Biology 2 Study Guide # 2

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Biology 2 Study Guide # 2

Biology 2 – Study Guide # 2

Chapter 31 – Fungi Know the general information on fungi. What general characteristics are related to animals? Know fungal reproduction. (asexually and sexually – karyogamy, syngamy, plasmogamy) Know the fungal classification. Know the life cycles of zygomycota, ascomycota, and basidiomycota. What are deuteromycota and why are they called imperfect fungi? What are mycorrhizae? What are lichen? What are the ecological impacts?

Chap 30 & 38 – Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants Know the three variations on gametophyte/sporophyte relationships (alternation of generation). Know the characteristics of vascular plants. Why are some plants sporophyte dominant? Why retain a gametophyte generation? What is a seed (ovary, ovule, integument)? What is pollination? Fertilization? Know the different divisions of gymnosperms and their characteristics. Know the life cycle of a pine tree and the time it takes to produce a seed. Know the structure of a flower (stamen, anther, filament, petal, sepal, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovule, corolla, calyx). Know the life cycle of a flowering plant. What is cross pollination? Double fertilization? Endosperm?

Chap 35 – Plant Structure Know the three different tissue systems and their components (ground, vascular, epidermis)? Know the types of cells and tissues that make up each one (parenchyma, sclerenchyma, sclerids, fibers, collenchyma, xylem, tracheids, vessel elements, phloem, sieve tube members, companion cells, pith). Know the plant systems (roots, shoots). Know about plant growth (meristems – apical (protoderm, procambium, ground), lateral (vascular, cork). What is the difference between monocots and dicots? Know the root system. What are the two types? What are the four regions of a root? What is the similarities and differences between a monocot and dicot root? Know the different types of modified roots. Know the shoot system and what each part does. What is the difference between primary and secondary growth? What are the differences between monocot and dicot stems (primary growth) and how do they differ from dicot secondary growth? What makes up a vascular bundle? Know how vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem. Where are the oldest rings? The youngest? What is the difference between heartwood and sapwood? What is the difference between spring and summer wood? What is the difference between bark and wood to a botanist? Know the different types of modified stems. Know the different leaf structures. (epidermis, guard cells, stomata, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, cuticle). Know the different modified leaves.

Chap 36 – Transport in Plants What is water potential? What two factors contribute to it? Know the following terms (turgid, flaccid, plasmolysis, tonoplast). Know the five types of cellular transport in plants. What is an aquaporin? What are the three types of tissue level transport? What are the two pathways for water to move from the root hairs to the xylem elements? How is xylem sap transported up a tree (be able to explain both pushing and pulling xylem)? What is root pressure? Guttation? Transpiration? Cohesion? Adhesion? Surface tension? Meniscus? Negative pressure? How do plants control transpiration? What controls the opening and closing of stomata? How do plants reduce transpiration? How do plants transport phloem sap down a stem? What is a sugar source? Sugar sink? How is phloem loaded into sieve- tube members? What is chemiosomosis and how does this move sucrose? Be able to explain the movement of sugar from a source to a sink. What is hydrostatic pressure?

Chap 37 – Plant Nutrition What are the macro and micronutrients a plant needs? What is soil? What is soil texture? What is humus? Loam? Be able to explain how a plant gets available water and minerals from the soil (both positively and negatively charged). What are the three steps in soil conservation toward a sustainable agriculture? What are the numbers on a fertilizer bag? How do plants take in nitrogen? What is a root nodule? Myhcorrhizae? What is a parasitic plant? What are carnivorous plants? What do they take from their hosts?

Chap 39 – Plant Responses What are plant hormones? Know the following hormones: auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene, brassinosteroids. What is polar transport of auxins? What is the acid growth hypothesis? What is a signal-transduction pathway? How do auxins and cytokinins contol the balanced growth of a plant? How do plants respond to light? What is phototrophism? Gravitropism? Thigmotropism? What is rapid leaf movement? What are pulvini? What is sleep movement? What are circadian rhythms? What is a phytochrome? What is photoperiodism? What is the difference between a long-day and a short-day plant? What is critical night length? What are the different plant responses to environmental stress?

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