Please provide detailed information about your school on this form. The Polish National Agency will share your school profile with other National Agencies in all over Europe.

Contact information Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 1 w Zamościu Name of the school: The No 1 Team of Higher-Secondary Schools in Zamość

School address: 8 Łukasińskiego Street, 22-400 Zamość School telephone: +48846384351

Fax: +48846384351 Head teacher/ principal: Alicja Ciupa Coordinator of the Mariusz Szczuchniak project: Monika Wasilewska E-Mail of contact [email protected] person: [email protected]

School Website:

Information about your school Approx. 1000 Number of pupils:

80 Number of teachers: City x Regional characteristics: Rural area  Suburb  Youngest :16 Age of pupils at school: Oldest : 20 Pre-primary school  Primary school  General school  Secondary school x Age of target group: Technical and vocational school x School for pupils with special education needs  Other :______1. Secondary school 2. Technicaland vocational secondary school Type of school:

Rooms : 30

Other facilities : library, language Describe facilities found in your school (ex; library, sports room, IT laboratories and others centre, language rooms, laboratories, history rooms) Access : open

English, German, Russian, French Languages taught in your school: Yes  Previous experience with international school programmes: No x

Project information:

Type of project Multilateral x Bilateral 

Possible title of project KINDNESS EVERY DAY

Country Preference European Countries

Working language(s) of the project English

General aim of the project Promotion of cultural behaviour rules in every- day life situations as well as improvement of language communication skills.

Subject areas, topics, curriculum areas 1. Behaviour in every-day situations. 2. Customs, traditions and positive standards of behaviour. 3. Skilful language communication. 4. Culture in public places. 5. Savoir-vivre rules.

Planned outcomes of the project 1. Students accept and copy positive patterns of behaviour. 2. Students shape moral values, make choices and prioritize them. 3. Students shape listening skills of others and understand their views. 4. They use polite language form in every-day communication. - Working out a moral codex Any additional information you would like to - Preparing albums concerning provide savoir-vivre rules in interpersonal relations - Working out the performance (roleplay): “What Is Important in Good Upbringing” - A questionnaire