Centre for Training in Social Housing
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Centre for Training in Social Housing
Page 1 of 2 Instructions for completing your enrolment form Smart and Skilled Contract for Sydney Metro – Face to face and Online Training
Student Handbook
Before completing your Enrolment Form you must read the student handbook. This handbook contains vital information about your training and about The Centre for Training in Social Housing (CTSH). Link to handbook: http://www.communityhousing.org.au/T_training/Student%20Handbook%20June%202015%20V2.0.pdf Link to Centre for Training in Social Housing Policy Documents and enrolment forms: http://www.communityhousing.org.au/smartandskilled/s_menu_students.html
Course Details Please note that face to face training sessions are not completed in a single day. In addition to the face to face training day/s, you will need to undertake independent study to complete your Assessment Tasks. You must then send your completed Assessment Tasks to your Trainer by a set date. Cut off dates for assessment varies – your Trainer will advise you of these during face to face training. For all online training, we use the Learning Management System called ‘Moodle’. A full induction on how to use Moodle is available to all new students. Generally, it takes 4 to 5 weeks to undertake your study for each online unit.
Employment and statistical information As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), CTSH is required to collect certain data. If you would like more information about how and why we collect this data, please email the Training Manager at [email protected]
Authorising Manager’s Signature Where your employer is paying for your training or providing study leave or other support, it is essential that your enrolment is authorised by your manager or supervisor on page 4. (i.e. whoever is responsible for authorising your training)
Choosing your core and elective units There are 15 Units in the CHC42215 Certificate IV in Social Housing Qualification, made up of 8 Core/Compulsory and 7 Elective Units. Some Units are common to both CHC42215 Certificate IV and the CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services. Choosing these may save you some work in completing the Diploma, should you wish to do so at a later date. You are not required to select all of your units for the Cert IV (although you are welcome to do so if you want). You may decide to select units progressively over the course of your Cert IV. However, when selecting your units please ensure to select the number of units that are manageable for you. For example, with online training a maximum of 1-2 units per month is generally manageable. This equates to approximately 6-8 hours a week to complete your work. As a general guide, allow 12 months to complete the Certificate IV. Of course, you are free to enrol in more Units if you believe you can complete your training in less time. The same applies to face to face training – if you are doing face to face training a maximum of 1-2 units a month is generally achievable given that some assessment is done in class and the majority of assessments must be completed independently by you within 4 weeks of the session. As a general guide, allow 12 months to complete a Certificate IV. Of course, you are free to enrol in more Units if you believe you can complete your training in less time.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Credit Transfer Please contact the Training Manager directly to apply for RPL: [email protected] You may be eligible for Credit Transfers if you have completed accredited training with another Registered Training Organisation such as TAFE. Please provide certified copies of your transcripts at the time you submit your enrolment Centre for Training in Social Housing form. If there is a delay in providing the certified copy, please let us know. If you are transitioning from the previous CHC40912 Certificate IV in Social Housing you will be eligible for RPL for Units completed however there may be additional assessments to complete but you won’t have to attend the training again
If you are flying to Sydney for a Training session please don’t make any airline or accommodation booking until you have received your Training reminder email. We will try and get these out as early as possible.
The New Training Package All students enrolled in the CHC40912 Certificate IV in Social Housing will be transitioning into new qualifications. Qualifications not completed will be delivered under the new qualification making this a seamless transition. There may be an additional assessment task in some Units however there will not be any fees associated with this transition. A final word
The Training Manager is always available to help you. Please email [email protected] or phone 02 92817144 ext 215 if you are having trouble choosing your Core and Elective Units or have any questions about completing your Enrolment Form.
Smart and Skilled – government subsidised As this enrolment form is for Smart and Skilled training only please read the brochure “Smart and Skilled – Government Subsidised training – Student information”
CTSH Registration Form 2016 Version 1 Page 3 of 2 Centre for Training in Social Housing Date created: 93/12/2015 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Centre for Training in Social Housing CHC42215 Certificate IV in Social Housing Smart and Skilled Contract Enrolment Form 2016 June – December Sydney Metro – Face to face and Online Training
Before completing this form, please read the Student Handbook at http://www.communityhousing.org.au/T_training/Student%20Handbook%20June%202015%20V2.0.pdf
STUDENT DETAILS Unique Student Identifier (USI) USI NUMBER: As of 1 January 2015 if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation you are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards. When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you will have easy access to your training records and results throughout your life. You can access your USI account online from a computer, tablet or smart phone anywhere and anytime. Unique Student Identifier (USI): Link www.usi.gov.au/create-your-USI
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other Gender: M F
Full Name: Date of Birth:
Home Address (No box numbers):
Postal address (if different from the above)?
Email: Work email: Please indicate where you would like all correspondence and materials to be sent to. Home Phone: Personal Mobile:
Please specify any dietary requirements if food is provided:
I allow permission for photos to be taken that may be used for publicity or news items Yes No
Emergency Contact Person: Contact Person's Phone:
Emergency Contact email:
CTSH Smart and Skilled Registration Form 2016 Greater NSW Version 6 Page 1 of 4 Centre for Training in Social Housing Date created: 17/12/2015 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Updated 6/1/2016 EMPLOYMENT AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION
Employer Name:
Employment Address:
Job Title: Work phone number:
When did you commence employment with this employer?
Manager’s name: Manager’s phone:
Manager’s email:
If your employer is paying for this training, please provide a contact name and email for invoicing purposes if different from above.
Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) As a registered provider of Vocational Training and Education, CTSH is required to provide statistical information to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and other government agencies. All information provided in this form will be kept strictly confidential and is used for reporting purposes only. If you have any questions regarding the completion of the form, please call (02) 9281 7144 or email [email protected] Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status? (Tick ONE box only.) Full-time employee Employed – unpaid worker in a family business Part-time employee Unemployed – seeking part-time work Self-employed – not Unemployed – seeking full-time work employing others Not employed – not seeking employment Employer Of the following categories, which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this course? (Tick ONE box only) To get a job It was a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job To develop my To get into another course of study existing business For personal interest or self-development To start my own business Other reasons: …………………………… To try for a different career To get a better job or promotion
In which country were you Australia Other: ………………………………………………… born?
What is your nationality? Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?: (please tick)
No Yes, Aboriginal Yes, Torres Strait Islander Do you speak a language other than English at home? No, English only
Page 2 of 4 Yes, other- please specify If you answered yes to the question above, how well do you speak English?
Very Well Well Not well Not at all What is your highest COMPLETED school level? (Tick ONE box only.) Year 12 or Year 9 or equivalent equivalent Year 8 or equivalent Year 11 or Never attended school equivalent Year 10 or equivalent
In which YEAR did you complete that school level? Have you successfully Yes No completed post-secondary qualifications? If yes, which qualification(s)? Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Higher Degree level Certificate IV Diploma (or Certificate II Associate Diploma) Certificates other than the above:…………………. Certificate III (or trade certificate) Certificate I
If you are applying for credit transfer or RPL, please provide a certified copy of your qualifications Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No If Yes, please specify from the following list (you may note more than one) Hearing/Deaf Acquired Brain Impairment Physical Vision Intellectual Medical condition Learning Other …………………………………………………. Mental Illness
If you believe that you may require learning support, please check the box and our Training Manager will contact you. Eligibility and Smart and Skilled Fee Questionnaire Please confirm your citizenship status: (Please select below)
□ Australian Citizen □ Permanent Resident □ Humanitarian visa □ New Zealand Citizen Holder □ Other Are you a registered or intending to be registered apprentice or trainee? □ Yes □ No Are you long term unemployed □ Yes □ No
Page 2 of 4 Do you live in NSW Social Housing or are you/your household on NSW Housing
Register? □ Yes □ No Have you undertaken any other Smart and Skilled qualification this calendar year □ Yes □ No
Indicate welfare status: A welfare recipient Yes No Dependent child or spouse of welfare recipient Yes No
Student Declaration I acknowledge that I have read the Student Handbook. I understand that by signing this enrolment form I agree to attend the selected course. I understand that there is a cancellation/refund policy in effect and if I do not attend I/my employer may be charged. I understand that some of my information will be provided as statistical data to an external government body as is required by the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011. Any identifying personal information provided by me to CTSH will be kept strictly confidential. I understand that I must inform CTSH of any change to the details contained within this form.
Student Signature: Date:
Manager’s Signature: Date:
Identification Provided: Driver’s Licence / Passport Medicare Other
Please submit completed form to [email protected] Entered Invoice created Confirmation Event Folder/ID VETtrak email
Page 2 of 4 Choosing your electives:
You may be eligible for Credit Transfers or Recognition of Prior Learning if you have completed units in another course or with a different provider. Please inform the Training Manager. For all online training we use the Learning Management System “Moodle.” We provide a full induction for you on how to use Moodle. There will be four to five weeks for each online unit to be completed
The Training Manager will assist you if you are having trouble selecting your electives: [email protected] Note: Training dates are subject to change and students will be informed. CHC42215 Certificate IV in Social Housing It is recommended that candidates have experience working in the community housing, public housing, SHS sector, real estate industry, or be currently completing a traineeship or hold a position in a social housing related service. 8 Core units (C) 7 Elective units (E) See the Training Manager if you need help with your selection.
8 CORE (C) UNITS Select only one session for each unit Unit CIV Dip Number Name Date Mode Selection 7/11/2016 Online C CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically 7/12/2016 Face to face
17/10/2016 Online C E CHCSOH001 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness 16/11/2016 Face to face
24/10/2016 Online C E CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs 27/10/2016 Face to face
C E CHCSOH002 Manage and maintain tenancy agreements and services (Day One) 8/11/2016 Face to face
C E CHCSOH002 Manage and maintain tenancy agreements and services (Day Two) 9/11/2016 Face to face
E CHCSOH010 Work with clients within the social housing system 15/11/2016 Face to face
7 ELECTIVE (E) UNITS Select only one session for your chosen electives Unit CIV Dip Number Name Date Mode Selection E E CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues CLASS FULL 3/10/2016 Online
E E CHCADV004 Represent the organisation in a court or tribunal (Day One) 19/10/2016 Face to face
E E CHCADV004 Represent the organisation in a court or tribunal (Day Two) 20/10/2016 Face to face
E C CHCPRP003 Reflect on improve own professional practice 10/11/2016 Face to face
E CHCSOH003 Manage housing application processes PLUS 1/12/2016 Face to face E CHCSOH004 Manage housing allocations
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