment but also as needed children’s individual needs. program. throughout the year.
Topic Area 1.C. Helping 1.C.03.a Teaching staff support children as they 1.C.03.b Teaching staff support children as they practice social skills and build friendships by practice social skills and build friendships by Children Make Friends helping them a. enter into [play] helping them b. sustain [play]
Topic Area 1.D. Creating a 1.C.03.c Teaching staff support children as they 1.D.01.a Teaching staff counter potential bias practice social skills and build friendships by Predictable, Consistent, and discrimination by a. treating all children helping them c. enhance play with equal respect and consideration, and Harmonious Classroom
1.D.01.d Teaching staff counter potential bias 1.D.01.b Teaching staff counter potential bias 1.D.01.c Teaching staff counter potential bias and discrimination by d. providing models and and discrimination by b. initiating activities and and discrimination by c. intervening when visual images of adult roles, differing abilities, discussions that build positive self-identity and children tease or reject others, and ethnic or cultural backgrounds that counter teach the valuing of differences, stereotypical limitations,
1.D.02.a Teachers provide children opportunities 1.D.02.b Teachers provide children 1.D.01.e Teaching staff counter potential bias to develop the classroom community through opportunities to develop the classroom and discrimination by e. avoiding stereotypes in participation in decision making about classroom community through participation in decision language references. a. rules making about classroom b. plans, and
1.D.02.c Teachers provide children opportunities to develop the classroom community through 1.D.04.a Teachers help children talk about a. 1.D.04.b Teachers help children talk about b. participation in decision making about classroom their own [emotions] others’ emotions. c. activities.
1.D.04.c [Teachers] provide opportunities for Topic Area 2.A. children to c. explore a wide range of feelings Standard 2: and the different ways that those feelings can be Curriculum: Essential expressed. Curriculum Characteristics
2.A.07.a The curriculum guides the development 2.A.07.b The curriculum guides the 2.A.07.c The curriculum guides the development of a daily schedule that is predictable yet flexible development of a daily schedule that is of a daily schedule that is predictable yet flexible and responsive to individual needs of the predictable yet flexible and responsive to & responsive to individual needs of the children. children. The schedule a. provides time and individual needs of the children. The schedule The schedule c. is responsive to a child’s need to support for transitions. b. includes both indoor and outdoor experiences. rest or be active.
2.A.08.a Materials and equipment used to 2.A.08.b Materials and equipment used to 2.A.08.c Materials and equipment used to implement the curriculum reflect the lives of the implement the curriculum reflect the lives of the implement the curriculum reflect the lives of the children & families as well as the diversity children & families as well as the diversity children and families as well as the diversity found in society, including found in society, including found in society, including a. gender, b. age, c. language, and 2.A.08.d Materials and equipment used to implement the curriculum reflect the lives of the 2.A.08.e Materials and equipment e. provide for 2.A.08.f Materials and equipment children and families as well as the diversity children’s safety while being appropriately f. encourage exploration, experimentation, and found in society, including challenging. discovery. d. abilities.
2.A.08.i Materials and equipment i. are 2.A.08.g Materials and equipment 2.A.08.h Materials and equipment h. are rotated to reflect changing curriculum and g. promote action and interaction. organized to support independent use. accommodate new interests and skill levels.
2.A.10.a The curriculum guides teachers to 2.A.08.j Materials and equipment 2.A.08.k Materials and equipment incorporate content, concepts, and activities that j. are rich in variety. k. accommodate children’s special needs. foster a. social [development],
2.A.10.b The curriculum guides teachers to 2.A.10.c The curriculum guides teachers to 2.A.10.d The curriculum guides teachers to incorporate content, concepts, and activities that incorporate content, concepts, and activities that incorporate content, concepts, and activities that foster b. emotional [development], foster c. physical [development], foster d. language [development], and
2.A.10.f The curriculum guides teachers to incorporate content, concepts, and activities that 2.A.11.a The schedule a. provides children 2.A.10.e The curriculum guides teachers to f. integrate key areas of content including learning opportunities, experiences, and projects incorporate content, concepts, and activities that literacy, mathematics, science, technology, that extend over the course of several days [and foster e. cognitive development and creative expression and the arts, health and incorporates time for:] safety, and social studies.
2.A.11.b The schedule [incorporates time for:] 2.A.11.c The schedule [incorporates time for:] c. 2.A.11.d The schedule [incorporates time for:] b. play, creative expression, d. large-group [activity],
2.A.12 The curriculum guides teachers to plan 2.A.11.e The schedule [incorporates time for:] e. 2.A.11.f The schedule [incorporates time for:] f. for children's engagement in play (including small-group [activity], and child-initiated activity. dramatic play and blocks) that is integrated into classroom topics of study.
Topic Area 2.C. Curriculum 2.C.04.a Children have varied opportunities and 2.C.03 Children are provided varied are provided equipment to engage in large motor opportunities and materials that support fine- Area of Development: experiences that motor development. Physical Development a. stimulate a variety of skills.
2.C.04.d Children have varied opportunities and 2.C.04.c Children have varied opportunities and 2.C.04.b Children have varied opportunities and are provided equipment to engage in large motor are provided equipment to engage in large motor are provided equipment to engage in large motor experiences that experiences that experiences that d. enable children with varying abilities to have c. develop controlled movement (balance, b. enhance sensory-motor integration. large-motor experiences similar to those of their strength, coordination). peers.
2.C.04.e Children have varied opportunities and 2.C.04.f Children have varied opportunities and Topic Area 2.D. are provided equipment to engage in large motor are provided equipment to engage in large motor experiences that experiences that Curriculum: Areas of e. range from familiar to new and f. help them learn physical games with rules and challenging. structure. Development: Language Development 2.D.02 Children are provided opportunities to 2.D.04.a Children have varied opportunities to 2.D.04.b Children have varied opportunities to experience oral and written communication in a develop vocabulary through develop vocabulary through language their family uses or understands. a. conversations, b. experiences,
2.D.06.a Children have varied opportunities and 2.D.04.c Children have varied opportunities to 2.D.04.d Children have varied opportunities to materials that encourage them to have develop vocabulary through develop vocabulary through discussions to solve problems that are [both] a. c. field trips, and d. books. interpersonal and
Topic Area 2.E. Curriculum 2.E.03.a (1 of 2) Children have opportunities to 2.D.06.b Children have varied opportunities and become familiar with print. They are actively materials that encourage them to have Content Area for Cognitive involved in making sense of print, and they have discussions to solve problems that are [both] b. opportunities to become familiar with, related to the physical world. Development: Early recognize, and use print that is accessible throughout the classroom: Literacy 2.E.03.b (1 of 2) Children have opportunities to become familiar with print. They are actively 2.E.03.a (2 of 2) a. Items belonging to a child involved in making sense of print, and they have 2.E.03.b (2 of 2) b. Materials are labeled. are labeled with his or her name opportunities to become familiar with, recognize, and use print that is accessible throughout the classroom:
2.E.03.c (1 of 2) Children have opportunities to 2.E.03.d (1 of 2) Children have opportunities to become familiar with print. They are actively become familiar with print. They are actively involved in making sense of print, and they have 2.E.03.c (2 of 2) c. Print is used to describe involved in making sense of print, and they have opportunities to become familiar with, some rules and routines. opportunities to become familiar with, recognize, and use print that is accessible recognize, and use print that is accessible throughout the classroom: throughout the classroom:
2.E.04.a Children have varied opportunities to a. 2.E.04.b Children have varied opportunities to be read books in an engaging manner in group or 2.E.03.d (2 of 2) d. Teaching staff help children b. be read to regularly in individualized ways individualized settings at least twice a day in recognize print and connect it to spoken words. including one-to-one or in small groups of two full-day programs and at least once daily in half- to six children day programs.
2.E.04.d Children have varied opportunities to 2.E.04.c Children have varied opportunities to c. d. have access to various types of books, 2.E.04.e Children have varied opportunities to e. explore books on their own and have places that including storybooks, factual books, books with be read the same book on repeated occasions. are conducive to the quiet enjoyment of books. rhymes, alphabet books, and wordless books.
2.E.04.g Children have varied opportunities to g. 2.E.04.h Children have varied opportunities to 2.E.04.f Children have varied opportunities to f. engage in conversations that help them h. be assisted in linking books to other aspects of retell and reenact events in storybooks. understand the content of the book. the curriculum.
2.E.05.a Children have multiple and varied 2.E.05.b Children have multiple and varied 2.E.04.i Children have varied opportunities to i. opportunities to write: a. Writing materials and opportunities to write: b. Various types of identify the parts of books and differentiate print activities are readily available in art, dramatic writing are supported, including scribbling, from pictures. play, and other learning centers. letter-like marks, and developmental spelling.
2.E.05.d Children have multiple and varied 2.E.05.e Children are given the support they 2.E.05.c Children have multiple and varied opportunities to write: d. Children are provided need to write on their own, including access to opportunities to write: c. Children have daily needed assistance in writing the words and the e. alphabet [both of] which are made opportunities to write or dictate their ideas. messages they are trying to communicate. available at eye level or on laminated cards. 2.E.05.f Children are given the support they 2.E.05.g g. Children see teaching staff model need to write on their own, including access to f. functional use of writing and are helped to 2.E.07.a Children are given opportunities to a. printed words about topics of current interest, discuss the many ways writing is used in daily recognize [letters] and [both of] which are made available at eye level life. or on laminated cards.
Topic Area 2.F. Curriculum 2.F.02 Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build 2.E.07.b Children are given opportunities to b. Content Area for Cognitive understanding of numbers, number names, and write letters. their relationship to object quantities and to Development: Early symbols. Mathematics
2.F.05.a Children are provided varied 2.F.05.b Children are provided varied 2.F.03 Children are provided varied opportunities and materials that help them opportunities and materials that help them opportunities and materials to categorize by one understand the concept of measurement by using understand the concept of measurement by using or two attributes such as shape, size, and color. a. standard [units of measurement] and b. non-standard units of measurement.
2. F.06 Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to understand basic 2.F.07 Children are provided varied 2.F.08 Children are provided varied concepts of geometry by, for example, naming opportunities to build an understanding of time opportunities and materials that help them and recognizing two- and three-dimensional in the context of their lives, schedules, and recognize and name repeating patterns. shapes and recognizing how figures are routines. composed of different shapes.
2.G.02.a Children are provided varied 2.G.02. b Children are provided varied Topic Area 2.G. Curriculum opportunities and materials to learn key content opportunities and materials to learn key content and principles of science such as a. the dif- and principles of science such as b. earth and Content Area for Cognitive ference between living and nonliving things (e.g. sky (e.g., seasons; weather; geologic features; plants versus rocks) and life cycles of various light and shadow; sun, moon, and stars). Development: Science organisms (e.g., plants, butterflies, humans).
2.G.02.c (2 of 2) c. structure and property of 2.G.03 Children are provided varied 2.G.02.c (1 of 2) Children are provided varied matter (e.g., characteristics that include concepts opportunities and materials that encourage them opportunities and materials to learn key content like hard and soft, floating and sinking)and to use the five senses to observe, explore, and and principles of science such as behavior of materials (e.g., transformation of experiment with scientific phenomena. liquids and solids by dissolving or melting).
2.G.05.b Children are provided varied 2.G.04 Children are provided varied 2.G.05.a Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to b. represent and opportunities to use simple tools to observe opportunities and materials to a. collect data document their findings (e.g., through drawing objects and scientific phenomena. [and to] or graphing).
2.G.06 Children are provided varied 2.G.08 Children are provided varied Topic Area 2.H. Curriculum opportunities and materials that encourage them opportunities and materials that help them learn to think, question, and reason about observed and use scientific terminology and vocabulary Content Area for Cognitive and inferred phenomena associated with the content areas. Development: Technology Topic Area 2.J. Curriculum 2.H.03.a Technology is used to a. extend learning within the classroom. 2.H.03.b Technology is used to b. integrate and Content Area for Cognitive enrich the curriculum. Development: Creative Expression and the Arts
2.J.01.c Children are provided varied 2.J.01.a Children are provided varied 2.J.01.b Children are provided varied opportunities to gain an appreciation of opportunities to gain an appreciation of opportunities to gain an appreciation of c. drama [in ways that reflect cultural diversity] , a. art [in ways that reflect cultural diversity], b. music [in ways that reflect cultural diversity], [and] 2.J.01.d Children are provided varied 2.J.04.a Children are provided varied 2.J.04.b Children are provided varied opportunities to gain an appreciation of opportunities to learn new concepts and opportunities to learn new concepts and d. dance in ways that reflect cultural diversity, vocabulary related to a. art, vocabulary related to b. music,
2.J.05 Children are provided varied 2.J.04.c Children are provided varied 2.J.04.d Children are provided varied opportunities to develop and widen their opportunities to learn new concepts and opportunities to learn new concepts and repertoire of skills that support artistic vocabulary related to c. drama, and vocabulary related to d. dance. expression (e.g., cutting, gluing, and caring for tools).
2.J.06.c Children are provided many and varied 2.J.06.a Children are provided many and varied 2.J.06.b Children are provided many and varied open-ended opportunities and materials to open-ended opportunities and materials to open-ended opportunities and materials to express themselves creatively through c. dance express themselves creatively through a. music, express themselves creatively through b. drama, and
2.J.06.d Children are provided many and varied open-ended opportunities and materials to 2.J.07.a Children have opportunities to respond 2.J.07.b Children have opportunities to respond express themselves creatively through d. two- to the art of a. other children and to the art of b adults. and three-dimensional art.
Topic Area 2.K. Curriculum 2.K.01 Children are provided varied 2.K.02.a Children are provided varied opportunities and materials that encourage good opportunities and materials to help them learn Content Area for Cognitive health practices such as serving and feeding about nutrition, including a. identifying sources themselves, rest, good nutrition, exercise, hand of food and Development: Health and washing, and tooth brushing. Safety
2.K.02.b Children are provided varied 2.K.02.c Children are provided varied 2.K.02.d Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to help them learn opportunities and materials to help them learn opportunities and materials to help them learn about nutrition, including b. recognizing about nutrition, including c. preparing [healthy about nutrition, including d. eating [healthy [healthy foods], foods], foods], and
2.K.02.e Children are provided varied 2.K.03.b Children are provided varied 2.K.03.a Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to help them learn opportunities and materials that increase their opportunities and materials that increase their about nutrition, including e. valuing healthy awareness of safety rules in their b. home, and awareness of safety rules in their a. classroom, foods. community.
Topic Area 2.L. Curriculum 2.L.01.a Children are provided varied learning 2.L.01.b Children are provided varied learning Content Area for Cognitive opportunities that foster positive identity and an opportunities that foster positive identity and an Development: Social emerging sense of a. self and emerging sense of b. others. Studies
2.L.02 Children are offered opportunities to 2.L.03.a Children are provided varied 2.L.03.b Children are provided varied become a part of the classroom community so opportunities and materials to build their opportunities and materials to build their that each child feels accepted and gains a sense understanding of diversity in a. culture [in non- understanding of diversity in b. family structure of belonging. stereotypical ways], [in non-stereotypical ways],
2.L.03.c Children are provided varied 2.L.03.d Children are provided varied 2.L.03.e Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build their opportunities and materials to build their opportunities and materials to build their understanding of diversity in c. ability [in non- understanding of diversity in d. language [in understanding of diversity in e. age [in non- stereotypical ways], non-stereotypical ways], stereotypical ways], [and] 2.L.03.f Children are provided varied 2.L.04 Children are provided opportunities and 2.L.05 Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build their materials to explore social roles in the family opportunities and materials to learn about the understanding of diversity in f. gender and workplace through play. community in which they live. in non-stereotypical ways.
2.L.06.a Children have varied opportunities to 2.L.06.b Children have varied opportunities to 2.L.06.c Children have varied opportunities to engage in discussions about engage in discussions about engage in discussions about a. fairness, b. friendship, c. responsibility,
2.L.07 Children are provided varied 2.L.06.d Children have varied opportunities to 2.L.06.e Children have varied opportunities to opportunities and materials to learn about engage in discussions about engage in discussions about physical characteristics of their local d. authority, and e. differences. environment as a foundation for learning geography.
2.L.10 Children are provided opportunities and 2.L.08.a Children are provided varied 2.L.08.b Children are provided varied materials that build a foundation for opportunities and materials to learn how people opportunities and materials to learn how people understanding economic concepts (e.g., playing affect their environment in affect their environment in b. negative (e.g., restaurant, managing a store, and identifying and a. positive (e.g., recycling) [ways] and polluting) ways. exchanging money).
3.A.01 Teaching staff, program staff or both Topic Area 3.A. Designing work as a team to implement daily teaching and Standard 3: learning activities, including Individualized Enriched Learning Family Service Plans (IFSPs), Individualized Teaching Education Programs (IEPs), and other individual Experiences plans as needed.
3.A.06.b b. [Teachers] ensure that children’s 3.A.06.a a. Teachers create classroom displays recent works predominate in classroom displays 3.A.06.c c. [Teachers ensure that] some displays that help children reflect on and extend their (e.g., art, emergent writing, graphic are at children’s eye level. learning. representation, and three-dimensional creations) and
3.A.07 Teaching staff and children work Topic Area 3.B. Creating 3.B.02.a Teaching staff create and maintain a together to arrange classroom materials in setting in which children of differing abilities predictable ways so children know where to find Caring Communities for can progress, with guidance, toward increasing things and where to put them away. Learning levels of: a. autonomy,
3.B.02.b Teaching staff create and maintain a 3.B.02.c Teaching staff create and maintain a 3.B.11.a Teaching staff create a climate of setting in which children of differing abilities setting in which children of differing abilities mutual respect for children by being interested in can progress, with guidance, toward increasing can progress, with guidance, toward increasing their a. ideas, levels of: b. responsibility, and levels of: c. empathy.
Topic Area 3.D. Using 3.B.11.b Teaching staff create a climate of 3.B.11.c Teaching staff create a climate of mutual respect for children by being interested in mutual respect for children by being interested in Time, Grouping, and their b. experiences, and their c. products. Routines to Achieve Learning Goals
3.D.04 Teaching staff offer children 3.D.05.a Teachers plan for children to revisit 3.D.05.b Teachers plan for children to revisit opportunities to interact with children of various experiences and materials over periods of a. experiences and materials over periods of b. ages. days, weeks, and 3.D.05.c Teachers plan for children to revisit 3.D.10.a Teachers organize time and space on a 3.D.10.b Teachers organize time and space on a experiences and materials over periods of c. daily basis to allow children to work or play a. daily basis to allow children to work or play b. months. individually and in pairs,
3.D.10.c Teachers organize time and space on a 3.D.10.d Teachers organize time and space on a 3.D.11 Teachers create opportunities for children daily basis to allow children to work or play c. to daily basis to allow children to work or play d. to engage in group projects and to learn from come together in small groups, and to engage as a whole group. one another.
Topic Area 3.E. Responding 3.E.01 Teaching staff reorganize the environment when necessary to help children 3.E.02.a Teachers scaffold children’s learning to Children’s Interests and explore new concepts and topics, sustain their by: a. modifying the schedule. Needs activities, and extend their learning.
3.E.03 Teachers use children's interest in and 3.E.02.b Teachers scaffold children’s learning 3.E.02.c Teachers scaffold children’s learning curiosity about the world to engage them with by: b. intentionally arranging the equipment, and by: c. making themselves available to children. new content and developmental skills.
3.E.08.a Teachers use their knowledge of 3.E.04 Teachers use their knowledge of 3.E.08.b Teachers use their knowledge of children’s a. social relationships [to tailor individual children to modify strategies and children’s b. interests [to tailor learning learning opportunities for groups and materials to enhance children's learning. opportunities for groups and individuals], individuals],
Topic Area 3.F. Making 3.E.08.c Teachers use their knowledge of 3.E.08.d Teachers use their knowledge of children’s c. ideas [to tailor learning children’s d. skills to tailor learning Learning Meaningful for opportunities for groups and individuals], and opportunities for groups and individuals. All Children
3.F.01 Teachers use curriculum in all content 3.F.06 Teachers offer children opportunities to and developmental areas as a flexible framework 3.F.02 Play is planned for each day. engage in classroom experiences with members for teaching and to support the development of of their families. daily plans and learning experiences.
Topic Area 3.G. Using 3.G.02.a Teachers use multiple sources 3.G.01 Teachers have and use a variety of (including results of informal and formal Instruction to Deepen teaching strategies that include a broad range of assessments as well as children’s initiations, approaches and responses. questions, interests, and misunderstandings) to a. Children’s Understanding identify what children have learned. and Build Their Skills and 3.G.02.b Teachers use multiple sources 3.G.02.c Teachers use multiple sources 3.G.02.d Teachers use multiple sources (including results of informal and formal (including results of informal and formal (including results of informal and formal assessments as well as children’s initiations, assessments as well as children’s initiations, assessments as well as children’s initiations, questions, interests, and misunderstandings) to questions, interests, and misunderstandings) to c. questions, interests, and misunderstandings) to b. adapt curriculum and teaching to meet foster children’s curiosity. d. extend children’s engagement. children’s needs and interests.
3.G.02.e Teachers use multiple sources 3.G.03.a As children learn and acquire new (including results of informal and formal 3.G.03.b As children learn and acquire new skills, teachers a. use their knowledge of assessments as well as children’s initiations, skills, teachers b. adjust challenges as children children’s abilities to fine-tune their teaching questions, interests, and misunderstandings) to e. gain competence and understanding. support. support self-initiated learning. 3.G.08 Teachers help children identify and use prior knowledge. They provide experiences that 3.G.09.a Teachers engage in collaborative 3.G.09.b Teachers engage in collaborative extend and challenge children's current inquiry with a. individual children and inquiry with b. small groups of children. understandings.
3.G.12.a Teachers promote children’s 3.G.12.b Teachers promote children’s 3.G.11 Teachers are able to determine the engagement and learning by: a. responding to engagement and learning: b. by enhancing and different components of a task and break it into their need for and interest in practicing emerging expanding activities that children choose to meaningful and achievable parts. skills, and engage in repeatedly.
3.G.14 Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of 3.G.13 Teachers promote children's engagement Standard 4: content and developmental areas by creating and learning by guiding them in acquiring experiences that engage children in purposeful specific skills and by explicitly teaching those and meaningful learning related to key Assessment of Child skills. curriculum concepts. Progress Topic Area 4.B. Using 4.B.05.b Staff-developed assessment methods b. 4.B.05.a Staff-developed assessment methods a. provide an accurate picture of all children’s Appropriate Assessment are aligned with curriculum goals. abilities and progress. Methods
4.B.05.d Staff-developed assessment methods d. 4.B.05.c Staff-developed assessment methods c. 4.B.05.e Staff-developed assessment methods e. provide meaningful and stable results for all are appropriate and valid for their stated provide teachers with clear ideas for curriculum learners, including English-language learners purposes. development and daily planning. and children with special needs.
Topic Area 4.C. 4.C.02 Teachers assess the developmental progress 4.B.05.f Staff-developed assessment methods f. of each child across all developmental areas, using a variety of instruments and multiple data sources are regularly reviewed to be certain that they are Identifying Children’s that address the program's curriculum areas. Staff providing the needed information. Interests and Needs and with diverse expertise and skills collect information across the full range of children’s experiences. Describing Children’s 4.D.01 Teachers or others who know the children Topic Area 4.D. Adapting and are able to observe their strengths, interests, 4.C.03 Teachers refer to curriculum goals and and needs on an ongoing basis conduct assessments developmental expectations when interpreting Curriculum, Individualizing to inform classroom instruction and to make sound assessment data. decisions about individual and group curriculum Teaching, and Informing content, teaching approaches, and personal Program Development interactions. 4.D.08 Teachers observe and document 4.D.07 Teachers talk and interact with individual 4.D.03 Teachers interact with children to assess children's work, play, behaviors, and interactions children and encourage their use of language to their strengths and needs to inform curriculum to assess progress. They use the information inform assessment of children's strengths, development and individualize teaching. gathered to plan and modify the curriculum and interests, and needs. their teaching.
Topic Area 4.E. 4.E.03 Teachers, families, and relevant specialists have regular opportunities to 4.E.01 Families have ongoing opportunities to participate in two-way communication Communicating with share the results of observations from home to conferences to discuss each child’s progress, contribute to the assessment process. Families and Involving accomplishments, difficulties in the classroom and at home as well as plan learning activities. Families in the Assessment
Topic Area 7.B. Sharing 7.B.06 (1 of 2) Program staff communicate with families on at least a weekly basis regarding Standard 7: Families Information Between children's activities and developmental Staff and Families milestones, shared caregiving issues, and 7.B.06 (2 of 2) other information that affects the Topic Area 9.A. Indoor and well-being and development of their children. Standard 9: Physical Where in-person communication is not possible, Outdoor Equipment, program staff communicate through established alternative means. Environment Materials, and Furnishings
9.A.07.a a. Staff organize and group materials 9.A.07.b b. Staff rotate and adapt materials to on low, open shelves to encourage children to promote learning and extend children’s play use them independently. opportunities