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IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

Questions and answers

“Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“ EuropeAid/133047/D/SUP/HR



3.2. Free standing communication distributor Type 2 Requirements in the Item 3.2.1 should be as follows: • There are no dimensions (mm) for 3.2.1 Outer dimension (w x l, h) communication distributor specified in Item No. 800 x 900 mm, height of 28 Rack Units 3.2.1 Outer dimension (w x l, h) (1 rack unit = 44,45 mm).

However, please note that the Contracting Authority intends to change this requirement in the Technical Specifications by means of a Corrigendum No. 2 to the Supply Tender Dossier which will be published on the CFCA web site and on EuropeAid website: -potrebne-informaticke-opreme-i-uspostavljanje- informaticke-infrastrukture-za-integrirani-sustav- zemljisne-administracije-isza services/index.cfm? do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd &orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&aofr=133047 Q2: A2:

3.7. Metal cable trunking with cover and tray Both item numbers in Technical Specifications joints Type 1 should be met as a requirement. Please note that the • Please specify which Item No. we should requirements are presented as a minimum standard accept as reference: which the offered goods must meet. 3.7.3 Dimensions (w x h) 130 x 55mm or 3.7.4. Square surface (Pmin = 7700mm2 / Pmax = 9100mm2)? Since dimensions (w x h) 130x55mm = 7150mm2; which is less than Pmin IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

Q3: A3:

3.8. Metal cable trunking with cover and tray Both item numbers in Technical Specifications joints Type 1 should be met as a requirement. Please note that the • Please specify which Item No. we should requirements are presented as a minimum standard accept as reference: which the offered goods must meet. 3.8.3 Dimensions (w x h) 170 x 55mm or 3.8.4. Square surface (Pmin = 9900mm2 / Pmax =11900mm2)? Since dimensions (w x h) 170x55mm = 9350mm2; which is less than Pmin Regarding INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS: Q4: A4:

3.6. Recommendation that the contractual The subject recommendation considers mediation as arrangements between tenderers and their a method of dispute resolution. subcontractors include mediations • Please specify does the recommendation consider mediation or arbitration Regarding GENERAL CONDITIONS: Q5: A5:

5.2. Assignment - exceptions According to the provisions of General Conditions • Please clarify cases that enables the (5.2.) there are two kinds of cases when the Contractor to assign the contract or any part thereof, Contractor is entitled to assign certain benefits or any interest or interest thereunder, without the acquired in connection with the contract, without prior consent of the Contracting Authority. the prior consent of the Contracting Authority:

a) the Contractor is entitled to assign a charge, in favour of its bankers, of any monies due or to become due under the Contract, and b) In cases when the Contractor’s insurers have discharged the Contractor’s loss or liability, the Contractor shall be entitled to assign to its insurers its right to obtain relief against any other person liable. Q6: A6:

6.6. Subcontracting The contract (Article 6.6. of General Conditions) • Please clarify provision considering that the only refers to a situation when there is a Contractor isn't able to transfer any benefit to the subcontractor’s continuing obligation extending for Contracting Authority in case of subcontractor's a period exceeding that of the warranty period contract expiration. under the contract towards the Contractor in respect of the supplies provided by the subcontractor. Only in such a case is Contractor obliged to transfer immediately to the Contracting Authority, at the Contracting Authority's request and cost, the benefit of such obligation for the unexpired duration thereof. IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

Q7: A7:

9.3. General Obligations According to provisions of Art. 9.3. of General • Please clarify possibility to delay the Conditions, there is no possibility to delay the execution of the administrative order along with execution of the administrative order, even if the giving notice to the Project Manager Contractor considers that the requirement of an administrative order goes beyond the scope of the Contract and in that respect duly gives notice to the Project Manager. QUESTIONS Date: 20 September 2013 ANSWERS


3.5. To be eligible to take part in this tender It is not necessary for every member of consortium procedure, tenderers must prove to the satisfaction of to provide the proof for the criteria described in the Contracting Authority that they comply with the Article 16.2 of the Contract Notice. At least one necessary legal, technical and financial requirements member of the consortium, leader or any other and have the means to carry out the contract member, must comply with technical capacity effectively. criteria. 18.2....Each member of such joint venture or consortium must provide the proof required under Please refer to Answers No. 9.,10. and 12. Article 3.5. as if it, itself, were the tenderer. Regarding SUPPLY CONTRACT NOTICE: Q9: A9:

16.2) Technical capacity of tenderer: (a) the tenderer According to the Contract notice, selection criteria has successfully completed at least one contract in stated under point 16. will be applied to tenderers. the field related to this contract with the budget of at In the case of tenders submitted by a consortium, least that of his financial proposal for this tender these selection criteria will be applied to the within the last three years before the deadline for consortium as a whole i.e. at least one member of submission offenders, as indicated in point 19 of this the consortium, leader or any other member, must contract notice. comply with technical capacity criteria.  Please clarify the condition of technical capacity if a tenderer is consortium. Q10: A10:

Is it possible for members of consortium to It is not necessary for every member of consortium demonstrate their technical capacity in the way that to provide the proof for the criteria described in the proof of technical capacity is delivered for only Article 16.2 of the Contract Notice. At least one one member of consortium, or is it necessary for member of the consortium, leader or any other every member of consortium to provide the proof member, must comply with technical capacity described in Article 16.2 of Contract Notice criteria. individually?

Q11: A11:

Is it possible for members of consortium to Yes, it is possible for members of a consortium to demonstrate technical capacity cumulatively demonstrate technical capacity cumulatively IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

summing all member's capacity (joint contract in the summing all member's capacities but only in the field related to this contract performed by BOTH case of a joint contract in the field related to this member of consortium) or is it necessary for every contract performed by both members of a member to consortium to provide the proof described consortium. in Article 16.2 of Contract Notice individually (contract in the field related to this contract for EACH member of consortium)? Q12: A12:

Is it possible in IPA tendering for SAFU to reject In the case of tenders submitted by a consortium at consortium's technical capacity (contract in the field least one member of the consortium, leader or any related to this contract) that is proven by experience other member, must comply with technical capacity of only Member of consortium - without posting criteria set out in the tender documentation. technical experience of Leader member?


4.1 The origin of the goods must be determined During the evaluation process, as stated under the according to the relevant international agreements point 4.2. of the Instructions to tenderers, when (notably WTO agreements), which are reflected in submitting tenders, tenderers must state expressly EU legislation on rules of origin for customs that all the goods meet the requirements concerning purposes; the Customs Code (Council Regulation origin and must state the countries of origin. They (EEC) No 2913/92) in particular its Articles 22 to may be asked to provide additional information in 246 thereof, and the Code's implementing provisions this connection. (Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93). During the implementation of the contract, prior to Please clarify is the bidder obliged to submit issuance of Provisional Acceptance by the evidence or any formal document in the way to meet Contracting Authority the Contractor must submit the condition mentioned above, given the scale of the to the Contracting Authority Certificate of Origin of regulations and provisions which are referred Goods issued by Croatian Chamber of Commerce regarding to identification / determination origin. or equivalent authority/institution. Also, please clarify application of national rules of origin and the marketing of technical goods. Rules of origin to be applied under this contract are set under the point 4.1. of the Instructions to tenderers and under the point 2.3.1. Practical Guide to contract procedures for European Union external actions (PRAG). Regarding GENERAL CONDITIONS: Q14: A14:

Please clarify: Can Amendments from Article 22. Contract amendments, if any, can be formalised (22.1 to 22.9) in General Conditions be applied after according to the article 22 of General Conditions – ratification of Supply Contract between Contracting Amendments. Authority and Contractor during Implementation of the Tasks? Q15: A15:

Please confirm that Amendments from Article 22. in Data provided in the Annex II + III: Technical IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

General Conditions will be applied if: architectural Specifications + Technical Offer are relevant in the and construction changes / modifications (design, process of evaluation and implementation. Eventual style, number and type of rooms, floors, ceilings, changes, if necessary, would be made as described in etc.) on any of 28 Locations of State Geodetic Article 22 of General Conditions. Administration offices / buildings were done in past period, since Project Documentation has been made few years ago and there is possibility that some of the offices have been amended in that period against blueprints and drawings introduced in Project Documentation. Q16: A16:

Since the functioning of State Geodetic During period of implementation of the contract the Administration offices can be disturbed and Contractor must take into account that necessary disorganized by Contractor's Implementation of conditions for work of cadastre offices must be Tasks (Installation) performed during working hours enabled. of SGA offices - Please clarify is there option for However, please note that the Contracting closing SGA offices (complete or partial) during Authority intends to amend this requirement in the period or Implementation or is there any other Tender Dossier by means of a Corrigendum No. 2 to procedure defined by Contracting Authority to ensure the Supply Tender Dossier which will be published respecting the implementation deadlines set by the on the CFCA web site and on EuropeAid website: Contracting Authority in the tender dossier? -potrebne-informaticke-opreme-i-uspostavljanje- informaticke-infrastrukture-za-integrirani-sustav- zemljisne-administracije-isza services/index.cfm? do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd &orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&aofr=133047 . Q17: A17:

Please confirm that Amendments Article 22. in The implementation of the contract should be General Conditions can be applied in case of completely in line with tender documentation Implementation of Tasks during After Hours / Night according to which after hours/night working is not Working Hours (when Implementation during foreseen. standard working hours of SGA offices is not possible) in such a manner that additional cost of Contractor's manpower (night working hours) will be financially valuated by Contracting Authority. And that Article 15.2. (Sufficiency of tender prices) will not be applied in this case, on the objective of respecting the implementation deadlines set by the Contracting Authority in the tender dossier. IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

QUESTIONS Date: 23 September 2013 ANSWERS

Regarding Fire detection system Q18: A18:

Currently there is Siemens Cerberus AlgoRex CI Please note that the Contracting Authority intends 1145 fire detection control unit installed in users to remedy this omission in the Technical building which works on Siemens proprietary Specifications by means of a Corrigendum No. 2 to protocol. Because of the way the unit works, the Supply Tender Dossier which will be published expansion of the system can only be done with on the CFCA web site and on EuropeAid website: Siemens equipment. Following equipment is needed for expansion of fire detection system which is specified in tender documentation: -potrebne-informaticke-opreme-i-uspostavljanje- 1. Item No. 4.38 of tender documentation - informaticke-infrastrukture-za-integrirani-sustav- Optical interactive fire detector set (Quantity: 2 set) zemljisne-administracije-isza - tender specification refers to SIEMENS D01151A+DB1151A product. 2. Item No. 4.39 of tender documentation - services/index.cfm? Interactive manual call point set (Quantity: 2 set) do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd - tender specification refers to SIEMENS DM1153 &orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&aofr=133047 . 3. Item No. 4.40 of tender documentation - Input-output module set (Quantity: 2 set) tender specification refers to SIEMENS DC1154. To fulfil wanted specification in mentioned items and to fulfil functionality of system, only Siemens equipment must be installed. Wanted equipment is produced only in "non-eligible" countries. Since offered equipment is of small value and it is not produced in neither country which is marked as ..eligible", we are politely asking if you can allow that offered equipment for this item to be produced in countries marked as „not eligible". If any other equipment is installed, specifications for item No. "Programming of the fire detection central station, drafting the instructions in the case of the alarm" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. Regarding Intrusion system Q19: A19:

Currently there is Honeywell Vista 48 burglary alarm Please note that the Contracting Authority intends system control unit installed in users building which to remedy this omission in the Technical works on closed Honeywell proprietary protocol. Specifications by means of a Corrigendum No. 2 to Because of the way the unit works, expansion of the the Supply Tender Dossier which will be published system can only be done with Honeywell equipment. on the CFCA web site and on EuropeAid website: Following equipment is needed for expansion of fire detection system which is specified in tender documentation: -potrebne-informaticke-opreme-i-uspostavljanje- IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

1. Item No. 4.46 of tender documentation - informaticke-infrastrukture-za-integrirani-sustav- Alphanumeric LCD keyboard (Quantity: 1 pcs) zemljisne-administracije-isza - tender specification is refers to HONEYWELL 6164 ICON. To fulfil wanted specification in mentioned items and services/index.cfm? to fulfil functionality of system, only Honeywell do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd equipment must be installed. Wanted equipment is &orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&aofr=133047 . produced only in "non-eligible" countries. Since offered equipment is of small value and it is not produced in neither country which is marked as ..eligible", we are politely asking if you can allow that offered equipment for this item to be produced in country marked as „not eligible". If any other equipment is installed, specifications for item No. "Running and functional testing of the Burglary alarm systems" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. Regarding Item No. 4.42 Fire alarm blinker set Q20: A20:

In item No. 4.47 Movement detector tender Please note that according to the Contracting documentation refers to product Siemens ALB24.1R. Authority’s acknowledgement the supplies tendered That product is only produced in countries marked as can be purchased from an eligible country in "non-eligible". Since offered equipment is of small accordance with Instrument for Pre-Accession value and it is not produced in neither country which Assistance Council Regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006. is marked as “eligible", we are politely asking if you The list of eligible countries is available at can allow that offered equipment for this item to be;jsess produced in countries marked as „not eligible". If any ionid=5RQRS3FYLJkY7l9Nn3J6rpgpdRtLHVGvq other equipment is installed, specifications for item TZ5v7QMQsVpdBLgQxpm!922864917?group=A . No. "Programming of the fire detection central station, drafting the instructions in the case of the alarm" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. Regarding Item No. 4.47 Movement detector Q21: A21:

In item No. 4.47 Movement detector tender Please note that according to the Contracting documentation refers to product Honeywell DT7550. Authority’s acknowledgement the supplies tendered That product is only produced in countries marked as can be purchased from an eligible country in "non-eligible". Since offered equipment is of value accordance with Instrument for Pre-Accession and it is not produced in neither country which is Assistance Council Regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006. marked as “eligible", we are politely asking if you The list of eligible countries is available at can allow that offered equipment for this item to be;jsess produced in countries marked as „not eligible". If any ionid=5RQRS3FYLJkY7l9Nn3J6rpgpdRtLHVGvq other equipment is installed, Item No. TZ5v7QMQsVpdBLgQxpm!922864917?group=A . "Running and functional testing of the Burglary alarm systems" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. IPA TAIB 2010 “Supply of necessary IT equipment and establishment of IT infrastructure for the Integrated Land Administration System (ILAS), LOT 3, LOT 4 – re-launch“

Regarding Item No. 4.48 Water/liquid detector Q22: A22:

In item No. 4.48 Water/liquid detector tender Please note that according to the Contracting documentation refers to product Honeywell 470/12. Authority’s acknowledgement the supplies tendered That product is only produced in countries marked as can be purchased from an eligible country in "non-eligible". Since offered equipment is of small accordance with Instrument for Pre-Accession value and it is not produced in neither country which Assistance Council Regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006. is marked as “eligible", we are politely asking if you The list of eligible countries is available at can allow that offered equipment for this item to be;jsess produced in countries marked as „not eligible". If any ionid=5RQRS3FYLJkY7l9Nn3J6rpgpdRtLHVGvq other equipment is installed, specifications for item TZ5v7QMQsVpdBLgQxpm!922864917?group=A . No. "Running and functional testing of the Burglary alarm systems" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. Regarding Item No. 4.49 Magnetic contact Q23: A23:

In item No. 4.49 Magnetic contact tender Please note that according to the Contracting documentation refers to product Tane Alarm MET- Authority’s acknowledgement the supplies tendered 200AR. That product is only produced in countries can be purchased from an eligible country in marked as "non-eligible". Since offered equipment is accordance with Instrument for Pre-Accession of small value and it is not produced in neither Assistance Council Regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006. country which is marked as “eligible", we are The list of eligible countries is available at politely asking if you can allow that offered;jsess equipment for this item to be produced in countries ionid=5RQRS3FYLJkY7l9Nn3J6rpgpdRtLHVGvq marked as „not eligible". If any other equipment is TZ5v7QMQsVpdBLgQxpm!922864917?group=A . installed, specifications for item No. "Running and functional testing of the Burglary alarm systems" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional. Regarding Item No. 4.50 Indoor siren Q24: A24:

In item No. 4.49 Magnetic contact tender Please note that according to the Contracting documentation refers to product Honeywell Ademco Authority’s acknowledgement the supplies tendered Wave 2EX. That product is only produced in can be purchased from an eligible country in countries marked as "non-eligible". Since offered accordance with Instrument for Pre-Accession equipment is of small value and it is not produced in Assistance Council Regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006. neither country which is marked as “eligible", we are The list of eligible countries is available at politely asking if you can allow that offered;jsess equipment for this item to be produced in countries ionid=5RQRS3FYLJkY7l9Nn3J6rpgpdRtLHVGvq marked as „not eligible". If any other equipment is TZ5v7QMQsVpdBLgQxpm!922864917?group=A . installed, item No. "Running and functional testing of the Burglary alarm systems" won't be satisfied and accordingly to that system won't be functional.

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