Principal S Message s11

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Principal S Message s11

55 Malvern Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4E 3E4 Telephone: (416) 393-1480 Fax: (416)393-1493 November 2008 Newsletter

th PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE kinds to make our November 14 Commencement a wonderful celebration for graduates, their parents and their teachers. t is difficult to believe that the winter season is Students have received their term one report card with this almost upon us and that we have already had I Newsletter. The upcoming Parent/ Teacher Interviews are an snow on the ground! The last few months have opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s been very busy at Malvern. Once again progress. I hope you can attend. August registration for all students has gone smoothly and we are happy to report that our Best wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! enrolment is at about 1,000 students. I am pleased to announce the addition of several new Line Pinard staff members this year at Malvern. Welcome to Diane Sharpe (Vice Principal), Britni Blackmore (Science), David Douglas (Math) Anna Eidt (Music) Andrea Legault (French/English) Robert Salvatore IMPORTANT DATES (Physical and Health Education), Fawad Shaikh (Media Arts/ Design th and Tech) Helmut Steger (Curriculum Leader for Canadian and Nov. 25 Grade 9 Social Justice Conference World Studies) Aaron Thibeault (Immersion/Extended History), Lisa Nov. 27th Parent/Teacher Interviews 2-4 pm & 6-8 pm Valcic-Meckes (French/English). Congratulations to all of our Dec. 2nd Home & School Council – 7 pm outstanding and dedicated teachers who continue to work tirelessly Dec. 5th Board Wide PD Day/ No Classes with all of our students on a daily basis. These wonderful Dec. 10th Holiday Music Concert - 7 pm professionals truly make a difference with your son or daughter! Dec. 15 Staff Meeting/ Early Dismissal Dec. 22 - Jan. 2 Winter Break This fall we have had many successful clubs, teams and numerous Student Council and Malvern Student Athletic Association activities to promote school spirit. The Grade 9 Co-Curricular Fair, Rocktoberfest, Lunchtime Intramurals, Café Bistro, After School PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Coffee House for Music and Café Bistro are just some of the many activities that have taken place in the last few weeks. Congratulations e are hoping you can attend our first Parent/Teacher to our Cross Country Team and Coaches Ms Tyrell, Ms Barsby and WInterview Night of the year so that you can discuss your Ms Blackmore who had 16 athletes represent us at OFSAA child’s progress. It will be held on Thursday, November 27, 2008 st November 1 in Sarnia. We were also South Region Champions for from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. It is Junior Girls, Senior Girls and Senior Boys for Rugby Sevens as well hoped that some parents will be able to attend in the afternoon so that as Senior Girls Tennis. Congratulations to our athletes and to their they can take advantage of the teacher’s lighter interview schedule. coaches, Mr. Underwood, Ms Gage, Ms Tyrell and Ms Legault. For a second year under the leadership of Ms Gage we have a Leadership Please indicate on the parent interview appointment sheet (students Council with representatives from each major student group at received it in class on November 12th) the names of Malvern. The Council meets at least once a month to plan and the teachers with whom you wish an interview. Your approve student activities at the school and they have been great son or daughter will have their teacher write in the ambassadors for Malvern students. appointment times. It is the responsibility of the student to make the appointments with their teachers. Once again a highlight of our fall activities was our third Malvern We realize that a longer interview may be required in th. Student Vote organized by Mr. Izzo on October 9 Our students did a some circumstances. This may be arranged with the great job and the event generated a lot of positive media attention for teacher at a time and date convenient to both you and the teacher. Malvern from news outlets around the province. Malvern also held 2 Please bring the completed interview sheet with you on th superb Remembrance Day Assemblies on November 11 . Our music parent/teacher night. Our staff is looking forward to meeting with director Mr. Mighton wrote and composed a song entitled “Fields of you on November 27th. Your attendance is important and can make a Honour” for soldiers in the Afghanistan mission which was played by difference! our Concert Band. We were honoured to have Commander Michael D Wood from the Canadian National Defense Department come and speak to our students about The Role of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Administration A special thank you to all the staff and students who made the presentations so memorable particularly Mr. Izzo for his leadership in organizing all the details of the presentations. MALVERN VINTAGE ATHLETIC WEAR REPRODUCTIONS Finally, a heartfelt thank you to the many generous parents who SALE assisted our Home and School under the leadership once again of parent Peg Bradshaw with donations of food and refreshments of all his year the Malvern Red and Black Society (our alumni access to the justice system. Workshop presenters represent many Tassociation), the Malvern Home and School Council, and the organizations in the city such as Ontario Justice and Education, MSAA will be having a combined fund-raising effort. Each group Supporting Our Youth, TEACH, the Fu-Gen Asian Canadian Theatre will be directing the funds to the cause of their choice. We are Company, Educators for Peace and Justice, and Friends of Simon displaying vintage athletic wear (e.g. the football sweater worn by the Wiesenthal Society. Students selected two workshop options which City Championship winning team in 1939, a 1950s style sweater for they will attend after the keynote address on violence against women Malvern Ms and badges, a soccer shirt and a baseball shirt) in the by Tuval Diner, from the White Ribbon Campaign. For more display case on the ground floor near the near the Library where the information, contact Rita Furgiuele or Mike Izzo at the school. trophies are now. There will be an opportunity in December to vote on the MRBS website for the item that you think is the most suitable to have reproduced and to sell for this Rita Furgiuele fund-raiser. More details will be emailed out later. For information and suggestions, please email [email protected]. This project is still at the preliminary stages, so all ideas are HALF A COSTA RICAN EXCHANGE welcome. Vandra Masemann This winter, we will be hosting students from Colegio Saint Paul, a school in Alajuela, just north of San José, Costa Rica. Since we will not be travelling to ITALIAN CLUB Costa Rica this year, we are only looking for families who are interested in participating in half of ll students who are interested in Italian and our “exchange”, hosting a Costa Rican student for about 2 AItaly are all welcome to attend a new Italian weeks in January (dates to be confirmed). Club on Mondays in Room 311. Join us for The students are ages 14 to 16, and are anxious to see a Canadian conversation, music and films. winter and what Canadian students are up to. While they are here, they will be attending some classes and sightseeing in Toronto and Johanna Landert-Taylor southern Ontario. They would be part of your family during the weekends. If you have room in your home, and would like to have the experience of hosting a Costa Rican student, please let me know CROSS COUNTRY soon. Come see me at school or call my office: (416) 393-1480 ext. 20130. he Cross Country team had a remarkable 2008 season. Over Tthirty Malvern students were members of this team. The team Janine Geddes was very competitive this year participating in the Bill Crothers and Cardinal Carter meets where the Junior Girls and Senior Boys and Hailey Cummings were successful in finishing in the top ten. FRENCH EXCHANGE 2008-2009 The team had continued success at the South/West Regional Finals and at the City Championships. The Midget Girls, Junior Girls, Senior he French students just left after a 10-day stay with 21 Boys and Hailey Cummings Malvernites to go back to the region of Normandy in qualified for the OFSAA T France. Both groups enjoyed each others’ company Championships in Sarnia where Hailey placed with a trip to Niagara Falls, a BBQ at one of our host 17th overall in the province; a great effort by all family’s home and a variety of sites and events members of this team. Good luck to those students who are appreciated by all. Our students will be visiting them graduating. A special thanks to graduates Hailey Cummings and Jake from March 7th to the 21st with a 4-day stay in Paris Woloshyn for the dedication and leadership that they have showed to before returning to Canada. this program for the past four years.

The team would like to thank Ms. Blackmore, Ms. Barsby and Ms. Dany Lamontagne Tyrell for coaching and making this team a success.

Claudine Tyrell FIELD HOCKEY

ield Hockey at Malvern continues to be a SOCIAL JUSTICE CONFERENCE Fstrength in the South focusing on the development of young new players. This year, n Tuesday, November 25th Malvern will host its first Social with over 80 girls attending the trials, we entered a Tier I and Tier II team in the South Justice Conference for all Grade 9 O Division with 20 girls on each roster. students. The theme encompasses a wide range of equity issues, including the image The Tier II team welcomed 11 brand new girls to the game and of Arabs in the media, anti-Semitism, finished their regular season with an impressive 4-1-1 record. Goalie, homophobia, aboriginal heritage, black Alex Rawn (The Wall) allowed only one goal in regular league play history, and the links between poverty and and motivated these young athletes, boosting their confidence as a Graduating students interested in applying to College are to attend a team. The leadership of our returning players was pivotal to the PowerPoint presentation on how to apply on-line. The presentation team’s improved skill level and game strategy resulting in many for students will take place on Thursday, December 4th in the Library shared victories. Our season ended in the quarter finals losing a in Period “C”. Valuable reference information regarding the areas of challenging match to the eventual champions of the Tier II division, study offered by Ontario colleges will also be distributed at that time. East York. February 2, 2009 Losing half of our Tier I squad to graduation, 9 players from last All applications must be received by Ontario College Application years Tier II team earned a spot on the 1st team. Our league record of Services on or before this date to be given equal consideration by the 3-1-1 is not indicative of this team’s strength or depth as players. colleges. This is also the earliest date that applicants may receive an Defeating Riverdale handily in the South regional semi-finals, we offer of admission. Offers of admission will continue to be issued faced last years City Championship team from North Toronto in the until programs are filled or waitlists are established. final. The game scoreless after regulation, we headed into a 10 May 1, 2009 minute sudden death overtime period. Within the first minute, N.T. Applicants must confirm through OCAS their acceptance of an offer stormed into our defensive end and scored the game winning goal for of admission to college by this date. the Regional Championship. Finishing in the top two of the South, we proceeded to the City Championship quarter finals to play the top Ray Fallis team from the East, Birchmount. After 60 minutes of highly skilled and gruelling play, we were again scoreless and went into sudden death OT. Undaunted, our girls played with true Black Knight passion for 10 minutes but just couldn’t capitalize on the many attacks set up by Mariah Hartmann. Still tied, the game went to a ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES series of alternating penalty flicks. This is the most stressful situation for any goaltender but our rookie, Emily Pitre, was ready and rose to October/November 2008 the occasion stopping every shot! Our heroines, Meredith McCann, Guidance Counsellors visited Grade 12 home forms and Mariah Hartmann and Rebecca Hogan stunned the Birchmount goalie distributed information about the application process for filling her net with three goals for the eventual 3-0 victory. Although Ontario universities. Opportunities to research details about we lost to Earl Haig in the City Semi-Finals 2-1, this team played programs, admissions and financial aid included lunchtime with great determination throughout their season. university presentations, campus tours and the website Both teams are to be congratulated on awesome seasons. To our graduates: Mariah, Rebecca, Leah, Katie, Claire, Meredith, Danielle and Jenna … thank you for all of the memories, you will be missed December 3, 2008 next year. Gage Graduating students are to attend a PowerPoint presentation on how to apply on-line. They will also receive their RELEASE THE BEAST………….. passwords and PINs needed for the application process.

Lesley Gage December 19, 2008* This is the recommended deadline for Malvern students to complete their OUAC applications. As it is an online application, computer access will become increasingly GUIDANCE & CAREER EDUCATION difficult as the January 9th deadline approaches.

January 9, 2009* This is the deadline for Ontario secondary school students to submit completed applications to the OUAC, the Ontario University Application Centre.

February 6, 2009 Recommended last date for students to submit all information COLLEGES OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY to the OUAC, including University and program changes, as well as additional active choices, to be eligible for October, 2008 consideration for early admission. Changes will continue to Interested students were encouraged to attend the “Ontario College be accepted and processed by the OUAC after this date. Information Fair-October 27, 2008” at Exhibition Place, Toronto. May 25, 2009 November, 2008 In our desire to ensure that students get the correct information about The latest date by which all secondary school applicants can opportunities, to enable them to make an informed decision about expect a response from an Ontario university. their future, a representative from Centennial College presented to interested students on November 4th at Malvern. Colleen Marquand May 28, 2009 spoke not only about Centennial but gave other general, valuable The earliest date by which Ontario universities may require a information in regards to residence, student aid, tuition and college response to an offer of admission from an Ontario secondary expectations. Program calendars for a variety of colleges are school student. available in the Guidance office. Early June – August December, 2008 The Admission Information Service is available at the OUAC for applicants not admitted by June. Val Copeland

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