Biology Final Exam/Keystone Review

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Biology Final Exam/Keystone Review


Date:______Test Format:

Time:______- 65 multiple choice

Place:______- 8 constructed response scenarios

Helpful Hints:

1. Read over your notes/packets.

2. Read over the sections of the book that pertains to each topic.

3. Be able to define ALL vocabulary listed in the back of this packet.

4. Complete this packet in enough time to ask for help on any topics that might still confuse you.

Test day:

1. Get a good night sleep (or stay up all night studying, whichever)

2. Bring two sharpened #2 pencils.

3. Read each question thoroughly. Look for key words to help you answer the question. Eliminate obvious wrong responses first.

4. When in doubt, make the best educated guess you can.

1 2

Unit 1 Introduction (Basic Biological Principals)

1. Use the provided Venn diagrams to compare and contrast the two topics:

Prokaryote cells vs Eukaryote cells

Plants Cells vs Animal Cells Characteristics of Life:

1. Give two examples of how structure fits function that you learned about this year.

a. Many examples accepted

b. Chloroplasts and mitochondria have folded membranes to increase surface area of electron transport; nerve cells are long and thins to transmit signals, and so on

2. All living things must reproduce. List and describe the two main types of reproduction. Circle which type increases genetic diversity.

a. Asexual (Budding, binary fission, regeneration) produces exact genetic copies (clones)

b. Sexual reproduction- involves mixing genes. More genetic diversity due to recombination (crossing over, independent assortment, etc)

3. All living things have some sort of biological system.

a. What is the difference in systems between a unicellular organism and a multicellular organism? Define generalization and specialization Unicellular means one celled organism- Generalization means they must do all jobs

Multicellular means many cells- Specialization means these cells have specific jobs (neuron=signals, muscle=movement, etc)

b. Give the levels of organization in a multicellular organism.

Atoms=> organic macromolecules=> cells => tissues => organs=> organ system=> organism

Nonliving living

4. All living things maintain homeostasis. Give two examples of conditions that are maintained in humans and describe how. Identify each as positive or negative feedback.

a. Sweating- negative feedback (you need to stop the change in temperature, hence negative)

Insulin- negative feedback (you need to stop the raise in blood sugar)

b. Blood clotting- positive feedback (you need to speed up the clotting to keep your blood, hence positive)

Many other acceptable answers Unit II Biochemistry

1. Label all seven parts of following diagram of water. Show the relative charges.

a. Why are these molecules considered polar?

They are unevenly charged and form hydrogen bonds

With other polar molecules

b. What is unique about the dotted line?

It is a weak bind between two molecules

(ionic and covalent are strong bonds between atoms)

c. List and describe 4 reasons this molecule is important to life.

a. Temperature Moderation- sweating cools the body; large bodies of water control nearby climate.

b. Low Density of life: Allows for aquatic organisms to live through cold weather by insulating water bodies from the top- life could not have evolved if ice sunk

c. Universal Solvent- allows for all chemical reactions in the body (metabolism) to occur

d. Polarity allows for capillary action and surface tension, important for many functions including transpiration


1. What element do all macromolecules share that make them “organic”? Why is this element so important?

All life is based on CARBON, which is what makes macromolecules organic. Carbon can create four bonds, which allows for many varied structures based on it. -C-

2. Identify each of the following macromolecules and describe important characteristics of each.


d.1.The above diagram shows an enzyme at work. What is an enzyme?

Organic catalyst- speeds up a reaction at the active site by reducing activation energy needed for the reaction

d.2.What would happen if the pH or temperature of the environment above were to change? Be specific using key words. d.3.The enzyme would begin to denature. The shape would change as hydrogen bonds between amino acids break. The shape change would change the active site, not allowing the lock and key function of the enzyme to work properly. This would slow down or halt the desired reaction. Unit III Cells

1. Identify each type of cell. Then, label and give the function of each of the organelles. a. Ribosomes- protein synthesis g. Mitochondria- convert chemical energy from sugars into ATP b. Cell (plasma) membrane- maintains homeostasis, h. Endoplasmic Reticulum- intracellular transport controls what goes in and out of cells c. Nucleoid region (DNA) i. Golgi- Packaging, modifying, and shipping out materials (Proteins, lipids) d. Nucleus (DNA)- controls cellular activities j. Lysosome- breaking down molecules

e. Cell wall (plants, bacteria, and fungi only)- k. Flagellum- cellular movement provides support/structure f. Nucleolus- Ribosome production

2. What process uses organelles D, A, H, and I in order? Which organelle is missing from this label that is important for the process? Protein Synthesis (Gene expression)- missing the vesicles that transport proteins from ER to Golgi and Golgi to cell membrane


Use the following diagram to complete this section

1. Identify the 4 types of energy as it flows through the system.

A. Light

B. Chemical (sugar)

C. Chemical (ATP)

D. Heat

2. Identify the matter as it flows through the system.

A. H2O or CO2

B. H2O or CO2

C. O2

D. C6H12O6 (Sugar)

3. Identify the organelles, label their parts and describe which energy conversions happen in each.

A. Chloroplast- Thylakoid membrane has the proteins for the light reactions, allowing sunlight to split water and convert the energy to ATP and electrons in NADPH

Stroma is the fluid in which the Calvin cycle converts the ATP, NADPH, and CO2 into Sugars

B. Mitochondria- Matrix is the fluid in which the Krebs cycle harvests electrons and ATP and releases

CO2 from sugars

Cristae is the folded inner membrane that contains the ETC, allowing the electrons to move leading to the formation of ATP

Unit IV Cell Membrane

1. The main structure of the cell (plasma) membrane is made of part A.

1. What is part A called? Phospholipid

2. Part A1 and A2 are essential to the structure. What properties allow them to make the membrane semipermeable (selectively permeable) and how?

A1 – Phosphate head; polar and therefore hydrophilic, attracted to the water of the cytoplasm in the cell and the extracellular fluid(ECF) outside the cell. A2 – Lipid Tail; non-polar and therefore hydrophobic; turns in away from cytoplasm and ECF; does not allow certain polar materials through the membrane

2. Name, then compare and contrast processes 1 and 2.

1. Simple diffusion - does not need a protein, straight through membrane

2. Facilitated diffusion - needs a protein to get through

a. BOTH- move from high concentration to low concentration

3. Name, then compare and contrast processes 2 and 3.

1. Active transport - Uses energy to go from low concentration to high (protein pumps)

2. Facilitated diffusion - Does not need energy to go from High to Low (Protein channels)

2.i.a. BOTH- use membrane proteins for transport

4. Choose one of these processes and describe how it helps maintain homeostasis in a cell. Osmosis

1. Label the type of solution that each beaker has compared to the cell (dialysis tubing).

a. Beaker 1- hypotonic- water will go into the cell swelling it up

b. Beaker 2- isotonic- water will move in and out equally

c. Beaker 3- Hypertonic- water will leave the cell, shrinking it

d. Beaker 4- hypotonic

2. List and describe two situations where tonicity (osmosis) applies to help living things.

a. Turgor pressure in plants- plants are in a slightly hypotonic solution (fresh water) causing water to move into the central vacuole. This presses against the rigid cell wall helping support the plant.

b. Osmosis in kidneys- allows for animals to conserve water by filtering out solutes, then using osmosis to have water diffuse back into the blood stream.

Various other examples available Unit V DNA


1. What do both chromosomes and genes have in common?

Both made of DNA- Genes are located within chromosomes

2. Assume the above chromosome has 18 percent thymine.

a. How much adenine will it have and why?

18%, because adenine pairs with thymine

b. How much guanine? 32%

If A and T are both 18%, that’s 36%. That leaves 64% for G and C, or 32% each

3. Continue the above picture to show the DNA replicating. Include the important enzymes.


1. Use the following strand of DNA as a template. Mutate it 3 separate times; once showing a silent point mutation, once showing a missense (nonsense) mutation, and once showing a frameshift mutation. Transcribe and translate each.

Orininal: TACGGAGCATTGTCAAGC mRNA AUGCCUCGUAACAUUCG Protein Met-Pro-Arg -Asn-Ile A. Silent mutation: (example: Your answers will vary) TACGGCGCATTGTCAAGC mRNA AUGCCGCGUAACAUUCG Protein Met-Pro-Arg -Asn-Ile B. Nonsense mutation(example: Your answers will vary)

TACGGAUCATTGTCAAGC mRNA AUGCCUAGUAACAUUCG Protein Met-Pro-Ser -Asn-Ile C. Frameshift mutation(example: Your answers will vary)


1. Label the diagrams. A=mRNA, B=tRNA, C=Aminmo acids, D=protein (polypeptide), E= ribosome

Figure 1 Figure 2

2. What is the difference between the gene expression in figure 1 and figure 2? How do you know?

Figure 1 is a prokaryote because there is no nucleus and transcription and translation are happening at the same time.

Figure 2 is a eukaryote because there is a nuclear membrane

3. Name and describe process 1 and process 2 above.

a. Process 1

Transcription- helicase splits the DNA; RNA Polymerase adds RNA bases together according to the DNA sequence, replacing Thymine with Uracil, making mRNA

b. Process 2

Translation- Ribosomes bind to the mRNA looking for the start codon (AUG). Once found, tRNA brings in amino acids, which are put together using dehydration synthesis to for polypeptide strands (proteins)

Genetic Engineering

1. Define each type and explain the positives and negatives:

a. Gene therapy- beneficial genes are spliced into viral DNA, then the virus is given to the person who needs the beneficial gene. The virus inserts the gene into the person’s DNA, where is can be expressed. Could be a cure for many genetic disorders- currently only works limitedly

b. GMOs/Gene splicing- Engineered genes are added to seeds or embryos, causing the new organism to express the desired gene. Creates bigger plants and animals that can be resistant to pests or herbicides. Disrupts the natural ecosystem. Ethically questionable. c. DNA Fingerprinting- DNA strands are cut at various places, creating different lengths of DNA that are specific to an individual. This allows for DNA identification. Helps solves crime. Invasion of privacy concerns for innocent citizens.

d. Cloning-Identical copies of animals are creating by taking the DNA of an organisms placing it into a fertilized egg that had had its DNA removed. Has medical and agricultural benefits. Not perfected yet and many oppose it as “playing God”. Unit VI Cell Cycle

1. Explain the comic from the front page using the appropriate terminology.

a. What is lying on the couch? Single chromosome/sister chromatid

b. What was grabbed? The other sister chromatid (or homologous pair)

c. What grabbed it? Spindle fibers

d. When was it grabbed (two possible answers)? Metaphase/Anaphase of Mitosis ot Meiosis II

e. What is it called now? Single chromosome Before the “abduction”? double chromosome

2. Use the diagram on the next page to complete the following questions.

a. In the white boxes, identify what is occurring on the left and right of the diagram.

b. What is occurring in Process A? What in what part of the cell cycle does this occur?

DNA replication during Synthesis (S) of Interphase

c. What is letter b and what is occurring in Process B? Why is this important?

Letter B is a Tetrad (in synapsis). Crossing over is occurring between the homologous pairs, therefore increasing genetic diversity.

d. What does the “2n=4” and “n=2” refer to on the diagram?

2n=4 means that the diploid number of the cell is 4. N=2 means the haploid number is 2. Therefore, body cells would have 4 chromosomes total and sex cells would have 2

e. What is the function of meiosis? How is this different from the function of mitosis?

Meiosis makes 4 unique haploid cells from diploid cells. This is important because when the sex cells come back together, they need to have a full set of chromosomes.

Mitosis makes 2 identical cells from one cell. This is important for growth and repair in organisms

3. Look at the following karyotype.

a. What two things can you tell about this person from the karyotype? Be specific.

Unit VII Genetics

1. Label columns 1 and 2 as genotype and phenotype. The write the letters that would represent each type in column 2. What two alleles are there for pea plant color?

2. Cross a heterozygous flowered pea plant with a white pea plant. Show all your work.

F f f Ff ff f Ff ff Ffxff Genotypes-50% Ff, 50%ff Phenotypes- 50% purple, 50% white 3. Suppose a special pea plant produced lavender colored flower (blend of white and purple). What type of inheritance would this be showing? How would this change the above question? Incomplete dominance: pw x ww p w w pw ww w pw ww

Genotypes-50% pw, 50%ww Phenotypes- 50% lavender, 50% white a. What about if the flowers were white with purple edges? Codominance Cocomplete dominance: PW x WW P W W PW WW W PW WW b. Genotypes-50% pw, 50%ww Phenotypes- 50% lavender, 50% white

4. List the genotypes and phenotypes for human blood typing.

Genotype Phenotype

IA IA and IAi Type A

IB IB and IBi Type B


Ii Type O

5. Predict the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring between a mom with type AB and a dad with type O.

IAIB x ii

IA IB i IAi IBi i IAi IBi Geno= 50% IAi, 50% IBi

Pheno=50% A and 50% B

6. Hemophilia is sex linked. Predict the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring between a heterozygous mom and a dad who has hemophilia.

XHXh x XhY0 XH Xh Xh XH Xh Xh Xh Y0 XH Y0 Xh Y0

Genotype Phenotype 25% XH Xh Female Normal 25% Xh Xh Female Hemophiliac 25% XH Y0 Male Normal 25% Xh Y0 Male Hemophiliac a. Who passes a sex-linked trait to males? Why?

Female- they are the only one who can give the X to a male, the father gives a Y with no allele

7. What does it mean if a trait is considered polygenic? Give one example.

It means the trait is controlled by multiple genes. This results in a wide range of phenotypes, such as height. Unit VIII Evolution

1. Name and describe 3 different types of evidence that supports the theory of evolution.

a. Fossil evidence- finding transitional fossils shows the link between extinct animals and modern animals

b. Anatomical evidence- homologous structures, such as bat wings and rat arms, are evidence that those animals once shared a common ancestor

c. DNA- DNA analysis shows how closely related some organisms are. Some genes are common throughout all animals

2. Suppose a population of mice was exposed to a new cat that had better camouflage. The mice cannot see the new cat very well, and therefore their numbers begin to decline. Over many generations, the mouse population begins to develop better eyesight, therefore they are able to recognize the cats better and escape.

a. The mice are described as being a population. What does that mean in a biological sense and how is it different from being a species?

A population is a group of the same species that live and interact together. Specifically, they can reproduce together, sharing genes. There can be multiple populations of the same species, which is all the animals that can successfully reproduce.

b. Name and describe 2 adaptations mentioned above. Why are they adaptations?

1) Camouflage on the cat- helps them hide when hunting the mice. They get more mice, survive better and therefore have more offspring, increasing the beneficial gene

2) Mouse eyesight- they can see the cat better, therefore get eaten less. This means they have more offspring, passing down the good gene (adaptation)

c. Describe the 4 steps of natural selection that must have occurred in the mouse population

1. Overproduction

2. Variation in population

3. Struggle for survival 4. Differential reproduction- better traits reproduce more

d. What is the selective pressure in the scenario above? Predation

3. In a population of frogs there is variation in color. Some are lighter green, some are darker green, and some are brown.

a. Read each scenario below and determine the type of microevolution that is occurring.

a.i. A disease spreads through the frog population, randomly killing frogs before they can reproduce. Slightly more brown frogs happen to be killed, reducing the frequency of the brown gene.

a.ii. A boy coming back from vacation hundreds of miles away releases a few brown frogs into the population near his home. The brown allele has therefore become more frequent in the population.

a.iii. Amongst the green grasses, the brown frogs are sticking out more. This allows raccoons to find the easier and therefore they are eaten more. The brown allele decreases in the population.

4. Differentiate microevolution and macroevolution.

5. New species form when populations of the same species become isolated, then change differently through time. Name and give examples for two ways a population can become isolated.

a. Geographic isolation- population is separated by some physical boundary (canyon, deforestation, volcanic activity, etc.

b. Reproductive isolation- groups in the same area do not reproduce, therefore separating their gene pools (Timing, behaviors, reproductive incompatibility,etc)

Unit IX Ecology

1. Use the following information about a community in a local ecosystem to create a food web.

a. Snakes eat frogs and mice.

b. Hawks eat snakes and squirrels.

c. Mice eat grasses (seeds)

d. Squirrels eat acorns (oak tree)

e. Frogs eat pill bugs

f. Pill bugs eat dead leaves (oak tree)

g. Foxes eat mice and squirrels

2. How does the 10% rule apply to the above food web?

Oak and Grass get 100%=>pillbugs, mice and squirrels get 10%=>frogs snakes, and foxes get 1%, and the hawk gets 0.1% or 1%, depending on if it’s eating the snake or squirrel

3. The above items are all considered biotic. Why? They are all living

a. Name 3 things that would be abiotic in the above ecosystem.

Rocks, air, water

4. Give one example of each type of interspecies relationship: (many examples possible)

a. Predation- snakes eating mice

b. Symbiosis “Living together”

b.i. Mutualism- Lichens; fungi get organic molecules form algae, which gets water and support from the fungi

b.ii. Parasitism- Ticks sucking blood from deer, harming the deer

b.iii. Commensalism- remora fish; eats scraps from shark’s meals, shark neither benefitted nor harmed.

5. Draw a simple carbon cycle diagram including: Autotrophs, heterotrophs, CO2, organic macromolecules, fossil fuels

Biology Keystone Exam Blueprint SYLLABUS, ANCHORS, VOCABULARY

Unit 1: Life Traits / Homeostasis A. Life Traits B. Homeostatic Systems and Conditions C. Regulation - Feedback Loops BIO.A.1.1 - Explain the characteristics common to all organisms.  BIO.A.1.1.1 - Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and science eukaryotic organisms. biology multicellular unicellular BIO.A.4.2 - Explain mechanisms that permit organisms to maintain biological balance between homeostasis their internal and external environments. homeostatic mechanism system  BIO.A.4.2.1 - Explain how organisms maintain homeostasis (e.g., thermoregulation, water regulation, oxygen regulation).

Unit 2: Biochemistry A. Matter, Water & pH B. Macromolecules and Metabolism C. Enzymes atom BIO.A.2.1 Describe how the unique properties of water support life on Earth. molecule  BIO.A.2.1.1 Describe the unique properties of water and how these properties adhesion support life on Earth (e.g., freezing point, high specific heat, cohesion). cohesion freezing point BIO.A.2.2 Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at various levels specific heat of biochemical organization (i.e., atoms, molecules, and macromolecules). pH  BIO.A.2.2.1 Explain how carbon is uniquely suited to form biological macromolecules.  BIO.A.2.2.2 Describe how biological macromolecules form from monomers. organic molecule  BIO.A.2.2.3 Compare the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, monomer and nucleic acids in organisms. biological macromolecules carbohydrate BIO.A.2.3 Explain how enzymes regulate biochemical reactions within a cell. lipids  BIO.A.2.3.1 Describe the role of an enzyme as a catalyst in regulating a specific nucleic acid biochemical reaction. protein  BIO.A.2.3.2 Explain how factors such as pH, temperature, and concentration levels can affect enzyme function. catalyst enzyme temperature Unit 3: Cells A. Structure and Function of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells B. Organelles cell C. Bioenergetics – Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis prokaryote eukaryote BIO.A.1.2 - Describe relationships between structure and function at biological levels of organization tissue  BIO.A.1.2.1 - Compare cellular structures and their functions in prokaryotic and organ eukaryotic cells. organ system  BIO.A.1.2.2 - Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at organism various levels of biological organization (i.e., organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and multicellular organisms) chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum (ER) BIO.A.4.1.3 - Describe how membrane‐bound cellular organelles (e.g., endoplasmic reticulum, endosymbiosis Golgi apparatus) facilitate the transport of materials within a cell. golgi apparatus mitochondrion nucleus BIO.A.3.1 Identify and describe the cell structures involved in processing energy. organelles plastids  BIO.A.3.1.1 Describe the fundamental roles of plastids (e.g., chloroplasts) and ribosome mitochondria in energy transformations. bioenergetics adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cellular respiration photosynthesis BIO.A.3.2 Identify and describe how organisms obtain and transform energy for their life processes.

 BIO.A.3.2.1 Compare the basic transformation of energy during photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

 BIO.A.3.2.2 Describe the role of ATP in biochemical reactions.

Unit 4: Cell Membrane plasma membrane impermeable A. Structure B. Passive Transport intracellular C. Active Transport extracellular concentration BIO.A.4.1 - Identify and describe the cell structures involved in transport of materials into, out of, concentration gradient and throughout a cell. passive transport osmosis  BIO.A.4.1.1 - Describe how the structure of the plasma membrane allows it to function as diffusion facilitated diffusion a regulatory structure and/or protective barrier for a cell. active transport  BIO.A.4.1.2 - Compare the mechanisms that transport materials across the plasma carrier (transport) protein membrane (i.e., passive transport—diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion; and active pumps (ions or molecular) transport—pumps, endocytosis, exocytosis). endocytosis exocytosis Unit 5: DNA A. Structure / Replication B. Protein Synthesis C. DNA Mutations deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) BIO.B.1.2 Explain how genetic information is inherited. gene  BIO.B.1.2.2 Explain the functional relationships between DNA, genes, alleles, and gene expression chromosomes and their roles in inheritance. protein synthesis transcription BIO.B.2.2 Explain the process of protein synthesis (i.e., transcription, translation, and protein translation modification).  BIO.B.2.2.1 Describe how the processes of transcription and translation are similar in all mutation organisms. point mutation  BIO.B.2.2.2 Describe the role of ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and frame-shift mutation the nucleus in the production of specific types of proteins. forensics BIO.B.2.3 Explain how genetic information is expressed.  BIO.B.2.3.1 Describe how genetic mutations alter the DNA sequence and may or may not affect phenotype (e.g., silent, nonsense, frame‐shift). Unit 6: Cell Cycle A. Chromosomes B. Mitosis C. Meiosis cell cycle DNA replication BIO.B.1.1 Describe the three stages of the cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division, cytokinesis. chromosomes  BIO.B.1.1.1 Describe the events that occur during the cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division (i.e., mitosis or meiosis), cytokinesis. mitosis  BIO.B.1.1.2 Compare the processes and outcomes of mitotic and meiotic nuclear interphase divisions. cytokinesis

BIO.B.1.2 Explain how genetic information is inherited. meiosis  BIO.B.1.2.1 Describe how the process of DNA replication results in the transmission gamete and/or conservation of genetic information. crossing-over  BIO.B.1.2.2 Explain the functional relationships between DNA, genes, alleles, and gene recombination chromosomes and their roles in inheritance. chromosomal mutation nondisjunction translocation Unit 7: Genetics genetics inheritance A. Basics / Probability alleles B. Patterns phenotype C. Genetic Engineering genotype dominant inheritance BIO.B.2.1 Compare Mendelian and non‐Mendelian patterns of inheritance. recessive inheritance

 BIO.B.2.1.1 Describe andor predict observed patterns of inheritance (i.e., dominant, codominance recessive, co‐dominance, incomplete dominance, sex‐linked, polygenic, and multiple incomplete dominance multiple alleles alleles). polygenic trait sex-linked trait

BIO.B.2.4 Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of genetics. gene splicing gene therapy  BIO.B.2.4.1 Explain how genetic engineering has impacted the fields of medicine, genetic engineering genetically modified organism forensics, and agriculture (e.g., selective breeding, gene splicing, cloning, genetically biotechnology modified organisms, gene therapy). cloning

Unit 8: Evolution evolution theory (scientific) A. Natural Selection law (scientific) B. Microevolution principle (scientific) C. Macroevolution hypothesis selective breeding BIO.B.3.1 Explain the mechanisms of evolution. natural selection

 BIO.B.3.1.1 Explain how natural selection can impact allele frequencies of a population population. population dynamics allele frequency  BIO.B.3.1.2 Describe the factors that can contribute to the development of new mechanism (scientific) genetic drift species (e.g., isolating mechanisms, genetic drift, founder effect, migration). founder effect migration (genetics)  BIO.B.3.1.3 Explain how genetic mutations may result in genotypic and phenotypic gradualism variations within a population. punctuated equilibrium

species speciation BIO.B.3.2 Analyze the sources of evidence for biological evolution. isolating mechanisms vestigial structure  BIO.B.3.2.1 Interpret evidence supporting the theory of evolution (i.e., fossil, embryology anatomical, physiological, embryological, biochemical, and universal genetic code). fossils analogous structure homologous structure

BIO.B.3.3 Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of the theory of evolution.

 BIO.B.3.3.1 Distinguish between the scientific terms: hypothesis, inference, law, theory, principle, fact, and observation. Unit 9: Ecology ecology ecosystem A. Ecosystems environment B. Species Relationships biome C. Food Web / Energy Flow biosphere abiotic BIO.B.4.1 Describe ecological levels of organization in the biosphere. biotic aquatic  BIO.B.4.1.1 Describe the levels of ecological organization (i.e., organism, population, terrestrial community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere). agriculture habitat  BIO.B.4.1.2 Describe characteristic biotic and abiotic components of aquatic and community (ecological) terrestrial ecosystems. food chain producer (ecological) consumer (ecological) BIO.B.4.2 Describe interactions and relationships in an ecosystem. decomposer food web  BIO.B.4.2.1 Describe how energy flows through an ecosystem (e.g., food chains, food energy pyramid energy transformation webs, energy pyramids). trophic level  BIO.B.4.2.2 Describe biotic interactions in an ecosystem (e.g., competition, predation, symbiotic relationship symbiosis). competition biochemical conversion  BIO.B.4.2.3 Describe how matter recycles through an ecosystem (i.e., water cycle, biogeochemical cycles carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, and nitrogen cycle). succession nonnative species  BIO.B.4.2.4 Describe how ecosystems change in response to natural and human endemic species disturbances (e.g., climate changes, introduction of nonnative species, pollution, limiting factor fires). extinction

 BIO.B.4.2.5 Describe the effects of limiting factors on population dynamics and potential species extinction.

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