What Is the Diversity of Angiosperms on The

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What Is the Diversity of Angiosperms on The

Name ______Date: ______Block ______Honor Code:

What is the diversity of Angiosperms on the Riverside Campus?

Lab Partners: 1. Name: ______Contact info


2. Name: ______Contact info ______

3. Name: ______Contact info ______

4. Name: ______Contact info ______

Objective:  Students will extend their exploration of the diversity of life by conducting a field study to identify the diversity, abundance, growth and distribution of angiosperms on the Riverside HS campus.  Students will record data on angiosperms and develop a research question based on data generated by the Riverside High School Biology classes.  Students will communicate results through a brochure developed by their “company”

Background: Open the assignment “What is the diversity of Angiosperms on the Riverside Campus?” on the class VISION page. Information and brochure templates can be found here.

Part 1: Make a MODEL with your class (be sure to add it to the lab research notebook)

Part 2: FIELD STUDY: In groups, students will take measurements of trees assigned to them and record data in their research lab notebooks. Students will use the apps for LeafSnap and GPS coordinates and tree classification/identification materials to identify their trees. Students will record data in their research notebooks and add data to an online form to combine with other biology students.

Part 3: Culminating Research Project and Activity: Students will take on the role of plant scientist (botanists)/forestry engineers/landscapers and/ or arborists that have their own company and were given the task to examine and make recommendations to Riverside HS administration about the trees on the high school campus. Students are to examine compiled data from Riverside biology students of all trees on campus and determine a research question to investigate. Using a brochure template, students will create a landscape information brochure from “their company” to present to the Riverside Administration with recommendations on how to continue the diversity and health of angiosperms on the Riverside campus. Name ______Date: ______Block ______Day 1: Group Data Collection (remember you are collecting information for all the biology students to share, so be as accurate as possible)

1. Prepare your lab research notebook. 2. Add title of this lab and pages to your notebook. o Diversity of angiosperms on the riverside campus 3. Include the following items: o Research Question . Research Question: to be determined by your group and specific for your project question o Research model – from class o Student understandings – why is this lab important to our understanding of science o References (add any apps or classification books/websites) o Experimental Design only on the conditions you chose with your group . Null and Alternative Hypothesis and IV,DV,Control and Constants will be determined after the field study . Include the Materials and procedures for the field study. . Make Data tables to include all the information you need to collect on the field study .

Tree # General area Circumference Height of Health of Observations Type of Tree around school (cm) of tree at 1 tree tree M (meters) 1 2 Etc.

4. You will add the results and conclusion later in your research notebook.

Day 2: Group Research Project using data collected from all the biology students:

1. Your group has been given the task to research and make recommendations concerning the trees on the Riverside campus – your group can choose to be arborists, forestry experts, plant biologists etc. 2. With your group pick a research question to investigate using the data collected from all the biology students. See VISION for the excel spreadsheet with the data. Make sure to go back and include in your notebook a. Research Question #2 b. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (Ho) c. Experimental groups (independent variable) d. Dependent variable (what you are measuring) e. Control

3. Determine some descriptive statistics to use on the data (mean, median, mode etc). 4. Make a graph on Create a Graph (https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/) or Excel to add to your brochure. 5. Determine results and conclusions and make recommendations to Riverside HS administration. Name ______Date: ______Block ______

WTTW: Make a brochure for your company to inform the administration of your findings and to highlight your recommendations. Go to the class VISION page and open the document RVHLandscapingBrochureTemplete.ppt. o Add information and pictures to the power point template o Save as you add information. o If you want to share this document with your group so that you can work on it at the same time but in different locations you can use the OneDrive or Google docs

Print out your brochure in color and submit to your teacher. Make sure to select under Printer properties – print two sided, flip on the short edge

Lab Research Notebook Checkpoint (finishing touches): Did I….. o Write my experiment in the Table of Contents o Date and title each page o Number each page consecutively o Include the Cognitive Apprenticeship components o Make a model of my prediction o Add table and a hand drawn graph o Results section o conclusion o Write future questions o Outline a future experiment Name ______Date: ______Block ______o FIELD STUDY INSTRUCTIONS: You will be looking for trees # ______

Link to the GEOFORM: http://arcg.is/28Ny9Pm

APPS to have:

Bring outside with your group: 1. lab notebook (each member needs one) 2. something to write in your notebook with (blue pen preferred) 3. plastic bags to collect leafs 4. sharpie 5. tape measurer 6. meter stick 7. chalk 8. cell phone for APPS and to take pictures (to be used in your brochure)

What to do once you selected your tree:  Open the GeoForm  Find your tree with the correct number (silver tag)  Mark the GPS coordinates oon the ESRI collector APP  Take a picture of the tree  Possibly take a picture of your group with the tree (this is your company photo)  Take a leaf sample (one is enough) – put in plastic bag and label the bag  Take a picture of the leaf with LeafSnap and identify the type of tree  Measure the tree’s circumference 1 Meter from the base  Measure the height of the tree – (instructions on back of this form)  Record Health of the tree: Good (G); Fair (F); Poor (P); Dead (D)

 Record any Observations – trees planted in a sidewalk (SWLK), trees planted in an area less than 1m wide (<1m), trees planted in an area greater than 1m wide (>1m), trees planted in a lawn area (LWN)  Add the location of the tree (stand next to the tree trunk and select Lat/Lon)  Click SUBMIT to add the information.

Back in the classroom Identify the tree. Name ______Date: ______Block ______Fill out notebook if needed with any observations or student understandings To determine the Height of the tree (adapted from https://gabrielhemery.com/2011/05/15/how-to-calculate-tree-height-using-a-smartphone/ ) You will need to know three things:

1. The angle of elevation to the top of the tree from the horizontal As shown below the horizontal will be equivalent to a line between your eye and someone of the same height standing next to the tree. 2. The distance from where you stand to the base of the tree 3. The height of your eye above the ground


Don’t be put off if you’re not confident about the maths as, although it may seem daunting, it’s actually quite simple. You will use trigonometry but your smartphone’s calculator will do all the hard calculations for you. The equation you will use is:

Tan angle of elevation x distance to tree then + height of eye above ground

Step by step guide (with working example)

1. STAND AWAY FROM THE TREE Stand away from the tree so that you can see its top. The method works best if your angle of elevation is about 45o . In other words that your distance from the tree is equivalent roughly to the height of the tree (you’ll get better at estimating this, the more trees you measure).

2. PACE (OR MEASURE) THE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE TREE If you are working with someone else they can help you measure the distance from where you’re standing to the tree. If you’re on your own, drop something where you’re standing to mark the position so that you can return once you’ve paced or measured the distance to the tree. I was 21m away from my tree. Write this distance down or memorize it. Name ______Date: ______Block ______3. MEASURE THE ANGLE OF ELEVATION: measuring the angle of elevation with a smartphone = 43.7 degrees

Standing at your spot (step 2) open the virtual spirit level app on your smartphone and select the angle measure. Bring the smartphone to your eye and sight along its edge, as if you’re looking down a gunsight, aiming at the very top of the tree. You will need to hold the phone so that your fingers are not in the way (see photo).

With the app I use there is a ‘hold’ button that freezes it when you are satisfied that you are ready to record the angle.

My angle of elevation was 43.7o. Write this angle down or memorize it.

4. CALCULATE TREE HEIGHT Open the calculator on your smartphone. You will need to access the scientific calculator. For iPhones and HTCs you can do this by tilting your phone onto its side (landscape), where you will find the function for Tangent or Tan. Name ______Date: ______Block ______

So my tree was 21.798m tall. Given that there is lots of room for error I would recommend that you round the result to the nearest whole number = 22m tall. It doesn’t matter whether you use metres or feet as long as you use consistently the same units throughout (i.e.don’t switch between m and cm, or between feet and inches).

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