Diagnostic/Prescription Project

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Diagnostic/Prescription Project

ELED 5301 Diagnostic/Prescription Project Scoring Rubric Dr. Piel

Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Pre-Assessment Gathering Limited or no Some informal data Utilizes a variety of Informal Data of informal data is is gathered on approaches in Student’s gathered. students’ gathering informal Past/Present (At least one mathematical data on students’ Performance in informal understanding (e.g. mathematical Mathematics assessment) teacher and student understanding (e.g. interviews and teacher and student observations) and is interviews and utilized to make observations). sound instructional Knowledge of decisions. students’ family (At least two history and informal attitudes/dispositions assessments). toward mathematics is understood. Informal data is utilized to make sound instructional decisions. (Three or more informal assessments). Gathering Formal Limited or no Some formal data A variety of formal Data of Student’s formal data is Is gathered and data (e.g. EOG Past/Present gathered. utilized to make scores, Diagnostic Performance in (At least one formal sound instructional Inventory Mathematics assessment) decisions. Assessments, and (At least two formal Student Records) is assessments) gathered and utilized to make sound instructional decisions. (Three or more formal assessments) Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Designing and Implementing Coherent Instruction Selecting Goals and Goals and Goals and objectives are not objectives are objectives are Instructional clear, represent low moderately clear in clearly articulated, Goals and expectations, and do expectations, promote high Objectives not reflect important important learning expectations, and learning and or conceptual reflect important conceptual understanding for learning and understanding for students. conceptual students. understanding for students. Demonstrates Lesson contains Lesson reflects Lesson reflects content errors. No solid content extensive knowledge Knowledge of connections to other knowledge. Some of subject matter. Content disciplines are connections to other Connections to other made. disciplines are made disciplines are made (At least two (Three or more discipline connections to other connections). disciplines). Demonstrates No connections are One connection is Lesson actively made between made between builds on Knowledge of prerequisite prerequisite prerequisite Prerequisite learning and new learning and new learning. Relevant Relationships learning. learning. and authentic connections are made between new and prior learning. (Two or more connections) Demonstrates Little understanding Lesson incorporates Lesson incorporates of pedagogical basic pedagogical state-of-the-art Knowledge of knowledge is skills and pedagogical skills Content evident. Learning methodologies for and methodologies Related activities do not teaching for teaching promote a mathematics. mathematics. Pedagogy conceptual Learning activities Learning activities understanding of moderately support support the mathematical the instructional instructional goals concepts and goals and and curriculum, and processes. curriculum.. Some are hands-on and of the activities are student centered. hands-on and Activities that allow student centered, students to explore, and moderately discover, promotes a communicate, and conceptual problem solve are understanding of provided as to mathematical promote a concepts and conceptual processes. A basic understanding of understanding of mathematical differentiation is concepts and evident. processes. Content, process, and/or product are differentiated according to students’ readiness levels, learning styles, and interests. NCTM and National and state State standards are Instructional plans standards are not addressed, but support the State addressed. instructional plans Principles and Standards do not support the Standards for Principles and School Mathematics Standards for and the state School standards. Mathematics. Demonstrates Lesson does not Accurate knowledge Instructional tactics address of developmental utilize concrete, Knowledge of developmental levels of students is representational, Student levels of students. evident in the and symbolic Developmental instructional instruction and activities, but tactics transitional Levels used are limited. activities to support developmental levels of students. Lesson Plan Lesson flow does Lesson flow Lesson flow not follow the 6 moderately follows accurately follows 6 Design Point Plan. 6 Point Plan. At Point Plan. least two components are not adequately addressed. Record Records of student Records of student Records of student performance are performance are performance are Keeping ineffective and in organized and organized and disarray. effective clearly communicate student’s progress. System for maintaining records on student assignments and progress is highly effective. Instructional Does not utilize Limited use of Utilizes a variety of additional teacher and student teacher and student Materials and resources. resources (e.g. resources (e.g. Resources manipulatives and manipulatives and technology) is technology) to utilized to enhance enhance instruction instruction and and learning. learning. Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Knowledge of At-Risk Students and Diversity Suitability Learning needs of Learning needs of Learning needs of individual students individual students individual students and groups are not and groups are and groups are addressed moderately addressed Highly addresses. proactive in serving Somewhat proactive students. in serving students. Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Teacher Dispositions Behavior Little, if any, Maintains ethical Maintains high standards of and professional ethical and professional standards of professional behavior is evident behavior. standards of (e.g. attitude, (e.g. attitude, behavior. commitment, commitment, Commitment to collegiality) collegiality) student learning and the profession is evident. Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Reflection Rationale and Some reflections are Reflections indicate Thoughtful made on lesson an understanding of reflections that Explanation effectiveness, but lesson effectiveness. indicate an are not used to Judgments are understanding of refine teaching. made. Some lesson effectiveness references can be are made. Judgments made to support on strengths and judgments. weaknesses of lesson are made with specific references. Probable successes of future learning activities are addressed, based on reflective judgments, and are used to refine teaching. Professional Makes no effort to Makes some effort Continually seeks improve teaching to improve teaching new and better ways Growth performance. performance. of teaching. Receptive to Receptive to Regularly seeks feedback but feedback, and suggestions and doesn’t implement adjusts performance feedback from suggestions or accordingly. others. defensive to feedback. Element Unacceptable (>1) Acceptable (1-3) Target (4-5) Conventions of Writing Mechanics Project contains Project contains Project contains no many errors (Three errors (Two or less) errors in mechanics or more) in in mechanics (grammar, sentence mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation). structure, punctuation). punctuation).

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